Now, Ukrainian authorities demand that an important religious place in Kiev be abandoned by Orthodox monks, which sounds unacceptable to the Christian people.
Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.
Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime continues to persecute Christians and impose severe restrictions on the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. Now, Ukrainian authorities are demanding that an important spiritual site in Kiev be abandoned by local monks, which sounds unacceptable to the Orthodox population. The threats made by the regime raise concerns in the Russian government, which hopes that the case will be investigated, and Ukraine will be punished internationally.
The place being now targeted by the Ukrainian regime’s ambition is the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, one of the most important spiritual centers for the Slavic Christendom, where several Orthodox monks live, and thousands of people make pilgrimages every year. Until the end of 2022, the site was administered under a joint jurisdictional system between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (under the Patriarchate of Moscow) and the Ukraine’s National Kiev-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Preserve, a state entity designated for the preservation of historical heritage.
However, with the rise of religious intolerance in the country, the situation in the Lavra began to deteriorate. As well known, the Ukrainian government has used anti-Russian rhetoric to attack the Orthodox Church, claiming a supposed “necessity” to combat institutions linked to Moscow, whether state, private or ecclesiastical. This even led to the formal prohibition of the Patriarchate of Moscow in the country, making the Orthodox faith (professed by the majority of the Ukrainian people) illegal. In this sense, as expected, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra became the target of the regime’s attacks on the Church.
Since the end of last year, the Patriarchate of Moscow has lost its share in the administration of the Lavra, which is now fully in the hands of the Ukrainian government. On March 10th, a definitive step towards the desacralization of the site was taken: the government issued an order for all monks to evacuate from the Lavra by March 29th, alleging without any proof that the clerics had violated terms of use of the site. Obviously, the decision was not accepted and the local religious leaders are still in the Lavra, begging for their right to freely practice their faith that is rejected by the neo-Nazi regime, which sees simple citizens of Ukrainian ethnicity as true enemies for the mere fact of being linked to the Patriarchate of Moscow.
Patriarch Kyrill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, publicly condemned the attitude of the Ukrainian authorities, calling Kiev’s decision “repressive”. He reminded the historical importance of the Lavra and emphasized that there was no transparency in the alleged investigation of “violations” committed by the monks and denounced that the Ukrainian authorities do not hide their clear objective, which is to absolutely eliminate Orthodoxy. He further commented on Ukraine’s hypocrisy in implementing dictatorial acts while claiming to defend European “democratic” values.
“The Kiev Lavra of the Caves is the first monastery of the Kievan Rus. It is the founder of the common spiritual and monastic tradition of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian peoples. It is the cradle of our civilization and national cultures (…) The work of a certain commission for searching violations in the accounting procedure was not transparent, and its repressive aim – the full banishment of the monks from the Lavra – was not concealed by state officials and representatives of other Ukrainian religious organizations influenced by secular authorities (…) It is regrettable that while the Ukrainian state leaders declare their commitment to democratic norms, to the European way of development and adherence to human rights and freedoms, these rights and freedoms are violated in the most glaring way”, the Patriarch said.
In the same vein, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on March 12 that the Russian State views Ukrainian maneuvers against the Church with concern. Peskov stressed that for Moscow these acts are unacceptable and urged the international community to investigate the situation, thus continuing the constant Russian calls for Kiev to be held accountable and internationally sanctioned for its crimes.
“It causes [concern]. This is an absolutely unprecedented attitude toward representatives of the church, the Russian Orthodox Church. We consider this unacceptable. We believe that the world community should respond appropriately to such an outrageous decision”, he said.
Unfortunately, the West has repeatedly made it clear that Kiev has a kind of “carte blanche” to commit war crimes, ethnic persecution, religious intolerance, and political repression. The Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will certainly continue to carry out its acts of terrorism against Orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the most likely thing is that the Lavra will have the same fate that other important Orthodox cathedrals and monuments have had in recent months: desecration, destruction, or donation to ultra-nationalist schismatics allied to the regime.
Burn all church buildings and kill all criminal religious mafia leaders.
The religious plague is the worst thing that has happened to mankind.
Atheistic liberal, your Mystery Babylon will fall harder than a Lebron James’ dunk.
^says mystery gayreece babylon to great shitstain babylon.
The nazis in Ukraine are 2,15%. It has a normal elected parlament and not a regime.
And arrrrh religion too. Fanatisme both ways.
omg did Hitler persecute Christians?
The ruling elite do not kill useful idiots.
^says the useless idiot
Yes he did with Greeks and Poles.
^says the pole riding gayreek
Did Nazis Persecute Orthodox Christians Ever?
I never realized that National Socialists persecuted Orthodox Christians, forgive me my lack of jewish propaganda history.
Both nazis and bolshevics persecuted orthdox christians.
Only the first ones persecuted jews.
Strangly not a single one persecuted muslims.
you mean orthodox jews, because NS were neo-Christians.
No the nazi ideology was nordic pagan but they did not dare to go against the church.
There is even one church which showed hitler in hell during ww2.
But they knew if they would arest that spezific kardinal en entire region would have turned against them.
Hitler renounced Himmlerisms.
