
The cover picture was provided by Luís Garcia. Click to see full-size image
Kiev continues its rhetoric towards a confrontation with Russia, and with the Eastern Ukrainian republics.
On March 16th, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko made a comment in response to the statement by Russia’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova about the alleged “illegitimacy” of Ukraine’s efforts to return the occupied Crimea.
Nikolenko noted that the threats of the Russian Foreign Ministry against Ukraine and other member states of the Crimean Platform were yet another manifestation of the ongoing marginalization of Russian foreign policy.
This is incredibly ironic.
“Russia has no other status in Crimea than occupying power. Allegations of encroaching on the ‘territorial integrity of Russia’ is an example of a distorted perception of reality. A thief does not acquire legal ownership of a stolen item. Russia’s internationally recognized borders have long been known. They do not include Crimea and Sevastopol,” Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said.
He noted that the national strategy approved by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the currently created Crimean Platform aimed to make efforts to de-occupy Crimea consistent.
Nikolenko also said that Ukraine was receiving much international support for its attempt to promote a new “international format” and that Moscow’s attempt to “discredit the initiative” were evidence enough that it needs to continue.
As mentioned earlier, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said that all Kiev’s efforts to return Crimea were “illegitimate” and could be perceived as a “threat of aggression against the two subjects of the Russian Federation”, while the participation of any countries and organizations in such actions, including the Crimean Platform initiative, would be seen “as an unfriendly step towards Russia and a direct encroachment on its territorial integrity.”
Of course, if diplomacy failed, Ukraine is also prepared to use force.
Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister for European Integration Anatolii Petrenko said that Kiev was “aware” of “Russian military forces concentrated in the occupied Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders and is ready to prevent any further military provocations against its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
“Ukraine is ready to prevent any further threats to our territorial integrity and sovereignty. We all understand Russia’s military potential and what military forces it has already concentrated on the occupied peninsula. But, at the same time, we are doing everything we can, through military measures and using national resources, to prevent any further aggression from the south towards Ukraine. We will take all adequate measures to protect the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian land,” Petrenko stressed.
“The word ‘cooperation’ is very important both for our policy towards the de-occupation of Crimea and for the development of our defense capabilities. Political engagement, consolidated resources, an international presence in the Black Sea, further assistance to Ukraine in pursuing defense reform and building up modern capabilities, Ukraine’s strategic prospects for becoming a member of a collective security organization are the components that must be used to provide you with a complete answer: Yes, Ukraine is ready to prevent any escalation from many directions,” said the Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine.
No mention was made of Defender Europe 2021 that began recently that involves 30,000 troops and plays out encroaching on Russia’s borders and initiating a war.
- On March 17, the UAF targeted positions of the DPR/LPR forces by grenade launchers near Shakhta
- On March 17, the UAF targeted positions of the DPR/LPR forces by grenade launchers near Leninskoye
- On March 16, artillery of the DPR/LPR forces targeted UAF positions near Vodiane
- On March 16, artillery of the DPR/LPR forces targeted UAF positions near Verkhnyotoretske
“A thief does not acquire legal ownership of a stolen item.”
Well that is one way to describe Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev with regards the Russian-Crimea.
And the zionist occupation of Palestine, come to that.
My worries are the Jews there look and behave more and more like the arabs.
Show me an arab thats as white as bibi, or you or me for that matter.
Look in the mirror bud!
Look wasnt about paint
So u have a problem with semitc Jews but not with European ones???? Racist
Look is not meant as paint. Many things and behavings can be colored and not being about painting.
So arabs are colored. Maybee You then are sandniggers or what:)
After all this drama with “the one that shall not be named”, another needs a good distraction. War is the best distraction.
Russia was never smaller in centuries, yet they can’t leave Russia alone !
Empires like UK, France and Osmans for good reasons has expired too.
Now they are transformed to something else sometimes better and sometimes the same and sometimes worse.
You want those to go back to a fiasco not even decided by themself and they were taken buy miliaty force as well. Its was exact the same for the Tzars. It became a fiasco because the KEEP had no realisme.
The reasons for that also are well descriebed. I see it right here. None here write about production for wellfare for all. None here talk about friendship with neigbors is a good thing. The comment mainly is the Russian military forces are the n´biggest and best and even the fastest solution is some nukes.
None accept that unless they are forced to. They defend themself or emmigrate. Thats why USA in several ways as result has their freedom defined by the citicens has the right to armed defence agains the state.
We fx see it for Syria too. Any opposition for any changes was stricktly forbidden. No debate or not fixed elections was possible. The only thing Assad dont ignore are armed people having many reasons for change and most of them are very good reasons.
Here the Assads alsways refer to the bad sides of the oposition but forget thir own. Thats how things are. The Russian Leadership are not able to see and react on needed changes into a more advanced and productive system, whivch even might the neighbors like them better, because Russia then has something to offer.
The UK was never an Empire. It was the British Empire, not the United Kingdom Empire. Great Britain, being England, Scotland and Wales and the United Kingdom includes Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom, or Britain, is a sovereign country in north-western Europe,
What was the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour set up for? Was it media manipulation and mass ‘mind’ control, in order to change the generic opinions of the anti-war US and UK citizens, to prime them up for WWI?
How many Empires fell between 1913-1919, just after the creation of the Fed Reserve, which was run by the same crowd running the City of London and Washington DC. Completely independent of the nations they lodged in. The Fed Reserve set up, just before the Balfour Declarations, which led to the formation of Israel, back in 1947. The Commonwealth of Nations, which The British Empire, also fell after the Fed Reserve was created, in order to switch reserve currencies from Gold to paper. As the British Empire moved forward with the formation of the Commonwealth.
1884 – Lord Rosebery, a British politician, described the changing British Empire as a “Commonwealth of Nations.”
1931 – British Commonwealth of Nations was founded under the Statute of Westminster with five initial members – the United Kingdom, Canada, the Irish Free State, Newfoundland, and the Union of South Africa. (Ireland permanently left the Commonwealth in 1949, Newfoundland became part of Canada in 1949, and South Africa left in 1961 due to apartheid but rejoined in 1994 as the Republic of South Africa).
1946 – Commonwealth rebrands. The word “British” was dropped and the organization became known as simply the Commonwealth of Nations. Australia and New Zealand adopted the Statute in 1942 and 1947, respectively. With India’s independence in 1947, the new country desired to become a Republic and to not utilize the monarchy as their head of state. The London Declaration of 1949 modified the requirement that members must view the monarchy as their head of state to require that countries recognize the monarchy as simply the leader of the Commonwealth.
When did the Prussian Empire fall?
1947 – Foundations of Israel laid down.
So true, especially when you consider how much territory, including Alaska that Russia has given away.
Territories Annexed to Ukraine (just from Russia), not forgetting Stalin giving Galicia’s Lyev to Ukraine and more.
So how much did the Tzars pay for Alaska:)
Darling, why would Stalin give the territory to Ukraine, when it was part of the Soviet Union, that he led? So the City of London created Bolsheviks had a lot of hard work, when trying to entice the ‘Borderlands’ to join the party? Guess you never noticed, that the people of Russia did not have an easy time when the City of London created Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire?
So as you have stated, in your own words, the territory that Stalin and Lenin handed over to Ukraine, from Russia and Galicia, was not given to Ukraine passe, but, to the Soviet Union? So riddle me this, owing to the fact that Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have never ratified their borders, in accordance with international law (they are only recognised, whilst all three are members of the CIS), since the fall of the Soviet Union, then the territory, which as you have stated was never given to Ukraine, should revert back to 1917 borders? Should it not?
