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MARCH 2025

Label: Analysis

Russia’s invasion was a result from the U.S. Government’s Ukrainian coup, 8 years after the fateful event. Written by Eric…

Meet the Ukrainian fighter jet pilots hobnobbing with Washington influencers. Written by Jonathan Guyer. Originally published by Vox. At a…

Written by Eric Zuesse How did this come to be? The same group of around a thousand people who control the U.S….

Written by Gavin O’Reilly On Saturday, a month-long state of emergency was declared in the former Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan,…

Written by Simon Chege Ndiritu Biden and Johnson will divert funds from local economies without the approval of local populations…

Written by Eric Zuesse During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the central issue was how short America’s available reaction-time to a…

In reality, the “purely defensive alliance” never stopped fighting the Cold War, its raison d’etre. Written by Drago Bosnic, independent…

Written by Eric Zuesse Ever since 2014, when the first scientific examination of whether America is a democracy or instead a dictatorship…

“And the noteworthy thing is this, that while America avariciously fed the war with her industry and avariciously intervened in…

Written by Wolfgang Effenberger. Originally published on Global Research After EU Council President Charles Michel proposed to make Ukraine and Moldova candidates…

Written by Gavin O’Reilly From the announcement that Britain had voted to leave the European Union in June 2016, up…

Written by Eric Zuesse In America, a woman’s right to an abortion of a pre-conscious (earlier than 20 weeks) fetus is…

Written by Simon Ndiritu Ecuador has been gripped by protests since in 2019 in response government’s austerity measures; the protests…

Written by James M. Dorsey Geopolitics is written all over Saudi religious soft power efforts. Nowhere more so than when…

Written by Gavin O’Reilly Gustavo Petro’s victory in Sunday’s Colombian Presidential election, marking the first time Bogotá has elected a…