Kurdish Forces Are Ready To Participate In the Upcoming Operation In Eastern Al-Suwayda

Kurdish Forces Are Ready To Participate In the Upcoming Operation In Eastern Al-Suwayda

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On August 5, General Commander of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), Siban Hamo, told the UK-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that his forces are ready to participate in the upcoming operation against ISIS cells in the eastern al-Suwayda countryside.

“ISIS launched barbaric attacks against our people in al-Suwayda. The pain of the Druze is the same pain we felt in Kobane and Afrin … We do not distinguish between these attacks and those against al-Suwayda. The YPG is ready to dispatch forces to liberate it from terrorism,” Hamo said.

Furthermore, Hamo noted that the YPG liberated third of Syria’s territory from ISIS, which proves the effectiveness of the Kurdish group, according to him.

Last week, ISIS fighters killed more than 250 civilians during a brutal attack on several villages in the eastern al-Suwayda countryside. The terrorist group also abducted more than 30 locals, mostly women and children.

Currently, the SAA and local fighters are preparing to launch a large scale operation against the remaining fighters of ISIS in the eastern al-Suwayda countryside. The Russian Aerospace Forces are expected to play a key role in the upcoming operation against the terrorist group.

The Damascus government will likely reject the YPG’s offer due to the group’s close ties to the US-led coalition, which is operating in the area of al-Tanaf north of al-Suwayda.

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My interpretation, two things: A: if the YPG fights along the SAA it helps build common ground between the Kurds and Damascus, smoothen things over by fighting jointly against a common enemy. And B: by fighting alongside the SAA as the SDF the Kurds sort of gain tacit acknowledgement by Damascus that they are a separate legal entity. Which is what they want. Three things actually, because it also allows the US to maintain the fiction that they’re in Syria to help the Kurds fight ISIS.


And maybe they still dream of making connection with At Tanf. I hope that the offices they say will open do not have to be soon closed. For the moment, I still don’t know if the kurd question is going to be resolved by diplomats or by warriors.


Warriors ? Paid mercs. They don’t go help their brethren in Afrin because US ordered not to.


By Syrian government diplomats or by soldiers of the SAA.


I agree with u, i think the kurdish problem may end peacefully after all…

Feudalism Victory

Then maybe the saa should require saa officers to lead the sdf units.


SDF should become SAA, then we have it right.
One nation, one army.


In addition, SDF must get rid of USA-Israel-NATO weapons, and USA-NATO military basis.

Julian Clegg

Asking any army to get rid of weapons is not sensible, especially when they are at war.

Smith Ricky

SAA doesnt need your help, you traitors.


After 7 years SAA is tired, kurds can help Assad for retake Idlib.

Smith Ricky

Didnt need kurds help then, dont need it now, simple.

Mustafa Mehmet

kurdis terrorist takes help Isra.and America and the rest kurk is backstaper.saa strong enough no need help.

Promitheas Apollonious

I agree with you. kurds can never be trusted ziodogs.

Feudalism Victory

Well jeez that attitude is just a non starter. Sometimes you just have stop thinking with your emotions.


No you don’t think with emotions after all kurds doing with their victims propaganda stuff whilst it doing the very same things to Syrian citizens in their holding.


Kurds now are desperates, without Kurdistan and USA help. There is a reconcilation for the FSA and there isn’t a reconcilation for kurds?

Mustafa Mehmet

where is dogistan ?

Jens Holm

Those are SDFs. And the help for them is exact the same from the same coalition in Iraq/Bagdad.

Jens Holm

I agree. A waste helping Assads. They are the main killers in Syria for many years. Some reduction is fine. They just let almost all in Afrin leave and it became Turks and FSAs.

You can rely they are not reliable.

Mustafa Mehmet

What you mumbling about no understand try aging

Jens Holm

That no mumbling even I have not shawed yet.

SDFs did not uprise and didnt make the reasons for it. So let those fight.

Assads dont support the ideas for decentralisme by Counsils and local influence for devellopment as well. The weaker Assads are, the harder it will be to attack the selfmade structure.

