Screen grab from a video by MBDA showing a live-fire test of the Brimstone (https://youtu.be/F1cS8zhweq4).
Kiev forces have begun to use Brimstone precision-guided missiles recently donated by the UK against the Russian military.
On May 6, photos showing the remains of a Brimstone missile, specifically the tail section, in an unspecified front in the Donbass region surfaced online. There is still no information on the target that was struck by the missile.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
The Brimstone, which was developed by MBDA UK, can be launched from ground or air. The missile utilizes a dual guidance system with active millimetric-wave radar and semi-active laser. The missile’s warhead is a 6,3 kilograms tandem shaped charge with different delay and proximity fusing modes.
The maximum range of the ground-launched version of the Brimstone is unknown, but the air-launched version can reportedly hit targets more than 20 kilometers away. The range of the ground-launched version will likely be much shorter as it won’t benefit of from the speed and the altitude of an aircraft.
In April, James Heappey, the UK’s armed forces minister, announced that “hundreds” of Brimstone missiles will be supplied to Kiev forces. Back then, Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace said that the missiles being sent to Ukraine “will be used over the ground”.
The Brimstone is a lethal missile. However, its guidance system requires laser illumination of the target from ground or air. Due to this, Kiev forces will not likely be able to benefit from the missile’s maximum range. The missile will likely be used only along the frontline where military scouts and drone can detect and illuminate targets with laser.
The UK has been leading Western efforts to support Kiev side by side with the US. So far, Britain has shipped loads of weapons to Ukraine, including thousands of anti-tank weapons, hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles and dozens of armored vehicle.
Like the rest of Kiev’s Western allies, the UK hopes that its military support will prolong the war in Ukraine and weaken the Russian military.
Is this the first confirmed instance in which weapons that have been sent to Ukraine after February 24th have been confirmed to have arrived by the Ukrainian forces in this war?
Our Gov’t invades countries, kills millions, leaves the countries destroyed, steals their money and resources and tells us that they are humanitarians
Don’t think so … Southfront reported yesterday that …… “Some of the M777 155 mm towed howitzers supplied by the West have arrived in Ukraine and entered service with Kiev forces”.
Russia is kaput and will surrender soon.
They have yet to surrender in their long mostly proud history, and it’s not happening this time either. You still have to conquer the biggest most unforgiving land mass on Earth before you turn them into slaves. That’s not happening.
It already happend in 1917, but you seem to not realize it. Jewish revolution also today euphemistically called “bolshevic revolution” took the whole country and murdered the legitimate russian leader the czar including family. Since then russia is jewish controlled, which is also why Germany waged war against that jewish controlled monster.
You obvious think that today USA+EU is waging war against RU and China. That’s maybe what it looks like. But it’s not true. You’re looking at thing from inside the Matrix. Take the outside view and you’ll understand that ALL 4 ARE ALREADY under the – you call it zionists – JEWS control. This whole Ukraine theater is just a big muppets show, a theater for the masses, in order to bring world war 3 on, and install global Jewish World Order resp. JWO/NWO.
USA+EU+RU+China are all controlled by jews (Rothschild central banking system + Rockefeller Foundation + Chabad Lubawich & Bnai Brith) working together against mankind.
It’s like a hollywood movie. The film produces needs a good story, and good actors to make the viewers believe in it, and make the film get their full attention. This game is played to make us believe that USA+EU is fighting against RU+China, when in fact that’s not the case. All are part of the JWO/NWO but have been ordered to play different rolls in it. One being the good guy, one beingthe bad guy, the weak one the mighty one, the silent giant, the loud moron etc. It’s like Copperfield (jewish name too, btw.).
He shifts the people’s attention away for a moment, and that very moment he clandestinely makes his big move, and the “trick” the “magic” is achieved/completed, with everybody just wondering, astouned and suprised etc. When in fact it was just a very simple trick, functioning only because they didn t realize their attention was diverted and shifted away for a moment. Watch this from minute 17.35 and listen to what the jewish rabbi says, who they gonna kill. Because Torah is ordering them to do so. They want to eradicate most of mankind INCLUDING Chinese and russia people completely and basically all none-jewish nations. The jews openly declare it, but obviously nobody here listens, and all nations are waiting till it is too late. The jews have already begun that giant global genocide by making large chunks of mankind getting their DNA-destroying jewish mRNA-ratpoison injection, which the jewish world-wide medias are euphemistically calling “vaccines”.
