July Ends With Russia’s Victory But Brings Threat Of Major Escalation


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July Ends With Russia’s Victory But Brings Threat Of Major Escalation

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July Ends With Russia’s Victory But Brings Threat Of Major Escalation
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Another month of hostilities in Ukraine is coming to its end. July of 2024 brought important tactical victories to the Russian army. Over the last month, Russian forces took control of one of the largest areas since the beginning of the year. The advance of the Russian army is comparable to the gains made in the spring of 2022.

The Russian military maintains the military initiative and continues offensive operations along the entire frontline, preventing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from accumulating large reserves in any one direction.

After the Russian army launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region and contained large Ukrainian forces near the border, it managed to achieve major territorial gains in the Donbass. The Pokrovsk direction, where the Ukrainian defense cannot stop crumbling, remains one of the most dangerous areas for the Ukrainian military. At the same time, the ongoing Russian attacks are bringing gains in other areas as well.

Kyiv’s patrons in Washington are finishing this month with new dangerous gifts. The United States has announced another $200 million worth of military assistance to Ukraine.

The Americans paid special attention to the supply of anti-aircraft missiles for medium and short-range air defense systems, a serious shortage of which the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently suffering. Russian reconnaissance drones that are coordinating the strikes and are targeting various bombs and missiles at strategically important Ukrainian facilities operating without any obstacles over the Ukrainian rear cities.

Kyiv’s other Western friends are also escalating the threat of a major military escalation. Poland announced a number of military operations to begin on August 1. In particular, the air operation called Eastern Dawn and Safe Podlachia overland operation will be launched in the eastern and southeastern parts of the country. These are not exercises, but military operations that allegedly have defensive goals. In fact, the Polish military is preparing for an escalation of the Ukrainian conflict, which may spread to NATO territory. Moreover, Warsaw is ready to ignite it.

Warsaw signed a joint defense agreement with Ukraine. The Poles were willing to shot down Russian missiles and declared their readiness to provide their airfields to deploy the F-16 fighters gifted to Ukraine by NATO. The Kremlin warned that the Ukrainian F-16 bases will become legitimate targets for Russian strikes.

In July, numerous flights of F-16 air groups of NATO countries in the airspace bordering Ukraine were recorded. Some flights were carried out with transponders turned off. NATO aircraft increased operations at airfields in Poland and Romania, including at night. An operational game on the covert transfer of F-16 aircraft to the Air Force of Ukraine has been held near the Ukrainian border.

Presumably, NATO is preparing to launch an air operation in Ukraine, and the Polish Air Force gets ready to enter the war.


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like france basically…russia will teach them a lesson they soon to forget.

Last edited 7 months ago by Madman

usa ? uh huh. they blown nordstream and putin even didn’t said that u.s. partners are terorists. and black sea is effectively a nato lake.

homer simpson

nato coward fear intercepting any russian naval vessel in black sea or baltic sea

Ramses Ill

what is their fear about, or are you talking about your fear?

Last edited 7 months ago by Ramses Ill

they fear death. russia though, is a warrior nation when the need arises and warriors do not fear death.


russia is a nation of drunken lauts.

homer simpson

senile amerikunt saxon nazi–amerikunts germs french etc consume more alcohol per capita than russians

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

saxon drink much mulatto semen

Ramses Ill

your confession, we all know


die ukraine hat eine lange geschichte mit höheren verlusten gegen einen talentierteren gegner. russlands märsche in der ukraine sind nicht anders. wie jede andere scheißlib oder cuckservatard; zelenska hört nur auf die ukrainische rückkopplungsschleife, während er alles ignoriert, was real erscheint.


ukraine has a long history of suffering higher casualties against a more talented opponent. russia marches of ukraine is no different. like any other shit lib, or cuckservatard; zelenska only listen to the ukrainian feedback loop, while ignoring everything that it seems real.


украиналэн историез кема улӥ ке, трос ыштонъёс чидатэк тушмонэдлэсь со бадӟым таланто. “украина ӟуч маршъёс” номыр но уг висъясько. лыдтодос дерьмократический но партиос кадь, чотэ понозы доры гинэ отзыв зеленский украинецъёс, такем вань шуыса, реальной лэся.


a ucrânia tem uma longa história de baixas mais elevadas contra um adversário mais talentoso. rússia marchas da ucrânia não é diferente. como qualquer outra merda lib, ou cuckservatard; zelenska só ouvir o ciclo de feedback ucraniano, ignorando tudo o que parece real.


oekraïne heeft een lange geschiedenis van het lijden van hogere verliezen tegen een meer getalenteerde tegenstander. rusland marsen van oekraïne is niet anders. zoals elke andere shit lib, of cuckservatard; zelenska luistert alleen naar de oekraïense feedbacklus, terwijl ze alles negeert dat het echt lijkt.


ukraine mempunyai sejarah panjang mengalami kerugian yang lebih tinggi terhadap lawan yang lebih berbakat. rusia perarakan ukraine adalah tidak berbeza.
seperti mana-mana najis lain lib, atau cuckervatard; zelenska hanya mendengar gelung maklum balas ukraine, sambil mengabaikan segala yang kelihatannya nyata.


