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The Israeli Air Force carried out airstrikes on a Hamas target in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night. The strikes were carried out in response to shells launched from Gaza at the Israeli-controlled areas of Sha’ar HaNegev and Sdot Negev.
The Israeli military was not able to identify the group, which really conducted the shelling, but promptly blamed Iran for the incident.
Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Iran has built and supplied mortar shells launched from Gaza. According to Lieberman, an initial examination of the shells fired “confirms they are from Iran.”
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) accused Iran of fueling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through “rogue and extremist terrorist groups.” According to the IDF, Iran funnelling arms to these groups in an attempt to reignite stalled hostilities “after years of quiet.”
Today, in response to the rockets launched yesterday at Sha’ar HaNegev & Sdot Negev regional councils in southern Israel, the IAF targeted a Hamas observation post in southern Gaza. The IDF holds Hamas accountable for the situation & its consequences
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 30 December 2017
The Iranian regime continues to risk the safety of the residents of the Gaza Strip and puts them in grave danger. Wherever the Iranian regime operates or is involved, it only wreaks havoc and destruction
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 30 December 2017
….why do these folks always have to boast about the way they themselves work – we know dear Israel the ways you and the empire work, no need to keep rubbing our noses in it, Ta
These protests in Iran are against Islam and Muslims and are in support of global terrorists Israel and America.
Please ban this idiot Jew bot. Block user does not work.
Block it and report the vermin.
Go to the post, move right and you will see a hyphen and downtick – job done after that, until it changes log on details.
It drives me bloody mad as well.
Palestinians have no weapons of mass destruction and Israel and America both have. Therefore, they doing war crimes and genocides repeatedly in the war torn world.
….sorry if folks misunderstood my reply above – it’s meaning was that Israel, the US/UK&allies always blame others, in this case Iran, for the wars murder & mayhem(here on the Palestinians) that they(Israel/USA/etc) are themselves perpetrating by proxy or directly. For me this is a typically Jewish response & I am sick of it.
The problem being that the most powerful zionist/Jewish controlled state in the world is the USA and, as the empire currently stands, forever war & terrorism is necessary to keep them & their creation Israel alive. I’m so sick of stating the obvious that I’m now out of it, sorry.
zio satanic terrorists are proxies of all evil – aka supreme race in perm hell
The real Holocaust is unfolding right before our eyes; The Palestinian Holocaust stared back in November 1947.
Slowly but surely the US and Israel are ratcheting up the war in Syria and Iran as they set about preparing the ground fpr their hoped for development – full scale conflict to retake their lost position in Syria. The Anglo Zionist Cabal will never give up their quest for Balkanization of the Middle East and control of its natural resources leading to the final battle versus Russia and world hegemony for their extremely evil World Government of the AI and Robotics supported MATRIX. The future looks hideous under these people. Most human beings will be wiped out or will be serfs to their dictatorial – anti – humanist system. However, the Precariat dumbed down by the MSM propaganda machine, video games, pornography, drugs and pharmaceuticals will sit back and do nothing to prevent their slavery and annihiliation.
Fuck is there any good news?
Nope. But it is almost the New Year so keep the faith.
Murray, no not so long as the Precariat do nothing but accept the otherwise invevitable. Evil thrives and succeeds when good men do nothing!
I have commented on these pages at risk to myself. You can bet “the Agencies” are monitoring us all closely as they hate dissenters offering al alternative view of events. We’re added to their list when the day of reckoning comes.
yes again…..
Nope, all fake news here with commie lovers!
Only the defeat of Zionism will bring peace to the Middle East. Just like when Nazism was defeated in Europe.
Correct! However, far more easily said than done. Israel is the tail that wags the dog. The US, Canada, UK, EU and Australia are all controlled by their hyper wealthy Anglo – Zionist Bankster – Corporatist Cabal with access to hundreds of trillions of US$ and control the globa; financial system totally. If this were to collapse as it should then matters may change. However, they know their system is now perched on an a cliff edge and this is why they need to creat a massive distraction now and start an all out war to fulfil their goal of global hegemony and establishment of their Dictatorship asap.
yes yes my words..right on…..problem just 1 % of people know whats going on
Thanks! Very scary isn’t it!
