AMMAN, May 25, 2019 (Xinhua) — Jordan’s King Abdullah II (C) reviews the Royal Guard of Honor during the ceremony of the 73rd anniversary of the Independence of Jordan in Amman, Jordan, May 25, 2019. (Xinhua/Mohammad Abu Ghosh/IANS)
Jordan’s King Abdullah II said he would support the formation of a Middle Eastern military alliance similar to NATO between like-minded states.
Speaking to CNBC’s Hadley Gamble on June 22, Abdullah said that Jordan sees itself as a partner of NATO. The king added that Jordanian forces fought “shoulder-to-shoulder” with the alliance for decades.
“I’d like to see more countries in the area come into that mix,” Abdullah said. “I would be one of the first people that would endorse a Middle East NATO”.
Nevertheless, the king noted that the vision of a Middle Eastern NATO must be very clear, and its role should be well defined.
“The mission statement has to be very, very clear. Otherwise, it confuses everybody,” he said
Abdullah’s remarks came following reports that revealed a US plan to establish an air defense alliance in the Middle East between a number of Arab states and Israel. President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the plan with a number of Arab leaders during his upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia in July.
The US-sponsored Middle Eastern alliance will be directed against Iran, which has been developing its missile and drone capabilities.
Speaking to Israeli lawmakers on June, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that the “Middle East Air Defense Alliance” is already underway.
“Over the past year I have been leading an extensive program, together with my partners at the Pentagon and in the US administration, that will strengthen the cooperation between Israel and countries in the region,” Gantz said. “This program is already operative and has already enabled the successful interception of Iranian attempts to attack Israel and other countries”.
The US attempt to form a military alliance against Iran will likely lead to more tensions in the Middle East. The suggested alliance would place Arab states on the frontline in any Israeli confrontation with Iran. Despite this, some Arab leaders appear to be enthusiastic about the dangerous plan.
He is mere puppet of Anglo-Zionists like his whole CIA fed family.
This bastard king was one of the corrupt personalities keeping a secret overseas bank accounts and assets worth millions of dollars exposed in ‘ Pandora Papers’, in a sorry state of affairs, Jordanians are confined in grinding poverty while this monarch lives in luxury.
cia midget wannabe hitler,looks like a retard check it out,dumb as fuk!
He reminds me of the Umpa Lumpa midgets in the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory film.
Maybe he missed what is happening in the Ukraine over NATO expansion. I would like to nominate Iran or Syria as the head of that group, perhaps invite Turkey to abandon the ‘Northern Alliance’ and start something called, ‘the Ottoman Empire II’.
Turkey is too far deep. Their whole country relies on NATO, from technology to their economy. Their failed Bayktar drone they always gloat relies on Canadian parts. unless turkey can make a swift shift to Russia, Iran, NK and China, turkey will go down like Lebanon.
I earned 💰$6,000 a month ago by the utilization of working on-line best for 5 to 6 hours on my pc and this was perfect to the point that I as I would like to think couldn’t acknowledge as true with sooner than running in this site.
Here’s what I do…………>>> 𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒉1.𝒄𝒐𝒎
what the hell are you doing here, millionaire? Go sit in a bar and spend your money! Get off us you moron
The whopping fact against Turkey is that the Chinese can’t stand them. They intrinsically know who and what the Turks are. They are, in fact, not even part of China’s Silk-Belt Road Initiative. They will be reduced to selling dried apricots to Iranians before long.
Iran ?🤡 off day . look bayraktar behind you.💥
Fuck midget Jordan.and NATO faggots..SLAVA ROSSIYA
Lol. Says the fake Hashemite “King”. What a whore nation that is.
Nation? This thing was created from zero by the european pedopowers.
True enough
Yeorr,king nothing,wheres his crown?
Thats a bit two-faced after saying he supports the Palestinians –there again his wife is British isn’t she ?
Assad’s wife is also British.
Yes but it seems KIng Abdullah,s wife is dictating his political policies and seems to be very energetic on many fronts.
A bit of correction:
Abdullah II’s mother was a British national named Antoinette Gardinier (later changed her name to Muna) whose father was a British army officer. She had no connection to this region prior to marriage. Abdullah’s father officially married 4 times and Antoinette was his second wife.
Abdullah II married to Rania (born in Kuwait in a Palestinian family with some Turkish blood), graduated from the American university in Cairo and worked for some American corporations and banks before marriage.
