The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi speaking at Israel’s first National Conference on the Home Front on June 12. Source: the IDF.
The Israeli military’s Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi made a series of chilling threats to Lebanon while talking at Israel’s first National Conference on the Home Front on June 12.
In his speech, Kochavi detailed the Israeli military’s strategy for responding to an attack that Hezbollah could launch from Lebanon.
“We will deal very big strikes in the war, but we will warn the residents and allow them to leave the areas. I say to the residents of Lebanon: I advise you to leave, not only at the beginning of the war, but from the beginning of tension and before the first shot is fired. I advise you to leave those areas because the attack force will be unimaginable like you nothing you have witnessed before,” Kochavi said.
Kochavi vowed that the Israeli military will target any rocket launcher or headquarters of Hezbollah, even if they were hidden in residential buildings.
“Every target associated with missiles and rockets will be targeted in the next war,” the military leader said. “A house in which a missile is located or located near a missile, an activist who deals with a missile, a command headquarters that deals with a missile, or electricity connected to a group of missiles – all of this network will be hit on the day of the war.”
According to Kochavi, the Israeli military has already pinpointed thousands of targets in Lebanon to destroy in the event of a war, including Hezbollah headquarters, rockets and launchers.
Kochavi threats appear to be a direct response to a recent speech by Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, in which the Lebanese leader warned Israel against extracting gas from the disputed Karish naval field.
The Lebanese-Israeli dispute over Karish heated up earlier this month when the Greek-owned Energean Power FPSO [Floating Production Storage Offloading] reached the field to extract gas. Lebanon claims that a part of Karish is within its exclusive economic zone.
With the lack of any real progress in the US-backed talks on the demarcation of the naval borders between Lebanon and Israel, the two countries may be on the course for a military confrontation.
Both Israel and Hezbollah appear to be serious about their threats. While Hezbollah will not likely take any military action without the approval of the Lebanese government, Israel could use the group’s recent warning as a pretext to escalate militarily against Lebanon.
- Hezbollah Leader Warns Israel Against Extracting Gas From Disputed Field, Says All Options On Table
- Israel Claims Hezbollah Is Using Environmental Group To Spy On Its Troops (Photos)
How many hot wars are brewing?
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Zionists are cowards and casualty averse and with a Khazar population of barely 6.7 million, they simply don’t have the recruitment base for a sustained asymmetrical 5th generational warfare which chews up manpower. Whatever their weaknesses, the Russians and Slavic people fight like men, not like child killing Zionists. What the Syrians, Iranians and Hezbollah need to do in the next conflict is fight a multiple frond ground war and relentlessly target Zionist cities if they attack Lebanon’s civilians. 90% of Zionists have dual passports and no connection with Arab Palestine and will run back to the ghettos faster than Usain Bolt.
Iran, Hezbollah and Syrian need to engage them in a grueling ground war and close quarter combat and suck them in deeper and inflict massive casualties on the IDF child killers with ATGM, drones, guided munitions, suicide drones, rockets and small mobile unit action. Ukraine is a good example, as Russians have quickly adopted 5th gen warfare and small mobile units after pummeling hard points. Hezbollah which has some of the best trained, brave and motivated manpower in the Arab world is watching its Russian allies very closely and learning. Iran, Iraq, Syria and Hezbollah, the Axis of Resistance have a military manpower base of over 100 million people and will simply overwhelm the Zionist Khazars like Russians are successfully doing to the Jew regime in Kiev.
Here’s hoping. Throw in that the US military will give every “assistance” to the Jews, just as they are giving the Ukies targeting information on the Russian Army every minute of every day. The IDF has the unlimited support of the US deep Jew state.
True, but as Ukraine is proving US military “training” is a liability. Just look at the fate of the Vietnamese puppet ARVN and recently ANA in Afghanistan. US had to flee in the middle of night like a kicked dog killing women and children. US is bankrupt and exhausted and after 2 lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will not send ground troops into another cauldron. US is mostly over-hyped. It has never won a war, tiny Grenada maybe :)
NATO bases are too vulnerable in the Middle East, US marines morale have never experienced a missile shower, their morale will die out quick
Yes but the Zio USSA economy has begun to collapse so the unlimited support is on longer there no matter how many times the Jewish slave masters whip their USA slaves.