I totally agree however note that note that the Irish public always supports Palenstine cause.
Maybe the Irish should live next to Hama’s or Islamic terrorist they sure know how to keep infidel Christians headless!
I fear a country like that of Israel that practices terrorism and genocide at a state level much more. Also note extremism likewise exists on the Israel side. Ask the family of Mohamed Abu Khdeir who was a teenager captured and burnt alive by an Israeli group.
Genocide? Against whom? Lolsss, ignorance at its finest! Palestinians of Arab descendants thrive today, heck they have one of the world’s obese population!
What else would you call it? When one country forcefully expels one race of people from their own lands and resources and thus leaving millions displaced and blockaded by sea & land and left with little rights. What would you call this?
Wasn’t it the Arabs that wanted to kill off all Jews? Didn’t they warn Arab Palestinians all to leave? Wasn’t Jews expelled from Arab countries too which you inconveniently left out? How many died during and after the 6days war? How many Jews reside in Arab countries before 1900’s and how many now? How many Arabs live in Israel 1900 and how many live now? Was there any decrease or increment?
Truthfully respond because this questions has exposed Muslim lies that they now think to be truth!
You really crack me up? You need to read more widely>
Lies yet again, another bullshit. What do you do if the country you live in borders ISIL?
You fail to mention not only Israel closed its border with Gaza but Egypt whom are Arabs and Muslim, now, why would Egypt do that??? Food for thought! Go find out why yourself, believe I have answered you comment.
Peter you’re very good at muddying the waters in at attempt to hide the facts.
Why don’t we solely discuss facts. We are discussing the illegal occupation of Palestine land by Israel. Palenstine people are justified in defending their land upon continued illegal encroachment.
Israel had so much goodwill after World War 2 and its such a shame that they squandered this and are now seen by the respected international community as an isolated occuping and bulling state.
If Israel is to be welcomed back into the international community then the state will need to act in a civilised manner and respect international law.
Why don’t we discuss polgrom of Jews residing in Muslim countries? Where are the Jews of the middleast Muslim countries like Iraq, Syria, north Africa? Where are they you lying bastard? Arabs have bigger land and $, they should absorb there brothers, win-win!
You’re very welcome to discuss this. Such killing is wrong and shouldnt be either denied or supported.
However, this still does not leave from my earlier point. Israel will not be accepted into the international community until it acts in a civilised manner and stop with its illegal and bulling actions.
In your last post you called me a lying bastad. Such ignorance optimises israel strategy to date and we will simply not accept.
So you say Arabs have large land and they should absorb palenstines into their land. Therefore are you advocating that Palenstines give up re the two state solution, forgot about their land which they owned and farmed for centuries and move to their neighbours. For clarity – is this your solution in addressing this conflict?
Adjust it, yeah, mean your tin foil hat, make it a lot tighter, ; agree, the sun does not shine at your behind, its the fault of the Jews, they own everything even air you breath…Lolsss, some comments just crack you up.
So the Yanks are threatening NK, Syria, Iran, Russia and China ++, I am not saying you are wrong nor disagreeing in any way, but just take a look at what is happening in Africa……yes seriously
Happy New Year and have a few for me.
Looking back – 9/11 was the catalyst for the US to be slowly morph into a dictatorial state – this domestic shift being entirely driven by the international geo-strategic dominance agenda of the Neo-Cons. The major legislation pieces of firstly, Bush’s Patriot Act, made it possible for the US state to actively spy on its own citizens communications, and then secondly, Obama’s National Defense Authorization Act, made made it entirely legal for any US citizen to be arrested by the US military forces, imprisoned and held without charge indefinitely. That pretty much looks like the same domestic state legislative arrangements as any number of dictatorial states have had.
Bob, thanks for your commentary and I agree with you entirely! I feel that for the US population “the die is now cast” as it’s way too late to stop the slide into war and financial catastrophe. The US is now a Police State and its final descent towards a totalitarian Government is now in progress. The process was vastly accelerated by the 911 inside job which created the Department of Homeland Security and Patriot Acts 1 & 2. For most US citizens the future looks very bleak indeed. Whatever happens now they lose. According to the Cabal’s own declared agenda, 80% – 90% will die. This will dispose of the surplus population which robotics and AI will replace and dispose of the health care and pension problems.