Promitheas Apollonious

that be a big mistake if Assad agree to what you saying are you a kurd in search of a better paying master?


I’m italian and the kurds must live under the Assad government.

Jens Holm

At least a sensible oppinion even I dont agree. Thanks.

Cedric Hunter

Never accept a kiss from a rattlesnake with red lipstick.

Jens Holm

Which behind are You talking about :)


You do not know what you are talking about. Kurds are traitors to Syria government. Kurds are USA-puppets and have allowed USA to stablish several militar basis on Syria land….because there is not kurds land.


Gustavo, are you italian? I Can explain in italian language my opinion :-)

Jens Holm

Its a matter of definition. To me Assads and the sheep Baathistas since hafez has been trators to the articial country of Syria.

Somehow it should never have been like that with new colonial borders mad e buy france and great brittain. Funny You can insist in stupid borders not made for You but oil in kurkuk and has made Damnaskus to Konstantinople – just smaller.

But of course, you not even liberated Yourself and still is not liberated. But Yu certainly is worse then expected.


You have no idea abour the miraculous effects of captagon


Do you take the captagon or the SDF take it?


Putin does


Do you live with him for know this secret information? If it’s true, say Putin who Italy love him :-)


Told him and he said you should try English. And French wine and cuisine.


My english is very good :-)

Feudalism Victory

They need all the help they can get. Bringing in those syrians under the sdf banner in can only be good Id think.


They’ll negotiate themselves if that was the case like the southern FSA guys.


Kurds are USA puppets and have allowed USA to put several militar basis in Syria land…because there is not kurds land at all.

Jens Holm

You seemes to be experts in puppets. Do You paint beards on Yours.

Bill Wilson

The Us/Coalition has been using their base at al Tanf to train moderate FSA units on how to fight ISIS out in the desert. Some are kept there to block ISIS and smugglers out in the southern desert while others are sent off to join SDF units in Hasakah and Dier Azzor provinces. The SAA has been hard pressed to find suitable recruits over the years so now have units holding locations out there that are only capable of holding defensive positions and can’t take the fight to ISIS out in the desert, so sit in their garrisons while ISIS fighters go around them causing major mischief that we don’t hear about, such as blowing up pipelines, pumping stations and high power electrical lines. Assad’s government finally wised up and decided to reconcile with the moderate rebels who were experienced in fighting the extremists and ISIS and had no qualms leading the SAA charge to wipe them out in Dara’a. The SAA is using them with their elite units against ISIS in eastern Suwaydia so it would be practical for Damascus to accept help from the SDF & affiliated FSA units to get after ISIS east of the Euphrates. The further they’re driven away from the river will demoralize the ISIS units stuck on the east bank of the river since that would eliminate any chance of assistance to escape across the river then over the border into Iraq.

Jens Holm

A very sensible logisme in that. I dont agree in all of it. But true You should not say ISIS is out.

I do have the same kind of fear that ISIS still can cause internal damage in all zones and also, that the Damaskus one has many ISIS and other leftovers.

Its difficult to build and reagin in that. And can Assads effort havin a great lack of troops/police and economy. To me Assads more and more is only a military succes in its maximum, which can break down.

Most people not even count, that so many soldiers are a kind of “has been” as well as tired needing many months to regain.

I still dont get, whats going on at the Hajin-Abu Kaml sector.


Siban Hamo said, “ISIS launched barbaric attacks against our people in al-Suwayda. The pain of the Druze is the same pain we felt in Kobane and Afrin … We do not distinguish between these attacks and those against al-Suwayda. The YPG is ready to dispatch forces to liberate it from terrorism,”.

But the problem is that ISIS took order from US, NATO and Israel and have attacked civilians in al-Suwayda. Siban Hamo also work for US, NATO and Israeli forces. These ISIS terrorists came from Al-Tanf and demanded from Damascus to give them safe passage to return back to Al-Tanf. They want to divide Syria and its nation. If Kurds leave separatism agenda and unite with SAA then this joint operation is possible.

Jens Holm

What a crap from rubberduck.