By the time any USSA troops can arrive Arab armies will already be occupying Israel making it impossible for the USSA to bomb them or land any troops without killing their Jewish Zio slave masters in large numbers .
You are partially correct but first Hezbollah must destroy Israel’s military and economic infrastructure before any ground war with a massive missile bombardment with its 100,000 plus missiles.
It will be hard for Israel to fight when all of Israel’s the military and economic infrastructure is destroyed. Airports, military airfields, ammunition depots, oil refineries, sewage treatment and water production plants, power plants, the Dimona nuclear reactor etc. It will be all the Zio empire can do to keep their people from starving as it has been in Syria and Lebanon for years now. This does not include an Arab uprising in Israel and having all oil supplies cut off.
Hezbollah is going to do everything you listed, and also invade through the golan with their special forces (Radwan) most likely after they secured the golan, and Israel can’t bring support to the golan
israel is well aware of these facts which is why they are making fierce noises and wind talking, because they know they are in a weak military position and they are are terrified. If the Jewish supremacists were confident they would keep quiet.
The reality is that these Zionists strut on US morons mass printed toilet paper money and free NATO weapons to the tune of $2.5 trillion since this cancer was planted in Arab Palestine by the British criminal backstabbers in 1948. They have co-opted corrupt Arab Sunni/Wahhabi imperialist created regimes in the region like Saudis, UAE, Morocco and military dictatorship like repressive Egypt.
Despite trillions of US and western money and weapons, the Zionists are petrified of Hezbollah, which soundly defeated them in 2006, while no Arab army could.
The Zionists are basically cowardly thugs who like US and NATO excel at killing unarmed Arab women and children and if they confronted a serious well armed opponent, they simply don’t have the manpower to fight a prolonged war, much like the AFU losers today, who are put of pull due to sheer Russian strategic power factor.
Even against a third world corrupt military like Egypt, that backstabbed Syria in 1973, the Zionist criminals had lost, and were only saved by the world’s most massive 24 hours a day airlift of NATO weapons from October 7 to October 28, 1973. The bastard traitor Sadat had no intention of supporting Hafaez al Assad on the Golan, and the Zionists only captured the Golan Heights as they could concentrate all their airpower on Syria. General Saad Shazli, confirmed that to me at a defence conference in Italy in 90’s when he was banished from Egypt for standing up to Sadat and the Americans. His book CROSSING THE SUEZ is a military masterpiece even though banned in most countries.
Hezbollah in the next conflict needs to be as ruthless as the Zionist scum and destroy city for city, building for building. The Zionists only understand the logic of force and are basically weaker than a spider web. The US murdering bastards and 60 puppet states could not win in Iraq or Afghanistan despite deploying thousands of aircraft, does anyone really think the Zionists with barely 300 aircraft can fight a prolonged high casualty 5th generational war, NO SIR!
Look up the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
A Rothschild project.
The Sax-Coburg-Gotha family, aka The Windsors are part of the excresent Rothschild dynasty.
The average Briton or member of the British Commonwealth is nearly as oppressed as the average Palestinian.
And the way things are going in a year or two such will prove a distinction without a difference.
The house of Windsor is a front for the Rothschild and Jews since Benjamin Disraeli era and Zionism and Jew evil is firmly planted in UK and Germany in particular. This war on Russia is part of the historical Jew hatred of Slavic people and Orthodox as I explained before. Britain and its extension US are totally compromised by Jews. Russia, Iran, China and the new free world is giving them a run for the money now and their desperation is growing at the Eurasian power-shift.
We are also all pedos and thieves.
Please war gods, allow the ukraine crisis to end before you start your new project, us mere mortals are having hard time following so upcoming wars…thanks
It’s Ragnarök, baby, the war gods have to do what war gods are meant to do. And I say that with deep sadness and extreme concern but also with terrible realism of a world sleepwalking to generalized destruction and collapse.
Eventually once Iran gets nukes they will also be warning Israelis to permanently leave.
and then i hope iran nuke the lgbt terrorists parazites forever !!!! its better to leave now MF !!! zio nazi gays chozenits from satan !!!!