NATO and Ukraine know the Russian military doctrine..which allows the use of Nukes in case of Invasion of Russian territory….
there are some parties that would love to give it to the russians, such a party is dumb poles and dumb latvians, and dumb lithuanians and dumb estonians but rest assured those are the only ones since there is not one of the solid european states that voluntarily will tangle with the russian bear, unless under duress from the dumbed down yankee-twats, maybe but not even then a certainty. so Russia can sleep tight.
I think You are incorrect. Thy just want to be themself (again) and defend themself.
You write it Yourself. Those are not Russians and by that Russians should not decide there by threats but be good neighbors and mind their own business.
The rest is in old days only. Our world dont work like that.
Your kind of rhetorics just makes it worse. EU as well as Nato do its best to help the ones still sufferering from the political, economi and military USSR collapse.
So dont blame us for Your homegrown systems of a world, whe have not chosen. They also has not chosen it.
USSR partly collapsed because too much EXACTLY was used in totally unneeded military matters to keep a crap system even biased so some few decided everything had to be bad.
Uncle Marx still is rotating in his grave in a traume center.
Ypu are more like too much Russain beer then bear
Your kind of rhetorics just makes it worse. EU as well as Nato do its best to help the ones still sufferering from the political, economi and military USSR collapse….
ROFL, as Madelaine Albright version of peace keeping so comes to mind. Now remind me, but, what was the Iraq War all about and was it legal?
Madeleine Albright – The deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bntsfiAXMEE
Never heard before :)
no they don’t the invade , rape steal and murder that is was NATO and USA does worse than Nazi germany
and torture wores than Nazis, everywhere CIA torture camps,studied from Nazis and Mossad how to rape children infront of their parents… thats why the CIA torture report was black cencored…..its time that Nazi-NATO-USA-ZIO-Rapist meet God by Russian and Chinese Nukes
It seemes Our censure is much better then Yours.
Russia will not use tactical nukes against Ukrainian army (in case of their attack on Russia)
But as response, Ukraine will be invaded from several directions and cut in half by Russian troops in few days only.
While if NATO troops invade Ukraine before attack of Ukrainian army on Russia, than nukes will be used! By directly targeting NATO troops on Ukrainian soil.
Cannot blame Russia, as patience only goes so far.
Russia doesn’t need to use “Nukes” to defend its territorial integrity against Ukrainian and /or NATO aggression.
Yerrrh, maybee they will clean away Tjernobyl
Plus, they also state in the Security Council Papers and also the Budapest Agreement, back in 1994, that Russia can defend her people from either nuclear or non-nuclear nations, should they be under attack.
Well I live in Europe and I prefer them not to
Russia, the good guys in today’s world, won’t have to do a iota since they can just sit tight and watch ukraine disintegrate till nothing is left, except dead broke pensioners. wonder where the gas princess is today, cyprus or somewhere else where she can enjoy the fortune she stole from the ukrainian people.
I think the Russian should do as You say. I see Russia silent as well as hard try to make parts of the contrast there, so no unity or sober agreemenets can be made.
I will remind You that they as a region didnt collapse the infected Empire and Ukraine even was taken after hard resistance against the Bolsjevics. Russian parts also are there because they are moved to there to outbalance an already inhomoigene state.
Chrimera ad its Knanat was taken even it was resisting very hard. The whole population has been displaced twice and even today are forbidden to go home, which is more then the small peninsula.
Can you translate that please.
Now You have it 3 times
Я считаю, что русские должны поступать так, как Вы говорите. Я вижу, что Россия молчит, а также старается сделать часть контраста там, чтобы не было единства или трезвого согласия.
Напомним Вам, что они, как регион вратаря разрушаться инфицированные империи и Украина даже были приняты после жесткого сопротивления против Bolsjevics. Российские части тоже там, потому что их перебросили туда, чтобы уравновесить и без того негомогенное состояние.
Chrimera и его Knanat были взяты, даже когда он очень сильно сопротивлялся. Все население дважды перемещалось, и даже сегодня им запрещено возвращаться домой, а это больше, чем на небольшой полуостров.
YA schitayu, chto russkiye dolzhny postupat’ tak, kak Vy govorite. YA vizhu, chto Rossiya molchit, a takzhe starayetsya sdelat’ chast’ kontrasta tam, chtoby ne bylo yedinstva ili trezvogo soglasiya.
Napomnim Vam, chto oni, kak region vratarya razrushat’sya infitsirovannyye imperii i Ukraina dazhe byli prinyaty posle zhestkogo soprotivleniya protiv Bolsjevics. Rossiyskiye chasti tozhe tam, potomu chto ikh perebrosili tuda, chtoby uravnovesit’ i bez togo negomogennoye sostoyaniye.
Chrimera i yego Knanat byli vzyaty, dazhe kogda on ochen’ sil’no soprotivlyalsya. Vse naseleniye dvazhdy peremeshchalos’, i dazhe segodnya im zapreshcheno vozvrashchat’sya domoy, a eto bol’she, chem na nebol’shoy poluostrov.
‘…I believe that the Russians should do as you say. I see that Russia is silent, and also tries to make some of the contrast there, so that there is no unity or sober agreement.
Let us remind you that they, as the goalkeeper’s region, were destroyed by the infected empires and Ukraine were even adopted after tough resistance against the Bolsjevics. The Russian units are also there, because they were transferred there to balance the already inhomogeneous state.
Chrimera and his Knanat were taken even when he resisted very strongly. The entire population moved twice, and even today they are prohibited from returning home, which is more than a small peninsula…’
For some reason, not even Google Translate, could translate the rest of your comment. However, I could understand the first part a lot better than your interpretation.
Now I have spent far too long in the Nursery, bantering with the toddlers, so time to leave the kindergarten and go and banter with the adults.
Accuse the ennemy to justify your attack. I am not surprised at all. It s an old reciepe.
This is exactly what germany did before invading Poland in 1939.
Its so funny.
Before that Poland had been divided in 3 and not even existed. Who did that :)
Remind me, but how many Empires cut up Poland and what was the reason why? Then Poland gets her independence and remind me, but, how long did she manage to hold onto it?
Why does Poland always muck it up, or is it just part of Galicia DNA, considering the same mobsters, over in the Galicia part of Ukraine, suffer from the same form of dementia.
Poles much up because they are many.
In Galisia they were majority in fx 190 and the Ukraine dialect was mixted into polish and not the other way around.
The religion is Roman Catholics and not the Russians, which today is the same for Ukraine. USSR moved Ukraine west and then You got more poles and semipoles(ukrainiens).
You also forget many Jews was there and spoke Jiddish, which is added up with a lot of Polish. Those came as emmigrants form Germany, so the trade and devellopment – as well as https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7f9c2a1d47f5ffb99cf47c198d80d43470419ceeec8946fbebcf9223023c19d7.jpg lack of same – came from west and certainly not Russia.
According to how You can ignore how complicated things are and has been, somebody has learned You exact the same “always” and even MUCK, which has erased any sober knowledge about things there and drowned in nationalisme and greediness.
Other maps show the same picture or close to. Belarus and Ukraine has been moved hard west and poles has been expelled to Poland today.
USSR by that as Russia has moved west too.
So when peole west of Minsk and Ukraine of today even wave with the red and whit flag its local flags, which was their country flag from Poles defeated USSR after WW1 and by that even as the only ones lost WW1 three times.
And Yes. Molov – Rippentrop again was a change. The Germans took and next USSR took it and more to it.
The lesson is classic. Taking by military forces is easy. The difficult is to find someone, which has the ability to KEEP.
Sorry the main parts of the Jews came from Austria/Hungary and spoke German.
