Israeli Warplanes Strike Syrian Position In Hama, Syrian Air Defenses Intercept Several Missiles (Videos)

On July 22, warplanes of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) bombed a Syrian military position in the town of Masyaf in the western Hama countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) said in an official statement, that the Israeli airstrike resulted in material loses only.

Meanwhile, the al-Mayadeen TV reported that the Israeli warplanes attacked the Syrian position from Lebanon aerospace. According to the Lebanese news TV channel, the Syrian Arab Air Defense Forces (SyAADF) shot down three missiles, which were launched by IAF warplanes, while a fourth one managed to hit the position.

Syrian pro-government activists revealed that the target was a facility of the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC). Five workers in the facility were reportedly injured as a result of the Israeli airstrike.

This is the third Israeli airstrike on Syria since the beginning of this month. On July 8, IAF warplanes hit equipment of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in the Syrian T-4 airbase. Later on July 15, a position of the IRGC southwest of the city of Aleppo was attacked.

While the previous Israeli airstrikes targeted assets of Iran, the new one on the SSRC facility is likely a direct message to the Damascus government, which is about to restore its control of southern Syria.

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Now forces of Syria, Russia, Palestine and their allies could target the following points by hypersonic missiles (Iskander) and answer these US backed proxies for all attacks that they have done on Syria. They need a proper lesson.

1) Chemical Weapons, nerve agent and nuclear weapons production and storage facility at the Dimona, Negev Desert.

2) The Dimona nuclear reactor at the Negev Nuclear Research Center, where Israel has produced 400 nuclear weapons 5kt to 250kt.

3) Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) which are developing biological and chemical weapons. It is located in Ness Ziona, 20 kilometers south of Tel Aviv from where chemical plant had supplied to terrorists in Syria to produce chemical weapons and use against Syrian nation.

4) The Israeli aerospace hardware manufacturing facilities for Jerico I/II/III Ballistic missiles from 70km to 11,000km ranges, cruise missiles, UAVs, SAM missiles etc. in the city of Lod in the Central district.


daesh air force the israel coward is panic securisation of south syria!!


Israelis always bomb when militants are on the ropes. This will not change anything the SAA are not going to be stopped.


Its for show, benny is under criminal scrutiny and needs to deflect from him being sent to prison.

Cedric Hunter


Daniel Miller

And again arabs wont do shit cuz they are pussys…

Promitheas Apollonious

is this what you understood, they are, watching them fight for 8 years against all odds? Maybe is time to take your head out of your ass. it help you see more clear.

Daniel Miller

Yes 8 years of war vs some rag tag terrorists…….Russia wiped the floor with them witch just 30 aircraft and commando unites…….the arabs needed Hezbolla Russia Iran IRGC and PMU in order to defete militants…..Arabs will always be shit at war ever since their humiliation in the 6 day war they have always lost vs a none arab army…….the only time arabs did not suck ass was in 2006 when their retarded asses had beed lead by Persians (Iranians).

Promitheas Apollonious

got it a stupid hasbara. I dont argue with mentally challenged as you are. Follow my advice take your head out of your ass.

Let some oxygen enter your single cell and not only methane.

Daniel Miller

so you have no arguments and call me “stupid hasbara” why are you so butthurt? Its a known fact all Arab nations are crap at war form Syria Egypt Iraq to S.Arabia UAE and Yemen.

Stephan Williams

Tell that to the Lebanese who handed the israeli terrorists their asses the last time they tried a ground invasion or the Syrian armed forces who are sweeping up the detritus left behind by this latest israeli-inspired and directed imbroglio in Syria.

PS: Isn’t Daniel Miller a jewish name? I hope so because I’ve been wanting to ask one of you hasbarabots what the pay grade is for serial-lying and dissembling online. Is it a living? Or do you still need a steady outside job to get by?

Daniel Miller

Yeah ofc the IDF lost in 2006 it lost to hezbolla a Iranian trained groop. Why do you think the IDF is scared shitless of Iran? Cuz they can actually fight and win and are competant soldiers unlike arabs.


Daniela Miller, you suck !


The Synagogue of Satan never takes a break from its cowardly killings,it’s going crazy because it has lost its terrorist war against Syria.But now the Hunter will become the hunted.Israhe’ll is finished.

Promitheas Apollonious

Not yet.




I know the Russian S-400 radar cannot see the stealthy fighter F-35 but there are other options available. US attack Syria and Iraq by their own proxies Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and by Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistanis and by puppet regimes. This is weakness. Don’t loose to US proxies Israel and ISIS etc.

Either they should surrender to US or fight with bravery. They should learn to live with dignity and defend their nation and land. They should not allow US and their proxies to invade them.