Thanks, Nigel, you make some interesting broader points. Hadn’t necessarily previously considered that running parallel to recent political shifts in US, there has been a massive explosion in pharmaceutical, organic and synthetic, prescription opioid pill availability and consequent social abuse, largely across traditional white working and middle class populations. The ready availability of prescription opioid pills has led to massive addiction problems, to point that because it is now cheaper than the legal pharmaceutical production opioid pills – a major suburban shift into heroin addiction is occurring.
Absolutely Bob! They’re preparing the people like cattle for the slaughter. Once doped up, unfit and scarcely understanding what is going on and dependent upon the Government for everything, 100% control by an Authoritarian Regime is easy. The populace will do as they’re told as they will be unable to confront the system. Game over ! The US populace is completely cactus as they say in Australia!… The US will go down easy and despite all the bravado most will just comply and go like lambs to their doom.
Notice that after the US /Israeli agreement on how to hit Iran, the statements start mentioning Iran supplied weapons to start implicating Iran for everything from now on for all including Hamas
Anyway who cares
God help us even a child can see through this.
The real problem are the wilfully blind.
As if their move on Jerusalem has no bearing on the current unrest .
Yup, its Iran made missiles thats transported via Assad’s Syria and powered by Venezuelan gas, guided by Russian hackers, using intel provided by Hezbollah and verified by Hamas.
And now the Palestinians must pay.
And you don’t think Trump had any part to play in this latest flare up, by recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s new capital? Right!
This is so contrived.
If Iran had supplied the “shells”, they would have done some serious damage.
Criminal and coward Israel bombs largest outdoor prison on earth, Gaza.
No comment needed.
This graphic says it all!
This graph is a response to your BS comment.
I know what I have said might appear to be bullshit but, it is well researched bullshit.
Still bullshit!
Fascist arshole/ still blaming the v v v Israhell!
Ugly cvnt!
Mossad henchman: why don,t you join with ISIS?
While you at it, join Hama’s or Hezbollah! Isis sucks!
Imagine UN officials signed agreement without the presence of the Palestinians. If they were not present , they should have stopped the discussion completely. Imagine if you are purchasing a house but, at the lawyer’s office, only you turn up. That sale or purchase agreement could not proceed but, the UN allowed an illegal undertaking to happen.
The Holocaust Industry 2014 by NG Finklestein, worth reading. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Illan Pappe 2006.
Just as the terrorist state of israel has the so-called ‘right’ to acquire arms from foreign nations, the Palestinians too, ALL OF THEM, have the right to acquire arms from anyone they choose too.
Then they shouldn’t cry to UN if they get carpet bombed right? Guessed as much!
Neither should tel aviv when it’s in smoky ruins.
Hasbara? Is that all you got? Look little lady, I have much respect for womenfolks unlike the Iranians scurrying over this news site, so I would be a gentleman and refrain from insults. Having said that, I have read so many comments here, 100% are anti-israeli, someone had to stand up to you all.
“Look little lady” – yeah right mister gentledirtbag who has “much respect for womenfolks” – lol talk about ZERO self-awareness – talk about drowning in your own poop and thinking you smell of roses.
“… someone had to stand up to you all”. Except… you’re not standing: you’re on your hasbara knees eating crow and dirt.
Tel Aviv is the global center for terrorism and usury. Full stop. The discerning reader knows this to be true cuz the facts speak for themselves.
You wanna argue with a long list of accumulated facts that expose israel as a terrorist state since its birth? You go ahead – knock yourself out. Go on, fight for israel you dumbwit, fight, fight, fight!!!
Was funny, I give you that, spilled my beer reading that, well, happy new year…gat to run!
US-Israhell-Saudi vs Iran war incoming.
If a war is definite; make it US-Israhell-Saudi vs Iran – Russia – China war incoming.
I’m not sure. Elections are held in Russia and China is best commercial partner of US according to https://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/chn/
War is not definite , my friend do not make it with your thoughts and words , many , many people die in wars , its not a playstation game . Let our imaginations rather create people and nations solving our problems . A Happy New Year , to all .