Who funds and organises the regime change scripts? Who funds and organises the White Helmets? Funny, how behind every regime change script, you find $oro$ Open Society Foundation and the NED behind it all. Now why do the nations, that fund the White Helmets also known as Al Qaeda/Daesh/ISIS also happily hand over so much, via there International Aid Budgets to $oro$ Open Society Foundation and the the NED? How much is it costing the tax payers and do they even know where there money goes? Does anybody audit the scam and what other NGO (tax payer funded) organisations link into it all and just what else they are linked into, besides the people trafficking, courtesing Human Right NGOs, operating in the Middle East and Africa?
From Brazil to India to the USA: The EU Is Funding Worldwide Open Society Network with $116 Million 2019
‘… While US taxpayers struggle to pay their bills and keep their jobs, the $1.9 trillion Democrat slush fund for “COVID relief” also contains $11 billion for foreign aid for US AID etc. The Biden Administration looks set to return to the Obama-era policy of outsourcing its foreign policy to Open Society NGOs and funding them with taxpayer money…’
Investigation Finds George Soros Financing Human Trafficking & Terrorism Organizations… https://newspunch.com/george-soros-human-trafficking-terrorism/
Not sure why you are posting selfies Jens? Enjoy nibbling on your carrot, because the cauldrons will soon be back in position.
Defending 400 000 Russian citizens in Donbass is the name of what they call: “aggressive action”.
And when Russia promptly responds to Ukrainian regime attack on Donbss by Russian invasion of Ukraine, NOBODY will come to help Ukrainie!
Neither NATO nor US or anybody else !
Thats probatly right. We only defend and try sober and unsober negosiations with too many dirty people in it.
I wonder who is Laural and who is Hardy there.
What, you mean this couple?
“Kiev’s Foreign And Defense Ministries Accuse Russia Of Preparing Aggressive Action” …. While Kiev never honored the Minsk accord and continue to attack civilians in Eastern Ukraine. Sure, that makes sense! Russia is preparing “aggressive action”? Really?
The truth is, Ukraine is a completely failed U.S. project but like everything else the U.S. touches, they will simply not let go until Ukraine is completely dead.
What amuses me is to watch the bought and paid for idiots in the U.S, UK, and EU who thinks that Crimea will return to Ukraine. The U.S and UK are on a self-destruction path while the EU is dying of a slow death and yet, they continue their fear propaganda instead of taking care of their own citizens and economies. They call China an oppressive regime while they have done so much more in the past year.
The western world is falling apart while the East is rising. Gays, Trans, porn, and a handful of billionaires are taking over just like they did in Germany in the 1920’s and part of the 30’s until someone said, ENOUGH! History always seem to repeat itself.
Reminds me of the banter from the old days and cannot believe that 7 years later, nought changes, they just try to double down on stupidity. Never see Otto on the forum and hope all is well with him.
Just posted a long ramble, as times of old and the same links come flooding back.
Must admit, I do find the timing ironic and also the creators of the White Helmets, who also created The Maidan, appear to be trying to get a CW false flag running over in Syria.
Joe Biden – Vice President of US, back in 2014 and who has several investments in Ukraine.
Burisma Holdings – linked to Joe Biden, his son, Kolomoisky, Victor Punchuk, his father-in-law, the ex-President of Ukraine, who also signed off the Minsk Treaty Agreement on behalf of Ukraine.
Boris Johnson – Foreign Secretary for the UK, when Biden was Vice President and Hilary needed a hand writing the Russia-Gate Dossier, against Trump. Plus, not forgetting the Skripals, Boris, Foreign and UK Commonwealth Office, Lord Malloch-Brown Privy Council and Dominion/Smartmatic Voting Machines. 77th Squadron, Statecraft/Integrity Initiative/Open Information Partnership, Belingcat, Common Purpose and White Helmet Funding.
Prop or Not – Fake News – who are behind it, besides the Ukraine Nationalists?
Face Book, Google etc, etc, etc
Atlantic Council, going back to Allen Dulles and the Nanzi/Bolshevik elite that were rescued courtesy Operation Paperclip. Now what are the children and relatives of those given safe passage now doing?
and the list goes on.
Ironic, all the timing and the people involved as they go round and round in circles, repeating the same old C**P.
Hello Hants…nice to hear from you. How is your health? I most certainly hope that you are well.
I have not seen Otto in a while. Many regular posters from RI slowly disappeared since Charles Bausman decided that (or was forced to do so) RI needed a break. Interestingly enough, like so many websites, comments were removed. I find it sad as it was an open forum where people could debate everything. These days, the giant ones control the narratives hence completely removed free speech. My way to fight back was to drop Twitter, Facebook, and Google completely. If the mass would do the same, it would end their control over us really fast. But, most are now sheep and their motto is: What’s the point of fighting back? People have all the power but just cannot see it. It’s a sad world!
Yes, the same old bull/tactics are resurfacing as those behind them are well aware that most never seem to remember what was done and how it all happened just 7 years ago. The mass media will continue to protect the lies and since most removed comments online, no one will criticize them anymore. Control, control, control! No more public debates, they refuse to publish anything that goes against the narrative and will threaten any professional who dares to go online and criticize them.
The last year was a shining example of how the entire world came under the control of a few billionaires. Some are fighting back like the new website brandnewtube.com but we will need more to convince the sheeple to stand up to tyranny.
I noticed that you argued with Jens. To be honest, you are wasting your time as he clearly believes what he sees on the television. I can easily go back 30 years of what we have seen in the news and point at all the lies and propaganda and proven through independent journalists and small websites. You just need to look at the OPCW Douma’s fiasco proving how the media constantly pushed the lies even when the OPCW own investigators stated that it was all fabricated to promote wars and protect those behind the lies.
Hello and so nice to see your name pop up. With regards Jen, I know I should not feed the trolls, but, I seriously have a problem taking my own advice. Must admit, I generally feed them, in order to use them to post links, mainly old ones that need re-viewing.
2014 and Russia Insider was a wonderful site, owing to comments that were so informative. I seldom go over there, as things changed, not just with so many disappearing. I used to like Fort Russ as well, but, they can be quite sensitive at times, which put me off visiting the old site. When Givi and Motorola were alive, there used to be some decent articles over on FR. The article on Ukraine, bought with it so many memories, including some decent links, from many years ago. The history is still the same and they just hope that most of us have forgotten the events of 2014, including the role of the UN in it all.
Hope Otto is OK and again, lovely to see you are still around and chat. Meant to be spring cleaning, whilst watching 1984. Helps with the dusting. Never thought, it would be the template for the 20th century. Take care and all the best.
“We only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.”
– the Ukranazis’ Overgod, Adolf Hitler, just before invading the USSR.
His Reich did not go 100 years and the many mistakes by the nazis are well descreibed. The same is for why USSR and the Txzars collapsed.
For a short while Hitler was better to kill Russians then Stalin was:(
The reich is alive and well, its you and me and everyone else in the west.
Your constant denigrating of brown people and asians is proof of that.
Enough with you modern nazis!
Not those from Japan, China, India and normal muslims east of Arabistan. Thats about 2,6 billion.
The Ukraine has to assemble forces close to the border to invade the Donbass which is easy to observe. Russia has the ability to strike Ukrainian forces entering the Donbass as well as assembly areas without entering Ukrainian territory. Russia doesn’t have a front line nor do the have forces gathered to invade so how do the Ukrainians retaliate.
So the situation is the Ukraine can’t invade the Donbass without the threat of long range Russian missile strikes on their invasion force however the Ukraine have limited ability to strike back and have limited targets even if the could …. and if the did attack Russian assets on Russian territory they are under threat of Russian retaliation.
