Nechirvan Barzani
Iraqi Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani met with Ambassador Douglas Silliman on October 3. US Consul in Erbil, Ken Gross, also attended the meeting, Rudaw reports.
“Both parties agreed that local and international parties should try to calm the situation and serious dialogue should be held between Erbil and Baghdad in order to resolve the problems,” read a statement issued by Erbil after the meeting.
The US opposed Kurdistan’s referendum and has refused to recognize the result, calling the vote destabilizing, citing concerns over distracting from the efforts against ISIS and stabilization efforts in Iraq.
The Kurdistan independence referendum took place on September 25. Iraqi Kurds overwhelmingly voted for independence, defying the central government in Baghdad as well as neighboring Turkey and Iran.
Following the referendum, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) started making plans for state building and future negotiations with Iraq before a declaration of independence for Republic of Kurdistan would be issued.
Prime Minister of Iraq Haider-al Abadi got parliamentary permission to send troops to the oil-rich contentious region of Kirkuk under control of KRG forces. He did not clarify whether Iraqi forces would move toward the border posts controlled by the KRG from the Iranian and Turkish side, or set up checkpoints in the vicinity of these posts in order to control the crossings.
Iraq declared the Iraqi Kurdistan airspace a no-fly zone, following the refusal to hand over control of its two international airports by 29 September to Baghdad.
Both Turkey and Iran, fearing separatist unrest in their own Kurdish minorities, threatened to close borders and impose sanctions on oil exports, with Iran and Iraq conducting joint military drills near the KRG borders on October 2. A small Iraqi force also deployed on the Turkish side of the border as part of joint drills with the Turkish army.
Iraqi Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani appealed for peace and dialogue.
“We assure the international community that we are committed to a dialogue process with Baghdad,” he said.
Backed by Ankara and Tehran, the Iraqi government has demanded that the Kurdish leadership cancel the result of the referendum or face the prospect of sanctions, international isolation and military intervention.
They are not Catalans they are heavily armed. The Kurds should be listened otherwise they will spill the blood of the regime.
People are sleeping on the kurds and don’t understand there capability. The Iraqi army is nothing compared to peshmarga it’s just because they don’t like to show off and they are reserved politicians but when push comes to shove they will stream roll baghdad.
Both in tactics, warfare and strategy they are ahead of the Iraqi gov’t and also professionalism
If you mean “sit and wait until the coalition bombed the living daylight out of the opponents and then move in under cover fire of coalition artillery” then you are spot on about the peshmerga.
You just described the battle for Mosul, which was done without pesh merga’s.
@dutchnational:disqus … Iraqi forces fought hard for Mosul … door to door … more than 100 Iraqi troops died taking the city .. some estimates put more than that death counts … Pesh merga’s haven’t done anything …
Iraqi govt forces now are one of the most effective and effective fighting force around in the region … Pesh Merga’s are still a militia force only ..
Its full of lies and well descriebed in pics, vidoclips as well as tons of words, that peshmerga took a lot of land from ISIS until the – You name it – Iraqian army arrived.
Those kurds today have 1,4 mio refugees from the provinces there and they are counted by the UN and others food program.
Your strenght evalution is not so bad, but others participated very much in all matters. The line is long on all levels, so you dont have that great army being as great as You describe.
Its a great mistake naming Peshmerga as “only”. Their 11 Peshmergas defend their own homes, which make them highly motiwated. You hardly can see the Iraqian army take the rest of Eufrat, beacuse its tribeland with no oil even there are some phosphat mines there too.
You mean because they are CIA funded and have US special forces embedded in their army?
The piss-merga were about to be eradicated from Syria completely when their American masters saved them at the last second during the Kobani siege. Just like ISIS, they are a non-entity without foreign support.
Proven you are a dumbass.
Pesh merga are Iraqi, not Syrians.
Stupid, very stupid. The 156 ROJAVA PESH MERGA in Koban were Syrian, not Iraqi.
So, dear ranter, what are you talking about?
Actually proving that YOU are a dumb ass. Piss-merga isn’t unique to any one country, it’s the name Kurds give to their military fighters regardless of where they live.
