Julian Macfarlane: Biden’s D-Day Speech

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech

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Written by Julian Macfarlane, Tokyo based investigative journalist, writer, author, geopolitical and military analyst


Biden made another campaign speech— this time to commemorate D-Day in Normandy. A lot of it was cribbed from Ronald Reagan’s speech years ago. The rest of it was just… dishonest. Crooked Joe! Here are some quotes—with annotations.

Ukraine has been invaded by a tyrant bent on domination.

Ukraine’s new national hero and symbol is war criminal, mass murderer and WWII Nazi leader, Stepan Bandera. Ukraine was invited to the celebrations as an “ally”.

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech

It was Western Ukraine that attacked Russian Ukraine in 2014, and was preparing for a genocidal putsch in 2022. Donbass and Lugansk had opted for independence as was their right under international law. Russia recognized their sovereignty and signed a defense agreement. It did not attack Ukraine but waged a war of defense. Most fighting was done Russian-Ukrainian forces. They “do not forget” — especially Odessa.

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech


Ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary courage, suffering great losses, but never backing down.

Not backing down? Maybe because of “barrier troops” will shoot them if they try to surrender or retreat. Conscription in Ukraine is universally regarded as a death sentence.

They’ve inflicted on the Russian aggressors — they’ve suffered tremendous losses, Russia. The numbers are staggering — 350,000 Russian troops dead or wounded. Nearly 1 million people have left Russia because they can no longer see a future in Russia.

Mediazonewhich is anti-Russian, estimates about 50,000 dead, including Russian Ukrainians in the four new republics.

Numbers of wounded are naturally much higher — but Russia has the best battlefield medicine in the world with less than 5~ 10% dying of wounds compared to 30 to 50% for Ukrainians. Ukrainian casualties are estimated to be between 500, 000 and a million. In any case, between five and 10 Ukrainians died for every Russian.

Some Russians did leave Russia due to fear of mobilization – which never happened, with 300, 000 volunteers so far in 2024, at least 30,000 a month, or equal to Ukrainian casualties. Many if not most of those of left Russia have returned complaining of discrimination in host countries, poor economic prospects and the like .

About 1.2 million Ukrainians have fled to Russia.

At least Biden did not accuse Putin of eating his uncle.

The United States and NATO and a coalition of more than 50 countries standing strong with Ukraine. We will not walk away — because if we do, Ukraine will be subjugated.


And it will not end there. Ukraine’s neighbors will be threatened. All of Europe will be threatened.

The greatest threat

The greatest threat to Europe is obviously the US of A— which so far has done a good job destroying European economies and the livelihoods of millions. If Ukraine’s neighbors are “threatened” it is because they have taken an aggressive posture towards Russia, posing a threat. Don’t wave a knife at me if I have a gun!

And make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are watching closely to see what happens in Ukraine, to see if we let this illegal aggression go unchecked. We cannot let that happen.

Yes, the autocrats are watching.

Who are those “autocrats”? Seems to me that an autocrat is by definition someone who monopolizes power. The worst of these rule without regard for the best interests of the people in his country.

They are often elected – as Hitler was. Then act to control the media and crush dissent. Just like Joe Biden.

In addition, the only country to have committed multiple egregious violations of sovereignty and aggression—wars— in the 20th and 21st century is the United States of America.

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech

Just in case you didn’t know “terror= governments we don’t like in countries with resources we covet.

To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators is simply unthinkable. Were we to do that, it means we’d be forgetting what happened here on these hallowed beaches.

Quite right. Surrendering to bullies is not a good idea. The US is the biggest bully there is: Russia’s fault is that it has not surrendered! As for remembering what happened on the beaches – Biden hadn’t the faintest idea since he failed high school history.

If the Germans were not preoccupied with the Russians, D-Day would have been a failure. People like these below won the war.

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech

Never forget

Make no mistake: We will not bow down. We will not forget.

No, we will not bow down to Russia. We are already on our knees to the Iron Triangle of the American Deep State, Military,-Industrial Complex, and AIPAC billionaires. We will not forget anything they tell us – just everything else!

Like the way we rescued Nazis to run the CIA.

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech

To …umm… protect “democracy”.

Let me end with this. History tells us freedom is not free. If you want to know the price of freedom, come here to Normandy. Come to Normandy and look. Go to the other cemeteries in Europe where our fallen heroes rest. Go back home to Arlington Cemetery.

Again— quite right— history tells us freedom is not free. (Pun!) Graves in Normandy and Arlington Cemetery demand that ordinary people rise up against all those who would waste the lives of those who would serve their country!

Julian Macfarlane: Biden's D-Day Speech

The US get stars, the rest of the world, gets the lash — the stripes.

I didn’t need to cite a link to the Biden speech. You’ll find it zillions of links on Google. Remember he didn’t write it himself. That was one of his staff – which tells you something about the kind of people he has running the show behind the scenes.

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Gary McKnight

personally my opinion is that the world will be a better place once the usa has been put firmly in its place.

Moshe Dayan

europe has been sold out to the satanist eugenicists and the price is the complete depopulation of the continent. the shi+ bags who have sold out their people will be exterminated by the ones they sold out to.
at least that justice will take place. cowards who sell out are seen as weaklings to be destroyed. they deserve their fate. miserable cowards that they are.

jens holm

so far we are some 450 mio eu and can millions more.

your are upside down. simple facts are true. putin, krustjov stalin has removed themselves to enternal darknes and declining. thats fine. if they want a wall against to them there, we will donate for it.

if there are there, they are not here.

jens holm

as an inferior amerikuntized species educated to be helper on potato farm i submissively lick all amerikan peniz

The tank knower

glory be to stalin and the communist heroes who destroyed the nazis

jens holm

it dont see that.

i see the socalled communist didnt move back to they own country but took land from 1935.

they also dint help but grabbed possitions as armed robbers.

by that they as the tzars they forgot to k e e p. well and didnt win the poputions there.
thats why hardly anyone see russia as their mother or father.

jens holm

thats a big contrast to usa and their marchal plan.

eu is a kind marshal plan for collapsed contries. we help them up in a something for someting and sometimes from museum mode.

thats totally erased in the narrow minded non histy, where cia and m6 came from the sky with millions of nazis it maidan.. maidan was a result by no solutions from 1991 to 2014.

jens holm

the usual russian second hand class flee marked somewhere the rest of the world.

it still not even try to present something. an when i and millions are asking, they dont writing back not even small disputes.

and very correct. biden is not usa but a part olf it by that he try to include the most parts in usa i him.

usa even real election and nu the putin version election beween one person only🦆🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑


is that automatic writing? short circuit in your vibrator or did you huff too much pain thinner?


anecdote. a doctor makes conclusion about a patient: no mental disorders have been revealed, simply a fool.

jens holm


russians do know they are inside a zoo.

still talk about globalisme not knowing they almost are the omly ones outside it.

they even has decided it themselves even before they crashed.

Last edited 8 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

i am too stupid to be fool–neurologist prove i am inferior dumbtard

jens holm

yes. its automatic writing.

i live here.

biden is only a part of the rule. its very visible in the gdp and acting.

efihenya jensova holmenko

this is my cucк husband jens holm. he likes to post emojis of different animals. i also love it, here an animal which represents him: 🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🐒

jens holm

i veri inteligent. i cans even writes in englis langage