This is Russia’s home field. Russia’s forces are under A2/AD. The question is will NATO stand up for the Ukraine and risk losing aircraft or starting a major war.
I expect the nazi C&C centres to first disappear rapidly, and if there are any hato shits there, well then…
4 July 1776, the people of America used self determination, in order to gain independence from Great Britain.
16 March 2014 the people of Crimea, used self determination to go home to Russia. Over 80% of the electorate and over 93% voted to return home to Russia, not remain annexed to Ukraine.
14 September 2014, the people of Scotland, used self determination, to vote with regards whether to stay or leave the United Kingdom.
23 June 2016, the people of the UK used self determination to gain independence from the EU.
NATO, used self determination to invade Bosnia, back in the 90s, when the Patriot system could not recognise the friendly F-117. What happened to that US military jet, but, that is another story.
1991, the people of Crimea used self determination when the voted to return home to Russia, after the fall of the Soviet Union. They were ignored.
1994, when the UK Government were discussing the fact that Ukraine would lose Crimea, owing to their attitude to the people and their lack of investment in infrastructure and people of Crimea, the people of Crimea again voted to return home to Crimea. Ukraine said no and this resulted in the Independent Autonomous Republic of Crimea. 2014, the people voted, yet again.
What is the history of Crimea, since ‘…April 8, 1783, Catherine the Great signed the decree that declared Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Sagin Giray went to St. Petersburg, but eventually felt like a prisoner and wanted to leave. The Russians allowed him to go to a humble Greek City for retirement. But the Ottomans took Sagin Giray and took vengeance on him. The last Khan of Crimea was executed in 1787 ending the history of centuries of Khans…’?
Territories Annexed to Ukaine:
1954, the Ukrainian Nikita Khrushchev, after a 15 minute lunch meeting, with 11 out of 27 members of the Senate, took Crimea from Russia, and gave it to Ukraine, in order to thank Ukraine, for supporting their son and voting him into the position of the Leader of the Soviet Union Bolshevik/Communist Party.
‘…Khrushchev was involved in a number of repression-related affairs before. He was conducting a struggle against “people’s enemies” when he served as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party from 1938 to 1947 to win the support of the Ukrainian leadership. That is why he gave the resort peninsula on the Black Sea coast to the republic.
Khrushchev informed his comrades of the decision to deliver Crimea to Ukraine incidentally, on the way to lunch. “Yes, comrades, there is an opinion to deliver Crimea to Ukraine,” he said casually. No one dared to express any protests, because a word of the first face of the Communist Party was law.
The agenda of the session of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, which took place January 25, 1954, contained a question about the delivery of the Crimean region to the structure of the Ukrainian SSR. The discussion of the question took only 15 minutes. The participants of the meeting approved the decree, and the region was given away to Ukraine for free.
Читайте больше на https://english.pravda.ru/history/107129-ussr_crimea_ukraine/..’
How does Ukraine explain the argument of self determination, especially with regards their actions in the Kosovo War? FINAL REPORT. – THE KOSOVO CRISIS IN AN INTERNATIONAL LAW PERSPECTIVE: SELF-DETERMINATION, TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY AND THE NATO INTERVENTION… https://www.nato.int/acad/fellow/99-01/kumbaro.pdf
Back in 1944, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, to discuss the de-nazification of Europe, the de-militarisation of Germany and setting up the UN, based on self determination. This led to the Potsdam Treaty, signed by Stalin, Truman (Roosevelt, conveniently died) and Atlee (Churchill lost the election). In fact UN Resolution 25/2625 explains the argument, just a eloquently as NATO, with regards what self determination and territorial integrity mean, specifically the part about the will of the people. Ironic, how they ignore over 93% of the 80% plus who voted, when the people of Crimea vote.
A/RES/2625 (XXV)
Overview of General Assembly Documents- This was the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations…. https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/un-documents/document/rol-a-res2625-xxv.php
1970 – UN/2625
‘…“Reaffirming the responsibility of States to respect international law, including the principle that all States shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State and from acting in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations, recalling its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, in which it approved the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirming the principles contained therein…” page 1,…’
Then you have the United Nations Charter and how ironic that it is based on self determination/the will of the people. Now what members of the UN have bothered reading the actual Charter.
In 2014 the UN, held a vote, with the 193 member nations, with regards the legality of the people of Crimea returning home to Russia. What were the results and don’t they need a 2/3 majority, in order to sanction a bill? How did the UN Ambassadors vote?
2014 – United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262
These 100 nations approved and how many are NATO members and how many are reliant on International Aid from Senior NATO Member Nations?
Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Samoa, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States
11 Nations opposed the bill:
Armenia,[note 1][7] Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
58 Nations Abstained
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, China, Comoros, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Guyana, India, Iraq, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lesotho, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nauru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia 34.32% 30.05%
24 Nations were absent from the vote:
Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Serbia, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu, Yemen
So 100 agreed and 93 disagreed, could form no decision or thought it was not worthy of voting, owing to the basis of the United Nations Charter. Is that around 53/47 conclusion?
They repeated the vote in 2016 and even fewer were in favour.
2016 – The Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, which is responsible for social, humanitarian and cultural issues, adopted on November 15 a draft of this resolution:
70 Agree
26 Against (increased by 14 nations)
76 Abstained
21 Refused to vote
To check out who voted for what, there is an image over on this article, which is ironic, considering where the article originates.
A/72/439 Draft Resolution III
Tatars were the indians and Turks too. Germans and Roumanians was expelled from Ukraine too. Poles were …. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71fc47119a117e1c1e81277a908458a94f4dffed10972044fc8f0f0fde07eb2d.jpg
Darling, remind me but what did the Soviets do for the Tatars? What would Adolf have done to them, if they were plotting against him, to aid Stalin, and were part of German territory, back in the 40s?
What did Krushchev do for them, when he took Crimea from Russia and handed it to Ukraine?
What did Ukraine do for them, when they held onto Crimea, against their wishes, after the fall of the Soviet Union?
What was the first thing that Russia did for them? Remember, rehabilitating the Tatars and allowing Tatar, Ukrainian and Russian to be the three official languages of Ukraine. They also allowed them to purchase their own homes and I do believe they can even run for Government now.
Now, remind me, but, back in 2014, when Crimea was part of Ukraine, why were the Tatars denied basic electricity and outdoor running water and water supplies to the people? Now that was not nice, now was it?
This video should seriously be watched by all, Even if it means watching sections at a time, owing to time constraints. With regards the Tatars and how they lived, it is explained perfectly, around 45 minutes into the video.
Andrey Kondrashov’s documentary on the return of Crimea to Russia, Crimea The Way Home EN Subtitles Full Documentary HD… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbGhKfWrfOQ
Video: https://vimeo.com/123194285
And here are the major points discussed in this video:
How Russia saved President Yanukovich of Ukraine
How Crimeans returning from revolution in Kiev tasted the rage of the Right sector ‘Maidan orcs’
How members of the Berkut police force escaped to Crimea and helped set up people’s militias to defend the peninsula, not least by preventing Kiev military jets from landing at Sevastopol’s airport
How these civilian militias defended against an organized takeover of the Crimean Parliament in Sevastopol
How most Crimean Tatars sided with the ethnic Russian population, despite efforts by the coup organizers to generate an ethnic split between them
How the militias came together to blockade repeated efforts by the ‘Maidan orcs’ (Right sector fascists) to enter the peninsula – by road, train and air
How the Crimean Referendum was enacted following near unanimous support from the people’s representatives in the Crimean Parliament
How Berkut forces were joined by Kuban Cossacks from across the Black Sea region, including veterans of Russia’s Afghan War, to defend Crimea from efforts by the new regime to send in weapons and explosives
How, having prevented Kiev from deploying ‘Maidan orcs’ via air, rail and road, Russia’s Black Sea Fleet blockaded the Ukrainian navy from leaving its home port
How the Russian military placed the brand new Coastal Defence System ‘Bastion-P’ at locations along Crimea’s southern coast. Once activated, the approaching USS Donald Cook Destroyer turned around at full-speed before Russian military jets chased the American warship south
How the ‘Night Wolves’ biker gang joined in the defence of Crimea in Yalta by kidnapping Ukrainian General Mikhail Koval and uncovering weapons caches left by the Ukies prior to the coup
How the Crimean citizen militias and Russian soldiers stationed in Sevastopol peacefully neutralized 20,000 Ukrainian forces stationed on the peninsula, many of whom then defected to Russia
Well, I and we has seen many videos from there too. They like none of You and they mainly njot even are there but only in an area just as indians are in USA.
