Kiev Regime – A Western Frankenstein Creation

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Russian President Vladimir Putin put it succinctly when he recently warned that prospects for peace in Ukraine were negligible as long as the current authorities in Kiev remain in power. Worse, given a new rash of provocations by the Kiev regime, the entire region is being threatened with conflict, and even all-out war.

Kiev Regime – A Western Frankenstein Creation

It seems clear – and criminally reprehensible – that the Kiev regime and its President Petro Poroshenko are intent on dragging the United States and the NATO military alliance into a war with Russia. The incendiary conduct of Ukrainian politicians and their military is that of a regime out of control, with no regard for maintaining international peace. But this Frankenstein creation is entirely the responsibility of the American and European governments which have enabled and condoned its reckless behavior.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova got it right when she said that Russia is the party which is preventing Europe from sliding towards war by stoically containing the Kiev regime’s provocative conduct. Yet the regime turns reality on its head by claiming that it is “defending Europe” from “Russian aggression”.

The recent Kerch Strait incident was a cynical and flagrant attempt by Poroshenko to incite a conflict with Russia. The three Ukrainian warships violated Russian maritime borders in a deliberately menacing maneuver. Moscow was within its legal right to apprehend the heavily armed vessels and 24 crew members some of whom were secret services.

Absurdly, the Kiev regime is accusing Russia of “lawlessness”. More perplexing, the US and European governments appear to have bought into that perverse narrative and are also haranguing Russia over the incident. Poroshenko has been doing the US and European media rounds urging American and NATO military support.

This week it was reported that the US Navy 6th Fleet is planning to send a warship into the Black Sea area “in response to Russian aggression”. US warplanes also reportedly this week flew over Ukrainian territory under the so-called Open Skies treaty, in a blatant show of force to Moscow.

Following the Kerch Strait incident, the Kiev regime has gone several steps further in inflaming tensions with Russia.

It is renewing the push for an historic schism in the Russian Orthodox Church. Evidently, the politicians in Kiev are trying to incite sectarian conflict between Ukrainians, many of whom wish to remain part of the Russian Orthodox denomination rather than a putative new, separate church of Ukraine. The nefarious agenda is also to antagonize Moscow which will be obliged to defend the security of its church interests and members.

There were also credible reports of the Ukrainian Armed Forces this week mobilizing artillery and troops on the Contact Line with the breakaway Donbas regions of Luhansk and Donetsk. The Kiev regime has been waging a low-intensity war against the ethnic Russian people in Eastern Ukraine over the past four years because they refuse to accept the legitimacy of the February 2014 coup which ousted an elected government. Despite an international peace treaty, the Minsk Accords of 2014 and 2015, the Kiev regime has shown no signs of granting autonomy to the Donbas regions and has continued its aggressive military campaign. This week’s mobilization of UAF – and reports of NATO troops also present – raises concerns that the Kiev regime is deliberately destabilizing the region.

Poroshenko and his Russophobic cabal are calling on NATO for support in the event of a confrontation with Russia. This is a reckless premeditated pursuit of war, which has been a tendency by the Kiev regime ever since it illegally seized power in the CIA-backed coup d’état in 2014. The US and European governments bear responsibility for creating the highly dangerous situation by their fawning over Kiev with military and financial support.

The resonance with the origins of World War II is too alarming to ignore. It was through the Ukraine that the German Third Reich launched its catastrophic offensive on Soviet Russia in June 1941. Today, the Kiev regime is all too reminiscent of Neo-Nazi affiliation and a rabid anti-Russian mentality. Its unhinged conduct is being indulged by American and European governments, military and media – either out of ignorance or, more sinisterly, out of calculated intent to prompt confrontation with Russia.

It is only 73 years since the end of World War II. Incredibly, despite living memory of that horror, the world is being endangered again by criminal disregard for international law. And in the same geographical location.

Western governments are fully responsible for the present instability and potentially incendiary situation. They must act immediately to restrain the Kiev regime – if, that is, they genuinely want to uphold peace with Russia.

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Fred Summers


1) Major move against Pro-Russian
media outlets, blogs, and even commenters now in play in Ukraine and
being rolled out by EU now – as I type!

2) European Commission now censoring internet! Slow burn at first so as not to spook the sheep.

Offical statements coming soon that ALL Pro-Russian news outlets to be
classed as ‘Dissinformation’ and ‘Fake News’ outlets – and either
restricted or shut down. Even RT (the UK have set the precedent already
as they did this with Iranian news outlets, simply shutting them all
down and even kicking out of the country Press TV staff).
They will say this is not censoring internet but clearly it is!

4) All
regulated comments facilities such as Facebook, Google Plus, and
Discuss to either be restricted, monitored, or accounts closed.

Ukrainian Whistleblower Jonas has been arrested! Jonas has been taken
in by security services after revealing the cover up on the foiled UUV
attack on the brand new missile corvette ‘Orekhovo-Zuyevoon’ on
the Anniversary of Pearl Harbour. Nobody other than Jonas got this this
out, and it has all now been censored.