Daniel Miller

If a S-125’s radard can pick up and shoot down a F117 (witch is considered stealthyer then the F35) i am shure a S400 can detect it no problem,but why wold it? Russia dose not want to shoot at IAF planes.


So it means that Russia has been surrendered to US and NATO proxies Israel mean to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, PKK etc. I don’t think so Russia is so much weak. Russia has been besieged by US proxies and puppet regimes like Palestine.

Daniel Miller

No Russia has its own intrests with Israel a massive imoint of Isreili jews are ethinc Russians.


For bunch of Jews Russia surrendered to US proxies Israel the child butchers.

Daniel Miller

Evryone is a child butcher their is no “good guy” in politics.


No, it is not.
1. S-400 can detect F-35.
2. S-400 is probably not operative. It is deployed but situation does not require engagement. Operative are short range SAM.
3. Acquisition radars in the air defense system monitor the situation on the sky.
4. Syrian air defense force gets this information, so let them decide whether to shoot. Russians are not at war with Israel, this plane does not fly over Russian territory and does not attack the Russian army, why should the Russians shoot it?

You can call me Al

>>> Russians are not at war with Israel, this plane does not fly over Russian NOR SYRIAN territory

Manuel Flores Escobar

Israeli aircraft dont fly over Syria to avoid be shot down… not even the F.35 to avoid Russian temtations… or be shot down by old soviet system like the F-117…


Наравно! И поносимо се тиме што смо оборили то невидљиво летеће парче гованцета!


But Russian radar can share info with Syrian air defense.
So Russia can say “we didn’t shoot down that plane”. :)

Daniel Miller

No Russia has a deal with Israel,Russia only helps the SAA only with maintenance of its older S-125’s and S-200’s and no the S-400’s radar is incompattable with the S-200VE launchers or fire control center the S-400 is brand new cutting edge tech the S-200VE uses vacum tubes.


Daniel you know why USSR divided. This is due to US and their proxies Israel.

Any government, politician or regime support or deal or have relation with US and with their proxies Israel will be loser. This has proved from history. Why I am saying this because they are child butchers.

Daniel Miller

No the USSR was devided cuz of internal political struggles and economic problems they are the main reasons why it dosent exist anymore.


You forgot US sanctions.


You will not connect them with cables. Target and missile tracking is a closed system within the AD system itself. The data obtained from the centralized monitoring system about the situation in the sky is transformed into a usable signal in the air defense system itself (S-125, SA-6, S-300, etc) so that in the unique air defense network absolutely all air defense systems using data in electrical form can be connected.

Daniel Miller

you cant “convert” data form digital to analauge at any useble speed particularly in a air defense situation. the S-200VE uses analauge computer the S-300,S400,Buk-M1,2,3 etc. Use digital data.
I stand by my word the S-200VE is not compatable with the S-400’s radar or fire control center.


Yes you can. I work for over 20 years on S-125, and my input data is in digital form, obtained from radar network.
The signal delay from sending from the operating center to reception to the AD converter is no more than 10 seconds, which is a very good result. The AD converter gives a signal to the panoramic pointing device instantly, and that is, no wisdom. Like I said, all systems can be networked.
Of course they are not compatible. The Russians did not even try to allow the S-400 to operate the missiles of another system. What is the purpose of that? The essence is that AD systems connect to a single network and use a unique signal. The S-400 has an acquisition radar that sends data to the operating center, and further from the operating center, the S-200 gets this information.
Of course, there is a delay in the signal, but if you realize that you have only a few seconds to react, then someone is screwed thing. In a combat shift, you constantly monitor the situation through the information received from the operating center, and you get the target and the authorization for action from the superior command, etc…

Daniel Miller

a S-400’s scannin radar can in theory be connected to the S-200 but a targeting radar…no way.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Syrian radar can see the threat..thas why they can shot down many missile..they are testing weapons till the war begin after the defeat of the terrorist…then a rain of rockets and ballistic missile will fall over Israel…

You can call me Al

God willing.


This research center, is that where engineers improvise ways of making bombs or is this one of those barrel bomb factories?

Daniel Miller

what is the differance between conventional dumb bombs are “barrel bombs” ?

Daniel Miller


You can call me Al

dose – does*

Sorry for being pedantic.


All bombs are barrel bombs. That is a cylinderical container in which explosives are filled. You can say F-35 is a barrel plane etc.

Daniel Miller

yea no shit i know that i am asking why dose the person above thing they are differant.


They are idiot.


That’s a pretty arrogant thing to say.

Bobby Twoshoes

I think you need to reread the definition of arrogant.


Because Smaug supports the Zionist narrative :)


Barrel bombs are improvised. The cheep build is can’t hit the broadside of a barn.

Daniel Miller

……m8 you do realise that you dont need mm pressision in order to make a good bomb for dive bombing right?