The lacking water supply by the Ukrainians was not against the Tatars at all ….
And Yes how the Russians finally try to win the Tatars there. Those Tatars has no alternatives. Wealso know how many % of the Russan budget is used by the big bridge.
We often know more about Russia then the Russians do.
The lacking water supply, prior to 2014, where the Tatars lived, was by design. They had no facilities for water supplies and neither did they have electricity, courtesy of Ukraine.
Ukraine turned off the water, to all in Crimea, in violation of basic human rights and also, it is classed as a crime against humanity, after 2014. Prior to that, the Tatars were denied the basic right. As stated in the Video and believe it was around 45 minutes into the video.
‘…and Yes, how the Russians finally try to win the Tatars there. Those Tatars has no alternatives. We also know how many of the % of the Russian budget is used by the big bridge…’
Not sure what you are trying to say there.
However, Russians finally try to win the Tatars there – well, considering the Russian Federation has only been going since 1991 and Crimea, had been annexed by Ukraine in 1954, what were Russian meant to do for the Tatars?
What did the Soviet Union do for them?
What did Ukraine do for them?
16 March 2014, Crimea returns home to Russia and the first things Russia did for the Tatars was to rehabilitate them.
Those Tatars have no alternatives?????? Like the rest of the people in Crimea, who have gone home to Russia, by use of an electoral vote. Over 80% of the electorate voted and over 93% wished to return home to Russia and have never looked back.
‘…We also know how many % of the Russian budget is used by the Big Bridge…’ – Russia spends out on the infrastructure and provides a bridge, designed and built and in active service, in just 6 years and it is a problem????? Why? How much has the bridge provided to the economy and independence of Crimea? Remind me, what did the English Government, back in 1994 say about Ukraine ignoring the infrastructure needs of Crimea and lack of investment in the people, and how it would end with the people of Crimea voting to return to Russia. Which is exactly what happened and they have never looked back. What did Ukraine ever do for Crimea?
I justwrote a little about whats going on, so You know I follow things well and my opinions are not based of what I just think.
We get several detailed programs by TV and Radio and the old medieas write it too. I and we also has all or almost all channels You might have, but most things only can be folowed in detail, if they are in English and in detail.
Many here dont care much and therefore dont follow much in detail.
But all followed Tjernobyl and by that also Ukraine and the USSR and its deroute. By that many has an idea about how conditions in USSR was and is and Ukraine as a part of that.
We also has followed the Rusty old navy at the black Sea and some Tourisme.
Cracked up laughing and gave up after ‘you know I follow things well and my opinions are not based of what I just think’
Are you seriously taking the urine?
We get several detailed programmed by TV and Radio and medias write too?????
Wow, what a way to stay informed.
You stick with the media and I will go with the official papers, relating to the facts.
I can only read Your version as a Russian constructuvisme paralel to many others, where so many things in its best simple are erased.
Do I care???? Just carry on believing 100% whatever the media spin your way.
Facts are the borders was made by negosiations where there was give and take. By that it makes no sense Russia takes back.
Again. Its not about Tatars but the Ukraine- Russia dispute, where it might be wrong Ukraine got it. BUT THEY DID.
So my third joke solution is giving it to none. We sometimes do like that with naughty children.
I have no respect for people, which not even try to find some solutrion.
Facts – the borders have never been ratified in accordance with international law, as admitted by the Secretary General of the UN, back in 2014. Nothing has changed since then, apart from Porkie Poroshenko tearing up the Friendship Agreement.
Why is “AM Hants” so obsessively repeating the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?
Obsessively repeating Ukraine and Russian Borders have not been ratified in accordance with international law. Is that what you perceive to be nonsense? The international community arguing about something, that has no standing with regards international law, precisely because the borders have never been ratified.
Not obsessed as cannot remember the last time I mentioned it. However, whenever there is an article on Ukraine and Crimea, it is funny how it tweaks my memory and a seriously large factor, when other nations try sticking their brown noses into the business of Russia.
Oh, but I can remember the last time that you mentioned that nonsense. Very precisely even, hants. In September, 6 months ago, I helped you to smell your own bullshit by referring a.o. to an official Kremlin publication regarding the Russian-Ukrainian treaties of April 23rd 2004.
6 months ago Bruno?????? What would I do without your wisdom and expertise, where being a 100% moron is compulsory.
Did Ban Ki Moon state that Ukraine, Russia and Belarus have not ratified their borders, in accordance with international law? Yes or No. When he stated the fact on an UK, Government funded, UK News Channel?
Are the borders only recognised whilst Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are part of the CIS? Yes or No?
Ukraine Without Borders – Oped News – George Eliason, packed full of informative information and well researched. Have more faith in George Eliason than old Bruno the Troll.
No, hants, Ban Ki Moon has not stated that, and you know it. You cannot find that “interview”, or a supporting UN report, anywhere. Nor can George Eliason. Nor has the CIA stated or confirmed anything like that in the “CIA Fact Book” that Eliason refers to. The question remains, why is “AM Hants” so obsessively promoting the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?
So are you saying that Ban Ki Moon never stated those words on the UK Government Funded Channel 5 News, back in 2014? I bet you never even watched the programme?
The CIA, Central Intelligence Agency and why would they be the authority on the Russia Ukraine 1997 Friendship Treaty? Yeltsin never got around to signing the ratification, owing to being ill and missing the meeting. Ukraine, were not bothered, as it was convenient for them that it was not signed. Also, it suited Russia, because then Ukraine could not officially join NATO. Have you never asked why Ukraine has not signed up for full membership of NATO? In fact, the same reason why Ukraine cannot become a full member of the EU. Those pesky borders, that I seem to be not the only one, who is obsessed with them.
No statement on “UK Government Funded Channel 5 News, back in 2014” from Ban Ki Moon, hants. Nothing. And nothing in writing from the UN that would confirm it. On the other hand your idol did confirm the Russian-Ukrainian treaties on the state border in a written statement, on April 23rd, 2004. Why the CIA (fact book) would be the “authority”? No idea, you used it as such for this very same subject, six months ago, hants, and so does the propagandistic writer that you referred to in your previous post. The question remains, why is “AM Hants” so obsessively promoting the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?
Only replying to this comment, to copy and paste the following. By the way, Bruno the Troll, why can’t Ukraine join either NATO or the EU as full members?
‘…OpEdNews Op Eds 4/15/2014 at 2:25 PM EDT H1’ed 4/15/14
Ukraine without Borders: Should Obama Sanction the UN?
By George Eliason (Page 1 of 4 pages) (View How Many People Read This) 8 comments
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Obama’s rendered fabric- Is it America?
(Image by V Kontake) Details DMCA
President Obama’s Executive Order dated March 6, 2014 is very clear. Any person or organization that threatens the territorial integrity of Ukraine, or questions the legitimacy of the governing junta in Kiev, constitutes a threat to U.S. national security and foreign policy and will be placed under sanctions.