Not at all. Syrian kurds do not call their forces pesh merga’s at all (is YPG/YPJ), neither does the PKK (HPG). Only KRG, the Barzani affiliated Rojava Pesh Merga and some Iranian kurdish groups.
So, wrong again.
Searched google and wikipedia for you. PM only KRG and affiliated
So you just contradicted yourself:
“Pesh merga are Iraqi,”
“and some Iranian kurdish groups.”
so you’re now admitting they’re not unique to Iraq. Now what failtards like you fail to realize is that all these groups regardless of the country they live in regularly exchange fighters and fight on each other’s behalf. There are currently tons of PKK in Iraqi Kurdistan as there are in Syrian PYG, and vice versa. Same goes for Piss merga.
Not at all, those are all KRG related/affiliated
You were talking about Syria and except for 156 (or was it 159?) KRG affiliated Rojava Pesh Merga, there were and are no pesh merga fighters in Syria.
In my first comment I already said that, so I am not contradicting myself.
As Barzani is rather opposed to Northern Syria because they will not have him as leader, they are rather unfriendly towards eachother and Rojava Pesh Merga are not allowed back into Northern Syria, even though they say they want to be and go there fighting against Assad.
Read the last paragraph:
“Since then, peshmerga has come to mean “freedom fighter” and is often used as an honorific for Kurdish guerrilla fighters.”
Once again kurds are not kurds and those many millions are divided into 4 nations as well. A remarkble ignorence from Your.
“If there are facts, I deny facts….”
More definitions:
-a member of a Kurdish guerilla organization that fights for a free Kurdish state
-Armed Kurdish fighters.
-Peshmerga or Peshmerge is the term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters. Literally meaning “those who face death” the Peshmerga forces of Kurdistan have been in existence since the advent of the Kurdish independence movement in the early 1920s, following the collapse of the Ottoman and Qajar empires which had jointly ruled over the area. Peshmerga forces include women in their ranks. Many Kurds will say that all Kurds willing to fight for their rights are Peshmerga. The term remains in contemporary usage, sometimes written as pesh merga in Anglophone media.
Actually Peshmerge is a Persian word. It’s consist of “Pish” meaning before and “Marg” meaning death.
It means “The one who dies before you do” or “The one who dies so you don’t”.
It was a profession in Persian courts, since ancient times of god-knows-when until Qajar dinesty. For example, Pishmargs used to taste the King’s meal before he starts to make sure it’s not poisoned.
Comes from the time of the Ssanids 224AD-651AD and Peshmerga means closer to “those who sacrifices their lives” The best Asvaran Units were Gyan-avspar Peshmerga these were the cataphracts . The Kurds all they did was take the name , they also made up the 9th Army and all the frontier forces in the Ottoman empire. They rebelled in 1919 by taking Turkish and British hostages which helped bring about the nullification of the Sevres Treaty.
The last part about hostages is very understandable,. They were promised to get their own and got doublecrossed between the Mosul Commision and annother one.
Its also kind of explain why kurds assasinated so many Assyrians as well as Christians & Jews later. Est. 500.000. It doesnt make it nicer.
Turks did the same kind of cleaning before that. In 1878 Ottomans was forced to leave a lot of land 100% or almost. They did at Balkans, but should negosiate total Autonomi for Armenians and negosiated it by delay and ignorance. Finally under pressure from WW1 they evaporated them solving their problems there. 1,5 mio. estimated.
Next was handling kurds – again.
Whatever You write its against all facts today like naming all people there in the region for Ottomans.Not even Turks are.
But we still use those terms to look back and whats left even its not true anymore today.
Its not usefull and filled with lies too and stables of “wasses” which are made true by nationalistic fanatics in stead of the one in Konstantinople.
Fx there hasnt been a Syria the last 1000 Years. How can they insist there was. They all incl. Syria was member of Ottomans and before that the Greek Constantinople and even that before.
But if You go to fx 1856, there was a Syrian region, but there also was a kurdish region and several other regions. So regions in north are cut by french and brittish giving Turks half of Aleppo, Raqqa, Diabykir as well as the ones in Iraq. Iraq was mainly Mesopotamia and not Mosul as well as Iraqi Kurdistand of today.
