![Kurdish Peshmerga Mass Execute ISIS Members Surrendered North Of Tal Afar - Reports Kurdish Peshmerga Mass Execute ISIS Members Surrendered North Of Tal Afar - Reports](https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/1-37-1024x576.jpg)
Captured ISIS members
Peshmerga forces, a military force of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, have executed a high number of ISIS members that had surrendered to or had been captured by Kurdish units north of the recently liberated town of Tal Afar in northern Iraq.
According to reports, the number of killed ISIS members is up to 400.
If it’s officially confirmed, this will be a major blow to the public image of Kurdish forces in Iraq.
Furthermore, the mass execution could easily boost support to ISIS and to trigger a series of terrorist attacks against soft targets in the Iraqi Kurdistan.
SF does not release alleged photos of the incident. However, they could be easily found online (for example, this twitter acc posted them on September 2).
I haven’t found any results on searching engines, who confirms that… I hope, this is not true
It’s true and you could check the twitter account that referenced above
Posting a photo of random dead people from a propaganda account on Twitter proves absolutely nothing (except your gullibility).
there aren’t any other sources aboout it. No statements from politicians, that would be a crime, who is not ignorable.
It isn’t true. It’s pre-referendum propaganda.
oh now we’re soft? Good!!!!!!
Surely they can’t be this stupid? Hopefully true, would give all the more justification for Iraq to attack.
Joking, right?
What? Do you think everyone supports the US proxy in the area? Kurds ought to be crushed by both Syria and Iraq like the commie filth they are.
“commie” lol you threw that word in there just because why not. :P You appear to have some 1950s McCarthyism lodged into your brain.
Iraqi Kurdistan government (Mahmoud Barzani) is a classic Turkey-styled creation with capitalist based economy and with conservatism as a political background (and you yourself are probably also a conservative since you like to use words such as “commie filth” so you should have some sympathy towards Barzani, him being your ideological equivalent).
Now if you had used that word for PKK/YPG then it would make more sense but even then it would be a lose term.
Now as for executing ISIS fighters – why the hell not? Wasting time and prison space on em might be a bit unnecessary (since non-Kurd Iraqis also didn’t show much effort in that regard as well).
The one thing you have correct like Turkey they are Salafists and non-secular which you have left out a great many things about them. They were more likely local Turkmen and not your Idea of ISIS , Kurds of Barzani ilk are anti Christian and any other non-Sunni religions. They will even kill Assyrians and any others because they want to ethnically purge the region of non-Kurds.
No, I threw it there because they are, in fact, commies. They even have a red star on the fucking flag, for Christ’s sake. And guess who forms the bulk of their foreign divisions? Volunteers sent by far-left organizations across europe and united states. Antifa brags quite a lot about its foreign division in kurdistan, in fact.
You don’t even have enough insight into the regional politics and state of affairs to tell the difference between Peshmerga and YPG. :o
One is a Criminal Organization and the other is a Terrorist Organization what not is there to understand as they are both related by blood and almost extremely in similar tactics.
What an incredibly stupid statment.
See you have the typical terrorist supporter Icon can see you as an idiot.
Tell me why are Communists so bad? Time to grow up and smell the roses I think.
Because they’re anti-religion, anti-family, and believe all people are equal (which is a lie). Their economical model is shit that doesn’t function, as USSR proved so nicely, and their social model is what’s killing America right now. Why would you ever like communism?
Jesus Christ was communist, in fact, I consider him the creator of communism.
Then you are, simply put, retarded. I don’t recall him pushing for the abolition of property (if fact, a big chunk of the Bible deals with protection of property, but of course, the only book you ever read was Marx’s Capital), he didn’t advocate killing and systematically opressing adherents of any and all religion, and he definitely wasn’t anti-fmaily. Do everyone a favour and kill yourself.
You are definitely rude and uncouth.You obviously dont remember him multiplying the fish and the loaves to feed the poor people or him whipping the moneychangers or him cursing the pharisees for loving his money too much or saying a rich man wont get in to heaven.etc
In fact you dont know much about the Bible after all do you?