Next jews wrote the holy Choran to keep mislims down too, and invented Muhammed econoimics as well.

Jens Holm

I dont think Damaskus is worth to be helped. They made the uprise and are the responsible for that. SDFs areneutral in that. No help from SDFs. What a waste. Look at Afrin.

Smith Ricky

“They made the uprising” ? Lol You got some major homework to do.




Wow the Kurds are swallowing they own piss ,they barely fight Isis, those trash just surrounded to the kurds and ran away and yet those devils was till death against the syrian government if you were observing the Syrian war its obvious all those groups the Syrian state are fighting are created or founded by the C.I.A and it’s allies in the Middle East.

Jens Holm

Do You really believe that Yourself ? At least Comic Ali was funny.


Follow the money. The Kurds are part of the evil Jew Yinon plan regime change project, just like Isis. Secession is regime change in the NE. The Kurds fought Isis? Big deal, the entire motley crew of terrorist name changers have been fighting against each other for the entire war.


“The United States spent at least $12 billion in Syria-related military and civilian expenses in the four years from 2014 through 2017, according to the former U.S. ambassador to the country.

This $12 billion is in addition to the billions more spent to pursue regime change in Syria in the previous three years, after war broke out in 2011.

This striking figure provides a further glimpse of the exorbitant sums of money the U.S. spent trying to topple the government in Damascus. It also bluntly contradicts claims by Syrian opposition supporters that the former administration of President Barack Obama “did nothing” in Syria, or that it supposedly did not seek regime change fervently enough.

Former U.S. ambassador to Syria Robert S. Ford disclosed this information in written testimony prepared for a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on February 6.”

– US Ambassador Confirms Billions Spent On Regime Change in Syria –


Jens Holm

They own that much money, because they have productive systems. You have one stringed systems based on fear and bajonets, so they dont support it.

Of course the more then 500.000. They all were supporters od the sheep Baathistas – And of course the 11 mio. internal and extrernal refugees do. 11 of 19 mio. dont support Assads being passive or against, thats as a minimum 58%. And the there is the rest which actually fight against or try to be neutral.

So You have to add to the 58% non supporters.


We have bombs and we have tanks cause we got money in our banks but they won’t fall as long as they can fight.

Jens Holm

Changes certainly is needed in the belowed world of fiaskos of Yours. No wonder SDFs wish to be more themselves.

Syria is an artificial state. It not even liberated itself but copied John Wayne in terror mode as Governess.


It appears Kurds are desperate to take part in the government operations.

Promitheas Apollonious

why is fishy since they be fighting against the turks in reality and using saa for their gains. next stop afrin………………….


I don’t know but they have never been so interested in teaming up with the SAA. Afrin is gone by the way. It may return to the government, but kurds are not gonna return to Afrin.

Mustafa Mehmet

Well said

Jens Holm

They are paddling to the best water to find.

Jonathan Cohen

They shouldn’t be fighting turks, with whom they agree on ABORTION RIGHTS, so they shouldn’t be offering to help Assad far from their own lines. Kurds should fight ISIS, but only where they can reach ISIS directly, and only where they can secure the land they take from ISIS for ABORTION RIGHTS!


You’re a troll but you’re consistent. Upvote for you lol.

Julian Clegg

What the hell are you talking about?

Jonathan Cohen

Both Turkey and YPJ support abortion rights, so it is stupid of them to be fighting each other when they are on the same side.

Mustafa Mehmet

next stop should be ragga. for saa .afrin negotiable

Promitheas Apollonious

are you sure afrin is negotiable?

Mustafa Mehmet

As long as our borders save from pkk or. any kurks don’t see any prop

Promitheas Apollonious

k time will show us both what reality on the ground is I guess.

Jens Holm

I dont think so. None dare to start anything there and Russia and USA will stop all of it.

Jens Holm

Stupidism again. 30 millions are kurds there and only a few are PKK. Of course a waste even to try to communicate with a non updated win85.