So, Abdullah’s connection to Britain is through his mother, not his wife. We may argue that he’s like a son or more precisely a subject to the queen!
Dr. Assad’s wife, Asma was born and raised in London to a Syrian family (father a heart doctor and mother a Syrian diplomat), went to King’s College and worked in banking sector. Now she’s banned from entering the EU and UK and there was much talk about revoking her UK citizenship.
Personally I don’t like anybody with a dual nationality to be in a government, including from a friendly country. Heck, I even prefer if they didn’t go to universities abroad. If you knew how easy it is to get control of people you’d understand, specially people who are connected to senior civil servants who are definitely the targets of such operations. The safest way is assume ALL of them are compromised and just don’t let them to get a position in the government or decision-making circles, let them work in private sector while being vigilant.
Unfortunately it’s a fact. Young people lack the experience to protect themselves from blackmailing and extortion so they make mistakes (most of the times as a result of a prepared plan) and let themselves to be taken advantage of in the hope that the blackmailer just forgets about it and leaves them alone. The moment they let it happen, there’s no turning back because their compromise is also documented. It will never stop.
Now imagine if they are raised by a foreign national with a connection to a foreign government like Abdullah II of Jordan (via mother) or our Shah’s son (foreign nanny and tutors and west-loving parents). At best, they are raised with a shared love for a foreign country which will put them into a difficult position later about certain decisions and at worst, well, with an inferiority complex about the country which they are supposed to serve and adoration towards another which is common in these guys (our Shah’s idiot son boasts that his daughters can’t even speak Persian and none of their boyfriends were Iranian). To have an idea, his mother (Empress Farah) used to look with such inferiority complex at all things Iranian that she insisted to bring everything (including food, beverage and fruits, cloths, costumes, props, tents, chefs, waiters, anything and everything) from Europe for the “celebration of 2500 years of Empire”. The only Iranian items they used was caviar and pistachios because they had no European equivalent. And she did. Even for coronation, the cloths and jewels were foreign-made.
PS: I see that western MSM is totally silent about it, so is SF. There was a deadly earthquake in Afghanistan, about 2000 people lost their lives and many times more are wounded. It’s a catastrophe with such magnitude and now they need help more than ever while the US steals their wealth and the “international community” is busy crying over 2 mercenary Brits in the Ukraine or a court decision in the US, pretending it didn’t happen. At the moment it seems Iran is the only nation sending help.
If you can’t help them, at least take a moment to pray for them or wish them less suffering. Thank you.
While Afghanistan is a worthwhile humanitarian cause and Iran is helping them South Front by its title is clearly focused on a World changing event or events in relation to the USA war against Russia this is of the utmost importance as it will decide the future of this world for everybody -think WW2 .
We think differently.
Doesn’t mean focusing on the Russia’s SMO and US’ not-so-covert war on Russia should be the only task. That being said, I’m not the one who decides what to publish or not. What I wrote as a post script was merely an observation.
By definition it’s a crisis and a world event, isn’t it? Do you really believe if -god forbid- a similar catastrophe happened in Europe or north America they ignored it or took their time to say anything about it?
SF Published articles about natural disasters around the world before, from mining incidents to floods, quakes and wildfires with follow ups.
I think they’ll publish about this one later.
Regarding the earthquake in Afghanistan, today help from India and Pakistan (each sending at least an airplane so far) arrived. More help from the neighbouring countries on the way.
At the same time, there were terror attacks by ISIS and attacks by Panjshir forces done in parts of the country.
UN is busy freaking out about the human rights in Afghanistan, the same day an innocent man (Afghanistani national) was released after 15 years of unlawful and unjust detention in Guantanamo, which was released by order of a US court. Nothing about humanitarian help up to this point. The earthquake was on Wednesday.
Moron! Why don’t people like sovereignty? I will die hungry but will not trade my sovereignty with anything else.
So there needs to be a NATO, and an Arab NATO to fight Iran? So almost all nuclear powers can’t take Iran, so they bring these brain dead idiots who are only known for selling oil?
