Kiev Concentrated Large Number Of Offensive Weapons On Contact Line With Local Militias In Eastern Ukraine

Kiev Concentrated Large Number Of Offensive Weapons On Contact Line With Local Militias In Eastern Ukraine

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Since the November incident between a Ukrainian Naval group and Russian coastal guards in the Black Sea, Russian officials as well as representatives of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have repeatedly warned that the Kiev government is reinforcing its military group in eastern Ukraine and preparing provocations to trigger a military escalation there.

The data below is taken from reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine (SOURCE). It allows to get a general look at the recent deployments of military equipment and offensive weapons by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the period from December 18 to December 21. The maps also includes similar data collected by the OSCE SMM about actions of the LPR and the DPR during the same period.

Ukrainian Armed Forces:

December 18:

  • Three self-propelled howitzers (2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm) at the railway station in Kostiantynivka (60km north of Donetsk)
  • A self-propelled anti-aircraft system (2K22 Tunguska) near Kostiantynivka
  • Nine surface-to-air missile systems (9K35 Strela-10) at the railway station in Kostiantynivka
  • Four multiple launch rocket systems (BM-21 Grad, 122mm) near Rivnopil (86km west of Donetsk)
  • Five tanks (T-64) at the railway station in Rubizhne (84km north-west of Luhansk)
  • An anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm) near Novozvanivka (70km west of Luhansk).

December 19:

  • 26 self-propelled howitzers (nine 2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm and 17 2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm) at the railway station in Bakhmut (67km north of Donetsk)
  • a self-propelled howitzer (2S1) moving south-west 4km south-west of Kostiantynivka (60km north of Donetsk)
  • a self-propelled howitzer (2S1) moving south-west in Kostiantynivka
  • four multiple launch rocket systems (BM-21 Grad, 122mm) near Lysychansk (75km north-west of Luhansk)
  • two anti-tank guided missile systems (9P148 Konkurs, 135mm) in Sievierodonetsk (74km north-west of Luhansk)
  • an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) (BMP-1) near Zolote
  • an IFV (BMP-1) and two armoured personnel carriers (APC) (MT-LBs, one towing an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm)) near Popasna (69km west of Luhansk)
  • an IFV (BMP-2) and an APC (BTR-60) in Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk)
  • three APCs (MT-LB) near Vynohradne (10km east of Mariupol);
  • an IFV (BMP variant) near Novotoshkivske
  • four infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), two armoured personnel carriers (APC) (BTR-70), an armoured reconnaissance vehicle (BRM-1K) and an armoured ambulance (MT-LB S) in Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk)

December 20:

  • A mortar (probable 2B16 Nona-K, 120mm or M120-15 Molot, 120mm) on the western edge of Orlivka (22km north-west of Donetsk), heading west
  • 24 self-propelled howitzers (17 2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm and seven 2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm) at a railway station in Bakhmut (formerly Artemivsk, 67km north of Donetsk)
  • An anti-tank gun (MT-12 Rapira, 100mm) about 1.5km south-east of Zolotarivka (85km north-west of Luhansk)
  • Two anti-tank guided missile systems (9P148 Konkurs, 135mm), 14 tanks (T-64) and six anti-tank guns (MT-12) parked at a railway station in Rubizhne (84km north-west of Luhansk); two additional anti-tank guided missile systems (9P148), heading south-east from the railway station
  • Three anti-tank guns (MT-12) and seven tanks (T-64) in Lysychansk (75km north-west of Luhansk)
  • An APC (BTR-60) near Popasna (69km west of Luhansk)
  • Four IFVs (BMP-2) near Vrubivka (72km west of Luhansk)
  • Two IFVs (one BMP-1 and one BMP-2) near Kamianka (20km north of Donetsk)

December 21:

  • 22 self-propelled howitzers (19 2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm and three 2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm) at a railway station in Bakhmut (formerly Artemivsk, 67km north of Donetsk)
  • A self-propelled howitzer (2S1) near Bakhmut, heading north-west
  • Nine self-propelled howitzers (2S1) at the railway station in Kostiantynivka (60km north of Donetsk)
  • An anti-tank gun (MT-12 Rapira, 100mm) being towed by a military truck about 2km east of Spirne (96km north of Donetsk), heading south
  • Three tanks (T-64) about 2km south-south-west of Bila Hora (67km north-west of Luhansk)
  • Four surface-to-air missile systems (9K35 Strela-10) at the railway station in Kostiantynivka
  • Two armoured personnel carriers (APC) (MT-LB) near Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk)
  • Three APCs (BTR-70), an IFV (BMP-2) and an APC (MT-LB) towing an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23, 23mm) near Kamianka (20km north of Donetsk)
  • Five IFVs (BMP-1) and a mine layer (GMZ-3) near Novozvanivka (70km west of Luhansk)
  • A IFV (BMP-1) in Zolote-1/Soniachnyi (60km west of Luhansk)
  • An APC (BTR-60) and three IFV (BMP-2) near Vesele (21km north of Donetsk)
  • Two IFVs (BMP-2) and two APCs (BTR-70) near Sukha Balka (36km north of Donetsk)
  • An APC (BTR-70) near Romanivka (41km north of Donetsk)


December 18:


December 19:

  • seven IFVs (BMP-2) and an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23) mounted atop a military-type truck near Vesela Hora (16km north of Luhansk).

December 20:

  • Two APCs (type undetermined) in a compound on the north-eastern edge of Luhansk city
  • an APC (MT-LB variant) on the eastern edge of Sentianivka (formerly Frunze, 44km west of Luhansk).

December 21:



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Christmas offensive!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Mariupol will be part of Novorossiya soon enough.

Bigaess Wangmane

The novorussians are going to bring more Kornets and RPG’s for this winter’s festivities, hope the Ukrops like their Turkeys extra crispy.


Santa may also bring them a few Thermobaric systems as well. They worked well in Syria.

A few S300’s would be nice as well.


A bare chested Putin card would be more scary

Robert McMaster

Oh good. “Kiev Concentrates Large Numbers of Heavy Weapons Convenient For Their Destruction”. Get on with it.


Pretty long list for Santa

Ricky Miller

The latest payment of American military assistance must have come in. And shipments of American supplied ammunition as well. Porky is desperate to overcome both republics in order to have any kind of success for his re-election campaign. You know, the one he’s not going to win. No matter what he does.


Is so funny that actually Ukraine can believe that they have any chances against RUSSIA
It is necessary 5%Of Russia army to defeat all Ukraine Army
Crimea is Russia territory
Ukraine signed a lease
Look at the history
Many people around this website they don’t know they think that Crimea is Ukraine land.
Russia took what is his back ….I am very honest I don’t keep whit no side… I am for true


Western Media fuels anti Russia propaganda but believe me that eventually will hit them hard BACK
When a war will start between Russia and EU ……..this filthy western media propaganda will regret….
I think that some States doesn’t realise how devastating a war can be

R PLobo

Thankfully for the zionists the Kiev muppets are making sure no one finds out about their assests and secret plans.