6) Before Jonas was
arrested he leaked that a MASSIVE, bloody, brutal, and merciless
offensive was being planned against the people of Donbass, planned and
co-ordinated by Western Contractors and using newly supplied NATO
equipment, not fielded in Ukraine previously. He said that NATO were
positioning to deter Russia from interveining to prevent the planned
‘ethnic cleansing’ (aka genocide) and the return of the Donbass region
to the control of Kyiv.

7) All leaks regarding NATO ‘advisors’ taking control of Ukrainian regulars have now being plugged.

All Pro-Russian outlets based in EU (especially UK) now HEAVILY
monitored by tracking software to trace and identify ALL Russian
sympathisers. Note – definition of a sympathiser will be fluid and arbetary – This is only done in times of major war!

9) News in
the MSM in the west is now to be completely (if it was not already)
‘the offical line’ (ie NATO good, Russia bad) and all other opinion
either not reported, opposed, or even blocked.

This is the run up to the big one guys. No time scale available, but likely within the next few weeks.

Fred Summers

Latest move in the Conditioning of the British sheep is now beginning – The Guardian have just released this this:


I pray you are wrong, but observations point to an unfathomable Evil metastasizing across the globe at an increasingly faster pace over these recent years.
I fear widespread war is now a virtual inevitability as positions, alliances and blocs are furiously being cemented into place.
It’s like being witness to a car crashing towards you from the moment it jumps the kerb. You watch as if in slow motion, knowing full well the destruction about to be wrought, capable only of observing the onrushing flow of events, but unable to move or affect an alternative outcome.
As long as there are powers intent on perpetrating this madness we are reaching that fateful day when neither patient tolerance, nor international law will avoid the coming inferno.

No one is backing down. War is coming

leon mc pilibin

Nothing new here,as usual the fake jew zionists love starting wars,eg 1st and 2nd world wars for example.They get the christian goyim to butcher each other and then they clean up the spoils of war.The US is controlled by scumbags like porky,and their forces are fighting wars for israhell as we speak.The people in Europe are governed by zionist scum also,Merkel,Macron,MAY.The 3 zionist MUPPETS.

Fred Summers

News just in that Ukrainian Regime have been instructed by UK Legal advisors to officially reclassify ALL persons bearing arms in Donbass as ‘UNLAWFUL COMBATANTS’ and ‘TERRORISTS’.
Note – these terms are LEGAL terms to which allow a Government or Military to LEGALLY kill civillians.

The definition of a terrorist or an Unlawful Combatant is Arbetrary, and once agreed by the Courts will be a layer of protection for those about to give the orders to massacre civillians.

By legally defining those people defying the Kyiv Regine as ‘Terrorists’, they are stripped of all legal rights, stripped of all protections under the Geneva and Haig conventions, and stripped of all Human Rights.

Persons supporting them, ie providing food or shelter, or other forms of support, will be charged as supporters of TERRORISM! They can then be detained / interrogated / or summaraily judged outside of the ususal legal protective framework.

This is preparation for any and all civillians living in the Donbass region to be ethnically cleansed (genocided)!

This may also be why the Ukrainian Regime has planned false flag gas attcks – psychological preparations for western people to except the mascacre of civillians because they are really not civillians but ‘chemical weapons using terrorists’.

This legal orwellian evil has been tried and tested by both the US and UK, and no officials have ever been brought up on any war crimes charges, much less tried in a Nurenburg style Court.

The brutality of the planned new offensive, using advanced NATO weapons gifted to Ukraine is intended to place Russia in an untenable position (domestically if they fail to intervene to prevent the genocide, and internationally if they do intervene).

Wolfgang Wolf

Nuke Kiev. game over.

Jan Misko

Maybe first Moscow and Putin together with all Russian monkeys. You monkeys can’t keep together Chechnya with 2million people. Slava Ukraine death to enamy. Honor God and Mother land


The only question I have is did you send this to the Russian MOD for approval? The whole article is simply RT propaganda selectively using bits and pieces of history in an attempt to blame Ukraine for the current conflict with Russia. Make no mistake about it. This is no civil conflict, but a war between Russia and Ukraine initiated with the invasion by the Russian military of Crimea. This was followed by an illegal referendum and an illegal annexation of Crimea which voided the Russia-signed Budapest Memorandum that recognized the territorial untegrity of Ukraine – including Crimea. The Russian military also invaded Eastern Ukraine to prevent the Ukraine military from subduing the separatists. Currently, the war in Eastern Ukraine is being run from Moscow using Wagner and Russian military equipment. The separatists are little more than stooges for Putin’s geopolitical ambitions.

The resonance with the origins of World War II is too alarming to ignore. It was through the Ukraine that the German Third Reich launched its catastrophic offensive on Soviet Russia in June 1941. Today, the Kiev regime is all too reminiscent of Neo-Nazi affiliation and a rabid anti-Russian mentality.