I meant broadside of a barn literally. Heavy barrels are dropped from helicopters at 15,000 feet, how accurate do you think that is? Also the dive bombing assertion is dubious, as the bomb must follow a predictable path and the jimmy rigged ignition mechanism must be able to survive the crash.

Barrels were made for storing, not falling.

Daniel Miller

well yea they are weighd down by a concorete block in the front.
And they are let down and do have fins to sabelise them when falling.
Ummm m8 they are not made of oil battels….Most “battel bombs” are made of gas tanks with thick walls they can survive the impact and detonate if they are not effective they wont use them.



Promitheas Apollonious

you dirty your oldest friend… for what?



US-Navy Revert Shia
Promitheas Apollonious

is this supposed to make any sense? r u on recreational drugs kid?

US-Navy Revert Shia
Promitheas Apollonious

yep definitely you are on drugs. Single cell comes to mind.


Oh look it happened again for the 200th time

Syrian/Russian defenses trying to intercepted Israelis is like a retarded child flailing his arms around trying to catch a bullet in midair


So much for those fake Russian weapons ;)


Lazy “American” , how many shekels have you earned today?
Tiger spam: :D

Paul Barbara

You seem to equate Israel Right or wrong with the real problem here, right versus wrong.
‘Fraid your on Satan’s side; there will be an accounting.


HaHa 40 year old Syrian air defences shot down 3 of the 4 missiles – thats way better than what the crappy US patriot system would achieve!!



The only thing has been shot down in Syria is an SU-25 flying tub

Which got shot down by a shoulder fired weapon


Not a single US plane hs been hit and 1 Israeli plane shot down in 40 years

Meanwhile Russian and Syrian aircraft drop like bricks ???

Manuel Flores Escobar

During Irak war desert storm 16 january 1991..1 F-18 was shot down by a Mig 25 capt scott speicher( top gun pilot) was killed..the same day 1 F-16 and 2 F-15( C, E) were shot down( 17 january)..serial number 88-1689,pilots major Koritz, Liutenant colonel holland were killed, serial number 88-1682 pilots colonel Eberly and Major Griffth were captured….


Fake numbers no F15 has ever been shot down

On the other hand, there is videographic footage of an Russian SU 25 getting shot down by a shoulder fired weapon


Manuel Flores Escobar

how many US jets have been shot down by Manpads stupid?…

John Mason

You know your history and there is a lot more not told.


I am just curious…… How does north-american feel knowing that its country is totally controlled by jews ? If you do not know this, your are really an ignorant of your own country.


“is like a retarded child flailing his arms around trying to catch a bullet in midair while the world explodes around him”

A scene from the 80’s action flick eternally playing inside your head I assume?


Just impotent displays of Russian and Shiite power, per usual

You can call me Al

Is that you gimp?.

Rodney Loder

Trump needs a cover it could be economic something relatively minor like hot money flows going into US debt taking advantage of high interest rates in case China starts using its war chest and it could be a marginalised israel attempting a come back, the assumption by Trump is that after the rain the garden will bloom bombs and blood with much US Ape chest beating, what can go wrong ? In the first instance the Developing Economies will be hostile and in the second Iran will bolster its position with Europe to counter an Iranian led reaction to Christian jew escalations.
I always said the best thing to do was to internalize the war supporting Qatar against Saudi Arabia which largely happened and Salman was being strangled until Putin arranged his comeback with what amounts to a virtual partnership, I think Brendon O’Connor is right in many ways about Putin and Russian being purely opportunistic.
However Trump must lose China Germany and the Global Plutocracy not to mention Demographics will make sure of that, very sad to see the queers getting the cream we can only hope it makes them even sicker if such a thing is possible, Putin should be locked in a cell full of queers.

Domenic Patrone

The Israeli jets will be coming in 10 at a time soon. This betokens activity up north. Watch and be warned.

Hisham Saber

Syria and Iran will simply change the Rules of Engagement (ROE). Its simple, when Israeli jets strike Syria, the Syrians, Iranian IRGC in Syria, and Hezbollah should respond with missiles, ballistic missiles, and not only in the Golan, but Israel proper.

Also, the Syrians need to start complaining about terrorist/militant attacks originating from the Golan at Syria. This is the perfect tool/casus belli to muster all the forces aligned in Syria and make a move to fully liberate the Golan, and if things go graet, into Israel proper.

