Kata’ib Hezbollah Vows To Stop Production Of 12 Million Oil Barrels Per Day If War Erupts

Kata'ib Hezbollah Vows To Stop Production Of 12 Million Oil Barrels Per Day If War Erupts

Illustrative image.

The Iraqi resistance’s response to any targeting of the country or use of its territory or airspace to strike Iran will not be limited to “Israel” but will extend to United States bases and interests in Iraq and the Middle East, warned the head of the Iraqi Kata’ib Hezbollah Security Bureau on October 10.

Abu Ali al-Askari said in a post on Telegram that the Iraqi resistance will not start a war that involves the energy sector, but if it does break out, the world will lose 12 million barrels per day, “and this is what we will make sure of.”

“This is what we will be taking care of, but only God knows what our brethren in Yemen will do in Bab al-Mandab and our brethren in Iran will do in the Strait of Hormuz,” he further warned.

Kata’ib Hezbollah is one of the strongest Iran-backed armed factions in Iraq. It is thought to be a key faction of the so-called Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) umbrella group, which has been launching attacks against Israel as well as against U.S. forces in the region since the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip last October.

al-Askari’s threat came as Israel is reportedly preparing to launch an extensive strike against Iran in retaliation to the October 1 missile attack that targeted several key Israeli intelligence and military bases.

Recent reports in American and Hebrew media suggested that Israel would attack oil facilities in Iraq. Tehran has already warned that it will strike back by targeting Israeli infrastructure.

The serious threat made by Kata’ib Hezbollah is not the first to come from Iran’s allies in Iraq. Following the Iranian missile attack on Israel, the Coordination Committee for the Iraqi Resistance, which is thought to be responsible for decision making for the IRI, warned the U.S. against supporting a retaliatory strike against Iran, vowing to attack U.S. bases and internists in the region.

Iran and its allies appear to be very serious about deterring Israel, even if that meant going to an all-out energy war in the region.


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To hell with Usrael

if war erupts? what do you speaking about? which war? is this not already a war? what are you waiting for? they toppled already your elite. what does it takes for a “war”? i’ll lose my f* mind.

Den of Snow

it is a hybrid proxy war. full war against iran means u.s. strategic bombers, boots on the ground and other “democratic” procedures, which are missing. will be funny when iran will ask saudi for help, they will decline, then iran will target saudi rafineries and russia will just sit and read speeches in the un security council. mark my words. i think russia will not wake up sooner then ukraine/u.s/briton nukes will target kremlin. once putin is dead, russia will finally fight.

Last edited 4 months ago by Den of Snow

right, because russia would be well-advised to engage in total war after enduring twenty-five years of hybrid war conducted against it by the most powerful empire the world has ever seen, rather than wait out the increasingly rapid dimishment of the empire’s power to attack. derp?


wrong. russia needs to get rid of the jew putin. same as ukraine need to get rid of the jew zelensky, shmygal and all the other judaic cockroaches. same goes for uk rules by rothchild nd the “city of london”, same goes for the usa ruled in fact by the jewish fed bankers and …

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

… their stooges in congress & senat, same goes for occupied eu – ruled by the jewish scumbags in wef & fake national governments of occupied germany, france, austria, and jewish swiss president ignazio cassis, or mexico with jewish president julia sheinbaum etc. etc.


too right. time to give shlomo and uncle sugar an almighty bitchslapping. they sure like dishing it out. listen to them squeal when they get a dose of their own medicine.


problem is – you fell to the jews trap. you think there is black& white. resp usa bad vs russia good. but that is not the case since usa,russia,eu & china are fully under jewish control since long long ago already.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

.. if you do not know this you are f*cked, and will never see the true picture.its the people of the world – all of us – that need to rise up and give the jews the final solution big time, so that these satanic scum is fully returned to hell (where they came from anyway and belong).


go for it! if there’s a party and you’re forced to pay for it (neo-colonialism) then you have all the right to destroy the party!

Den of Snow 2

iraq : 5:34 am baghdad time on 20 march 2003 invasion begun. 30 april 2003 invasion ended with 139 u.s. military personel killed. if iran is veeery lucky, they can resist up to 2 months and kill 500 u.s. troops. if they are not very lucky, it will be over in less then 14 days with less then 100 u.s casualties.


you are dreaming plus delusional – iran is 1.8 million sqkm with a highly trained population of 84 million, prepared to defend the country with whatever it takes. first out is the hormuz straight which easily can be mined to the extent that no shipowner would risk his ship and then take out ras tanura and the rest of the oil installations in the gulf, such as kuwait, uae, bahrain and so on plus the houthis can take out the saudi loading port in the red sea.


and the world economy after that would be what – in ruins and the american 6000thousand billions in currency and credit derivatives would do what – bankrupt the us economy for the next 1000 of years and the jews will be gone, zip, disappeared never to be seen again!