Again I urge you to listen carefully to what the jewish rabbi says in this documentation calles ‘Satan’s garment of darkness’. And then you will realize what the true war is.
In fact it is JEWS against ALL other nations, people and folks. And they even say it openly that they, according to the torah ought to kill every none-jew on earth including Americans, Chinese, Russians , and Germans, all need to die and cease to exist, that is what their jewish religious leaders openly state. Because torah says that those are “idol-worshippers which have no right to live”.
Here watch this video ( https://bit.ly/3sjDtSW ) were a jewish rabbis tells it openly. Do not wonder the video starts in german language, as the important scene is in english.
Go forward to minute 17.35 and listen. It’s in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Then you will see that it is really them against all of us.
I’m talking about a foreign nation. They were conquered from within their own ranks, and also infiltration from abroad. Kind of like the situation facing all Western Nations at this moment. Communism is the religion of the cabal. They bring it wherever they set up shop eventually. Not even the U.S.A. is safe from it’s reach. They have been working for fifty years or more to infiltrate and embed themselves in every pillar of our society. America won’t be destroyed by a foreign enemy, but intentionally from within. This is happening as we speak. Destroying God and the family are their main objectives. The two things every great civilization is built on. Once those are gone nothing will prevent anarchy and civil war. The only thing that keeps us from being already on our deathbed as a civilization, is everybody still has the legal right to bare arms.This is the only deterrent keeping honest people alive.
@Otto Yes, I agree with what you state. With their communist-long-term strategy they infiltrated everything. But communism is an ideology a political system ( you call it a religion) invented by J E W S to subdue and oppress none jews and get them to accept jewish dominance. They do this by (like you correctly stated:): Trying to destroy God (the belief of the none-jews in god and morality) and the families (and family-values and honour) of all none-jews. That are their main objectives in order to parasitically destroy the none-jewish societies from within. But behind communism (which is just a fascade/camouflage) there is always the master, the ruler of that system called JUDAISM. This is the only thing I would add to your comment. Apart from that, nothing to add from my side. Good comment !
Communism is china,communism is not reight sect neo liberal!
Usa never communists,usa are neo liberal lgbtq sodomised nazis and cia are the slimebag scumbags reicht sect,fkn drr dud!
o ffs sake sørensen get your sorry scandinavian butt into a war zone instead of yacking about bolsheviks get your smug swedish norwegian spoilt butt into blood and guts
Maybe not surrender, just abolish themselves like USSR
Forget is poofta,you and your lgbtq are the enemies of christ,pfft!
why dont you hang yourself
Meanwhile……Ukrainian keep surrendering and so far the number is 6.735.
This is what OKW´s Keitel said to Hitler in Wolf´s lair in the beginning of September of 1941.
Disregard the slimey self defeated fascist scumbags,they live for soros!
Only kepoot were sodomised poofta,fekn liar,learn some truth,assflogg,pfft!
Russia’s kaput???
1. Russia’s the one under sanction however the ruble is stronger today than it was before sanctions.
2. Russia has yet to declare war and mobilize while Ukraine is on their 4th round of military draft and are sending old men and teenagers to the front without training.
3. Ukraine is constantly begging for weapons … especially artillery. What happened to the 1200 artillery pieces and 600 MLRS systems they had 2 months ago?
No is not.
US providing additional $150m in military aid to Ukraine
President Joe Biden urges Congress to approve more funds, saying they will help Kyiv on battlefield and defeat Russia. Biden now alluded to the fact that US is now seeking complete Russian degradation and collapse as a major power.
Last week, Biden urged the US Congress to approve an additional $33bn in assistance to Ukraine.
Congress, which has the authority to allocate money for the executive branch, has approved $13.6bn in assistance to Kyiv as US lawmakers have almost unanimously backed aid for Ukraine so far.
Others contribute too.
To little, and much to late.
We have tried to keep Minsk 2 as long as possible no matter what the Ukras and Russians did.
Nato by that was not there.
We also has to restructure because of sanctions as well as Chia is not feeling fine at all.