Judenverfolgung ist verbrämte Ausdehnung des Davidstern-Nebels
Shallow approach. Lenin and Trotzkiy persecuted all: traditional religions (christians, muslims, buddhists) and everything occult (sects, paganism), because it was official policy of the militant atheism though the Church (as public institute) wasn’t banned and allowed to re-establish Patriarchy (dismissed in the beginning of 18th century when a monarch became the head of Church) and elect new Patriarch. Stalin slowed this policy down, but aggressive demons of destruction (known as militant atheists) continued repressions. You can’t put a gin back to bottle easily, especially when gins is basic part of the system. Hrushöv continued and promised to show the last pop (orthodox priest). Brezhnev held mild policy on religion – officially it wasn’t endorsed, but no consequences to be a believer. Gorbachöv and Yeltzin are known for the boom of occult charlatans, fortune tellers, astrologists, pagans and sectarians of all kinds – from western evangelists (known for TV-pastors acting like on cocaine), Hubbard’s scientologists and Jehovah’s witnesses to eastern sects like indian krishnaits, korean munits and japanese “Aum Sinrikyo” which attacked people in Tokyo underground with sarine and murdered tens. Now almost all of them are banned officially, but “TV-pastors” still active. The Ukraine is full of these demons, no one restricted their activity. The most famous TV presenter of the Ukraine, Dmitriy Gordon (one more atheistic jew like Elenskiy), was a charlatan, trader of “healing pyramid” figures, which can cure even cancer. There were cases when people stopped anti-cancer therapy and bought this “healing” pyramid for big money. Now Gordon is respectable journalist. And such people are all around at the top of the regime in the Ukraine.
I totally agree with you. Some cults of the so called New Age are freaky. Maybe traditional Christianity or traditional Hellenism should be brought back because the failure of atheism led people to cults like Scientology, Aum Shinrikyo, Crowley, Theosophy.
“New age” (rodnovers in ex-USSR) sectarians loves to wear swastons (swastika-like symbols), this is a step before direct satanism. Many hohols were rodnovers and the made tatoos with Baphomet (one of devil’s images with goat’s head) like those nazis from “Azovsteel” plant – clear sign of satanism with bloody rituals.
I think that you have mixed different groups.
And why do those orthodox jews have crosses on their foreheads? Are they cross-eyed?
^Jesus will break the cross-eyed.
I want to see you beaten until you become purple.
^pushes his glasses up his jew nose, and blinks hard repeatedly.
I renounce purple while faggots and jews still exist.
You will become purple from the beatings. This is a renovation.
It’s cure for stupid ones and scoundrels. I’m against repressions, but sometimes it’s needed in homeopathic dozes for social health.
These scoundrels like JHK and Clyde need some good “renovations” for sure. Icarus the same.
Clyde and Icarus looks like adequate persons. You can have opposite opinion, because trolls are using Clyde’s (Mexican beaner’s and mine too) name to write a crap. Or just like Jensy and fake Jensy, though both are posting crap, but fake one is at least funny sometimes when not touching the theme below a belt. Same name, but different style. JHK and another person (or may be its him too), who loves to mention jews, muslims and liberal-communists every time, are really inadequate people and should be healed by electric therapy in mental asylum.
Icarus is a psychopath. He even admits it himself. Not to mention his hatred of Greeks and Serbs. Fake Jens is the Yuri guy. Clyde looks better but he is also a sociopath and a troll of a Stalinist variety. JHK is psychopath but he probably fell from grace when his friends did a massive crime (his friends were in Canada and were involved in mass murder) and he followed a dark path.
Ha-ha-ha-ha, are you serious? That’s funny.
I am serious.
^says the humiliated incel
Was stalin an orthodox christian? Is that why he killed more Christians than Hitler ever killed even jews?
What is the timetable for the rekhazarisation of the kiev russ?
And are the banderists planned to be kept as bloodhounds of the khazars or will they be taken out at some point during the process?
Most un likely, but now as before the Bolsheviks were removed by a relative side show -Stalin.
The official start of Kiev Russ or Old Russ was in 862 AD. At that time the predominant religion was polytheistic, borrowing some elements of Green, Roman and Norse mythology. The predominant deity on the top of the pantheon was call Rid. Depending on what part of Old Russ someone lived, that same deity may of gone by several other names.
Orthodoxy was brought to Old Rus in 988, by Prince Vladimir who accepted Christianly on a state visit to Constantinople the year before. The first city to become a Christian city, was Kiev in 988. It took several generations for Christianity to spread to the other cities, and the spread was always peaceful.
Religion ist mittelalterliche Jugend-Dummheit
Sa divím, že Ukrajinci si nechali ukradnúť vieru!!! Tak toto sme tu už dávno nevideli. Naposledy niekedy v 14. storočí, ak sa nemýlim. Ale vtedy šlo o Rímsko-katolícku cirkev. Tiež cirkev mala dvoch Pápežov.
You can’t steal a belief, but you can trick a less gifted person into a belief.
^says the feeb who lost his soul, and stole the belief of satanists.
Fuck the Orthodox Church and fuck all those bearded rapist and murderous priests.