The Syrian Arab Army, NDF, Hezbollah, IRGC advisors and im sure fighters, Iraqi PMU’s (numbering in the hundreds of thousand, and they answer directly to Mr. Khamenei, 25,000+ thousand Afghan volunteers, Chechens special forces/commandos, some working for the Russian Mod, others directly for Mr. Khadyrov (and these guys want revenge real bad on the U.S. for the airstrike on a mixed SAA and Chechen military personnel that killed many comrades). Plus a vast reserve pool, volunteer pool to tap into in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The forces I mentioned above, have 7 years of brutal, war of attrition style warfare against total martyrdom seeking fanatics, in desert, rural and urban environments. By now, they combined, have been distilled down to perhaps the best fighting forces in the world.

Outside if its airforce , what does Israel have? The IDF are made up of LGQBT’s, exchange students from the U.S., and degenerates who only excel at killing unarmed civilians.

When 75,000 IDF troops and 2 armored battalions tried to attack/cross into Lebanon in 2006, they were met by ferocious fighters of Hezbollah. And only 4500 participated in effectively routing the Israel IDF offensive. And Hezbollah had the bulk of its forces, especially its elite and commando units stationed north of the Litani Line. Imagine if they were all at the border when all the action took place. The fighting would have easily spilled over onto the Israeli side. And mort importantly, Israel had total air superiority over the battle field, but were not able to be effective in the least. You see, Hezbollah has adapted to the Israeli air force tactics, and when fighting breaks out, Hezbollah employ a simple tactic developed by the Soviets at Staingrad, for the most part. Its called ‘ hugging you enemy ‘ , or ‘ grabbing your enemy by the belt ‘ . Hezbollah fighter teams, ATGM teams, and rocket teams got up close as possible to Israeli troops and armor, rendering air strikes ineffective. It was a mess for Israel. They even closed down the factory that produces the once much touted Merkava MBT (The Chariot of God).

44 out of 400 Merkava MBT’s were employed, and Hezbollah would target the first one in column, and the last one, effectively rendering the whole column immobilized, and they simply fired their ATGM’s from only a few dozen meters away, which made the strikes most lethal.

The much touted IDF Golani Brigade got surrounded, then the location they ended up came under heavy rocket and mortar fire, and the situation looked grim for Israel’s famous brigade. It didn’t look good, and this was all happeneing in a small village on the border. So the IDF had to divert, pull major resources to finally be able to mount a rescue mission, and sustained many losses. Also Israel’s Navy flagship was hit by a C-108 Chinese variant anti-ship missile. It nearly sank.

Meanwhile, all Israel could do was , per usual, bomb civilian neighborhoods in South Beirut , which only hardened Hezbollah. Missiles and rockets were launched from Lebanon into targets in Israel until the very last day of the 33 day war.

Daryan Alex

Thanks for the read; I appreciated it. Cheers.


I think Syria needs to reply to the zionist ‘message’ … like it did recently in the Golan,


I’m sure that there are plans and preparations to do exactly that when the time is right.


I hope that Trump and Putin talked about nuking Israel on an as needed basis and disarming and disbanding the IDF, Mossad and Shin Bet. And that the the US and Russian militaries have plans to implement it.

John Mason

I think you will find that the US was in collusion with the zionists or whatever one wishes to call the cursed tribe. I know for a fact that the airspace was out of bounds to civilian aircraft and the US should have launched fighter planes to intercept and they didn’t, that says it all.


The US is the most Jew infested nation on the planet outside of Palestine. Yes the Jews had collaborators, that’s how they work. But if there wasn’t a single American Jew. None of it would have happened. The primary blame is on the Jews.

Hisham Saber

This is what the illustrious , brilliant Cicero said about Jewish Rabbinical Talmudists infiltration in Roman state affairs :

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through…all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Same can apply to the U.S. today. Totally subverted. As a matter of fact, the Roman senate stabbed Caesar to death for emancipating the Jews. After his death, Jews would congregate at his murder scene/spot to wail and cry for their deceased former hero.


SAM were designed to shoot down aircraft, not missiles fired from aircraft

Hahahahahaha Syrian defenses are so humiliated they make up numbers not of aircraft intercepted but of Missiles


Manuel Flores Escobar

you are stupid?…Pantsir system have intercepted almost all israeli missile…USA and Israel have launched about 300 cruise missile along these years with 500kg with only minimal damage…another country without that system would have been destroyed!…I have seen photos in syria live map of the aftermath of the israeli attacks and I can see minimal damage in spite of using around 10 air to ground missile with 450kg wrhead…


Wrong. They’ve intercepted almost nothing

In fact the only evidence posted was by the Israelis showing an “invincible” Pantsir system getting blown up rather easily

You have fairy tales and hopes, I have evidence and facts

You’re like a Chimp, in this article alone there is candid footage showing explosions from Israeli missiles impacting the ground, get you laughably suggest Syria has the ability to intercept them at will, it’s pathetic lol

Israel has absolutely no fear of Syrian SAM which apparently have such pathetic range they can’t reach Israeli aircraft in Lebanon

How embarrassing


LOL, the one that was out of service, turned off and unmanned? If that’s THE ONLY system that the baby rapers can destroy. Then all of that obsolete American hardware that they got for free isn’t worth much. They still have nothing to take down 50 year old Mach 9 S-200s that can drop F-16s into downtown Tel Aviv in 90 seconds from launch on an as needed basis.