The UN also came to a similarly clear position. It passed a resolution that “affirms commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”
Where this becomes a problem is that, according to a statement from UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, Ukraine is missing borders. (He stated this on UK Government funded Channel 5 News).
Experts operating under the aegis of the UN Security Council came to the following conclusion about Ukraine’s borders: Within the framework of international law , it turns out that, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has not been properly registered as a state, according to the UN demarcation of its borders. According to the accepted contractual framework of the Russian Commonwealth, or Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the country remains on the limits of the administrative boundaries of the USSR, over which the UN has no legal jurisdiction. The EU currently backs this position. The only established borders are on the European side.
Is the U.S. going to sanction Ban ki-Moon? Will they drone the UN?
When the USSR broke up and Ukraine was preparing to declare its independence, Russia set the terms for that independence based on Ukraine’s membership within the CIS Treaty:
“On the whole, Yeltsin has been quite careful to avoid making statements which could evoke negative reaction in Kiev, but it is quite obvious that he has not welcomed Ukraine’s independence. Yeltsin has been quoted as saying that, “Russia reserves the right to review the borders with those republics that declared themselves independent.” [See ” Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet in Russian-Ukrainian Relations Discussion,” Paper 95-11, Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University . Also, Roman Solchanyk, “Ukraine: A Year of Transition,” RFE-RL Research Report, Vol. 1, No. 7 (February 14, 1992), p. 3.]
At the time, Russia’s treaty rights to review the borders of Ukraine applied to areas that were largely populated by ethnic Russians, including Crimea, Donbass, and northern Kazakhstan. In addition, Russia claimed the right to protect its diaspora population no matter where they were located in the world. [See Roman Solchanyk, “Crimea: Between Ukraine and Russia,” in Maria Drohobycky, ed., Crimea: Dynamics, Challenges, and Prospects (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1995), pp. 6-7.]
The CIS Treaty language reads as follows: “The high contracting parties recognize and respect one another’s territorial integrity and the inviolability of existing borders within the commonwealth.” This made Russia’s recognition of Ukraine’s borders conditional upon Ukraine’s full membership in the CIS . Promulgated in 1991, it was the best guarantee of independence that Ukraine has received from Russia…’
With regards CIA Fact Check Book, I have never cited the CIA for anything, apart from ‘Operation Paperclip Exercises’ and the ir history, with regards Dulles working with the SS and Bolshevik elite, when setting up the CIA. So unless, it was something you were squirting out and my reply covered your ramble, then I have no idea what you are on about. Keep making it up Bruno.
Now remind me, why can’t Ukraine join either the EU or NATOI as full members?
Remind me, why did Yeltsin fail to make the meeting, with regards signing off the borders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, which would have resulted in the borders being ratified? Only, with him missing the meeting, owing to ill health, they were never signed off. Now were they Bruno the Troll?
Hants 6 months ago
Another post
It’s total crap, hants. And so is your groundless insult.
There is a couple of reasons why Ukraine won’t join NATO on short term; “borders not ratified” is not among them.
The question remains, why is “AM Hants” so obsessively promoting the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?
So Bruno the Troll, what else did I state, in that conversation, 6 months ago and please include all the links and the context that they were delivered? What else was included with the supported by the CIA?
So tell me Bruno the Troll, what are the reasons that Ukraine cannot join NATO, besides the fact that they have not ratified their borders?
Why is Hants the Loser so obsessively repeating the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?
Sorry, but, is calling me a loser, how one answers the question asked? Simple question Bruno, what else did I state in that conversation?
By the way, what type of troll keeps records of all I have said in the past 7 years? I repeat the same argument, but, don’t have all my comments, of the past 7 years on file and to hand. Now that is quite concerning, owing to the amount of comments I have posted, either as AMHants or AM Hants, that you have filed away. Says more about you than me. Now what were you saying about me being obsessive, with regards stating that Russia and Ukraine have not ratified their borders, in accordance with international law.
Now why can’t Ukraine join NATO or the EU as full members?
Sorry, but, is calling me a troll, how one answers the question asked?
Simple question Hants, why is Hants the Loser so obsessively repeating the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?
Btw, I don’t know what type of troll keeps a record of all you have said in the past 7 years. A troll would know that it’s a waste of time and space, hants; a troll would know that what he said himself in the past is kept by Disqus and it is retrievable in his “profile”, so he easily finds the discussions that he took part in.
Now why do you keep repeating this stupid question “why can’t Ukraine join NATO or the EU as full member”, when there is plenty discussion on this on the web by organisations that have the knowledge? And as you know, or will find out, hants, border ratification, or the lack of it (which is your nonsensical claim), is not among any obstacles.
So are you saying you don’t get paid to post?
You are the one obsessed with me stating a fact, that Ukraine and Russia have not ratified their borders, according to international law. You cannot even explain why NATO and the EU cannot accept Ukraine as full members, now can you?
With regards people keeping records of all that a person posts in the 7 years of commenting on a social forum, that is seriously creepy. Each to their own, but, not something I would ever do. If you look at my history, just check the up votes on either AM Hants or AMHants, and what is it, around 167,000 upticks, alone. Not that I keep count, just know one of the accounts, that I no longer use, there were about 100,000 upticks and the account I use at the moment, just looking and it has over 67,000 upticks and over 31,000 comments. Courtesy my OCD personality. So if I wanted to check out what comment was posted on a particular day, well, I have got better things to do. Besides, I know my primary arguments, and would only use links relating to the CIA, if it was in response to a comment I was reply to. Hence, I would be interested to see the context of the comment and the exact quote. Funny, that you cannot supply that, or are very selective with using quotes out of context.
Anyway, you bore me and I am off to join the adults.
So you are saying you are not a childish loser that brings groundless accusations, slash personal insults?
Not only in justice, but also in adult and reasonable discussions, hants, the burden of proof, is on the person who brings a claim. You claim that the Ukraine-Russia borders have not been ratified.
You claim that the UN boss has confirmed that on some TV station. You suggest/claim that that [border not ratified] is a reason why Ukraine is not a member of NATO and/or the EU. You provide no proof for any of these claims, but instead insist that I prove the opposite. I point to the fact that the Kremlin site had reported that ratification in April 2004. I challenged you to provide proof for the statement that Ban Ki Moon would have made according to you. Fact is that that can be found nowhere and that there is nothing in writing from the UN that would confirm this statement, or the UN’s position. I refuse to play your silly NATO question game as the answers can be found with a few clicks in Google. You provide no proof and instead respond with silly allegations and a non-discussion on Disqus records. That, hants, makes you a childish loser. And, to answer my own question regarding your repeated “borders-not-ratified” claim, hants, that obviously serves the purpose of trying to justify Russia’s aggression against the sovereignty of its neighbour. To counter your silly troll allegation, your role in this makes you a dishonest propagandist, maybe even hired and paid for – who knows.
Darling, you seriously bore me, but, I guess stating that Ban Ki Moon, stating on Channel 5 News, a UK Government funded media outlet, saying that Russia and Ukraine have not ratified their borders, is not to your liking. By also pointing out the Russia Ukraine 1997 Friendship Treaty and the part that Yeltsin did not sign. off the borders, owing to ill health and missing the meeting, is providing no proof. You can easily seek the transcript from Channel 5, for the words of Ban Ki Moon, back in 2014. Plus, the Treaty, owing to lack of signature on the border ratification, is easy to see.
It is not me that is obsessed, but you as you work through the 5 D media disinformation script.
Now what is the 5D script, that you are paid to work to?