Look at the warmaps of today. Those are semilar those days – and reason – those regions wasnt artificial, but fine regions (compared with those days)
Is that true, that the Iraqi Kurds and the Syrian Kurds do not get along? Guess I was right, then. Wait till the region is stabilized. If you can’t do that, then surely you are unable to achieve any permanent solution to your problem Is it a power grab, perhaps?
Im sure most kurds know, that its unrealitic to get 1 state from 4, so therefore they have divided their own versions according to, whats possible, where they get same and better equal rights as anybody else there.
In Syria fx, they are hardly half of the population in the taken area. therefore they share power to get enough support. And not only that, they make a decentralized solution so people at the lowr levels get exact same equal rights.
By that they only need a smaller Govermness from the top of the sekular federacy and not the total top running as Communists. Its a very big difference in socialism, where the real power is as well in other kind of states.
An important thimg is, they want a lot of power taken FROM Damaskus. They dont divede their real power. So whenever You are all will get much more real influence there but also has to learn to be responsible citicens and not only sheep.
My point is that Barzani is taking advantage of the military situation in the north of Syria to make his power play. To get ahead of the others, and to stay ahead. It is futile and will result in carnage in the future.
Yes, Of Course Barzanis take advance of the very strange situation. I se no good result there and Bagdads are forbidden just to make a military control ther, because none trust their intensions. Turks are there – protectinbg what. I also see Itan trying to dominate Bagdads and before that, that kurd as well arab where systematicly denied thier % pay of oil and Kurdistan there didnt get there part of the help sended by a lot of countries to ALL iraqians.
I have no believes in the above mentioned powers can and should run so much there and do not know , what I as a private support. But its understandable Barzanis as one of the players make their movescpompared to, what they are up to.
I would say Kurds up there are a little gready about the land cinbtrol. Thats it. They shouldnt bow and wait. I cant see they are any main reason for the conflicts based on totally wrong borders made for French and Brittish oilgrabbing.
Please don’t respond to my posts, Jens. I hardly consider you on the same intellectual level as myself. And you probably are a woman.
Yes, too me it make sense. Its might help many if some kurds and iraq changed houses forever.
Thats rubbish. Its who runnes the business. KRG dont run a wish for a fedeartion in Syria as well as kurds running SDF dont run the Kurdish Autonomy in Iraq and the voting for more independendy.
You mean Iranians “PJAK and MKO” Turkey and Syria contribute PKK, YPG is just an affiliate group.
It doesnt matter. Everybody knows what you are talking about when you say Piss merga.
When you say Piss merga in Iraq they know its the Kurds.
When you say Piss merga in Syria they know its the Kurds.
When you say Piss merga in Iran they know its the Kurds.
And so on.
It depends who You are. If You fx have an oppinion telling all non obeyers of Assads should be killed, the name doesnt matter. All are rebellions or worse and should be eliminated no matter which reasons they might have.
No, they are NOT – IDIOT.
Those want totally different things for kurds in Syria and iraq as well.
Most of them at Kobane wasnt peshmergas at all. They were YPG/YPJ mixted up with PKK, which is the Turkish version of PYD.
But of course, You would prefare ISIS had taken over all of it and 400.000 kurds from there was dead or 400.000 extra refugees added to the 3 mio.in Turkey.
for your kinfd information Iraqi army has gain more urban warfare capability thn phesmerga . phershermerga has not fought any big battle of city the way Iraqi armed forced have fought this daesh pig. phersmerga has just fought small pocket of daesh in Iraq . so if you think phersmerga will beat Iraqi army . then Mr. you are dreaming. even if US/Israe l help kurdsistan dream they will be defeated bcuz iran , turkey Syria, iraq and Russia will not leave this opputunity to wipe Zionist thugs .
They were fighting under US CAS and art.fire, which they will not get attacking KRG.
In Ramadi PMU’s fought without US. They could not win at all. In small city.
Not going to happen.