There’s a reason that the IDF stays out of Syrian airspace. And it’s because they don’t want to get shot down. I wouldn’t want to be a Jew in the cockpit of one of these:


Wow, they shot down one 30 year old plane in a span of 40 years! What success!


Meanwhile Israel has slaughtered Syrian soldiers and Iranians and Russia has lost 2 combat jets one to TURKEY (lmao) and one to a shoulder fired MANPAD lmfaaaoooo

The US also shot down a Syrian jet and of course they take it like good bitches and won’t dare retialiate


Uh sure, the occupied Golan just got hammered and the Jews have done zero to stop the Syrian government coalition steam rollering their terrorist proxies. Hezbollah and the IRG are in Syria for the duration and the baby rapers are powerless to prevent it. All of the IDF nuisance attacks add up to squat. All that they do is confirm to humanity the Satanic criminal insanity of the Jew pedophile mass rape cultists and why their evil cult belongs in the trash can of history.



Powerless yet they slaughter Hezbollah and Iranians with impunity like at the T4 base strike( which even Iran admitted)

Iranians are pussies, Israel is punking on em hard


Keep dreaming. What is it about the Jews have lost the war that you don’t understand?

It’s had zero effect on Iran and Hezbollah entrenching in Syria. Anything worth hitting is so far underground that it’s beyond reach. All that the Jews do is violate the disengagement agreement and refuse to comply with 338 Golan withdrawal requirements. Which is why the US veto is being bypassed at the UN with 377A resolutions and a Palestinian protection force is being put in place to get the IDF, Mossad, Shin Bet and Jew squatters and land thieves off of Palestinian land.


What part yldont you understand?

Israel owns the Golan, and Syria is powerless to stop Israeli strikes

Russia trembles in fear at the thought of confronting the US and allowed Israel to dictate its S300 shipments to Syria

So weak.


They already have S-300s according to multiple sources, including Wikipedia and The Saker. And they can can take down IAF planes outside of Syrian airspace with Mig 29s, S-200s, Buk and Pantsir systems anytime they want. But it isn’t worth wasting their time with when they have more important things to do. If Russia was afraid of the US, they wouldn’t even be in Syria.


They can’t do a single thing except get killed by bombs and cry.


They can win the war. It’s the baby rapers who are powerless to prevent it. And once that’s done they’l be in a stronger position to deal with Israel than they ever have been.


They hit no positions on the Golan. Which is why you’ll never be able to post evidence of the targets hit. Again you have to invent fairy tales to salvage your bruised ego because Syria and Iran got whooped


There are conflicting reports of what did or didn’t get hit in the occupied Golan. Jews are brainwashed from birth to lie, so don’t expect people to believe the IDF or zionist shills like you.

– Dozens of Rockets Hit Israeli Posts in Golan –

“The targeted Israeli military sites include a military reconnaissance center, a position for border security, a military center for electronic jamming, a military center for spying on wireless and wired networks, a communication station, an observatory for precision weapons, a gunships heliport, the headquarters of the regional military command of brigade-810, the command center of the military battalion in Hermon, and the winter headquarters of the special snow unit, according to the report.”

– Rocket fire targets 10 Israeli military positions –

You’re ignoring Israel losing their regime change war in Syria because they lack the ability to do it themselves, and being relegated to ineffective random pot shots and chest thumping like you’re doing. And losing the US veto at the UN, which is increasingly being withdrawn and overridden by a US government and planet fed up with your crime and insolence. With Syria in a far stronger position to deal with the Jew land thieves in the Golan than they were before the war.

The IDF positions getting hit in the Golan is just the beginning of the Jews problems there with the Russians, Iranians and Hezbollah permanently in Syria until the Golan issue is resolved. Not even the US recognizes the Jews theft of the Golan. And having just shot 14,000 unarmed demonstrators in Gaza. A lot of Americans would like to see Israel and Jews go away permanently.

You people are the most persecuted, expelled and genocided group of miscreants in human history because you’re evil, and your Talmud rabbinical cult ideology is evil.


Ask for evidence, he posts vague quotes from the same bastion of butthurt Sand pounders that got humiliated in the first place.

LOL, compelling evidence, brah.

