Jaish Al-Fatah Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses in Syrian Army Offensives in Hama

The Syrian Army, backed up by the Syrian and Russian Air Forces, has continued its attacks on the Jaish Al-Fatah terrorist group in northern and eastern Hama province. Terrorists have suffered heavy losses.

Jaish Al-Fatah Terrorists Suffer Heavy Losses in Syrian Army Offensives in Hama

Photo: AFP 2016 / Thaer Mohammed

Gathering centers and fortifications of the Jaish al-Fatah terrorist group were heavily pounded by the Syrian Air Force in the northern part of Hama province. As result, terrorists suffered heavy losses.

The airstrikes destroyed at least three terrorist military bases and eleven military vehicles, seven of which were equipped with machineguns, in Maadres, Souran, Halfaya, al-Tamaneh, the northern part of Maan, Nahr al-Assi and the Bazam hilltop.

On September 6, a large storehouse of weapons and ammunition, left by the terrorist group, was discovered by the Syrian Army in al-Hamra village in the eastern Hama, close to the administrative border with Homs province.

On September 5, Syrian soldiers, backed up by the Russian Air Force, continued its attack on the terrorist group and launched a fresh round of offensives in northern Hama. As result, Syrian troops captured the village of Khirbet al-Hajameh in the northwestern side of Qamhaneh and two hills, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their military hardware.

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