The author certainly has a selective memory of WWII. The part you left out was that Stalin signed a non aggression pact with Hitler and split Poland. Remember the Katyn Massacre by any chance? Stalin envisioned expanding the Soviet empire while staying completely out of WWII. The USSR absorbed Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia which were formerly free states. He even signed a non aggression pact with Japan. On the heels of the Holodomor which many ethnic Ukrainians believe was genocide perpetrated by Stalin directed at Ukraine, it was no small wonder some Ukrainians fought for the Germans to free Ukraine from Russian domination. About four million (mostly) Ukrainians died as a result of Stalin’s starvation policies in 1932-33. This was recognized in 2006 by the Yushchenko government as a genocide against Ukrainians.

Based on the 2003 agreement between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine (and Russia) are allowed free passage in the Kersh Strait. Indeed, based on that agreement, the waters within the Kersh Strait belong to Russia and Ukraine. Russia accused Ukraine of entering Russian territorial waters. Really? If this were the case, there would need to be international recognition of the annexation of Crimea to Russia – and there is NOT. The propaganda video of the Ukrainian sailors “confessions” was a third world level attempt to coerce the captives.

How can the alternate media claim to be any better than the main stream media when publishing biased and selective propagandized history like this one?


Your blindness and acceptance of the lies generated by the oligarchic demons in power who bang the drums of war, is what will lead us all to our carbonized and instant deaths. You are a fool.


Your blindness and acceptance of the lies generated by the oligarchic demons in power who bang the drums of war

You misread what I wrote. I don’t support Russia at all on this issue.


Poroshenko – definitive example of foreign sponsored, tin-pot, oligarch-dictator.


As was Yanukovych!

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

“This is no civil conflict, but a war between Russia and Ukraine initiated with the invasion by the Russian military of Crimea.”
You really should stop farting, dear. This entire conflict was started by the US/EU/NATO gangsters when they began to take Ukraine out of Russia’s “orbit” in 2013 by instigating the violent Maidan.
How does it feel to have the blood of 10000+ Ukrainians on your hands, dear propaganda boy?
But then that is a small price to pay for Western expansionism, exceptionalism and supremacism, isn’t it, especially when someone else pays with their lives, right?
Same old Nazis and their ilk.


Last time I checked with international law, there is no such thing as an “orbit” or a “sphere of influence”. It’s just that Russia is under the misimpression that Ukraine is in their “orbit”. Russian intelligence completely misread the mood of the country in 2013 – like Ukrainians were tired of being in Russia’s “orbit” (and had been for the last 100 years).

Additionally, Ukrainians were tired of their dismal contracting economy in 2013 and a majority wanted closer economic ties to Europe. Yanukovych under pressure from Putin chose the Customs Union over the EU economic package – and the protests began in November 2013. It was the fascist Berkut police that initiated the violence on November 30, 2013. This had nothing to do with the US.

You will never see any of this on RT or Sputnik. For the state-owned journalists in Russia, the coup began in mid February 2014, but the earliest stages of the coup began after WWI when Ukraine lost its independence; it began when Stalin created the conditions for the Holodomor; and it began when 100,000(+) Ukrainians suspected of fighting against the USSR were deported to Siberia in 1947.





Nice try, but no dice – sphere of Influence – has always been about proximity and regional dominance. Check out US invasions, manipulations and proxy aggression against South American enclaves and states for the last two hundred years.


Nice try, but no dice – but sphere of Influence – has always been about proximity and regional dominance.

I agree with that statement – especially during the cold war. The US and Russia both faced a tremendous backlash from their dominance over their respective “orbits”. The election of left wing anti-American governments in South and Central America is a response to the US manipuating (with violence) their “sphere of influence” during the cold war. The same thing happened in the former Soviet “sphere of influence” with eastern European governments joining the EU and NATO. There is no “near abroad” in Europe or South America.

Again, the Ukraine coup directly resulted for these reasons. Ukrainians desired sovereignty.


‘It was the fascist Berkut police that initiated the violence on November 30, 2013. This had nothing to do with the US.’

Err, except the $5 billion investment, that Victoria Nuland so freely boasted about, in US state foriegn policy expenditure on sponsoring opposition forces in Ukraine – not least involving black ops to import Georgian gunmen that fired on the Maiden square for required public and media optics. This is all now on public record.


Opposition forces? You mean (all) ethnic Ukrainians. The NED was a threat to Ukraine and Russia because of government corruption. In fact, both still have corrupt governments. Regardless, the seeds of the revolution were set in history and by promises of building closer economic ties to Europe by Yanukovych in 2010 – which he reneged on. The US and the NED had nothing to do with the poor decision by Yanukovych to cave to Russian pressure in 2013. That is what instigated the protests – not the NED or the US.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Next time Fergusan happens in the US, the RF, Chinese and Iranian diplomats should head there with $ and cookies, just like McCain, Nuland, Sikorski and other EU farts did on the Maidan in 2013 to 2014. How about that?


Fergusan is chicken feed when you can interfere directly in an election to help the candidate that gives you the best opportunity to attain your geopolitical goals. In this case, it was Trump (with a little help from their friends at WikiLeaks).

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Like millions around the world, I am still waiting for EVIDENCE regarding the allegations of election interference by Russia in 2016.
You do know the meaning of EVIDENCE, don’t you, as opposed to religious beliefs?
The US political system reminds me of a classic Third World failed state. It would be a laugh but for the nukes and the $ printing press that the US evil empire controls.