Our Gov’t invades countries, kills millions, leaves the countries destroyed, steals their money and resources and tells us that they are humanitarians.
the west will collapse like rome,its days are numbered morally and ethically bankrupt degenerate perverted and depraved,when some one asked ghandi what he thought of western civilisation,he replied what civilisation
Yes, and who did quote : ” morally and ethically bankrupt degenerate perverted and depraved ” the west so that “west will collapse like rome,its days are numbered” ????
Jews did, you sorry historically uneducated nut !
They have even a word for their kind of warfare which is to first infiltrate everything, take over the finances, the governemnt, the schools and universitys, the justice system, regilious places, and of course the medias etc.and them attack by means of clandistine hybrid warfare all of the mentally important institutions and transform them into weapons against the people. Education system twisted into make-people-stupid-system. Justice-> Injustice. Reliegion God -> devil, satanisim, pedophil wicked shit. Young, upright healthy youth and fighting force -> turned into genderized, soft and powerless wimping little faggots and shitters and so on and on. They brought it so far that the brainwashed masses ran free willingly to the slaughterhouses in order to take the mRNA poison-death shot.
That’s how the jews wage war. They call it Talmudic warfare.
This warfare they use against the GOYIM to eradicate them in large masses and to secretly get total domination over them.
So Helene, who are you ? Got your jewish ratpoison-shot (from Lucifer resp. Pfizer already)already, or are you still a human-being, but just at the moment not able to use your brain ? Btw. The Pfizer Biontech “vaccines name” Comiranty is just an Anagram for the word GOYIM-RNA resp. Subhuman-RNA. And this stuff they ask people to allow it getting injected into their bodies, and mio. over mio. ran to the slaughterhouses and took that satanic anti-christ-jab. And you Helene Matz, what did you do !??? Nah ???
Btw. you mentioned rome, and that west will go down same as them. Do you know WHO brought down rome ? Read what Marcus Tullius Cicero, years BC !!!, wrote about the beginning decline of rome (Quote):
The next thing is that charge about the Jewish gold. And this, forsooth, is the reason why this cause is pleaded near the steps of Aurelius. It is on account of this charge, O Laelius, that this place and that mob has been selected by you. You know how numerous that crowd is, how great is its unanimity, and of what weight it is in the popular assemblies. I will speak in a low voice, just so as to let the judges hear me. For men are not wanting who would be glad to excite that people against me and against every eminent man; and I will not assist them and enable them to do so more easily. [67] As gold, under pretence of being given to the Jews, was accustomed every year to be exported out of Italy and all the provinces to Jerusalem, Flaccus issued an edict establishing a law that it should not be lawful for gold to be exported out of Asia. And who is there, O judges, who cannot honestly praise this measure? The senate had often decided, and when I was consul it came to a most solemn resolution that gold ought not to be exported. But to resist this barbarous superstition were an act of dignity, to despise the multitude of Jews, which at times was most unruly in the assemblies in defence of the interests of the republic, was an act of the greatest wisdom. “But Cnaeus Pompeius, after he had taken Jerusalem, though he was a conqueror, touched nothing which was in that temple.” [68] In the first place, he acted wisely, as he did in many other instances, in leaving no room for his detractors to say anything against him, in a city so prone to suspicion and to evil speaking. For I do not suppose that the religion of the Jews, our enemies, was any obstacle to that most illustrious general, but that he was hindered by his own modesty. Where then is the guilt? Since you nowhere impute any theft to us, since you approve of the edict, and confess that it was passed in due form, and did not deny that the gold was openly sought for and produced the facts of the case themselves show that the business was executed by the instrumentality of men of the highest character. There was a hundredweight of gold, more or less openly seized at Apamea, and weighed out in the forum at the feet of the praetor, by Sextus Caesius, a Roman knight, a most excellent and upright man; twenty pounds weight or a little more were seized at Laodicea, by Lucius Peducaeus, who is here in court, one of our judges; some was seized also at Adramyttium, by Cnaeus Domitius, the lieutenant, and a small quantity at Pergamus. [69] The amount of the gold is known; the gold is in the treasury; no theft is imputed to him; but it is attempted to render him unpopular. The speaker turns away from the judges, and addresses himself to the surrounding multitude. Each city, O Laelius, has its own peculiar religion we have ours. While Jerusalem was flourishing, and while the Jews were in a peaceful state, still the religious ceremonies and observances of that people were very much at variance with the splendour of this empire and the dignity of our name and the institutions of our ancestors. And they are the more odious to us now because that nation has shown by arms what were its feelings towards our supremacy. How dear it was to the immortal gods is proved by its having been defeated, by its revenues having been farmed out to our contractors, by its being reduced to a state of subjection.