Hezbollah, a militia, funded by the most sanctioned countries in the world, from one of the most failed countries in the world (I’m Lebanese too, yes I’m dissing my own country) managed to beat the Israel iron dome by flying an indigenous drone (no help from Iran on this one) and beating its interceptors. That’s the same iron dome that these dumb fucking Arab league countries and their allies want to buy? Haven’t they learned their lesson from the patriot system that can’t even locate Iran scrap metal drones and rockets given to the Houthis? These countries have set themselves up at this point.
Houthis alone can take the Arab league, Hezbollah will take the Levant and surroundings (Israel, Jordan and Egypt) Hamas will take Israel with Hezbollah, Syria and Iraq will also help Hezbollah take Jordan and Egypt if it gets down to it. Technically speaking Iran wouldn’t even have to do much, their allies are already very strong. We’re not even talking about the fact that pro axis cyber units literally hack israel every week.
It is not about Iran only, they are trying to form “allies” against Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah, and Iran. It is mainly a PR move and nothing more for all those countries. These morons don’t understand what they are even saying, “We are weak so we are grouping up against sanctioned and “weaken” countries due to West terrorist gangs.”
Also, the Zion are crying as they are now openly sleeping with their gay terrorist gangs (Wahhabis and Kurds). The same Zion that loves to kill all those Arabs is now trying to act like their friends.
P.S. UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco want to buy Plastic Dome as they are the West lapdogs and can’t get their hands on Russian, Chinese, or Iranian systems (they are not allowed really). Plastic Dome is shit but it is better than Patriot for sure.
I have a few things to say about this;
1. Jordan is a poor country and corrupt as shit. WikiLeaks “You know who”.
2. Jordan has no power – the US, NATO, Zion, and Wahhabis own them. They FEED THEM.
3. The most crucial point is that none of these clown “countries” have power or can stand on their own. They all have the support of the USA/West because they are all weak. Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria part of this wet dream of Zion plan? NO. LMFAO.
If these clowns, Zion, and yanquis think these Wahhabi pigs would fight for Zion I laugh my ass off.
The king of Jordan is a very big mate of the Blighty pedo king in waiting. They went to school together, so it’s no wonder that the king of Jordan is doing nato’s bidding in the ME. Maybe they share the same interests?
Both represent antiquated systems and both are afraid their gravy train will come to an end should their subjects get too much freeedom and wealth and want to be free citizens instead.
It seems the stooges of nato want to be poodles of nato. I can’t see there being too many takers. Most countries in the immediate area are long suffering victims of US and nato policy. These nutters are trying to form a world war against Russia and its allies.
Why? To save the asses of shysters in washingtub and London who intend to send you and yours to fight because of their immature behaviour and honour, and greed. There is no honour amongst any of the ruling class so they can stick their fight where the sun doesn’t shine, or they could go and fight it themselves?
Anyone that supports the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization is a terrorist of good people.
Dwarf King as we know little prince
what ajoke the so called this royal family is.
What it is thw whole purpouse of saying this on Public… He is a moron, his kingdom will suffer from now on because it has a stupid Ruler.
this useless king dint did anything to help Palestine and dont even dare to fight Zionist to stop thier atrocities against their own. and now want to challenge iran and resistance he is the biggest slave of israeli and US. he is coward person
suicicidal moron—he pays jens 1 used condom per month for advice
Havent this xxxxx been wagging enough?I have a feeling nemesis and pay-back will come to Jordan because of their doormat role in the ME mess.
The king of Jordan and his Sunni-Wahhabi terrorist tribe is guilty of the slaughtering of Green Berets Staff Sgt. Matthew Lewellen, Staff Sgt. Kevin McEnroe and Staff Sgt. James Moriarty
The king of Amman really is very insignificant, even for middle eastern standards. He is like the guy at the office who has been working there for 30 years but people still don’t know hr exists or what he does.
nato gay lgbt digital parazites should eat bugs and take in the anus !!!!!
Jajaja, panarabism … last time the US, UK and France saw a quick and bloody end to it.
Dud,won’t happen,jordan is a lapdog of lgbtq,the arabs are not into lgbtq incestry,king nothing!
Look it. When Iran, Russia, China, Pakistan and even India moves in on the Middle East…..No NATO is going to help. Look at the map kids. Jordan is a small swing state with a 10M population of strawberries and apples.
Just a British outpost guard dog
All this imposed Despot is saying I WILL SUPPORT zionist entity AS LONG AS I CAN BE THE KING OF JORDAN
USA needs to implode, cancer of the planet.