Golan must have got devastated.

lol you’re pathetic to the point of euthanasia

Thanks for the laugh


The IDF admits that their facilities were hit and damaged and that they were only able to intercept a small percentage of the incoming missiles and rockets, some of which were reportedly carrying significant payloads:

“Several Israeli military facilities near the border were targeted by rocket fire from within Syria by Iran’s elite Quds Force, according to a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces.

“Approximately 20 projectiles were fired, and a few were intercepted,” said Lt Colonel Jonathan Conricus in a call with reporters. “We assess the damage to Israeli positions to be limited.””

– Israeli military says facilities targeted by Iranian rocket fire from Syria –

Israel lost the war. Their regime change project was a complete failure. And now they’ve got a much stronger adversary on their border than before the war. In addition to which, the only thing that has prevented them from being subjected to stronger enforcement of the laws that they’re in chronic violation of, the US UNSC veto, is being withdrawn and overridden, and enforcement mechanisms are being formulated for implementation. The baby rapers problems are only to going to get bigger, not smaller. And their position weaker not stronger. It’s why they’re freaking out with all of these nuisance attacks.

A few pot shots from outside the Syrian airspace that they used to fly freely over did nothing to stop Israel’s loss. Instead the IDF got hammered in the Golan and Israel’s only response was to fire more potshots from outside the airspace that they’ve been kicked out of that did nothing to stop the defeat of their terrorist proxy’s.

What you’re celebrating is Israel’s frustration at their defeat.


You’re in hysterics because you have nothing to show for.

Israel lost nothing, you ha to invent fake Israeli and US objectives to grade the pitiful performance of the Shiite alliance against

I’m just laughing st the impotency of the Iranian Syrian and Russian forces getting slapped in the mouth over and over again while enraged troglodytes such as yourself invent fairy tales to aussage the humiliation of the Syrian and Iranian military ( and Russian lol)

It’s just amusing to watch your reality crumble in front of you while you screech like a Chimp and desperately look for an artifact to reverse the narrative, haha.

Israel and the US have taken extremely minimal casualties, and Syria is powerless to take back the Golan, so they’ve won nothing.


Your hatred of truth, pathological lying and ignoring reality, doesn’t change the facts of the Jew criminal’s complete failure at regime change in Syria:

“Israel is now arming “at least” seven rebel groups in the Golan, which are “getting arms and ammunition from Israel, along with money to buy additional armaments.”

The groups in question all report a recent increase in Israeli aid. This comes in the wake of various states, including Jordan and the US, scaling down their armament operations in Syria.”

– Israel is now arming seven rebel groups in Syria –

“The Syrian Train and Equip Program was a United States-led military operation launched in 2014 that identified and trained selected Syrian opposition forces inside Syria as well as in Turkey and other US-allied states who would then return to Syria to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The programme reportedly cost the US $500 million.[1] It is overt program, run by U.S. Special Operations Forces, separate from a parallel covert program run by the CIA.”

– Syrian Train and Equip Program –

– The US Empire Has Been Trying To Regime Change Syria Since Long Before 2011 –



You just distort historical facts to emotionally compensate for Israeli ass kickings, let’s be real


You’re a liar.


The IDG said the projectiles landed in empty territory. Haha, you even have to lie about that because you’re embarrassed. Notice how you can’t post any pictures or videos?

Russian equipment makes good scrap metal


You haven’t disproven the IDF’s own admission that their facilities in the occupied Golan got hit.


They don’t have S300 and that Saker fag himself wrote an article raging about Putin’s acquiescence to Israeli demands and NOT shipping S300’s which would be useless anyways


What you brainwashed, raped at birth by pedophiles, AshkeNAZI hasbara vermin lie about and what you can prove are two different things.

“The first information, with the reference to informed sources in the Tartus province, about the possibility of the delivery to the Syrian Arabic Republic of an unknown number of S-300 systems of unknown modification appeared across the space of the Western and Russian Internet approximately a week ago. It has been reported that the systems have been delivered to Syria in the dock for armored vehicles of the large amphibious assault ship “Nikolai Filchenkov” of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and unloaded under aerosol screen in order to hide from the watchful eye of the electron complex SYERS-2B/C installed in the rotary turret of the RQ-4B drone “Global Hawk”.

The new was reinforced by the information from the online traffic monitors about the arrival to the airbase Khmeimim of the heavy transport aircraft AN-124 “Ruslan”, which in 2015 delivered to Syria the first C-400 “Triumf”, as well as the statement by the Syrian ambassador in Russia Riad Haddad that it has been a month since the Syrian Army have had S-300 in its arsenal.”