M. Tullius Cicero. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, literally translated by C. D. Yonge, B. A. London. Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. 1856.
Thats fine with me. According to the propaganda only Oligarcs has money in Ukriane.
Some artillery has arrived.
you might want to replace all that brand new stuff Russia destroyed for you at the START of the operation.
Guns can be replaced but you better start humping each other straight away to come up with the new soldiers to shoot them with because bad news is the old ones are already sprouting Sunflowers.
Its a kind of weatherrrapport – is it not.
It is actually a good question because, so not sure why you got the downticks.
i see another useless trash, next to jav and stinger
Best case off 1 in 4 will only work. Hahahaha.. 25% reliability from the British Military.
You ate the propaganda version.
Ha ha. Mama goat only had one tit and You were 4.🕶
18 see what they are told to see. Putin just told in TV the sun tomorrow will go up in west.
Won’t happen dude. Ukrainian army is composed of a bunch of conscripts who don’t know s**t about fighting. They are better off surrendering. That is luckily what they do most of the time. Look at the weapons they got so far. They loose now even more then before. They lost the moment Zelensky decided to attack Russian speaking people. Now look at him and what’s left of his country. What a moron.
Lots of projection going on here, looks like someone’s been reading too much Russian propaganda. Russia is sending unprepared kids with faulty equipment to get blown to bits, Ukraine is sending trained troops full of heavy-duty equipment. Your army has proven to be the laughing stock of the world and I doubt your country will ever recover from this, the world is against you and your country will be successfully denazified soon, good riddance!
Nice balls, Michelle…ma belle…
The problem is far too many sodomised homosexuals training nazis= FAILED!
Now go back to where you belong in californian zoo,and dont insult man kind!
New weapon? Do You want us to die laughing?
We know how things are. Its like at Moskva. The Russian soldiers use fishing gear to get a meal now and them.
We have seen in the advrtising for more soldiers. The militaries prefare fat young men, which pay to loose weight.
What world? Your are a complete joke. 30 of the vassals to the US are against Russia, 165 countries so far are neutral or with Russia. That is a FACT. Sanctions are not working. Russian Ruble is stronger then before the conflict. EU is paying for its resources in Ruble like Russia demanded. The kill ratio is around 40:1 in favor of Russia. Ukraine is loosing territory, man power and hardware faster then what they can replenish. That is also a FACT. Ukraine has called already 3 waves of conscripts to fight, begged for the west to give them weapons, fuel and money. This has been all over the news for weeks, but you moron can’t get that? Who is reading propaganda? You may be also believing Ukraine will march into Moscow tomorrow, I guess?
Like I said, you are a total joke. You can’t even sum up easy accessible news from the west and make a rational conclusion. So you are either a fraud and a liar or just very, very stupid.
Which one is it?
The best thing for both sides would have been Zelensky surrendering on the 25th of February. But he wants more dead gentiles.
By that same logic, the Soviet Union should have simply surrendered to Germany in ww2, they would’ve avoided millions of deaths.
Thats copy paste by Yourself and Your parrot.
Mommy’s calling …….. your meds are ready.
Good one, not that I need any, but hey at least I live in a country where they’re available if I ever do. Not the greatest healthcare you got over there in Russia right? The sanctions sure can’t be helping either, such a shame.
Daughter, take your medicine, don’t embarrass me with nonsense in front of people.
Hahaha lol! Good one MOM 1 DAUGHTER 0
Russia does not put aids in foods like yous apeshit tranny!
Its Engels economy. If people die 10 years before us, they save a lot of pension.
Something went wrong there. Grouco Marx had a bad day and the next too.
Yep, just checked and Russia ranks 55th out of 89th in terms of healthcare amongst developed countries, pitiful guys.