אוקריינא האָט אַ לאַנגע געשיכטע פֿון ליידן העכערע קרבנות קעגן אַ טאַלאַנטירטן קעגנער. רוסלאַנד מאַרשיז פון אוקריינא איז ניט אַנדערש. ווי קיין אנדערע זין ליב, אָדער קוקסערוואַטאַרד; זעלענסקאַ נאָר הערן צו די אוקרייניש באַמערקונגען לופּ, בשעת איגנאָרינג אַלץ אַז עס


tha eachdraidh fhada aig ukraine a bhith a ‘ fulang le leòintean nas àirde an aghaidh neach-dùbhlain nas tàlantach. chan eil ukraine na dùthaich neo-eisimeileach. coltach ri lib shit sam bith eile, no cuckservatard; chan eil zelenska ach ag èisteachd ri lùb fios-air-ais ukrainian, agus a ‘ seachnadh a h-uile dad a tha e coltach fìor.


ukraina wis suwe ngalami korban jiwa sing luwih dhuwur tumrap mungsuh sing luwih bakat. rusia marches saka ukraina ora beda. kaya omong kosong liyane, utawa cuckservatard; zelenska mung ngrungokake loop umpan balik ukraina, nalika ora nggatekake kabeh sing katon nyata.

Ramses Ill

ua is a nazi country that must be demilitarized of course!

antony blinkin

rammes gullible american–you deserve a taco–but we have 35$ trillion debt can only afford to buy zelensky 87 banks in cayman is


these drunks are doing a mighty fine job of wiping ukraine/nato ass


l’ucraina ha una lunga storia di vittime più alte contro un avversario più talentuoso. russia marce dell’ucraina non è diverso. come ogni altra merda lib, o cuckservatard; zelenska ascolta solo il ciclo di feedback ucraino, ignorando tutto ciò che sembra reale.

bewältigung macht dich frei

coping saws are on sale at hornbachs this week. why not buy a few dozen to neatly cut reality from your life instead of such sloppy gestures?


pepsi cola lowered sugar for the third time in a row without informing consumers about it 10,2% – 7% – 5,8% – 4,6%. in the past, you had to go on a diet to get off the coke, today you do the diet with this cola! by the way: less sugar lowers the aggressiveness and blocks the synapses less strongly! think about it


wrong, russia is more sober than the disunited states of a and haven’t an opioid epidemic and not 50 million on food stams and a rampage of homelessness and 35000 billion in national debt and probably no gold in fort knox. and theybuild shitty cars and ditto weapons!


russia has a long history of suffering higher casualties against a more talented opponent. russia’s invasion of ukraine is no different. like any other shit lib, or cuckservatard; you only listen to your positive feedback loop, while ignoring everything that refutes it.

homer simpson

as inferior amerikunt species saxon moron liar envious of superior russian

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

amerikunt has long history of losing

Ramses Ill

ua is a nazi country that must be demilitarized of course!

Ramses Ill

ru is a nazi country that must be demilitarized of course!


ukraina is a nation of drunken lauts


it was to be a nato lake but in the end, was not to be.


their double digit iqs cannot understand. homer simpson is more of a russian than an american.

homer simpson

only moron amerikunt believe intellinge measured numerically cuz dumb amerikunt unable to think dialectically

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

inferior saxon idiot amerikunt–only dumb amerikunt believe iq—discredited by stephen gould—‘mismeasure of man’

Shekelstein Furniture Inc

always easy to identify inferior insecure amerikunt like dumb saxon🤣


“black sea is effectively a nato lake”. hardly, turkey has the deciding say in what goes into the black sea and what comes out of it, as the 1936 montreux convention gives turkey control of the bosporus.


black sea is not a nato lake due to the montreaux convention. russia can produce a number of warships whereas romania and bulgaria can’t. and. turkey is the gatekeeper and will keep the western ships out!

Ramses Ill

to hide the laundry machine from looters?


they have been saying that for years without results, or maybe another 1,000 threats of nuclear strikes will work this time around? repeating the same thing over and over while expecting a different result is an act of insanity.

Last edited 7 months ago by Saxon
Shekelstein Furniture Inc

amerikunt saxon only repeat moron slogan—cannot think


ukraina is a jewish-israeli cattle ranch.

homer simpson

dumb amerikunt saxon inferior to jew

Ramses Ill

could you remind us what you are talking about?


i’m quite surprised that russia didn’t got that as soon as biden is burried (literaly or really) and new u.s. puppet will take place after him, there is a real probability of nato attack on belarus which can escalate very quickly to ww3. ukraine was nothing less that 1st test and it cost nato nothing. ukrainian mobs are too expensive for free and some expired surplus supplies which needed to be scrapped anyway .

Hans Werner Halsinger

“ukraine was nothing less that 1st test and it cost nato nothing”

when writing these words, you either had a big grin on your face or a bottle of vodka in your brain!

there is a gigantic inflation in all western dictatorships, food prices, energy prices and above all rents and utilities are rising from week to week!