Mustafa Mehmet

yeah right. afrin along Turkish army destroys 4300 scumbag not just few la la la

Jens Holm

I agree. Turks hardly will negosiate. If anything, they will fill it up with more then 3 mio. refugees in tents or barracks.

Jens Holm

Damskus wont get Afrin back the next 50 or 100 years even if Erdoagan gets a heartattach and they have civile war problems having no new replacement for him.

The ultimative demands of Assads did that. Nr 1 was to resettle his administration as in old days – Then he would be mild and gentle.

Jens Holm

Well, they dont for the moment. You might see SDFs a few troops, but You ignore the many 1000 troops guarding against Turks.

Therefore You also can send good troops covering Raqqa for now doing almost only civile help regaining more parts of Raqqa and Tabqa. Its extra troops – so to speak.

Promitheas Apollonious

i am sure is something you try to say just did not understand what you mean to say or your point.

Jens Holm

I say You dont see most of the SDF troops at all. They already in almost silence cover the Turkish border as well as it goes.

So the troops from Raqqa is the ones not in use and available. Raqqa and maybee some few ISIS nest east of them can be handled by the rest.

I hope You understand. If not, you can ask. I will be here probatly for up to an hour.


You have been sleeping during 7 years of Syria war. Kurds are USA-Israel puppets who are interested in partition of Syria, and Kurds have alloed USA-NATO to have several military basis in Syria land….because there is not kurds land at all.


I woke up on 30 Sept 2015 and I understand what you are saying, but did not understand what does it have to do with my comment.

Jens Holm

He has been sleeping 7 years …


they got much much military equipments ,heavy arms from usa. and finally usa will not prevail in syria. they know

Jens Holm

SDFs has no heavy arms at all.

Jens Holm

Does it matter. SDFs are special made and armed to defeat ISIS – with help of course.

Jens Holm

Yes, they probatly seemes to show good will in mainly political way. But they do have troops, which fight ISIS much better in that narrow terain then most troops of SAA.

The proposed help is not empty – so to speak.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

It is a good offer, but first they must kick out the US and NATO invaders.


How stupid you are…. kurds are USA-Israel puppets.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Assad, Syrian leaders and people, RF, Iran and Hezbollah have all left room for peace and reconciliation. This should apply to even the Kurds: it is not too late for them to see the light, kick out the invading US and rejoin the Syrian family.

Jens Holm

You really get nothing.This is not about Kurds and SDFs at all.

They did not participate in the uprise and the few of them were supoorted and supported Assads. The did thier best – as now – to stay out of it.

They became something against ISIS taking almost all in north not being defended by Assads as well as being reduced to low priority.

So the dark in that is among You, but as usual You blame everybody else for bad governess of the worst kind: Jews, Israel, zionists, americans, westerns – whatever.

You even ignore many arabics from outside Syria supported the uprise incl. Turkey.

A remarkable genetic attitude of the worst kind.

The light is the Governess of Syria is a bad regime runned by bad or at least incompetent and corrupt elites and even if You might make a military victory, You have crippled even the good things, You are milking as cows and goats given no food.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What a load of rubbish. The US invaders and their EU/NATO slaves better get out of Syria before the locals boot you out. Did the exceptionally violent state US learn nothing from Vietnam?
Get out and stay out!


well done


u r not correct. sdf only getting benefits from usa.

Jens Holm

Thats incorrect. They do get things from others in the coalition. Fx we pay and USA buy.

Jens Holm

It make no sense at all.

As a minimum they get armed from them. Hard to fight with no weapons and supply.

You can call me Al

Half of the Kurdish forces are ISIS scum, so for me fuck off you money grabbing traitors.


I don’t know why, but i love their music and im not alone. It is magic, even if i don’t understand most of the lyrics. https://i.imgur.com/HQzwzBK.png

Jens Holm

You counted them Yourself or are they less then 20.


the whole free world know that reality. one coin two sides my dear.


Kurds are still calling western airstrikes any time the SAA or its Russian allies tries to cross the Euphrates. They should be shot on sight.

Jens Holm

That as a minimum should go the other way too.

As longs as they come with no respect, which is the normal way for Damaskus, they will be hit hard. It seemes to be the only way to communicate.