Misha feel sorry for yourself, we have enough of everything.
western biased ranks, says everything imho
Must be a miserable existence, convinced the entire world is against you and everything is rigged against your favor instead of accepting the truth, hope you heal.
Dear, America, Western Europe and Australia are not the whole world.
Thats right. Only 140 countries support us in UN and 38 was neutral.
Wheres the truth,to date you posted not a single fact,you liar!
Go geta aids test,you say too much mental disease disorders
He actually did.
Not the whole world.
They are supported by Lukashenko, Assad, Eritrea, Cuba and North Korea.
You western brainwashed assholes will learn hard soon who is need to heal.
Yes it does. Your kind are raised to believe reliable data only are made in basements in Moskva and Vladivostok.
Its the same for the russian propaganda about the war. We have direct data from Ukriane by sober journalists, facebook, mobile phones and androids from refugees living here.
Even so Your kind try to propagandize us.
Next You refer to Ukrainian propaganda. But we already as a routine use the propaganda filter there too. Its same level.
You also still understand Our many sources are not driven by the states. They are guards for free speek and oppinions about things.
Why is the US afraid to have skin in the game? Afraid of Russia, is he? It is rather cowardly to let Ukrainians get killed and cities destroyed so Biden can say he is a “tough guy”.
Lmao or maybe it’s because Russia is much weaker than we thought and ukraine is doing a perfectly well job of defending itself, it’d be overkill for us to join in. If the US thought that Russia posed a genuine threat, we’d have pummeled you guys already, it’s just fun to sit back and watch you guys struggle.
Go to a drug rehab centre,plenty in californicator land,the best!
Them and Our people are not spendables. Thats why.
By that we pay for saved lives.
It was like that from WW2. Stalin even blamed Rosevelt that too few americans died.
You rank 55th most gay in 89 Dominion voting machines.
Bang on! More fuckin well like it too!
Gays are the same % in the whole world. Genetics makes it.
I dont see they harm any.
Homosexual reports are not worth anything,ask the fallen troops how many lives russians saved,you deplorable worm up ye assed bullish sodomite!
who cares about these rankings.. mine is probably the last yet we all still alive and happy.. Slava Rossiya! :)
Russians has made heaven attractive.
Bullahit i remember well when Russian came in italy bringing medical and and breathing machines. As well as Cubans sent medics. USA brought only its Pfizer killer
Did the Plantation Owner authorized you to waste your time in Southfront ???
Go to hell black tranny incested sodomised monkey,world needs not of your kind,pfft!
Me too.
I heard the Russians will donate some of them for alternative housing for orphans in Maripol and Kharkov.
Until now I have just seen dead hololos and Western mercenaries displaced bodies videos. A show i was waiting since 48 years.
The war in Donbas is artillery war and Russia by far has the upper hand as we all can see they are pounding Neo-Nazis pigs.
Ukraine can’t protect their artilleries and Russia going to destroy those like the 1000s they have destroyed so far… what are they going to do when they don’t have anything to fire it with?
I know they going to use those as their dildos.
I said it before and I said again, it is fuking moronic to send different systems/ammo/etc to Ukraine.
But again, both the US and NATO sending trash to these morons to somehow “weaken” Russia only – it is fuking sad – those poor fuks can’t even leave the country…
quite the hodge-podge isn’t it
Not true. The Jews were allowed to leave right away. Dying is for gentiles you know, and Zelensky doesn’t want his fellow Jews harmed.
I should have been more clear and said Ukraine men, not half-pig g0ys, my bad.
Surreal the mothers ukranian but the fathers a fascist piggoy!
Yes, 2,15%. That 945.000 of 44 million vomen and children included.
You dont get it. We send more and better drones of any kind. We also send missiles of many kinds.
The artillery we send is no flee market as You insinuate. Artllery fight in coorfinated groups where the soldiers has learned to use them.
One thing is very coordinated. They use same type of grenades. We send no trash. They are standards for the whole world.
Where are tanks in this?
Facts are its about having the most clever forces and logistics for them very much too.
You started with saying “you don’t get it” and then start talking shit.
You aren’t part of NATO or the US army to include yourself as one.
Who is “we”?
The US and France send like 12 artilleries so far and those wouldn’t do shit for Neo-Nazis.
If they send those to the front line those going to get destroyed.