The Peshmerga got mad when they heard the PMU were fighting in Mosul and best advances were then. Then the PMU were pulled from there Peshmerga are terrible fighters they had to have the SOF from all the other nations to do all the fighting even in 2003. The Kurds need SOF to do all the fighting just as they do now.
Au contraire!
Iran is very well aware of their “capability”. We saw and felt how they are “capable”.
Kurdish separatists, Komela, used to ambush Iranian soldiers who were fighting Saddam’s invading army, capture them, cut their throats and behead them. If they were not in a hurry they took their time with their victims and tortured in any horrible way one can imagine.
At that time the country was in chaos and disarray right after the revolution, nothing was in it’s place and we were invaded by a well armed army supported by 3 dozens of countries while American “advisers” saboutaged every equipment of our army they had their hands on before leaving. Our defending force then was the young men, not trained well but armed with the belief that nobody else will defend Iran but themselves.
Komela no longer bears arms and now prefers political solutions. PJAK now fills the shoes.
we forgave but didn’t forget.
Do not forget how Kak Foad was betrayed by the islamic fascist Khomeiny!
We don’t forget any bit.
Foad Soltani was killed in an armed confrontation in September 1979.
When you start an armed rebellion, you will be dealt with arms. Where’s the betrayal?
I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to deal with someone who wants a piece of your country. I suppose the closest thing would be talking to a Mexican separatist for me.
I had no idea separatism is powerful in Mexico. Zapatista or Chicana if I’m not mistaken, right?
Your country lost a lot of land in a great tragedy, wasn’t that enough?
I don’t know if President Fox was good for Mexico or not, but I loved his answer to President Trump. Great sense of humor.
Actually I’m American. Mexicans want to make California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas part of Mexico again.
Oh, then I made an ass of myself, didn’t I? :D
no, he does, all the time….
Chihuahua wants independence.
Extremely dry there, nice people they love Canada down there they marvel at the moisture everywhere in Canada.
Cute little dogs, too.
They can be mean at times especially the asthmatic ones , like the Taco hell dog.
Israel support it.
Oh, great!!
you will see how the usa will fall apart eventually, its build on greed and lies
ungrateful kurd, the USA is your pimp
So is mexico.
The betrayal lies in stealing the power of the progressive forces and oppressing the ideals of the revolution against the dictator shah by the islam fascist gangs of Khomeiny. You should know very well….
C’est la vie.
All groups accepted the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini in ’79 revolution. Everybody heard him when he said he intended to create an Islamic Republic.
Many didn’t believe he had the support of people to do that and hoped to have a piece of pie after ousting the Shah.
At least I’m happy groups like MEK didn’t receive it.
hahahahah you are dreaming
saddam hussein fucked all kurdistan
@disqus_vWQIi3T2uz:disqus … Peshmergas are still only a militia units…. where else Iraqi govt. forces are the most effective and experienced forces around in the region … They have got Airforce that can pound the Peshmergas badly if need be … They have come a long way since their defeat before … They have changed a lot since and are very motivated and experienced now .. Soon they will link up with the Iran and be more powerful …
If Peshmerga ever tries to steam roll into Baghdad … first of all they have hardly any experience in fighting in the built up areas like the Iraqi forces … so pesh mergas will literally be drowning in their own blood as they get massacred …
I think you are high on something when you write that fantasy … !!!
Please don’t make me laugh of at your military assessment of the Peshmerga, if I wanted terrorists I would get Al Qaeda, now if I wanted Goat herders,I would get Italians or Greeks, no Catalans they would steal my goats much slower than the Kurds would though.
slave are running to the master of destruction which is us/Israel. So barzani kurds run fast as u can bcuz later u will not find place to hide . bcuz killer of innocent kurds and arabs or any other tribes cannot survive. Kurdistan will become racist state bcuz of barzni zionist if they gain independence
I really cant see any connection to jews exept they prefare to kill each other in stead of them.
A great leader has passed away, Jalal Talabani! Now the Kurds have to rely on Barzani, damn!
Rest in Peace, After all, he was Iranian and entirely different compared to Barzani.
