Javelin Missiles Captured In Libya Were First Sold To France: Officially

Javelin Missiles Captured In Libya Were First Sold To France: Officially

FGM-148 Javelin ATGM, Click to see full-size image.

France has admitted that four advanced FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) captured by forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) recently belonged to its armed forces.

In an official statement released on July 10, France’s Ministry of the Armed Forces said that the four missiles were used by French troops during military operations in Libya, denying that they were supplied to any forces there.

“These weapons were for the protection of forces undertaking intelligence and counter-terror missions,” the ministry’s statement reads, according to the BBC.

The ministry added that the four missiles were “damaged and unusable” and that they were “being temporarily stocked at a depot ahead of their destruction” when they were captured.

GNA forces captured the Javelin ATGMs in the town of Garyan, south of the Libyan capital, Tripoli. The missiles, as well as other other weapons captured from the Libyan National Army (LNA), were showcased on June 27.

Pro-GNA sources and even a part of the mainstream media had claimed that the missiles were supplied to the LNA by the UAE, a known operator of the FGM-148 Javelin. However, it is now confirmed that these claims were false.

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Joe Dickson

I always knew the French were pulling Haftar’s strings with that Total oil. The funniest part is now that they have MMP they are just giving away Javelins as yesterday’s garbage.


Yes but Javelins are hardly garbage – it’s all relative to what you and your enemies can deploy on the battlefield at any given time and place. Even the humble molotov cocktail can come into play in congested urban battlespace.

Joe Dickson

The French can deploy MMP so I guess it is garbage next to that .

Zionism = EVIL

Javelin is very effective close combat support weapon, far better and easier to operate than the MILAN.


in the iraq iran war in the eighties, the war ended when the french sold the exocet missile to iran which was quick setting a few vlcc ships on fire, one was enough for that purpose, and the disintegrated states of A saw an immediate need to put an end to that war. then the french sold them missiles to argentina in time for the Falkland war.

Zionism = EVIL

The French sold fuck all to Iran, they actually armed Iraq with Mirage F1 and exocets. Even 5 Super Etendard flown by French pilots were deployed to support Iraq. One Iranian airstrike killed several Frenchies at H3 airbase. France was the second largest supplier to Iraq after USSR. I wonder where you get your perspective on the region. BTW, the Persian Gulf has north and south coastline, not east-west as you stated earlier. It may help to buy some maps, good quality history and geography books. BTW, all the remaining 23 Iraqi Mirage F1 have been upgraded and flown by IRIAF as they escaped to Iran in 1991.


you’ll find kuwait at the northern part of the pg and I s’pose dubai at the southern end which leaves two sides unaccounted for . eastern side is Iran and the western side is the saudi peninsula. thus the pg runs primarily in a northwesterly direction from the hormuz strait.

the exocet missiles were possibly sold by the french to the shah, who at the time bought anything he could in terms of weapons – I even remember when he visited my native country with the purpose to buy artillery guns and arrived by helicopter accompanied by the head of my country, the pm, to visit the factories where the guns were produced. and he bought a shipload of those 15.5 artillery pieces plus a boatload of ammunition. happy days for the maker.

however stupid, please note Iran on the eastern side of the gulf and saudi/emirates on the western side. ok stupid. not even a top notch map will change that fact.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry again, France sold limited weapons to Iran, mostly Combattante IIa, missile boats. Iran ordered 12 ships of this same class,known in Iran as Kaman (bow class), let alone exocets. Iranian airforce was 100% US equipped. Don’t get touchy if you sound stupid, but I know the IIAF and IRIAF like the back of my hands. Iran had F-14A, F-4E and F-5A/E/F and some Harpoons. None were of the Harpoons were operational by 1986. Did acquire some Chinese Silkworms, but they proved to be duds.


it seems you are stubborn as an ass – so exocet was used by Iran in the war against iraq in the 80s. exocet was what more or less finished the war when iran used their exocet’s against laden crude carriers exiting the pg, which was, I assume, what made the disintegrating states of A to call an end of the war. they could not allow a situation where virtually no oil could leave the region. thus, and however well you claim to know iran, it’s seems beyond doubt that exocet was used by Iran and a quick search on the internet will confirm such fact, even to a dumbnut like yourself.

France sold the exocet to argentine and it was used in the falklands and among other things, sank the atlantic conveyor, a container vessel chartered by the mod for transports from england to the falkland. I seem to remember that the captain on the ac went down with the ship.

Zionism = EVIL

ROFLMAO….what an embarrassed PUNK! Exocet Iran, Persian Gulf east, what a moron! entertaining brat though. It was MALVINAS war you moron and nothing to do with Iran, Idiot. lol.


no what is ludicrous is the fact that a you are a dunce with basically no knowledge of the compass – kuwait in the north and the emirates in the south gives an eastern side of the gulf which happens to be iran and thus the opposite side is the western side and that is saudi. find a map, superimpose the compass’ main directions over the gulf with north, south, east and west and you will find that iran is surely as a klucking bell on the eastern side und zu weiter.

and I then suggest that you google exocet and that wikipedia states that Iran had the exocet AM39 version which was airlaunched with a reach of up to 70 km. and as is well known, Iran used these exocets against shipping out of the Gulf setting a number of crude carriers on fire, late in the war and that is what basically ended the war.

thus stupid, read what can be read and apply what little grey matter you eventually have and reality will confirm itself, i.e. if your grey matter will allow you to process even simple facts, which is doubtful in extremis.


Once upon a time – western governments were kind of embarrassed by these sorts of ‘gotcha’ moments, when their clandestine foreign military adventurism was inadvertently revealed. But in current political climate of 2019, NATO is so openly aggressive that its members no longer even remotely feel the need to explain why their various special forces remain running around in Libya – that NATO, and in particular French warplanes – bombed into oblivion back in 2011.