Training my ass those poor fuks get like 2 weeks of training in Germany – that’s all, yet somehow they have to use DIFFERENT systems as well.
Sure, NATO and US aren’t sending trash the Neo-Nazis are just morons to point out ammo/s that were about to be expired this year and M113 APC that the US doesn’t EVEN USE anymore.
Put those standards up your asshole rtded bitch.
Read again, where did I mention tanks?
“in this” in what?
Yes, they’re “clever” like you clown.
Also, the Neo-Nazis said the US and NATO sending their trash to Ukraine.
“The last two U.S. weapons packages for Ukraine have included a total of 90 howitzer artillery systems.”
90 howitzer artillery systems from the US alone you fuking rtded fuk.
Its also highly incorrect they cant protect their artillery. They actually do. Now they get better weapons for protection. A briitish is announced right here at the SF.
Yeah, prove me wrong – why does NATO have to send artilleries to Ukraine then?
What happened to all of Ukraine’s artilleries? Why did the US send artilleries to Ukraine?
When you start talking shit your English also becomes shit.
We need to locate the facility making this ordnance in the UK and have activist groups protest and destroy any western factory facility producing weapons of war that are being sent to kill innocent civilians in former East Ukraine. Burn these weapons factory facilities to the ground and identify the owners and managers running them confront them in the streets and at their family homes…..
Right, how dare they help a country defend itself from an invading superpower..unacceptable!😡😡
Defending usa bio lab/weapon fabs more fkin like it! (sic)
Thewy makes tomatoes and potaties. Blame domeone from South Ameirica.
He next wish might be Nato only was in GB and armed with bow and arrow.
The far more likely option is that the UK, US, NATO have now set a precedent to supply weapons against any opponent who is in a conflict. So of course Russia will be supplying intelligence and weapons as a third party, that will be targeting, sinking and destroying UK, US, NATO assets in any future conflicts. Things just got a whole lot more complicated and potentially very costly for the US, UK and NATO going forward as they have created a free for all!
“Rússia supplying Intelligence” hahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Thats not free for all. Its free from You.
Thre are no secrets for where they are and do. Try the internet.
They probatly has armed diepers for Your seize too. most likely You can be a stockholder as well.
I wouldn’t be relying on help from the British. They, along with the Yanks, got their asses handed to them by Afghan goat herders.
So did the Soviets, this doesn’t mean their weapons aren’t effective.
Yes, but after the departure of the USSR, Najibullah held on for another 3 years. And under the Americans, power in Afghanistan collapsed even before they left.
false—you are ignorant of history—ussr entirely demolished muhjadin
Afghanistan goats demolished evil empire Soviet Union. I saw it on Rambo III. Most people with any sense are on your side this go around, but the Soviet Union from 1900 to 1992 was an abomination unparalleled in world history. 100 million dead from starvation, poverty, and murder. In a perfect world Hitler would have annihilated the entire Soviet regime and we would have lived happily ever after. Russia seems to have done its best to restore the nation back to pre-revolution days before the Czar was murdered, but just because you are in the right at this time does not mean you are absolved from all the Communist horrors you inflicted for the previous century. Slava Russia!
Exactly, and in contrast to UDSSR military commanders, german government and commanders refrained from ordering their soldiers to mass-rape the enemies women. Such disgusting behaviour was only put up and done by judeo-communist UDSSR commanders and leadership, ordering the red army soldiers to commit these bestialities. Here: Look and listen to that old red army soldier, and him remembering and admitting massraping german women on orders of his commanders in 1945.
Video: https://bit.ly/39M5V9x (There are thousands more of these proofs, but of course the jewish medias in the west and of course also in russia-media do not show them to the public. Try to re-post that video on RT.com, and see what happens !)
Sure, demolished them the same way the US did, still lost at the end😂
They failed to beat the Taliban, losing thousands of soldiers, and withdrew.
Afghanistan is a humiliating defeat for both US and Russian imperialism :)
Britain is begging to be nuked. If Russia does so, Britain had it coming. But if you do Russia, please use air burst nukes so as not to harm the marine life.
You speak as if Russia wouldn’t be met with the same thing if they did so..
Britain doesn’t have nukes fool.