Problem is Iran has no anti-ballistic missile ABM defense. IDF have Jericho II and Jericho III MRBM/ICBM nuclear armed. So it would be mutually assured destruction. But Pissrael is much smaller, so less number of nuclear warheads needed to destroy it. Meanwhile Iran is huge and has many more cities.
Area of Israel = 8000 square miles or about a 90×90 mile square patch
Area of Iran = 640,000 square miles
Which one can be carpet bombed? Iran will do fine in a nuke exchange with Israel.
So-called Israel is a “one bomb job”. The Persians will use nukes as a last resort like their Russian cousins, only if they faced an existential threat from Zionists, which I doubt. The Zionists will be worn down like the Ukrainians. They simply can not fight beyond 4-6 weeks.
Iran is 1.64 million sq kms and with a population of 85 million and strategic depth all the way to Beirut and also 60% mountains. Iran has not been sleeping for past half a century and has built up formidable 5th generation asymmetrical warfare capabilities. It has more missiles than all of Europe or even the US warmongers and built extensive underground facilities as SF usually publishes.
Never underestimate the canny Persians like Russians as well. A arrogant Roman Emperor Valerian in 260 AD after giving the Romans several warnings no to expand east of Euphrates, the historic Persian RED LINE.
Shapur I, king of Persia, a warrior at heart mounts his horse by treading on the back of the Roman emperor Valerian. After a series of wars against the Romans, Shapur defeated Valerian at Edessa in A.D. 260 and kept him captive for the rest of his life. The hubris laden Romans, used to fighting short European wars of brutality against weaker and backward Africans in Egypt and Carthage had not faced light Persian cavalry that decimated six legion and captured Valerian and all his generals. A bit like US and Zionist hubris today. Sooner or later the arrogant get whacked. Look at Ukraine.
I doubt Iran doesn’t have the capability to stop ICBM. Israel only weapon that’ll do good is the Jericho, Iran won’t go into war with them if they can’t stop them
LGB is not T, also Iran is pioneer in T rights (but not LGB ones).
Hezbollah main weapons are hidden in bunkers like 2006 war, those thousands of targets is just some bull shit Israel created to tell everyone they’re still in the game. Israel needs to find the Hezbollah missiles in Yemen, gaza, Syria and Iraq as well if they want to live the next war. Israel doesn’t have the manpower, or logistics to search and destroy weapons in 5 different countries. Hezbollah has made p-800 onik surface to surface missiles from their original surface to ship missiles, how will an iron dome intercept that? Israel jets won’t be able to freely roam once Hezbollah and Syria activate their air defence systems. I can go on and on about why Israel stands no chance
Yes, it is Israel who should be worried as they hAve never had to endure massive bombardment and destruction in their country kind of like how their USSA and EU slaves are getting spanked by the Zio sanctions against Russia. It will be hard for Israel to fight when all of Israel’s the military and economic infrastructure is destroyed. Airports, oil refineries, sewage treatment and water production plants, power plants, the Dimona nuclear reactor etc. It will be all the Zio empire can do to keep their people from starving as it has been in Syria and Lebanon for years now. This does not include an Arab uprising in Israel and having all oil supplies cut off.
I’m not sure how Dimona will play out. Israel is small, so the aftermath will hit Lebanon and Syria, unless I’m wrong.
Hezbollah has over 35 kms of underground interconnected bunkers and underground weapons silos from Bekaa to Chouf. I have seen some of their engineering work, they are no walkovers. Hezbollah Shia drove the Zionists from Lebanon after bombing the living daylights out of them. Just look at the outcome of the 2006 conflict when only 10% of Hezbollah or around 3,000 men were activated and they fought for 33 days despite Zionists bombing all of Lebanese civilians. This time Hezbollah will fight building for building starting with the destruction of Azrael Towers in Tel Aviv, Ashdod Port, Dimona and Ben Gurion airport. The Zionists cowards used to killing unarmed Palestinians will rue the day they bomb Lebanon.
