On December 6, Jaysh al-Izza claimed that its fighters had repelled an attack by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on one of its positions near the town of al-Lataminah in the northern Hama countryside.
“A counter attack was immediately launched and the position was recaptured,” Jaysh al-Izza said in a short press release.
Iba’a, the news network of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), claimed that the SAA artillery shelled several positions in the northern Hama countryside after the failure of the supposed attack.
Syrian-state media and pro-government activists have not confirmed or denied Jaysh al-Izza claims so far. If confirmed, the attack attempt was likely was a response to the militants’ repeated violations of the Russian-Turkish demilitarized zone agreement.
Jaysh al-Izzan, which had for a long time been supported by the U.S., is a close ally of HTS [the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria]. The group’s leadership is well-known for its aggressive mentality and radical views.
What a confusing story, Jaysh al-Izza is FSA and unders Erdogan’s orders, why was HTS’s news network used to verify the story confirming anything at all, we had the quote from the people themselves — “A counter attack was immediately launched and the position was recaptured, Jaysh al-Izza said in a short press release”,– so why was HTS even mentioned in the story at all, was it just to let us know that HTS also knew about what happened, and also published about it on their news outlet. Seems like a waste of ink to even mention HTS in the story, they have nothing to do with it apart from the fact their news outlet published the same story, just a propaganda link to help demonize HTS.
HTS don’t deserve better but we do, c’mon SF, lift the level of reporting just a little bit please.
AMN reports that the SAA fired on Jaysh al-Izza fighters who were seen moving close to or through SAA territory, this sparked the hostilities between the SAA and the FSA and the FSA [Jaysh al-Izza] then launched a counter attack, this story in SF is reporting on that incident but they’re not doing it very well if AMN’s version is correct.
What both articles failed to mention though is the relevance of SAA and FSA troops fighting each other, the FSA/NFL are covered in the new Astana agreement, they’re considered non combatants and shouldn’t be fighting the SAA at all, only HTS hasn’t been included in the agreement and are the only group in the Astana agreement that can be attacked freely by anybody, SAA, FSA, NFL, Russians, Turks, even the Kurds if they wanted to and weren’t part of the SDF or affiliated to them.
Up until this incident there have been no hostilities between FSA/NFL fighters and the SAA since the new astana agreement was implemented, this is the first. If the AMN version is correct it means the SAA started the fighting and broke the agreement first [oops, sorry President Putin, we thought they were HTS], but I don’t think they seem too worried about it, Erdogan might spit the dummy over it though and make a scene.
Send in the cannon fodder, all those ex FSA fighters from Daraa and Quneitra are eating too much, it’s time to cut down on expenditure and lose some of those conscripted fighters that don’t really want to be in the SAA anyway.
Activity in N Hana and SE Idlib seems to be on the increase, doubt that Turkey has any real control in the DMZ over these groups. From the article:
” Jaysh al-Izzan, which was heavily supported by the U.S., is a close ally of HTS “
I think you’re right about Erdogan not really having much control there, and for the very reason you mentioned, they were friends once and now they’re enemies, that’s got to create complications for Erdogan and lose him some support from the FSA fighters, or at least some of them, it was FSA fighters that killed HTS fighters during the truce and semi alliance he brokered between them in Idlib, that only lasted a month or 2 before hotheads in the FSA ruined it for them, they’ve been fighting each other sporadically in Idlib since then, but the FSA are made up from many different groups and they all have their own allegiances.
One other factor I keep mentioning, the FSA turned on HTS during the last stage of the Daraa/Quneitra campaign and attacked them on Assad’s behalf, that also has to complicate things no end too, and there’s at least 20,000 of them stationed around Idlib with the SAA, mabey 40,000 if the SF article yesterday is correct, I LOVE IT but at the same time I hope all the civilians are doing their best to get out of harms way.
day 1 bsssssssssssss agreement……i as usual will quote ASSAD – he knows best…
“turkey is an invading occupying force and allied with ALL terrorist groups including HTS”
as usual morons like , later on promo and the others will write bs here…and they will as usal praise the russians and turks for their GREAT effort.lol… sick pathetic bs….
turkey is the enemy number one to the assad regime..and as long as russia defends this sick retarded erdogan son of a whore and TAF, there will be no peace in syria….
ALL groups must be eliminated…..but as mentioned, putin is playing erdogans whore
sooo where are my smartass frineds here today..common u donks and monkeys…..a littile hint for u brainless morons… Jaysh al Izza SHOULD not be fighting SAA but HTS…. TAF should be fighting HTS….
common u bs artists ..praise putin for beiing erdogans whore, and praise erdoagan for his BIG effort ELIMINATING the terrorists LOL LOL bs artists here….
again for th degenerate moronic folks i will quote ASSAD(he knows best morons)
“turkey is an invading occupying force and allied with ALL terrorist groups including HTS”
just the make that point even clearer for folks like promo. i will qoute his counterpart erdoagn with whom putin made this pathetic low life moronic agreement
erdoagan” there will be no peace in syria as long as the assad regime stays in power which gasses its own people”
and dont start bs around as usual here…those are quotes from the MAIN actors u donkeys….im not on a fairty tale mission as some of u folks here but im QUOTING u donks…and anybody who can read and has a brain will come to the LOGICAL comclusion, that as long russia acts as erdogans whore and FORBIDS the SAA of cleaning up IDLIB and AFRIN this whole bs story will continue including the various and more cooon chemical attacks by those jihadi motherfuckers which are still getting the chemicals from TURKEY and help from british and french chemical warfare-experts.