US and UK are pouring in weapons and the cancerous moron Putin is begging for a ceasefire and has even agreed to a safe passage for the Azovstal hereos, so they can kill more Russians. Lol 😆
What happens to those that leave Azovstal, if still alive? They are collected by Russia and will not be seeing their families, should they be wearing NATO uniforms or body painted with swastikas. Why create a headline, when there are so many other ways to skin a Nazi?
they can be expected to serve in labor camps for 10 years each
You are a fkn dumbass. Go watch some more mainstream media and do us all a favor and get your booster shots. You are nothing but a braindead moron.
This was done so that the civilian population would come out. The Azov troops did not pose a threat to the Russian troops at that moment.
The only cancer is in your brain liar!
senile nazi—-die soon
The Nazis thought they could still win until they found the Red Army outside of Berlin.
Look at what happened in 1917 in Russia and realize the implications from it. Jewish revolution, today euphemistically called also “bolshevic revolution” took the whole country and murdered the legitimate russian leader the czar including family + minimum of 30 mio russians including nearly all christian kulak farmers. Since then russia is jewish controlled, which is also why Germany waged war against that jewish controlled monster.
You obvious think that today USA+EU is waging war against RU and China. That’s maybe what it looks like. But it’s not true. You’re looking at thing from inside the Matrix. Take the outside view and you’ll understand that ALL 4 ARE ALREADY under the – you call it zionists – (me, I simply call it) JEWS control. This whole Ukraine theater is just a big muppets show, a theater for the masses, in order to bring world war 3 on, and install global Jewish World Order resp. JWO/NWO.
USA+EU+RU+China are all controlled by jews (Rothschild central banking system + Rockefeller Foundation + Chabad Lubawich & Bnai Brith) working together against mankind.
It’s like a hollywood movie. The film produces needs a good story, and good actors to make the viewers believe in it, and make the film get their full attention. This game is played to make us believe that USA+EU is fighting against RU+China, when in fact that’s not the case. All are part of the JWO/NWO but have been ordered to play different rolls in it. One being the good guy, one beingthe bad guy, the weak one the mighty one, the silent giant, the loud moron etc. It’s like Copperfield (jewish name too, btw.).
He shifts the people’s attention away for a moment, and that very moment he clandestinely makes his big move, and the “trick” the “magic” is achieved/completed, with everybody just wondering, astouned and suprised etc. When in fact it was just a very simple trick, functioning only because they didn t realize their attention was diverted and shifted away for a moment. Watch this from minute 17.35 and listen to what the jewish rabbi says, who they gonna kill. Because Torah is ordering them to do so. They want to eradicate most of mankind INCLUDING Chinese and russia people completely and basically all none-jewish nations. The jews openly declare it, but obviously nobody here listens, and all nations are waiting till it is too late. The jews have already begun that giant global genocide by making large chunks of mankind getting their DNA-destroying jewish mRNA-ratpoison injection, which the jewish world-wide medias are euphemistically calling “vaccines”.
Again I urge you to listen carefully to what the jewish rabbi says in this documentation calles ‘Satan’s garment of darkness’. And then you will realize what the true war is.
In fact it is JEWS against ALL other nations, people and folks. And they even say it openly that they, according to the torah ought to kill every none-jew on earth including Americans, Chinese, Russians , and Germans, all need to die and cease to exist, that is what their jewish religious leaders openly state. Because torah says that those are “idol-worshippers which have no right to live”.
Here watch this video ( https://bit.ly/3sjDtSW ) were a jewish rabbis tells it openly. Do not wonder the video starts in german language, as the important scene is in english.
Go forward to minute 17.35 and listen. It’s in ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Then you will see that it is really them against all of us.
another Jens homo retrard
Communism is what brought China from the middle age feudalism(1959) to be the first power on earth in just 60 years.
Emotional marketing bypasses rational analysis of bad data. But the truth eventually comes to the surface. That’s when the clueless masses figure out they got conned again. Same shit, different day. YES, THE STATE DEPARTMENT UNDER OBAMA OVERTHREW THE DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT IN 2014 AND INSTALLED NAZIS TO RUN IT. NOW WE RISK A NUCLEAR WAR.
Expensive and largely useless. They rely on the Ukrops being well organised to coordinate an attack on a specific target. The Russian Forces will probably wipe them out with rockets before they get much of a chance.