I wonder if you belong to those new age christian sects where if you are rich then you are the elect and the poor are poor because they are not the elect and no one can help them etc as for equality, jesus knew we are not all equal in our gifts but he said we should try hard to ignore that so that we can become better people.did you forget that or did your happy clappy new age christian pastor neglect to teach you that !
Charity has nothing to do with communism, and neither does the abolition of usury indicate some sort of a socialist system. The catholic church has been one of the greatest contributors of charity in recorded history, and had traditionally reviled usury. Are you going to claim that the Catholic church was communist? You’re laughable – you cherrypick a few instances that you think somehow fit the bill and then proudly declare “X is communism”, oblivious to just how ridiculous you sound. How about the part where communism seeks the dissolution of family unit and abolition of religion? How does that fit with Jesus, huh? Or do you just conveniently “forget” facts that wouldn’t help your current argument? Pathetic.
And no, I don’t belong to any shitty new age christian whatever.
I never said Jesus was against family.i agree with you.what i am saying is that jesus said ” the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”.i never said that having money was bad.im saying loving your money more than people is bad.
Also i note that you did not agree with me about Hitler.what im saying is that both extremes are bad ..both were anti church and anti family.That is demonstrable truth.so dont just mention communism.
If you like family and religion just say so like i do but be fair enough to admit that fascism was also like commienism in this respect.
Apart from that i have no problem with what you have said. I actually agreed with some of your comments on other posts .
“im saying loving your money more than people is bad.”
which, again, has nothing to do with communism.
“so dont just mention communism.”
I don’t see why I shouldn’t only mention communism when responding to a person asking me why communism is bad. What Hitler supported or didn’t is completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
In all fairness, perhaps you ought to take your own advice.
Yes well said.
mate anti-religion is one of the best things.
For a 14 yo edgelord like you, definitely. Helps your image as the schoolyard autist.
No for most of the intelligent people on this planet.
You do know you just described Hitler as well right? He also banned the church and believed and was implementing that the state is responsible for the children and not the family …just like sparta for the last part.
If you didnt then ive just lost alot of respect for you.
“HURRR if you disagree with me, you must be a nazi!” Are you, by chance, a member of Antifa? You’ve already got their argumentation down to a tee.
That being said, nazi Germany wasn’t anti-religion, it sought to subordinate the Church to the state, which was a very different thing. Nazi Germany also stressed family as one of the highest representations of German values.
You need to chill out YuiYui .Im not Antifa and you are wrong Nazism was anti religion.he crushed both protestant and catholic churches and even guillotined a few priests heads for good measure. He only allowed a certain protestant church to form that followed his teachings.the religion was the revering of the fuerer.
Nazism was anti family.family was not the nazi ideal ,the PRODUCTION of children was the Nazi ideal. That is why there were no”sluts” in ancient sparta or in Hitlers eyes.women were to be respectable if they had sex with soldiers back from the front even if married. No shame was to come to the woman.and the children were to love and adore and revere Hitler even to the point of informing on their own parents if they became wary of nazism.so children were state property on loan in trust to their parents.
Until next time.
Hitler and many in his cabinet were neo-pagans, not atheists, so no, they weren’t anti-religion. Anti-church and anti-religion are different things.
And you’re wrong, Nazi Germany placed great focus on family and never advocated its abolition, like communism does. As for the “children reporting parents”, that was a story written in the soviet union and was about children reporting their parents if they opposed communism. The story was mandatory reading in eastern block schools and was meant to show that state>family, part of the communist agenda to dissolve family. Your entire post is full of fallacies or even outright lies.
Thats fine YuiYui.Lets agree to disagree .Lets stick to getting rid of headchoppers.
Very well. But since you brought it up, I think I’ll leave the source of the “informant child” here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavlik_Morozov
Anti-religion is the best thing you can be. Sorry just my opinion, as an anarchist, not a communist. ;-) and i love my family, and my comrades love their and my familiy too. ;-) people are always different, no need to argue about, but there is noone better or worse just because his origin, the coulour of his skin etc etc.. ;-)
1.- The most authoritarian and unjust form of government.