– How the Russian General Staff is fooling the US and Israel –

– Syrian Air Defense Force –

Lena Jones

Fake ID jew, your name is ashkanazi-hasbara-gnat reporting from occupied Palestine and your delusions of grandeur only serve your victorious neighbors :D

You think those stupid pin-prick attacks change ANYTHING on the ground except create more hate towards Apartheid terrorist israel and more resolve by the Axis of Resistance to turn tel aviv into a smoking rubble? Reality is IRAN IS BUT A HOP FROM THE GOLAN NOW and no amount of israeli missile strikes will change that HUGE strategic LOSS that israel now CANNOT REVERSE :D

Ever heard of ‘buy now, pay later’? Cuz this is PRECISELY israel’s reality. And israel’s debt is piling up…


Israel has the Golan Heights under its control ?

Iran and Syria can only thrown tantrums and back down when their bluff gets called

Lena Jones

Is that why klepto israel needed the publicized ASS-urances from no less than TWO SUPERPOWERS (US and Russia) to guarantee the safety of its stolen Golan loot? For now :D


Syria got its ass whooped last time it tried taking back then Golan in 73 :D

Lena Jones

Israel hasn’t won a single war since 1973 (yom kippur) – and it won that one at the 11th hour while riding on the shoulders of (US) giants :D
If the idf can’t even deal with hamas paper kites, let alone hezbollah, I doubt that it can handle the battle-hardened and exceptionally motivated Syrian army :DD

Lena Jones

Israel was fighting so very badly in 73 and about to lose when Golda Mayer actually threatened to use nukes on northern Egypt, which prompted Sadat to immediately pull out of the war without prior notice, leaving Syria somewhat in the lurch. So I’d say Syria did NOT get its ass kicked, israel did and had to therefore resort to extreme blackmail measures :D


Haha no, the Syrians got and Egyptians got humiliated.

At the end of the war the Sinai was in Israeli hands(LOL) and as was the Golan

The Egyptians has to beg for it to be returned which didn’t happen until 3 years later and a peace treaty with Israel

This is despite Arabs being supported by the Soviet Union and outnumbering the Israelis 4 to 1

How humiliating!

Lena Jones

Humiliating? Sure. But nowhere as humiliating as 3,000 Hezbollah fighters kicking the nuts of 35,000 israeli soldiers as recent as 2006, despite the terrorist jew soldiers having superior weapons and support from both the navy and the (laughably) mighty israeli air force :DDD

3,000 hezb crushed 35,000 jewish terrorists. How sad.


Heh heh!



Did you just change the subject after getting owned?


Lena Jones

Hezbollah sending idf jews crying to mama is NOT a change of subject LOL! The whole world knows the coward jew soldier is now in need of army-issued diapers – talk about humiliation :DDD

Israel says it defeated blah blah 5 arab armies etc 50 years ago then came along HEZBOLLAH and smashed the jew paper-tiger fuckers. FACT that your hasbara DOES NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT LOL!


Israel shot down an SU-22 today according to the SANA using patriots missiles

Good morning :D

Lena Jones

No one got “owned” except for the idf who got floor-wiped by Hezbollah :D



Hezbollah got whooped, over 500+ KIA according to Lebanese and UN figures and could barely manage to kill 100 Israelis


Ever since then Hezbollah is too scared to engage Israel and gets slaughtered in Syria by Israeli strikes like the one posted here ( Nasrallah admitted this)


Lena Jones

You’re a fucking moron haha! And your facts are completely wrong haha! It’s israel who dares NOT strike at Lebanon cuz hezb kicked their terrorist jew asses haha!


Israel shot down an SU24 today with Patriot missiles according to the Syrian military
How are you feeling ?


Lena Jones

Israel’s vaunted David’s Sling FAILED to intercept the SU24 before two Patriots were used – total cost at bringing down a single Syrian jet was $4,000.000 so how safe and rich do you feel now moron? Haha when the big war hits…. a-bybye motherfucking Apartheid terrorist jews!

Lena Jones

And the biggest jew joke of this latest hit is that the israeli air force is AGAIN working to protect its bff jihadis in occupied Golan haha the jew terrorists are in love with the jihadi terrorists – and they deserve each other haha!

Concrete Mike

Quit you saudi bitch, your losing in yemen but keep buying them american and canadian trucks…

Manuel Flores Escobar

how an old Mig 25 can shot down a navy F-18 and kill a top gun pilot Cpt Scott Speicher?…bad news for Hollywood…


It didn’t lol

Manuel Flores Escobar

US Pentagon sources confirm it….so patriotic white slavic Russia=1…patriotic white American =0


You can say whatever you want trying to cover up (to yourself) the reality….”WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION”.


Wow, a white American rooting for Israel! You know the Israelis have been taking you in the ass for decades and you’re still clapping?!? If you just stopped them f&#!ing you in the ass, you wouldn’t have to see the doctor anymore about why you ass is hurting every night! You shouldn’t worry about Syria or their air defence – you should worry about your own ass which is under assault!