Project Bruno, project, that is all you do. I do not get paid to post, can you say the same?
Prove what you claim (you can’t)
Bruno’s World
Tools For Perception Management
In War and Anti-War By Alvin and Heidi Toffler
Atrocity accusations (true and false)
Hyperbolic inflation of stakes.
Demonisation and/or dehumanisation of enemy
Polarisation (if you are not with me, you are against me)
Claim of divine sanction
Meta-propaganda (discredit opponent’s propaganda)
The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media. (William Colby, former CIA Director)
We’ll know our disinformation programme is complete, when everything the American public believes, is false. (William Casey from First Staff Meeting, 1981).
Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. (James Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974)
Shortly the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given, on the previous night’s news. (Zbiginiew Brzezinski 1972)
Not “Bruno’s World” but Hants’ irrelevant blah blah.
Part 2
Sob, back in 1970, the UN were explaining Self Determination/Territorial Integrity/Will of the People in terms such as this:
As pertinent to the paragraph:
“Reaffirming the responsibility of States to respect international law, including the principle that all States shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State and from acting in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations, recalling its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 24 October 1970, in which it approved the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirming the principles contained therein…” page 1, A/C.3/71/L.26
There are known statements made by Gorbachev and Yeltsen that indicate that if the Belavezha Accords of the dissolution of the Soviet Union wasn’t signed, the US and other NATO members threatened the Communist government with nuclear strikes.
As pertinent to the paragraph of the draft that says the following:
Then in 2014, they changed their understanding of the basis of the UN Charter, with words such as:
…“Recalling its resolution 68/262 of 27 March 2014 on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, in which it affirmed its commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, and relevant decisions of international organizations, specialized agencies and bodies within the United Nations system…”
With regards the UN talking about Internationally Recognised Borders, what is ironic, is the fact that Ukraine has no borders that have been rectified with Russia, since the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 2014. Which even the General Secretary Ban Ki Moon, back in 2014 confirmed. The borders of Ukraine and the EU members have been ratified. However, the borders of Russia and Ukraine have never been ratified and are not acknowledged in accordance with International Law.
George Eliason, over on OpEd News, explains it well, and mentions Ban Ki Moon stating the fact on UK Channel 5 News, which is in receipt of Government Funding from the UK Media State Budget. Then you have the Thesis from Dale Stewart, which goes into details with regards the 1997 Ukraine Russian Friendship Treaty, which Poroshenko tore up and the only official papers that acknowledge there is a Border, whilst Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are all part of the CIS.
OpEdNews Op Eds 4/15/2014 at 2:25 PM EDT H1’ed 4/15/14
Ukraine without Borders: Should Obama Sanction the UN?… https://www.opednews.com/articles/Ukraine-without-Borders-S-by-George-Eliason-Cultural-Genocide_Genocide_Genocide_Hate-Groups-Neo-Nazis-140415-286.html
‘… CONCLUSION Pages 63/64
As late as March 1 997, experts in Russian-Ukrainian relations predicted no resolution to the problems that confronted these two states. In the long term, it was thought that both parties might sign a Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership. However, in the short term, eight factors seem to explain why Russia was incapable of signing the Friendship Treaty.
•First, without border recognition in a treaty, NATO could not invite Ukraine to join as a member during the Madrid Summit in July 1997.
•Second, Boris Yeltsin’s health prevented him from traveling to Ukraine to sign the treaty, especially before the NATO conference in July 1997.
•Third, if Moscow had really wanted to sign the treaty, it would have separated the Black Sea Fleet and Sevastopol issues from the treaty and continued negotiations in search of a suitable solution.
•Fourth, Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin’s political party, Our Home is Russia, regularly supported the State Duma’s and Federation Council’s claims on Ukrainianterritory,principallyclaimingSevastopolasaRussiancity. Thissuggestedthat the issue had moved to the center of Russian policy from the fringes.
•Fifth, the Russian leadership did not denounce or criticize Mayor Luzhkov when he traveled to Sevastopol against Ukraine’s wishes.
•Sixth, Russians did not recognize Ukraine as a distinct ethnic group; from their perspective, Ukraine should follow Belarus’ s example for establishing close ties with Moscow.
•Seventh, the recognition of Ukraine’s borders would have further promoted nationalunity. ThismighthaveallowedUkrainetodistanceitselffromacloserelationship with Russia, which would not have been in Moscow’s best interests.
•Eighth, Russia had not agreed to demarcate any borders with any of the CIS states because Russia argued that “the CIS borders should be divided into ‘transparent internal’ and ‘jointly guarded external’ borders.” 120
All of these factors led the experts to underestimate the impact NATO enlargement would have on Russia’s decision-making.
The Friendship Treaty and Black Sea Fleet negotiations continued for nearly six years almost without interruption. From late 1996, negotiations for a solution became moreintense. However,disagreementsoverthefleet’sbasingrights,thedivisionofbays at Sevastopol and mutual financial settlements were great stumbling blocks to a resolution. The Black Sea Fleet problem and the absence of a treaty considerably complicated the stateofRussian-Ukrainianrelations. ThethreatofpushingUkraineintoNATO’sorbit,if not its enlarging web of membership, became a direct influence on accelerating the search for solutions.
Ukraine realized that it had to accept a deal as long as it did not appear that the
international community. Ukraine played the “NATO Trump Card.” It continued leaning
Does anybody find the timing ironic, with the world focused on Corona Virus. Boris Johnson, who was the UK Foreign Secretary at the time of Russia Gate and the Skripals and runs a party, reliant on exiled Russians, who Boris happy handed South Kensington to, when Mayor of London. The same Boris, who is currently running a dictatorship, under the guise of ‘Emergency Powers’ and Corona, who is sending UK Forces to Ukraine, despite the fact that Ukraine is a non-NATO Member and the Government of the day has not declared war against Russia.
Plus, over the Pond, good mate of Boris, going back to the days of him being a Foreign Secretary and Biden was Vice President under Biden, sorry to ramble. Over the Pond, Biden, who is heavily invested in Ukraine and does a decent trade from everything dodgy, and who is very supportive of anything connected to the NED and the $oro$ Open Policy Foundation, now finds himself President of the US. Why is the first priority of the President of the US, to kick start a war with Russia and also prioritising the concerns and ambitions of his friends, over the rights of the people he represents?
As I say, the timing is seriously ironic, and so is the lack of openness, with regards where tax payers money goes.
AM, Khrushchev wasn’t Ukrainian, he was born in Kalinovka, a village in what is now Russia’s Kursk Oblast, near the present Ukrainian border. – wiki. Close, but no cigar.
However, it appears he was helped by the utter satanic shit kaganovich (yet ANOTHER shit-stirring kagan!, this time another shit ukrainian) to work his way up the Soviet hierarchy. In 1938 stalin sent him to govern the Ukrainian SSR where he continued purges.
However, there are many that place Kalinovka, was part of Ukraine. I remember, going to many sites, that used the old Geographic map markings and placing Kalinovka in Ukraine, when the bots were telling me he was not Ukrainian. Wiki, places it a couple of miles out of Ukraine, but, Wiki can easily be edited. So, I always use Ukraine, as his country of birth, but, understand it can be argued either way.
Map Reading: original name: Kalinovka
geographical location: Kharkivska, Ukraine, Europe
geographical coordinates: 49° 15′ 0″ North, 35° 44′ 0″ East
Kalinovka in L’vivs’ka Oblast’, Ukraine – https://www.tripmondo.com/ukraine/l-vivs-ka-oblast/kalinovka/
I have found this article interesting, considering Bolsheviks and the crowd Krushchev was trying to impress, considering where he came from:
Kalinovka, Kalinovka County, Vinnitsa District, Ukraine (today Kalynivka) )…
‘… Most of Kalinovka’s Jews, about 500 people, were murdered, together with about 200 J*ws from the area, in late May 1942 a short distance from the town. Several dozen skilled workers who were spared during this massacre were murdered in August of the same year.
