Kiev Losing Territory On Its Way To The West


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Kiev Losing Territory On Its Way To The West

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Kiev Losing Territory On Its Way To The West
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Kiev Losing Territory On Its Way To The West

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On June 25, the Council of the European Union is launching the first round of negotiations regarding the entry of Ukraine into the EU. In order to become a member of the EU, Kiev should make the country fit the Copenhagen criteria, which include freedom and respect to human rights, respect for democratic principles, a constitutional state, etc. The Kiev regime ruling in Ukraine does not fit any of them. On the other side, no one welcomes Ukraine in the EU, except for example the puppet Baltic States.

On its way to the EU, Kiev is losing more and more territory, while the Russian army is advancing in different directions on the frontlines.

The intensity Ukrainian counterattacks has gradually decreased in the Kharkiv region. Some local assaults were attempted north of Liptsy, in the center of Volchansk and in Tikhoe east of the city. They no longer bring any results but only increase Ukrainian losses.

The Ukrainian military is accumulating the reserves necessary to resume larger attacks in the Kharkiv region, while the Russian Aerospace Forces are pounding them with heavy bombs, including the upgraded FAB-3000.

The Russian army is grinding down the Ukrainian defenses in the Seversk direction, winning the battle for Razdolovka. After the village was surrounded from the east and west, Russian airborne assault groups managed to enter the streets and take control of more than half of the settlement.

Russian forces continue surrounding the Ukrainian garrison in Chasov Yar from the south and north, destroying Ukrainian strongholds along the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal on the city outskirts. Heavy clashes continue in the Canal district, where Russian fire and assault groups continue mop up operations in the high-rise buildings, where Ukrainian servicemen are hiding their firing points.

In the Avdeevka direction, Russian forces are expanding the zone of their control around Ocheretino. To the south, clashes continue in Sokil, while the battle began in Evgenovka. North of Ocheretino, the Ukrainian military was forced to admit the loss of control of Novoaleksandrovka. In an attempt to stop the Russian advance, the Ukrainian military command was forced to deploy reinforcements in the area, as well as to the south in the area of the Karlov water reservoir.

In the south Donetsk direction, the heavy battle for Krasnogorovka continues. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are still holding control of the high-rise buildings in the northeastern part of the city, while the Russians are securing their positions with the mop up operations on the streets.

Russian troops are also advancing in the Ugledar direction. They have largely expanded their zone of control in the nearby fields, straightening the front and approaching the strategically important road used for providing military supplies to the Ukrainian garrison in Ugledar. The Russians are also heavily shelling the town of Konstantinovka, an important Ukrainian logistics hub, likely preparing for an upcoming assault.


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message in a bottle: the calcuta’s samorim is sinking the gama’s fleet. no more comments, pi.

gestapo mctaco

“i’ll send an s.o.s. to the world”

ukronazis tried that trick. the world looked upon them and said “not worth it, mafia installed trash”


gestapo mctaco

don’t make me repeat it, just beat it..

Kim’s Dong

actor volod took a car from old joe and cried bitterly and waved through aircraft window when flying home. all the warm applauses and demonstrations of us democracy touched him deeply and reminded of the happy childhood in the sovietukraine

zoo monkey

dumb taco cannot think—cia wiki think for taco


russian continues to move ever so slowly in ukraine, suffering high casualties for tiny specs of additional land. “not sees” are merely a psychological projection of judeo-bolshevik tyranny, framing their crimes upon those martyrs who fought valiantly to slay the communits ogre which brought suffering to tens of millions:

https: //www. thesun. co. uk/ news/ 2501517/ pictures- human -body- parts- cannibals- russian- famine- 1921- 1922 /

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon
#1 amerikan loser

dumb inferior saxon amerikan hillbilly—“stalin calm masculine; hitler feminine hysterical”. groys…moron feminized amerikan yearn for nazi hitler girl

#1 amerikan loser

“only in amerika is the father vestigial–the amerikan male mind and conscience is feminine…” (immoral) schopenhauer…geoffrey gorer…saxon=inferior species amerikannot


not anywhere other than america? not canada, ireland, britain, or elsewhere?

Pox Ukraina

you desperately need to see a psychiatrist, my little saxon fiend.

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

…wo hat man dich nur ausgebuddelt, -du honk!

wenn man deine sinnentleerten kommentare hier liest, wird einem klar, warum es mit deutschland immer weiter abwärts geht!

kommunistische volksverräter wie du es einer bist, haben unserem land immer schon immensen schaden zugefügt! sorry, einfach nur noch peinlich…

Last edited 8 months ago by Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

then please debate me. p.s. i did not click on the bell next to the green post “post comment” in order to receive notifications of responses to my comments.

https: //youtu. be/ w0nesctcgra

https: //en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ a_ priori_ and_ a_ posteriori

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon

translation of your comment, according to google translate:

“…where did they dig you up, you idiot!

when you read your meaningless comments here, it becomes clear why germany is going downhill!

communist traitors like you have always caused immense damage to our country! sorry, just embarrassing…”


while carl jung argued that hitler captured the general indo-european spirit of the german people and possessed that sense of freedom, and yearning for greatness in what he described as “ergiffenheit.”

bolshevism on the other hand captures the spirit of the lower man that is in essence his own desire for conquest, and to tear down what he himself cannot create. that is why bolshevik jews, and degenerates such as stalin murdered their betters in russia and abroad.

