On February 8, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) announced that its fighters had repelled an attack of the Turkish Army and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) on their positions in the village of Kahlil Kulku of the Sheikh al-Hadid district in the area of Afrin. YPG fighters destroyed a vehicle of the Turkish-backed FSA with an ATGM and killed 11 FSA fighters while repelling the attack according to the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA).
Moreover, YPG fighters repelled another attack of the Turkish Army and the Turkish-backed FSA on their positions in the Bulbul district north of Afrin. ANHA reported that YPG fighters destroyed a battle tank and an armored vehicle of the Turkish Army with ATGMs during the clashes.
The Kurdish news outlet also claimed that 27 Turkish Army soldiers had been killed around the Bulbul district by YPG fighters. However, this claim was likely a part of the ongoing propaganda war between Turkey and the YPG.
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), 22 Turkish Army soldiers and 127 fighters of the Turkish-backed FSA have been killed by the YPG since the beginning of the Turkish military operation in Afrin on January 20. On the other side, over 123 fighters of the YPG were killed by Turkish forces and many others were reportedly captured, according to the SOHR
That’s what I want let the Turks kill the Kurds and the Kurds kill the Turks and then after Syrian govt forces will take on afrin?
Sounds nice were it not for Assad burying the dead they incurred by attacking SDF and US in DeZ north. Serves them right.
He’s a kike
there goes BULLSHIT again
^ Another kike
Or a kikel or kikeleh or kikee?
Oh you stupid antisemit faschist rassists…
Kisch uns en toches!
How old are you, fanboy? Puberty still running?
Is it nice and warm in Assads “non-zionist” toches?
Grow up.
Be careful Kurd boy. Without this site, you would again have to be buddies with your camel wife.
I’ve seen you before on other forums. You are a Zionist scumbag. Get off welfare and start working and contributing to society like everyone else . .
And then?
Interesting report.
SF reported earlier that most of the mentioned villages were taken by TSK and walking beards. Seems their report was not correct earlier.
Still, wel done SDF, well done SF, reporting truth instead of Turlish propaganda.
Why dont you go fuck yourself before someone does it for you.You are nothing but a zionist satanic shill.
And you?
Assad-Fanboy? Putin-Fanboy? Erdogan-Fanboy?
WOW, what a nice meaning of life…
Kisch uns en toches!
Look, its matt with a different picture….what a sad retarded troll you are.
Sexually underpriviliged?
Well, not my problem.
Kurd boy, not a yid. ….. mmmm, same thing, you are right.
123 sdf terrorist? They must be kidding. Afrin bombed for weeks. If you dont believe watch dead terrorist bodies.
Real number is over 1000 sdf=ypg=pkk member went hell
There are no SDF ‘terrorists’. And they certainly don’t go to hell… unless you think ISIS boys go to heaven.
Sdf=ypg=pkk=isis=hts all same. All created by Usa to divide Syria Iraq and turkey.
No, combat casualties in a-symmetric conflicts like this are typically not very heavy in the short-term. Over 1000 in just under 3 weeks is a gross exaggeration and obvious propaganda by the Turks. Just look at the state of Turkey at the moment, journalists, politicians and regular civilians are being prosecuted for even the mildest criticism of Erdogan’s invasion – and yet you still believe Erdogan’s claims?
Likewise the Kurds are lying too about FSA/Turkish loses. For once, SOHR probably has the most accurate numbers (feels weird saying that).
Turks have more modern weapons , air support , artillary support , tank and armoured vehicle support etc. Real army(2nd biggest nato army) vs us-led terrorist. Do you really believe the both sides casulties are same. To believe this u need to have 0 military knowledge. Turks share photos of dead terrorist bodies to destroy that propaganda. If you dont believe, go and count bodies.
No they are not the same, Turkey are losing because after the coup, they imprisoned all of their experienced and well trained military.
Military equipment does not ensure victory, just look at the Saudi’s in Yemen – their loses are heavy despite that advantage. Like the Saudi’s, the Turkish military is only powerful on paper. In reality it’s a second-rate power suffering from recent personnel/officer purges (thanks to it’s delusional leader), and is fighting a very determined bunch of Kurdish fighters in mountainous terrain whom have home-ground advantage.
Remember also that most of the anti-Kurdish forces (and casualties) are just FSA militants whom are, at best, no more capable than the Kurdish fighters and, at worst, noticeably less capable.
It doesn’t matter how much firepower you have backing the FSA militants up, they’re still fighting a counter- guerilla war against an enemy with plenty of ideal terrain to avoid the bulk of their enemy’s firepower.
If you think I’m the one with zero clue then ask yourself this, why do both the Turks & Kurds have enemy casualty-rates massively higher than other, more neutral, observers? Answer: they’re both lying.
Or do you trust Erdogan’s propaganda, despite him openly admitting that he bans any negative coverage of his Syrian operation?
With all their ATG experience from this war, Syrians could train American soldiers how to use them.
You and me probably could.
Wow Turkey is doing well, the body count is almost as the US National debt, what are we talking about now Erdy ?, 456,789 + 123 …….if you had the jack, Queen and king and you have the best Kebab run of all times.