2.- Mass murder is the ONLY way they can achieve their goals, since no other ideology other than that which is communal ideology can be tolerated because you want you unattainable and fantastical nightmerish “utopia”
3.- It destroys the individual for a sick and perverted ideological communal stance.
and i can probably give you a thousand more you pervert.
That’s not communism. Just because Joseph Stalian called it communism doesn’t mean it is. It was just government capitalism. Don’t you know the meaning of capitalism and it’s variants as well as socialism and it’s variants ? The Communist party of the USSR had almost nothing of communal ideas when the USSR failed. Just like today’s China has little Communist in it. They are a mis of government and private capitalist government but still call themselves a Communist state. Just because I say the sky is red doesn’t make it so.
You have that right. Although Trotsky and friends were no walk in the park either. But who is? Socialism is a work in progress.
Where is Eugene Victor Debs when we need him.
Yep.Debs was a hero who looked after people and especially workers and I dont care if some people call him a commie!
Exactly. Eugene Victor Debs. A real American hero!
I couldnt have answered santiago better than you.Santiago obviously knows communism from a textbook or just the crap from Nato controlled media.as if hitler and the tin pot dictators supported by nato in africa ,asia and south central america didnt mass murder at all.i bet santiago is a cuban ,south american or spaniard descendant of fascist family now living in USA?
Actually, commies do suck. But in any case, Rojava is democratic confederalist, which is basically the opposite of communism (direct democracy, no leader, no party, no state).
@ YuiYui
Instead of telling bullshits, you should study little bit more the region.
Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga are not communist at all. You make a confusion with Syrian Kurdish YPG and Turkey Kurdish PKK.
YPG and PKK are part of the Kurdish forces, and all of them together are US proxies.
“YPG and PKK are part of the Kurdish forces” – more gibberish from the child in the room. YPG is a Syrian militia, PKK is a Turkish political movement. Neither are US proxies.
What’s the matter, commie? Can’t stand criticism of your shitty criminal organization? YPG is one of the core components of SDF, therefore it is a part of Kurdish forces, and PKK isn’t shy about its support of YPG and the notion of an independent kurdish state, making it if not a part of kurdish forces, then at least a supporter of them.
Seeing as how the current US policy in Syria relies on the creation of an independent Kurdish puppet state, and all these organizations fight for exactly that, they indeed are US proxies.
“You make a confusion with Syrian Kurdish YPG and Turkey Kurdish PKK.” – neither of which is communist…
Foreign divisions for kurds?
The few hundred will be very proud to be called divisions. Volonteers in KRG are mostly christians or kurds from other countries.
Volonteers for YPG are indeed mostly leftists and number up to a few hundred. MFS, syrian syriac christians have some western christian volonteers.
Are you implying only rednecks are to be allowed to volonteer?
You are right!
Antifa probably does but i think PKK gave up Communist ideals a long time ago. If i was a leftist or even just a brave volunteer i would also join Pkk,saa or Christians.They all are only ones killing jihadis!!
Just inform yourself at least about the basic who-is-who-s in this conflict, actually you just prove that you have no idea what´s going on.
Oh wow, they have a STAR???? OMG!!!!
After the capture of Ramadi, hundreds of suspected IS, or even just sunni young men, “disappeared”.The same is reported about Iraqi forces in Mosul.
Alternatives for treatment of real IS fighters?
Yes you are right Ivanus.They prob lost their communist “love your neighbour” ideals a long time ago though.barzani kurds definitely erdogan turk collaborator satellite state
Grow up. Syrian Kurds are not “US proxy”, and neither are they communist. Idiot.
Iraq willl shake hands with them for the good job.you have no idea what you are talking about :)
YPG has allied itself with Israel & USA, that’s gold at the stupid olympics.
YPG is not allied with either. I presume you threw “Israel” in there for some racist anti-jew thing you’ve got going on. Or do you seriously believe that a left-wing anti-capitalist anti-empirical decentralised people’s democracy is truly “allied” with a right-wing capitalist empire? LOL. Enjoy your gold medal.