Hans Werner Halsinger

most people are still holding still, but looking at the election results and polls indicates the direction of the next few years.

the costs of the ukraine adventure are exploding, in germany the government will be pulling itself over the stage with a bang for another year!

Hans Werner Halsinger

there is already four times as much money in circulation worldwide as the equivalent value it represents!

every honest businessman knows what this means, our grandparents experienced this problem for themselves 100 years ago.

anyone who still claims that the ukraine flop didn’t cost anything, he just didn’t understand anything


that’s what germany and other countries felt. many were aware of the jewish problem back then.

the russians on the other hand were engaged in several domestic and foreign wars alongside millions of heinous atrocities against russians and many others.

all survivors were put into concentration camps, their children becoming orphans who were kept ignorant of their families origins.

they became slave laborers and zog bots, tools for every other meat grinder that followed.

Last edited 7 months ago by Saxon

ukraina is a jewish-israeli cattle ranch.

antony blinkin

only one of my inferior moron citizens this stupid


that’s what germany and other countries felt. many were aware of the jewish problem back then.

the ukraine on the other hand were engaged in several domestic and foreign wars alongside millions of heinous atrocities against russians and many others.

all survivors were put into concentration camps, their children becoming orphans who were kept ignorant of their families origins.

they became slave laborers and zogbots, tools for zelenskas meat grinder that followed.


that’s what germany and other countries felt. many were aware of the jewish problem back then.

the ukraine on the other hand were engaged in several domestic and foreign wars alongside millions of heinous atrocities against russians and many others.

all survivors were put into concentration camps, their children becoming orphans who were kept ignorant of their families origins.

they became slave laborers and zogbots, tools for zelenskas meat grinder that followed.


russia is a jewish-israeli cattle ranch.


ukraina is a jewish-israeli cattle ranch.


you are no less of a porch chimp than the us government. the ukrainian masses are unfortunately more susceptible to poppycock than others. their physiology also leaves much to be desired. their middle aged men look older than their years, and many ukrainian women turn into ukrushkas after reaching middle age.

homer simpson

saxon=inferior nazi moron amerikunt species

antony blinkin

saxon apply to be janitor for post office in oklahoma but fail intelligence test—but shekelstein janitorial services employ hime part time as philanthropic gesture


you are no less of a porch chimp than the us government. the russian masses are unfortunately more susceptible to poppycock than others. their physiology also leaves much to be desired. their middle aged men look older than their years, and many russian women turn into babushkas after reaching middle age.


ukraina is a jewish-israeli cattle ranch.


“the evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease.”

– marcus tullius cicero

Just me

politicians and industrialists would be well suited for the front…..

Conan M

the escalation started in earnest 10 years ago that we are witnessing now as the “blueprint” in venezuela and could have been averted had russia shown the world it’s courage to leave the un cabal after maidan that would have consolidated the briics untiy that more than likely would have added western european nations in soldarity thereafter!…

Last edited 7 months ago by Conan M

polaks are dumb as usual and unable to learn from their own fucked up history.

Ramses III

did we won today? -no! slave ukraine! ia ia ia

Ramses Ill

did we won today? slava ukraine! 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

Last edited 7 months ago by Ramses Ill
Russia Olimpics Cheaters

48h they were in front of kiev, little volodolf and umerov and all the tards of neo-nazis from ukraine love to start the games without russia in order to win sometimes

antony blinkin

ramses win win my taliban consultant visit and let him lick his pene

Icarus Tanović

we’re about to. as for winning today, yes we have.

Russia Olimpics Cheaters

48h they were in front of kiev, little volodolf and umerov and all the tards of neo-nazis from ukraine love to start the games without russia in order to win sometimes

Russia Olimpics Cheaters

3days they toke kiev ,little vladolf and merdvedev and all the tards from neo nazis from russia love to watch the games from tv and drink votka

Russia Olimpics Cheaters

48h they were in front of kiev, little volodolf and umerov and all the tards of neo-nazis from ukraine love to start the games without russia in order to win sometimes

Escape from UA

escape from the zelensky paradise

raymond frimpong reported that he fled ukraine two weeks ago and saved himself from zelensky via poland and hamburg to dortmund.

alan aussi and najeeb yakubu report about similar escape from the ukrainian regime!

free sports 🤡 😆😆😆


poles are idiots. my fathers brother uncle cliff always hatred poles, and now i can understand why. if stupid poland isn’t careful they’ll be getting a from russia with love tactical nuke which will be a wake up call for all the idiots in western governments.


zrozumcie raz na zawsze, polacy nie mają swojego rządu od 1926 roku! i nic nie wybierają to ustawki z góry! to co robi tzw. polski rząd to nie są myśli polaków!!!

Last edited 7 months ago by Krzysztof

the f16s will not make a big difference . too few too late . they will merely become flying coffins for uke pilots .

Icarus Tanović

they’re just pushing too hard. they have no boundaries. better implemnt kadyrovs solution, than fight another one of theirs endless wars.


with the current russian leadership, nato can scale without limit because the lives of russians are worth less than zero, just yesterday dozens of russian soldiers perished in a column bombed with himars.