That’s pretty awesome you got to see that in person, you don’t mind me asking are you from Lebanon and are you an engineer yourself? I’m from the south of Lebanon from soor (tyre)
Hezbollah tunnels and bunkers were inspired by North Korea and Vietnam, and were actually helped engineered by North Korea. Hezbollah has studied every war in history, that’s why their Hybird warfare technique is considered mastered. Hezbollah warriors are taught the spirit of Imam Ali AS and his family, that’s why their morale is crazy high. Hezbollah unlike NATO and Israel is able to keep its morale despite losing men. During the first battle in Syria when Hezbollah was still learning how to conduct offensive operations, they unfortunately lost men, but kept their morale high to finish the job. You’re right, the 3000 men also known as the Nasr brigade put israel through hell. In the first few days of the war Israel was barely able to destroy 7% of Hezbollah soviet weapons, and most of them destroyed were already used and were empty batteries. How will Hezbollah hit Dimona if both israel and Lebanon are small? That’s Suicide for the whole region. Hezbollah warriors desire martyrdom, a lot of Hezbollah warriors who go to fight in Syria go to die as a martyr, and if you talk to some that get back, they’ll tell you they wished they didn’t make it back. IDF on the other hand is completely opposite, you can’t win wars if your men don’t want sacrifice themselves.
Hezbollah will hit all Israeli plants, and Israel will tap out before all Israelis flee
I wonder if the world will be as appalled at the Israeli international terrorism as they were at Russia going into Ukraine to stop the Nazis from killing ethnic Russians? Will Israel be banned from participating in international sports. Will the Jewish oligarchs who control the stooges in the governments of the Western world have their assets confiscated. Will the Jewish actors, athletes etc have to denounce the acts by their criminal government?
Of course not,like Americans and Brits were not banned for destroying half the middle east,it shows what filth these people are.
Some of us were VERY against these wars.
Get across Jewish state capture of Europe and most of the planet, THEN if you wish start maligning nationalities.
Facts are most people in every country are oppressed by entrenched oligarchies colluding or conspiring with or against each other as perceived objectives demand.
Then start getting across how the above collude internationally to rent-seek from the oppressed.
To look at the bulk of the citizenry as pawns, expendable.
Biggest Question like Syria… Will Russia intervene?… As we know China and India will sit on the fence as they always DO “doing nothing”!…
Sitting on the fence is the clever move unless it’s a direct threat to that particular country.
Yeah… But they all signed the same international treaties and then DO THIS (http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html)!…
It begs the question what Iraq and Afghanistan might have been had China and India protested for their sovereignty “more than they did” instead of aiding and abetting that crime scene!???
I shouldn’t have replied to your stupid comment. You’re the most dumb fk on the Internet.
Sitting on the fence is the ultimate dumbass move. It will be a direct annihilation to those stupid countries, ONE BY ONE.
The most Russia will do is give hezb stuff under the table. Russian Spetnaz in Syria are really close to Hezbollah, so they might to try help in some way, maybe in the operation room.
Hezbollah has shown their loyalty to Russia throughout this Russian-Ukrainian war, so I doubt Russia will let them hang out to dry, especially when israel has sides with Ukraine, and has allowed IDF special force veterans to fight in Ukraine
Turkey will intervene for Lebanon as they have the same commercial natural gas interests. This is why Turkey is threatening Greece. The Syria stuff is a feint. Always follow the money.
Tens of Trillions at stake for Turkey and Lebanon delivering natural gas to Europe from Lebanon and Turkey through Turkey blocking any Israeli, Cyprus, Greek natural gas pipeline to Europe.
even babies are described as terrorists by israel so im sure their kill list is extensive.
Chihuahua is barking !
This from Israel that was JUST FORCED to agree to peace as they ran out of missiles for their stupid iron dome and the missiles were raining down on Israel lol, and they think they can win against Hezbollah ROFL. BRING IT ON JEWS it is time to EXTERMINATE YOU FILTH FROM THE WORLD and FREE PALESTINE from you PIGS. – Z –
Not to mention Israel recently bombed the Damascus airport to the point where all flights are canceled.
They can’t do shit, that is the fact and that is why they are crying about it.
Both Lebanon and Zion-stan would be a shit hole at the end of it, but Lebanon can save it unlike these gay clowns Zion from West.
If anyone wants to read about Lebanon and Zion maritime border dispute.
It is Lebanon’s, not Zion btw. Why does Zion want to fight over it? It doesn’t belong to them and they want to make money as gas prices are high right now.