Den of Snow 3

i’m realistic. russia will not move a finger, china will not intervene in iran as well. iran have problems to protect even their presidents so the army command will be taken out in less then 30 minutes once the war started. and without command, you really can’t do much, especially against the u.s. & israel. the same applies for the refineries, nuclear plant.. they are sitting ducks. everything will be burned down.


israel will be burned down you idiot.


iran has endured forty-five years of hybrid attacks by the us and its jewish supremacist attack dog, and adapted to this assault. iraq was a basket case by february of 2003.

Joseph Day

your living in some mythical world . you seem to think the us is powerfull.


iran won’t need russian help nor chinese. they can handle their 1.8sqkm land and 85 million dedicated iranian ready to push the jews to kingdom come and with the iron dome proved to be useless it’s nothing much the jews can do. not even a nuclear attack will defeat iran but it will get a whole lot of jews killed all over the place! the jews are doomed!


yes and no. the first things where fully right but the finally result of this would be the opposite, sadly. jews have initialized the whole thing. they already around millinium have started to shift all their stolen wealthes from usa & eu over to far east, espially china. and they now want the usa & eu to be destroyed. so the reuslt would not be jews dissapearing to never be seen again but to come out of this even stronger than before. sad truth !

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

most of what you stated above was fully right nd true but in the end, the final conclussion was not. you basically did the same logic thinking mistake that gaddafi did too – finally costing him his head. he thought usrael would bombing & kill him and take him from libya because then mio over mio of black africans would flood into europe destryoing the whole economy there.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

but that was actually exactly what the jews wanted anyway. and same goes for usa&eu today. the jews want (!) usa economy & eu economy and whole white civilizaton to go down and die (open border policies.. hello). the whole world wide jewish war in all its hot and cold & hybrid forms primariarly is a total war against the white race, and second against none-jewish mankind in whole.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

so please dont make the mistake to think that jews will not attack iran or nuclear bomb yemen, lebanon, iran or else because in the end usa&eu economy & political system, dollar etc. will implode. …

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

…they dont care !!! even worse! they want it to happen – as these parasites have long resettled their bets to another horse aka china, where there is no constitution with free speech & rights to bear arms amendments saving the people from jewish tyranny & bloody total communist dictatorship.


yes, it will all be over by christmas, just like ww1. or maybe not. but all of uncle sugar’s previous wars have been such a rip roaring success, worked out exactly in line with the powerpoint presentation, didn’t they. what could possibly go wrong. who could stand up against the exceptional and chosen folk?

Joseph Day

but never really had control. bombed , claimed a victory they didn’t achieve, killed saddam.


yes only true benefitor of iraq war was israel & iran (both hating saddam and highly educated nationalist sunni muslims in a whole). while usa & iraqi people where the f*cked ones !

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

your are an idiot confusing 1991 war with 2003 war. the 2003 started in march and basically never ended. it late 2005 guerilla warfare was full on in iraq – by 2007 us troops where done and desperate to get out of the quagmire – and with help of iran death squads & secret deal started facesaving retreat from iraq while at the same time securing (due to the nasty iranian betrayel deal) jewish intrests of stealing oil from iraq. ..

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

this whole process was camouflaged by old usa (see nicaragua& vietnam) death squad commander john “the undertaker” negroponte (sent to iraq as “ambassor”) & lots of false-flag car-bomb attacks and finally the installation of usraeli isis driven (into iraq, isis formerly known as tawhid wal jihad and then infiltrated and transformed to isi and then isis) fake civil war in iraq.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki
100% anti stars and stripes!

zionists will be dealt with!

Murder and Propaganda

the american genius g.w. bush wiped out their own american puppet saddam hussein to squeeze more profits for their oil companies and created a chaotic iraq that will haunt them.


if this and if that, those us bases should have been destroyed a long time ago.


though i dislike most of your comments most of the time, in this case i have to agree with you. as indeed ” those us bases should have been destroyed a long time ago.”. so thumbs up to your comments (for this time)

Last edited 4 months ago by Gurki

evangelical zionists want higher oil prices, they are being lobbied by shale frackers. the western powers want chaos, they are an empire of mephistopheles. the problem is, they are blind to inflationary effect on commoners

Last edited 4 months ago by hasbarats

they are not blind to such effects, they deliberately induce them. they launched such an assault in 1972, and another in 1982 and another in 2009 and another in 2019.

MSM outrageous news today

if the king of jordan aids israel attack iran he will most likely be deposed by the majority palestinian-jordanian population of jordan.


the us, eu and uk call legal to retaliate and invade iran while calling and supporting isr right to self defence and retaliation for isr to strike iran critical infrastruct. so who are really the crims.

Last edited 4 months ago by peacefulnessnow
R. Ambrose Raven

what they really mean is that no leader of the axis of resistance really wants to lead the struggle.
in part that may be because they can’t be sure of the others, but also they have no clear aims – although hamas is the clearest, even it appears not to have stated anything beyond freedom and independence for gaza. zionism is holding its own because it has a clear aim – conquest – even if it may turn out to lack the means.


this way to life in darkness and medieval squalor. great job, everybody, great job. (golf clap)