Hasbara is paying you well I assume, YPG is part of the US-led coalition in NE Syria, or haven’t you heard? Netanyahu has made Israeli support for ‘Kurdistan’ clear since 2014, and Kurds have welcomed his support.
It didn’t happen, it’s pure propaganda.
Most likely Turkmen.
Yes maybe.Those are supposedly” moderates supported by democratic govs like Erdogans” if we are to believe White Houses comments of a few years ago.in reality that trash was just code for white house really saying” yes they are a bunch of headchopping psychos but they are our psychos and when they brutally chop people we dont care because they will be brown people or an unlucky white person in wrong place at wrong time who is not of political class anyway..so who cares!”.
death to isis. congratulations
Cheaper and safer than prison but still distressing to my western sensibilities.
They are likely members of the Turkmen militia and other local groups who fought ISIS and oppose Kurdish influence in their region and have been executed by Kurds before. The Peshmerga were given these men by the US Military shows you how the US actually operates there.
But the Peshmerga and Turkey are on somewhat friendly terms.
So who would come up with this so called news?
Why are you such a complete idiot in geography Turkmen are originally from Turkmenistan which is towards the Russian border along the Southeastern boundaries. They are on the Northern borders of Iran an Afghanistan they border the South part of the Caspian Sea , that is a long way from Turkey which is in the Mediterranean Sea.
Try googling Turkmenistan then you can start to question why you had your current misconception.
You should cut down on the rum and brandy. :D
The Turkmen are a Turkic people and are rather spread out. Turkey placed troops north of Tal Afar and threatened Iraq with intervention if the PMU made a move on the city. This situation lasted for almost a year. I ask again about the above article:
So who would come up with this so called “news”?
The problem is they are from further east and not west you are thinking Turkomen which are closer kinship, these are distant but not unlike Americans and Europeans. Turkey was threatening on behalf of Barzani family which runs the Peshmerga , Turkey also threatened the PMU over Nineveh too, they are in with the thieving Peshmerga who is receiving funding and not returning any of the Oil money to Iraq. Those are general revenues and not owned by any Governate.
The US had only captured what was believed 225-250 think the Peshmerga as usual grinding their own axes and killing those who oppose them, nothing new. They will sell their organs to the Jewish organ traffickers and Israel will have some new organs for the hospitals there, and US citizens can get some organs for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Kurds and Wahhabi, Salfists Sunnis are loved by the Jews for the reason they are good at supplying “Donor Organs”.
Again squeamish Western sensibilities. We all know what has to be done, less some of these monsters make it to the West and we find ourselves yet again the target of some nutjob shouting allahu al akbar, as he plows his car into a group of people.
Nobody wants to spend the time to de-program these people, or take care of them. Or run the risk that some of them make it back to their home countries. So as usual we let others do the dirty work for us. Like how we let other nations torture our terror suspects for us through extraordinary rendition.
Just not squeamish just would rather have seen some clear thinking lest this befalls many in Europe. This type of activity is good for creating future terrorists since they probably never served in ISIS but were local Turkmen Militia members whom the Peshmerga fought before the rise of ISIS.
The Barzani like to rid all opposition before they take control of an area especially the minorities this will send a message they intend to kill them all and the US is going to help.
poor guy :)
LOL. You should perhaps try not to believe everything you read…
See you have nothing credible to say, guess you are a YPG troll.
Can anyone blame the kurds for doing this? These ISIS members of Tal Afar are the same people who sold Yazidi women to sex slavery and the same people who supported Saddam to gass the Kurds and execute kurdish civilians in Mosul. Anyone who feels sad for that some ISIS was execute can simply join ISIS.
It’s not if someone blames the Kurds for this or not, it is that the Kurds lower themselves to a level, that they do the very same Daesh did.
A war always produces the worst of humanity, resulting in the spiral of violence. Both world wars showed this very much.
Maybe tomorrow i will feel bad as i honestly believe generally that if someone surrenders they should not be killed outright.Maybe later for war crimes ,whatever as execution but certainly not straight away.