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon
#1 amerikan loser

moron amerikunt loser suckson retired toilet scrubber at sheklestein plumbing earn taco from soros–n o pension

Pox Ukraina

your interpretation of jung’s writings is a perfect example of the collective german lack of consciensness. (yes, you read it right).

better that you spend your time following himmler in his search for the aryan holy grail

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

…deine kommentare verursachen echt schmerzen!

du bist ein armer, vergrätzter altkommunist, der den absturz seiner grünen partei und seiner götter, habeck und baerbock, nicht verkraftet!

gib deine weisheiten einfach beim nächsten parteitag deiner lieblinge zum besten, verschone aber die armen leser der southfront vor deinen geistigen ergüssen 😉

Last edited 8 months ago by Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

i do not understand german. lookup carl jung’s “analysis” of adolf hitler. i am using google translate to understand your comments:

“…your comments really hurt!

you are a poor, grumpy old communist who can’t cope with the collapse of his green party and his gods, habeck and baerbock!

just share your wisdom at the next party conference of your favorites, but spare the poor readers of the southfront from your intellectual outpourings”


i hate the green party. they are anti white. their fat, feminist leader is against her own people, and various other groups of people from european descent. she favors suicidal mass immigration of mostly non-whites to germany, and other white countries. putin also favors suicidal non-white immigration to russia’s european regions.

Last edited 8 months ago by Saxon
Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

…entschuldige, ich wusste nicht, dass du nur jiddisch verstehst!

ich werde es lernen und bei weiteren posts berücksichtigen!!!


hahahahahahaha too funny and true

Massa John

those war reports of southfront are the best of their kind

gestapo mctaco

true mj, now beat it…

Kim’s Dong

all have funny time with the news

jens holm

when ukraine considered for eu it will be smaller more irrelevant than denmark

Kim’s Dong

will it still be worth ten times?


hardly, denmark has an area of 43,094 km sq, even ukraine in its true area in its 1654 borders is bigger.

Mr. Clean

the danes gave it all up to nazi germany before nazi germany had even decided it wanted it.


the danes lasted 6 hours after the invasion, before they accepted a ceasefire with nazi germany, and sadly 16 danish soldiers got kia.


it’s a real shame the ukrainians are so brain dead as to walk into a meat grinder. anyone with an eye in their head and a hole in there arse can see zelensky is just an american puppet leading them to slaughter. id be very surprised if here is a ukrainian race left when this is over, maybe not any other race as well? what a stupid way to die.

Last edited 8 months ago by Renoman
Kim’s Dong

what do you care?

Kim’s Dong

actor volod took a car from old joe and cried bitterly and waved through aircraft window when flying home. all the warm applauses and demonstrations of us democracy touched him deeply and reminded of the happy childhood in the sovietukraine

M. Paraplu

there is no ukrainian race. they are either poles or russians.

Pox Ukraina

zelensky’s former adviser arestovych called him one of the dumbest people on the planet.

bojo’s former adviser called ukraine a corrupt mafia shithole, inferring it should be bulldozed over.

both attributes are highly prized by neoconniving americans on the hunt for puppet states.

Last edited 8 months ago by Pox Ukraina
Mr. Clean

if the ukrainians are so stupid to not see it, they won’t be missed in the gene pool.

Kim’s Dong

vlad old gave car to kim and cried and waved through aircraft window when flying home. all the warm applauses and demonstrations of democracy touched him deeply and reminded of the happy childhood in free soviet

Last edited 8 months ago by Kim’s Dong
Kim’s Dong

don’t make me repeat it, just beat it..

zoo monkey

moron amerikunt need more taliban sodomy

jens holm

all brain territory in angloshere inferior to lower monkey species

#1 amerikan loser

we dumb uncivilized sexually repressed puritan hillbillies—37 reported violent crimes usa for 1 in russia 2023


i wonder when the tipping point will be, and then nato will either have to commit nato ground troops, or sue for peace?

Pox Ukraina

the tipping point will be when fragging becomes the national ukrainian passtime.


fragging is a us method, and maybe not a slavic one. or the tipping point would be in zelenskyy is taken out.


the loser inferior american saxon desperately humiliates herself routinely at south front—smeshnoy bolnoy chervek


my gender dysphoria improved by 5 different amerikan lgbt surgeons that endorse sodomy and my pink nail polish


why not just blow up the buildings it would make for great footage