Orthodox priests do not need to rape little children cause there is no celibate in the church unlike the katholics.
kotor maniacy implies a lack thereof
In Unit 731 we violate children just like in Bohemian Grove.
Yes, the pearl harbor children of satan(la), bohemian grove was left for Alex Jones to expose.
Unlike the west, in orthodoxly there are two types of priests, monk-priest, and non-monk priests. The monk priests are celibate, but the non-monk priests are married, and with some children born after they had become a priest.
Even monks can be married too, if they were married before possessing status of a monk. Almost all priests are married and usually have many kids in families.
Zelensky is the new Kemal Ataturk.
Much worse, new downgraded village version of Hitler.
Not Hitler, more like pro-Western Kemal.
This is nothing more the religious persecution. It does not matter who the oppressors are and who the oppressed are, and it is wrong. Other current examples of religious oppression, would be China vs Christians in China; Islam vs non-muslims, dictators imposing the only the “state approved religion” under the guise of unity, like what the immoral political leaders of Ukraine are doing right now.
What’s wrong with christians in China? They are ~0,0000000001% of population. By the way, you can watch on photos of beautiful orthodox christian temple of Sofia in Harbin (capital oh Manchuria), though i’s not active today, only one smaller church and one protestant temple with german pastor. As far as i know, China suffered more from christians than christians from China. We almost took Manchuria as our colony ~100 years ago, though Manchuria was the domain of last China’s dynasty Qing, their place of origin, because manchurians conquered China ~300 years ago. Modern regions of Russia – Primorie, Amur region southern part of Habarovsk region – were parts of Manchuria before 1858. China simply gave ~1 million square kilometers as a gift for establish good relations. Westerners attacked China a lot and severely, Beijing though that Russia could do the same and preferred to buy our loyalty. England also burnt part of Beijing, waged two Opium wars for the right to sell drugs from colonies in India, took Hong Kong, Germany took Shandong peninsula, Portugal – Macao. And all together fought against the boxers uprising.
this is what atheist amerikan do in newly named wokestan
What did Stalin do to Orthodox Christians?
Saved them in the most tremendous war?
He did one opportunistic thing to be saved from Hitler.
“Opportunistic thing” was prepared since 1932 (famous speech in military academy with words: “We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We have to run this distance in 10 years. Either we do it, or we will be crushed.” Ten years: 1932-42, his prognosis was right, but the War for Russia has started 1 year before the end of 2nd 5-year plan of industrialization. One or two years more, and we could have enough T-34 and KV tanks, modern planes instead obsolete I-16, more well trained divisions to stop nazis at border. But even so, Stalin won the Great Patriotic War and then company against Japan and saved hundreds million people from genocide. Number of killed people in Europe ~55 million, China lost ~33 million people, add losses of koreans, mongols. Japan attacked USSR and Mongolia before WWII, Zhukov saved Mongolia from defeat, it was his first large operation.
The losses of the Soviet Union were appalling. Stalin wanted to let monarchists and Orthodox Christians to defend because he knew that if these groups allied with the Axis then he would lose big time.
Zelensky isn’t a Nazi he is Jewish. Real Nazis wante dhis people dead. Heard he is more like a Jewish Philosopher savant and millitant atheist. Orthodox CHurch has to prove it needs to exist to people like Zelensky. DIfferent Bizzare shit compared to Dugin.
Bannons arm chair philosophers are jokers. CIA keeps talking about religion they should go To Bohemian Grove and put a gun in their mouth in front of the statue of their real god Molech. Same for the Fellowship. There are no AMerican CHristians or ENglish speaking christians. WIndsors and the CIA wrecked the CHurch. CIA need to understand AMrica survivies if they die. The recruimtnet cycle needs to be short and quick. Ask them whetehr theyd like to serve can acheive these girls than lead them into a back room and shoot them. Best place a college library, interview room. ANyone loyal to what they were told the state was is too fucking stupid to live…..
Zelensky and the Orthodox CHurch would agree if they knew…..
I heard you gotta understand radical branches or theosophy and French Existnetialism in relation to the human concept of the state to get Zelensky. He is mad selfish but Jewish atheism produces people who have absorbed the sort of group survival tactic and economic and social stability. He’s not a true tyrant he sees the uses of Neoliberalism and Marxism. Take away certain ideas like Descartes Cogito and apply them with some sophistry or hard analysis on the human thought process and you do get the isolated super man. Political ZIonism of the 70s almost like Manifest Destinty has that feel.
Complex for a leader to have an ideology that personal and impersonal but not National SOcialism. Its not Ayn Rand but does lead to a Machiavellian front. Almost like justifying Personality CUlt as part of a political system but with massive soical ramifications.
Its complex older groups in the Classical period had similar ideas related to the Gnosis and Great man theory of History. Obscure stuff similar to Masonic teachings in ELite Poltiical science institutions exist that point the way.
The Great Man Theory Freidrich NIeztchse
Not a Believer and he’s way flexible to live by it….working clas ssocialist who sees Marx as luantic wokring for Rothschild. EVery man a DIctator to the dictarotship of the Lumpneporleteriat…..
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