Yet these ISIS have turned my stomach.i believe that many sick in the gead,psychopathic,murderous ,sex depraved people have simply found a good way to act out their sick thoughts whilst pretending they do it for a higher cause.
So right now,i actually feel good about it….maybe tomorrow i wont but right now …too bad so sad..they brought it on themselves!
Karma can be a bitch, indeed.
It didn’t happen, it’s fake.
After stuff like this, only a week-minded fool or an ISIS sympathizer could possibly object to executions of ISIS monsters.
You nailed it.
As for this in the article “If it’s officially confirmed, this will be a major blow to the public image of Kurdish forces in Iraq.” – I have never read such crap – for me, they have gone up in my expectations.
Exactly. No massacre took place since the Daesh weren’t human to begin with.
An honorful Bullet for each ISIS Asshole.
Better than crushing Bones one by one, like the Shias and SAA do.
However, ISIS burn Kurds alive and stuff like that, so im really impressed that they didnt do much worser things to the isis trash.
Anyways, whatever the kurds do, they do it wrong – in the oipinion of the posters here. If they capture them and let them live, an asshole comes quickly and cries that they will be signed for fighting in the SDF, if they kill them some bigoted trash mumbles of war-violation …. which cant get even more stupid, since war-violations are done by SAA every single day.
Are you opposed to the SAA and Shia people fighting for their lives?
He is, just some brainwashed Kurdistan supporter.
Agreed. But the story is fake anyway.
On the other Hand this is most likely some ISIS propaganda the twitter account has taken unproofed. the twitter account and the photos are no evidence at all. after all.
If kept alive all ISIS would be a risk for decades , even in a prison. This murder is in fact more justified than the thousands of civilians who have been killed by the US military with callous bombing and artillery fire in Syria and Iraq..
Genocide. I wonder where they got that idea from. Which nation or people springs to mind when you think of genocide? Murder is murder. The SDF just became morally equal to ISIS, which gives one scant hope for what will happen once ISIS are finished.
ohhh genocide…! those poor isis !
What can you expect of yankistani proxies?
SDF are not pershmergas, stupid. SDF operates in Syria, not Iraq.
It’s fake. “The SDF just became morally equal to ISIS”. LOL. SDF is in a different country.
SDF and Pesh Merga are the same thing. Haven’t you heard of badge engineering?
No matter how bad the enemy is, I still feel it’s wrong to kill a surrendered enemy.
suuure. therewfore you hold hands with SAA and Assad, who never kill or torture captives, right?
Mass executing 400 IS members who SURRENDERED is a different story. Practically every government holds enemies captive, but the reports about Syria by U.S media is just a complete exaggeration.
ISIS is ISIS they are animals and deserve to be executed.
Don’t offend the animals by comparing them with these monsters.
Lol I’d like to see a non-muslims non-sunni person in the hands of Isis.
We saw that all the time and we know what happened.
Don’t try preaching Talmud stories here. We’ve heard enough about gas attacks and similar BS already.
Trying to equate Assad torture or kill of captives with ISIS doing the same thing is just wrong.Me killing the murderer of many innocents including of my family is very different to the murderer killing all those people.
Most decent reasonable people would understand and forgive me.The fact that you cant seem to see the difference is very concerning.
We know about people who were delivered to Syrian torture chambers by the USA, but that is a very different story than what Daesh does. Furthermore, the Syrian government since then changed a lot. Actually, Assad was very smart at the beginning of the war, as he had learned some lessons, but that’s a different story too.
If you become yourself what you fought, you won’t win. Kurds have to watch themselves. It isn’t easy to look into the abyss, as the abyss will look into you too.
In the times of Jesus, with no medicines, rabid dogs were always put down. More humane then the treatment of lepards at the time.
Too right.Jesus cursed the unfruitful fig tree and whipped the money changers in the temple and the Pharissees.so he had no problem punishing the wicked to some extent.
an eye for an eye !!.