Its even in writings and videos: As long as the SDFs are not safe for SDFs, the Coalition will be there to protect them.

Trying to cross like that is like the flee market of them are cheep spendable sheep.

I do remember SAA demanded help from SDfs to take DEZ. When they in rapid advance tryed could divide the ISIS troops in 2w at the industrial complex, they were heavy bombarded byy Assad artillery and had to retreat and stay at the railway center.

When then in stead took the Tanak and Omar oilfields, they were vlamed stealing oil for amaricans and uniting with ISIS.

And then SAA with russians crosses Eufrat, and as usual knowing what was in the front of them, met now well prepared ISIS fortifications and by that lost a lot of equipment. Only hevay bombardments saved a little terrain but only in the low parts along Eufrat.

If Damaskus had let SDFs followed their very good and advanced plan, there hardly would have been ISIS troops there, because ISIS had been decimated a lot even SDFs probatly had have big losses as well.

There wer no good tropops for that SAA crossing. There was not enough troops in DEZ as well as they were spread out and bad koordinated – as well as they have been moved and have been fighting for many days.

SDFs were fresh troops in good planes and at the correct positions for it.

Only dishonor for Assads and again total infected misguided lying videos created by russians too.

The sensible result should have been SAA had troops to take all the way to Abu Kamal as well as covering and taking the Palmyra-Sukna-T2 much better.

I dont see that incompetence should rule much in the SDF and the rest of Syria. Not even elementary things for Tigers and other armed units were done. And thats the Syria, You prefare.

Even nazis in old tanks having air cover by Junkers would have knocked You out having their grenaders in stead of ISIS. Germans digged well too.


Nevermind their sugar daddy US were the one letting these IS pass their base to attack Al Suwayda. What’s left with these Kurdish forces credibility really ?

Cedric Hunter

At this point, never trust the Kurds. They are beyond trust. Any territory they help to take back will be influtrated with spies from ‘moderate’ rebel groups. Its a set up. The Americans are preparing to send rebels from Al Tanf and into Palmyra. They aim to cut Central Syria in half again.
The government must reject this offer and instead fortify its holdings in the Euphrates River Valley and Palmyra. An attack there is coming. I predict that any offer is a trick. President Assad is no fool, he knows that the Kurds are untrustworthy while they still hold Raqqa.
If they were to surrender the town to government forces, then there would be a basis of trust to start joint operations. A sacrifice of earth and water. But that will not happen.


exactly. good analysis

Jens Holm

Very Anal. Perhaps close to the brain.

Jens Holm

You have no idea about, whats going on at all. Makes me laugh, that some few semi-fas can take Palmyra. If so it make me laugh too, that SAA agin by that should show how incompetent, they are.

Kurds are not holding Raqqa as well. Which part of mars are You settled in.


What about terrorists harming civilians in the rest of the country YPG? Sounds like too little too late. Especially untrustworthy since they should be reconciling with the Syrian government and combating ISIS in known territories, including Al Tanf. Why don’t they start there?

Sven Schmidt

The SDF are traitors to syria supported by the enemies of syria! Uncle sam and ISrael! They are next on the list!

Julian Clegg

Please demonstrate, with evidence, how Israel is involved with the SDF. And please don’t bring Iraqi Kurdistan into it – that is a different matter.


“”” August 5, General Commander of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units
(YPG), Siban Hamo, told … Furthermore, Hamo noted that the YPG liberated third of Syria’s territory from ISIS,which proves the effectiveness of the Kurdish group, according to him.””” Funny how when the the US is master of both groups how easy it is to liberate territory. We(US) just told ISIS to stand down. We don’t care who “liberates” Syrian lands as long as they are under our thumb. The rate of YPG advancement from Raqqa to Der Azor proves this. They advanced the same distance as SAA did in 5% of the time through heavy “hostile” country.


Any advance of kurds (USA-puppets) must be bombed. Kurds must wait for their turn to fight SAA-Russia-Iran-Hezbolah. Just wait your death and destruction is coming.