Throughout 1942 and 1943 Germans and Ukrainian auxiliaries hunted down and murdered those J*ws of Kalinovka who attempted to hide. Only a few Kalinovka J*ws survived the war.
There was an attempt to organize resistance among the Kalinovka J*ws prior to the May 1942 massacre. The resistance group was aided by Soviet partisans operating in the Kalinovka area. The resistance activities ceased with the killing of most of Kalinovka’s J*ws. Kalinovka was liberated by the Red Army on March 14, 1944…’
(Reminds me of $oro$, bragging about the best times of his life were when he was a Nanzi Collaborator, over in Hungary 1944).
From Spartacus:
‘…Nikita Khrushchev, the grandson of a serf and the son of a coal miner, was born in Kalinovka, Ukraine on 5th April, 1894. After a brief formal education Khrushchev found work as a pipe fitter in Yuzovka.
During the First World War Khrushchev became involved in trade union activities and after the October Revolution joined the Bolsheviks.
In January, 1919, Khrushchev joined the Red Army and fought against the Whites in the Ukraine during the Civil War. After leaving the army he returned to Yuzovka where he returned to school to finish his education…’
If You look up Krustjov was born, You get the right one a google map telling he was born 11 kilomater inside Russia.
Darling, if you check the links I provided, including Spartacus, it shows that Kalinovka is in Russia. Wiki places it in on the borders of Ukraine and you can easily edit Wiki.
Plus, wasn’t he raised as an Ukraine National, in an Ukraine loyal family. Strange, what they did to the Jewish population of Kalinovka and then Krushchev becomes leader of the Bolshevik Communist Party, which was created by the City of London and the Zionists. Reminds me of $oror$, who found 1944 in Hungary, the best times of his life. A man born into the Jewish Faith, who rejoiced at being a Nanzi Collaborator and watching his friends, neighbours and peers, boarding the death trains, before going around to loot their homes. Then you have Kolomoisky, the Head of the European Jewish Community in Ukraine, who set up the Nanzi ‘Azov’ Battalion. What is it with Zionists, using the Jewish Faith, to take out members of the Biblical Jewish Community?
Very funny version.
The issue was how to split up USSR and by that Ukraine got their part.
I can only see it is completly irrelevant mixing in the many deported and killed Tatars unless som mad compropmise could be the Tatars got it back and Russians and Ukrainians disputed no more about it.
So are you saying that the US did not use self determination to declare their independence from Great Britain, back in 1776?
Are you saying that the people of Scotland, did not have a referendum, to decide whether to stay in the United Kingdom/Great Britain or leave and become independent, back in September 2014?
Are you saying that 80% of the electorate of Crimea did not go to the polls and over 93% of them vote to return home to Russia, using self determination?
Are you saying that the people of the UK did not have a referendum, based on self determination and the will of the people, when deciding to leave the EU, back in June 2016?
Are you saying that the United Nations Charter is not based on self determination/territorial integrity/will of the people?
Are you saying that NATO never wrote the final report on their interpretation of International Law and self determination and territorial integrity, following their invasion of Bosnia?
Are you saying that Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, never met up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, back in 1944, to discuss how we moved forward after the war. The de-nazification of Europe, the de-militarisation of Germany and setting up the United Nations, based on self determination and territorial integrity, in accordance with the will of the people?
Are you saying that the UN never wrote the 1970 Paper on Self Determination and Territorial Integrity?
Why was my comment, what you class as a funny version? I am not laughing.
The issue was to split up USSR and what part did Ukraine get? Besides territory from Lenin, Stalin and Krushchev, what did Ukraine get, besides $mega-millions, following the fall of the Soviet Union? Especially when they never got round to rectifying the borders of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. So does the fall of the Soviet Union, mean the borders revert to 1917 territory?
You see my comment as being completely irrelevant, owing to the many deported and killed Tatars. Now remind me, but, what did the Tatars do to upset the Bolshevik/Communist Leader of the Soviet Union, back in the 40s? Remember, the Russian Empire was overthrown by the City of London creation, the Bolshevik Communists, back in 1917. So what exactly did Ukraine do for the Tatars, when Krushchev took Crimea from Russia and handed it over to Ukraine? What did Ukraine do for the Tatars, when the Soviet Union fell in 1991? Compared to what Russia did for the Tatars, when the people of Crimea, voted using the self determination argument, to go home to Russia?
Reminds me, that I seriously need to catch up with the following video. I so loved the part where the USS Donald Cook met Bastion, and had to make an 8 point turn, in the middle of the Black Sea, in order to get away from Bastion’s welcoming smile.
Now was that the day after or before a Russian Whicker Basket freaked out the sailors of the USS Donald Cook and the mass resignation, owing to electrical jamming systems and Russian fighter jets? Now that seriously was not a good look for either the US or NATO.
Andrey Kondrashov’s documentary on the return of Crimea to Russia, Crimea The Way Home EN Subtitles Full Documentary HD… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbGhKfWrfOQ
Video: https://vimeo.com/123194285
And here are the major points discussed in this video:
How Russia saved President Yanukovich of Ukraine
How Crimeans returning from revolution in Kiev tasted the rage of the Right sector ‘Maidan orcs’
How members of the Berkut police force escaped to Crimea and helped set up people’s militias to defend the peninsula, not least by preventing Kiev military jets from landing at Sevastopol’s airport
How these civilian militias defended against an organized takeover of the Crimean Parliament in Sevastopol
How most Crimean Tatars sided with the ethnic Russian population, despite efforts by the coup organizers to generate an ethnic split between them
How the militias came together to blockade repeated efforts by the ‘Maidan orcs’ (Right sector fascists) to enter the peninsula – by road, train and air
How the Crimean Referendum was enacted following near unanimous support from the people’s representatives in the Crimean Parliament.
How Berkut forces were joined by Kuban Cossacks from across the Black Sea region, including veterans of Russia’s Afghan War, to defend Crimea from efforts by the new regime to send in weapons and explosives
How, having prevented Kiev from deploying ‘Maidan orcs’ via air, rail and road, Russia’s Black Sea Fleet blockaded the Ukrainian navy from leaving its home port
How the Russian military placed the brand new Coastal Defence System ‘Bastion-P’ at locations along Crimea’s southern coast. Once activated, the approaching USS Donald Cook Destroyer turned around at full-speed before Russian military jets chased the American warship south
How the ‘Night Wolves’ biker gang joined in the defence of Crimea in Yalta by kidnapping Ukrainian General Mikhail Koval and uncovering weapons caches left by the Ukies prior to the coup
How the Crimean citizen militias and Russian soldiers stationed in Sevastopol peacefully neutralized 20,000 Ukrainian forces stationed on the peninsula, many of whom then defected to Ru
Now that Zombie Joe has forced the land of madmen to sever ties with China the end is around the next corner, China was buying 7 billion dollars worth of goods from crazyland, now it is asking back 3 billion for the investments already made, the Ukraina intends to nationalize the Motor Sich and China wants its money back, the Yankeestan is no longer able to financially support crazyland, for this catastrophe the gay Nazis in command scream louder, because they are panicked, that’s all.
Time to liberate Novorossiya and Malorossiya from the Kiev nazi regime!
We already know pedo Biden rhetoric, such a war criminal accusing others of what he’s, the thing is… Crossing the red line could put the U.S on a very dangerous situation.
Kiev who?