ISIS cuts off the heads of prisoners with knives and burns them alive too. All ISIS members should be executed, preferably by public hanging after military trials.
where are all the idiots who claimed that the Kurds will help smuggling those isis members to Syria and that Kurds where collaborating with isis ????
Precisely. To erase the fingerprints ?
Barzani’s peshmergas have done nothing against ISIS since 2014.
What kind of braindead idiot could think Syrian Kurds (left-wing, polyethnic, mostly atheist, feminist, democratic, secular) would be collaborating with ISIS? Bizarre…
What is disturbing is the fact these are Barzani’s peshmergas, who have done almost nothing against ISIS during years (and even buying their oil).
Would USA/CIA/KSA want these people around to testify to who their real masters were?
And nothing of value was lost. I hope the Daeshbags were given a cigarette each before being machine gunned, for the lulz (aka Band of Brothers Captain Ronald Speirs style).
Don’t forget we are dealing with child beheaders and sex-slave traffickers with children as young as six being traded.
There were some comments here in a previous article hoping the Peshmerga had a woodchipper waiting for them, funny they have all been replaced by comments of distress.
I wonder if it is true and not just a cover job for them to join the SDF?
SDF is in Syria, this fake news is in Iraq. But in any case, what makes you think ISIS would want to join a left-wing democratic feminist revolution?
They want to live and get paid. They followed a satanic organization, ISIS and beheaded and ate children and adults took sex slaves etc. for ISIS an organization run by racist supremacist Jews, so what won’t they do????
Don’t they deserve it? Those so-called “Islamic State” who are actually zionist dogs are vent on destroying Iraq and Syria and convert it into an expanded Israeli territory.
Big mistake. Should have been in work camps then publicly disavow principles of ISIS. Execution/imprisonment for leaders after some type of court proceedings. These thugs just became martyrs.
Western sensibility is one thing, but where is it when US bombs innocent civilians? No, that is a side-track. The hard reality is this: Peshmerga, or anyone else, would think twice or thrice before executing ISUS members. ISUS is a CIA/Mossad asset and you don’t dispose of those on a whim. It is reasonable to assume that this execution was ordered from Langley, and that the Peshmerga are being paid to do the dirty work. That’s why the photos are on the internet – proof for the masters – they are not trying to cover it up.
The message to ISUS is clear. “You signed up to die for the cause and there is no point in trying to run away just because you are losing, we’ll find you and we’ll find plenty of people to kill you for money – and half the world will even applaud them.” It is important for the HQ to dispose of all useless ISUS fighters so they don’t talk to someone in a couple of years’ time and spill more beans. Dead men don’t talk. This is the clean-up stage of a failed operation. It ain’t pretty.
You may have a point. Talmudic Disclosure eh?
More or less. It is how criminals operate.
The point here is there was non posibility for ISIS to defend himself ¿ was it possible to defend himself of something ?
Will this politically help or hurt SAA attempts to regain Syrian territory from SDF?
This fake news story is from Iraq, not Syria. Also SDF is Syrian, and the “territory” belongs to the people who live on it. They will make the decisions about what they want to do. As things stand, the liberated areas are ruling themselves, and the old regime is long gone.
the summary execution of anyone who is a prisoner of war or who has surrendered, is a War Crime against Humanity
if true, they are barbarians both
Truth , killing a surrendered prisoner of war is murder , be it one , or four hundred .
One has no claim to being moral if one’s actions are not right .
It’s fake.
comment poster: DutchNational will either….
1. Try to disprove this happened and say its “fake news” or “exaggerated”
2. Say nothing because it was true!
Know him by his actions!!!
DutchNational (massive USA and Kurd supporter) is a fucking RAT!
And this dumb ass Solomon protects and stand up for him! Weasel!
A Weasel and a RAT!
Remember their names!
The Weasel will flag me hahahahahahah!
Kurds should just cooperate with Syria or a Russia and be united with the Syrians pre-war time.
Syrian Kurds are military allies with Russia in northern Syria. But in any case it’s not “Kurds”. YPG is Syrian, made up of many races. Rojava is Syrian too, and elections begin next month in the Federation of Northern Syria, supported by Russia.
Poor baby.