I wonder if these are expired as well like the Javelin were?
If the psychopaths in Nato keep it up, hypersonic missiles coming to a town near you real soon. The whole world is still nothing but a bunch of barbarians. At this rate, Jesus be back real soon. And I’ll sure be glad when he gets here.
That Church ill person reigned he’ll fire upon Germany earlier They had the spit fires Very disingenuous that one
His speech that went on and on like a sop Opera for radio , Their finest hour, did foretell that should the nazis not be exterminated, then they would rise up and the free world would be destroyed by use of a protracted and basically malevolent implied science.
defeat guaranteed—dependent on incompetent anglo weapons
Defeat guaranteed because Scripture in the Holy Bible says Russia will triumph over the whore of Babylon in the final battle.
you amerikans are strange hillbillies—bible is irrelevant
Are Russian weapons better though, your cruise missiles have 60% fail rate
Fake report,try well over 90% bullseye,cia fagget brain! with your 7/900 failures
They should regift it to that rapist Johnson over there. Another closet case Freemason satanist.
Too much cocaine in the uk politics these days,just like usa and eu-epp,sad but true!
The image looks rather strange.. the missiles are not proportionate to each other and the launched missile seems like it heading straight into the mast in the front..
GET the BIG picture cleared !!
For he past decades directly, US and allies has been involved in 95% of all conflicts /wars throughout the world.
Cooked up Weapon of mass destruction in 2003 before the UN, invaded Iraq and killed more than 60000 Iraqis in the next 6 years.
Supported a puppet Iraqi government granting US oil giants tens of billions of oil contracts.
Destroyed massive Iraqi modernized infrastructure, destroyed millions of families, and caused massive humnanitarian crisis during that period.
Has any of the US generals been hanged ? George Bush the evil, is he stripped naked and hanged in public ? No. International Court of Justice acted ? No
Time to get world num 1 evil US to pay back
hundred of billions of USD of Infrastructures destroyed by the US in Iraq, have they compensated a single cent?
So, obviously, it is imminent, the big picture here, the whole world to make sure to support the balance of world powers to make sure the saga in Ukraine DOES NOT result in Russia to be weakened, optimally, STRENGTHENED instead as a result.
So morally, and ethically, in the view of human rights consideration,
the BIG PICTURE is to make sure at the end of Ukraine sage, Russia is stronger than prior to Ukraine’s operation.
Such that world num 1 evil US and its allies can be contained from doing further evil to the world.
This is the TOP priority, the whole world has the obligation to urgently push towards this goal
I agree
Its typical. You only see USA. The rest is fine nnocent people drinking tea sitting on their hands.
If people around the world behaved better for themself and to others, theneed for that kind of actions culd be lowered.
But thats denied.
defeat accepted when you will rely on useless anglo trash
Lucas Electrics….LOL
One clear blue day the Brimstone missiles will be resupplied to Britain. Then they will regret their “help” to Ukraine. What goes around comes around!
The Ukraine conflict is yet another scheme where Biden, under the control of communist China, is disposing of America’s munitions by feeding them into the “Russia grinder” where these weapons are destroyed on their way to the front lines in Ukraine.
The goal of this is not merely to help Ukraine win the war (which looks hopeless at this point) but rather to deplete America’s weapons stockpiles in an effort to weaken America before China’s long-planned invasion gets under way.
China is watching carefully and calculating the rapid draw-down of America’s anti-tank weapons, drones, armored vehicles, artillery units, artillery ammunition and other key elements that would be necessary for America to defend herself against a Chinese invasion. The more of these weapons are sent to Ukraine, the weaker America’s homeland defenses become.
The Biden regime is run by Obama, who has been working to weaken and dismantle the USA
Understand that Biden is run by Obama, and Obama has been working with globalists to destroy the United States from the very start of his administration in January, 2009. Some of the attacks on America that have been waged with the help of Obama include culture wars, racial division, extreme censorship, economic warfare, dumbing down of public education, mass depopulation efforts with deadly vaccines, the purging of conservatives from the US military.
Nuke London already!
It istime for Russia to arm the IRA and any other irish separatist movement.
If 2-3 british police armored carriers are punched, then monkey like Boris Johnson will loose very soon their support