Why? Because they always want things that aren’t theirs.
Israeli should think about how their iron dome coped with barrage of Hamas home made rockets last year.
Hezbollah have some better gear and hardware than Palestinians , the courtesy of their Iranian and Syrian friends.
I’m sure Hamas and Fatah would join the battle sending their home made cooked fire crackers if nothing to attract dome’s first “responders” so Hezbollah big babes will do the real damage.
In my opinion this all talk to distract voters away from Ukrainian debacle Kabul déjà vu.
The problem won’t go away until the cause goes away.
IDF begging for another Diaper shortage. This time they’ll need extra pampers because Hezbollah will kick their asses even harder. More burnt merkavas incoming. Fateh-110 and Soumar missiles awaiting launch. Satellite fanboys will have a field day seeing missile impacts on Kike bases :)
Israel loves making threats while hiding behind the US
i wonder if Ukraine is been cleaned out for the its new Jewish Tenants?
“I advise you to leave, not only at the beginning of the war, but from the beginning of tension and before the first shot is fired”
So in short Lebanese should leave their country because there has always been tension caused by his likes: that is what he said and everyone cheered. ME is officially through to the dogs
Nuke Israel ways from Sunday. A mendicant state leaching from Western taxpayers and ever fomenting discord in the Middle East.
Hell’s Bells, they even attacked the USS Liberty.
How much would you laugh if say, Conquistadors landed somewhere in Amazonia and declared himself “coloured Amazonas Indians from jungle”?
Query is: Why Western folks do not laugh when snowy white skinned Khazars landed in Haifa, declared himself “coloured tanned skin Semites” and starting murdering real Semites (Palestinians)?
Really, folks, why do you not laugh?
Until Khazars will always called by their original name, there will be no understanding about this brutal absurd Apartheid II Zionist regime.
Note: Artifical word “Jews” was invented for one theatrical piece in London in 18th century. Later used for falsification of older books purposes.
Agreed overall but they are not “Khazars”, they are Cypriots (or otherwise from Asia Minor), genetics is very clear about that: Palestinians are the true biological Jews/Canaanites, “Jews” (Euro-Mediterranean groups, who are the vast majority) are genetically Cypriot (or Anatolian, which are very similar and also hosted a very large “Jewish diaspora” of converts, pretty much the same ones who invented Christianity as well).
While the exact details are unclear, the once very large Cypriot Jewish community was banished from the island after the Kitos War (one of several Jewish uprisings against Rome) resulted in very large massacres of “Greeks” (i.e. religiously non-Jews). The banishment would be eventually lifted many generations later but most probably remained in the Western Empire, notably Hispania (which leads to Sephardites), with a branch in Marseilles expanding to Strassbourg in Carolingian times and from there to Central and Eastern Europe, where they greatly profitted from the slave trade (centered first in Prague, then in Krakow) among other commercial and financial activities (the Ashkenazim are extremely bottlenecked at the root, probably an effective population size of only some 1000 people).
In any case the only “true Jews” in terms of actual (meaningful) ancestry are the Palestinians, hence Israel is an antisemitic (anti-Jewish) regime.
sucking thumb under obese amerikant mama the cretin begs for pickle from Sawyer
Shameful. The US-led West and the rest of the world, including Russia and China turned blind eye to Israel’s fascistic regime and its unprovoked barbaric threat to Lebanon’s civilian population.
The khaZar abomination squatting in apartheid, occupied Palestine is squealing and again lusting for blood. They are all talk but very careful when it comes to actually trying anything against Hezbollah. The girly man Izz army of children exterminators remembers the last time they got their asses whacked in Lebanon.
How long more will the surly USSAN tax cattle fund this evil welfare warfare psychopathic rump entity ? About as long as the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah can.
I only hope that Hezbollah can make a big crater out of wherever Kochavi is standing when the Jews attack Lebanon yet again. It would be nice to see the Jews get back the pain they have spread around the world.
Of course, it would never occur to the Jews to simply stop waging war on their neighbors and taking their land by brute force. Heaven forbid a master-race Jew (in their minds at least) would allow anyone else the right to live on their earth.
I think the evidence is clear. The isreali apartheid regime will just take and take until something or someone stops them.