Sadly all too true! If Iran had the bomb they would not try it on. This is why Kim Jong Un is carrying on regardless with his misslle program in NK, and also why the US can be expected to go to war before next March when he may have the technology.
my words nigel..right on
FIREWORKS are the new weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION,,supplied by IRAN.You just cant make this BS up,,only a zionist would have the satanic mentality to say this and then for idiots to believe it also.The war that they are looking for might not turn out exactly as they planned,,BIG MISTAKE-
Y’all getting your info from DC comics ?
Again, Southfront takes a PRO-ZIONIST stand, just like RT and Sputnik, by exusing the actions of the depraved racist butchers of Israel by stating they were acting – QUOTE ” in response to shells launched from Gaza”
This disgusting jew-terror propagandising method is classic Soros, and it is to Southfornt’s eternal shame they have allowed zionist infiltrators into their body to control the form of ‘editorial’ comment.
In the words of jewish terrorists, all their terror is in “response”. Southfront begs for money, yet Southfront repeats the tricks of the mainstream media.
Where’s Southfront’s coverage of jewish terror against non-jews across the occupied territories? Christmas for non-jews in Palestine has been one continuous act of atrocity by the zionists (ie., 99% of all jews in the region). The jews have been especially targeting children and women for kidnap and torture. Yet Southfront has been SILENT.
We all know zionist terrorists made extra efforts to control the message during the last Holocaust in Gaza, having lost control of the message during the previous holocaust there. The biggest jewish move was to infiltrate as many indy outlets as possible- and keep infiltrating. And once the jewsih voice had entered, say Southfront, that jewsih voice was designed to create acceptable templates for editorial comment.
The jewish infiltrators use the tactic of telling the naive others that to sound proper, they must adopt the ‘unbiased’ forms used by the BBC, NYT etc. Across the last year, Southfront has been moving into lock-step with the form of reporting by RT and Sputnik- ie., wholly zionist when it comes to anything to do with jewish terror.
But Palestine is a never ending sore. The REAL consequence is that Southfront, under this ‘covert’ jewish influence, allows its reporting of emerging important new stories, like the MI6 and CIA controlled ‘protests’ in Iran, to be VERY late and VERY muted.
Zerohedge was DESTROYED by a jewish infiltrator that gain moderator status for quite a number of months. Common Dreams was DESTROYED by a jewish infiltrator in the comment section who posed as an extreme ‘anti-semite’. Most indy sites are subverted using this simple tactic. One can see in the direction taken by Southfront that one or more key people controlling the agenda are really extreme zionists.
Sorry I am not agree with you. South front are doing their best to send you updated unbiased news / documentaries to your computers.
You are putting the civilians of Gaza Strip in grave danger you are the ones Zionists that adds destruction and havoc upon residents of Gaza Strip as you said your self in this statements, you identify and kill the terrorist group I agree but why the fuck you shelling hundreds and hundreds of civilians yearly. You are the biggest grave danger for the residents of Gaza Strip you the Zio motherfuckers
Is a pitty palestinians doesnt have MAPADs …..
Iran reap what she sows, God bless Israel!
USA, Israel & Saudi Arabia Prepping for Zionist War With Iran – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXwBWJYveV4&t=3s
This so called Zionist conspiracy is the product of a Soviet misinformation program to destroy the West.
Please let us know if the program is working !
Yours truly: Evil Ivan
You tell me.
This report is about an IS airstrike on a Hamas target in Gaza. It was in response to a mortar round that blew up some dirt!? In Golan near Syria the Jihadist would launch a few rounds into Israel dirt to provoke a response against Syria.
This game of Israeli aggression against the civilians of Gaza (et al) is becoming rather stupid, don’t you think.
Israel really wants the U.S. to fight another war on its behalf. So it commits another act of genocide and tries to blame Iran.
The International Looters are not sanction by the UN. Sanction the criminals now: The Palestinians must have their own army and arms.
The Real Holocaust; The Palestinians Holocaust which started in 1947 with the signing of a deal without the presence of the Palestinians should have been illegal since 1947??? But the Faksters Holocausters love to MURDER and commit violence an unarmed group of people.; They have benefitted so well from the ;Holocaust; See the Holocaust Industry 2014 by N G Finklestein-one of their own. Israhell is a Kleptocractic/murderous/terror driven regime!