How Kurds fall from the likes of Talebani into the ones like Barzani?
Just look at most other countries, where they have nice leaders today?
mostly sociopaths….
We are DOOMED!
Well, most countries of the world are democracies, right? Perhaps these monsters can be voted out of office. Right?
Isn’t this Barzani the son, or relative, of another Barzani?
No, he is Idris’s son and Masoud’s nephew. The important thing is that he is a Barzani, like many other “elected” of selected officials of KRG.
In other words a cook and a thief.
You are cleaning toilets for ISIS in their tunnels.
All Trump and Netanyahu wants are land bases to place armour and aircraft to attack Iran from the west without having to cross unfriendly skies and ground. Seems like the Kurds are willing to be the target of a lot of Iranian missiles.
But US has asked them not to try for more indepensy, so at least half of Your accusation is based on Your won lies.
Are you looking for another war, Barzani? I asked you to show patience and forebearance, so that when the region is stabilized, a permanent and just resolution to the Kurdish problem could be achieved. You chose not to do that, and now it seems you are inviting the U.S. in, perhaps thinking force will achieve your goals.
Israel is sitting next to Barzani when he negotiate with his Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese neighbours and with his supporters US and Saudi.
Have Erdogan seen Barzani´s middle finger and grinning face?
If You cant love the ones You love, love the ones You wish.
barzani just too greedy and foolish , he been a puppet of foreign govt for long time and he sell the fate and future of iraqi kurds to a dark future , where they will be branded traitors..
As usual enemies write like that giving people advice, which has no use.
Some seemes to live in their own chosen dark and prefare others do the same.
i know hasbara trolls are recruited among less well off israelis , but this sure take the cake , your comment dont make any sense , it is as if you are copy pasting your answers from a prepared set of text
It was Iraq who asked for Iranian and Turkish military help against their own kurdish population… now whatever the kurds seeks helps from is fare.
I kind of see it as a try to get more at the updating of the Autonome of 2004. Some could say, that Bagdads cant handle the north, so kurds there might hope Bagdads prefare Autonomes control more, then Bagdads would like to give.
If so its very dangerous.
When did Iraq do that?
And what do the Iraqi Kurds want help for, exactly? To impose an Iraqi Kurdish state on the Kurdish populations of the other countries involved?
I cant se it any kind of invitation. Hard to understand You as Floyd Hassard above and others seeems to have no contacts to US at all.
US has strictly asked Kurds there no to. Very big blind spot from You. And US is already there along with other supporters, so its not “inviting” . Kind of more like more tea but no sugar.
Not sure I understand you.
If you need help with history; that is, the proper assessment of past and present and its implications/explications for the future, you might consider the beginnings of the Vietnam War, called the American War in Southeast Asia.
Actually the war in Indochina was lost by the French and by low and stupid reasons US took over.
Very low advertize the war in indochina as only American. US tryed to avoid Communists took over all of Vietnam. So there must have been some others too ….
My point is that the (ideological) Vietnam War started out, after Eisenhower gave in to French pleas for assistance, with American military assistance and advisers, then escalated from there.
this is so funny….
Trump already voiced opposition against catalan independence and stand with spain , now kurds asking for open US support (read: Military).. The image of US and EU doubleface will be shown to all the world’s nations , when they openly support kurd independence and yet squash catalan independence..
btw anyone wonder why this kurdish clown dont ask for military help from israel ? after all israel is the only nation supporting kurdish independence..
There are no double there. catalonia already has almost autonome and US/EU prefare Iraqi Kurdistan stayes as such too. Its exact same thing.
More like one of Your double faces look from Your behind below.
And Israel again. Why dont You change vital things in Your structures or make as traumecenter for Your all. There are 2 possibilities or saome of both: 1) Israel are strong superhumans or 2) You are low denying all kind of sensible change.
Only Your mouths are so big, that we hardly can see the rest of Your heads.
seem like you hasbara trolls been busy since kurd referendum , pushing the fake narrative as dictated by your briefing officer..
I would love Barzani (both Barzanis) to give me a written document telling me just how they foresee a Kurdish state in the future. A truthful one.