Concrete Mike

Ill translate for everyone here his typical retort. Dont bother me with the facts, my mind is already made up

Bobby Twoshoes

SAM, as the name implies are designed to be shot at any targets in the air, but if you still want to be a pedantic little troll then missiles are aircraft. Too bad Syria respects the rule of law, maybe you Yanks would feel some kinship if they violated Lebanon’s airspace and shot down the invaders, though I fear that would only elicit a more ignorant string of nonsense from you lost ziotrolls.

John Mason

another penis cranium, yank at that too.

Promitheas Apollonious

white american…………….. how can you be white, when your mother is black?


Dunno why benny is being so damn paranoid right now…

… he’s got more important things to worry about back home, like… criminal charges against him, for starters…

Stop deflecting, benny, and face justice….


What we need to do in the US is send out the paddy wagons to do a mass round up of the Jew pedophile vermin as part of outlawing their evil cult and dejudifying the US.

These are the places to start:

Albert Pike

Any ideas how that part will cope in the deagel.Com numbers in 7 years time?


Deagle is a scam.

Promitheas Apollonious

deagle is it a short name for desert eagle?


I don’t think so. It’s some strange fringe site about a 75% population reduction scenario by 2025. That tries to look credible but comes across as confused and nonsensical.

Promitheas Apollonious

well the way all go about and push for WW3 it will not be very surprising if shit hit the fan at the end.


Yes, there’s nothing wrong with being prepared if things go south. But Deagle is really out there.

Albert Pike

Well – every scam has a purpose and a reason…


Can you explain it?

Albert Pike

Well – If you follow the theory that we have a New World Order already in place since a few generations, and everything what you see on political fights is just window dressing, then we are all ruled by a global deep state cabal. And since we are at the end of the current economic cycle, the members of the cabal must communicate to each other which states will be safer or less safe – and where to transfer their spoils to – and where not to. In that context a site like deagel -be it a scam or not- would make sense…


The world is a lot bigger than a few Jew infested NATO members who think that it revolves around them while they’re powerless to even stop the government victory in Syria on Israel’s border by the nations that they’re diametrically opposed to. So I think that you’re giving them more credit for controlling events then they’re due.

Albert Pike

I like hope, and I like to be wrong in my assessment. You have a great day…


Global New World Order installed or not…. Humanity still represents at least 95% of Non-Members of this Big Elitist Family…and the outcome of things will depend on the choices these 95% will make in the near future…Perception of Members & Armies can change when things become Visible…


Just watch your Back… they Got their Mason-Brothers for Back Up… hard to recognize…

Ariel Cohen

Damn Zionists. One day they will be the ones falling apart and being taken advantage of by neighboring states. They have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind, as the Biblical proverb says . .


It goes beyond Zionists, it’s Jews. You’re wasting your time preaching scripture to them. They rejected it from the beginning with the Talmud and Kabbalah. Talmud rabbinical Judaism is Satanic to the core and needs to be outlawed. What you’re preaching is Christianity not Judaism. Which the Jews reject.

Ariel Cohen

I see your point, but you are painting with too large a brush stroke. There are many good Jews that do a lot for the oppressed and are heavily involved in the struggle against the NWO in all its ugly forms, such as Zionism. Jewish Voice for Peace, Norman Finkelstein and Stephen Lendman are only a few to mention. Whenever we demonize a whole ethnic people, we fall vulnerable to the same mistakes that the National Socialists did. While they “deJudified” most of Europe, the real bad top tier ones were already heading to New York, where they began laying the foundations for control of the central banks and major media . .


Taking a tiny handful of dissidents and portraying them as being representative of Judaism when 94% of American Jews are Zionists and the numbers are probably similar everyplace else, doesn’t add much credibility to your argument. You disagreeing with what Talmud rabbinical Judaism is, doesn’t change it from being what it is. And a lot of the 6% against Zionism are orthodox who are some of the biggest baby rapers and weirdos of them all.

You’re trying to put lipstick on a pig. Christ got it right when he condemned Judaism as a rejection of scripture and what it teaches. Jews use it as a facade to hide behind while they live by the Talmud anti scripture perversion of scripture. It’s what they preach and brainwash their children with.

My view of dejudification and the Nazi’s view are two different things. What the Nazis should have done was simply outlaw it and close the Jew facilities and prevent it’s practice rather than killing people. There have been a lot of cults outlawed over time. The Nazis went they wrong way, I’m advocating the right way. You’re giving to much credit to a fringe element of dissident Jews as being representative of Judaism when they’re not.

Concrete Mike

Your still painting them all with the same brush…its kinda fascists a little.

There are some good jews out there, you cant kill em all because of 3 or 4 jerkwads…come on.

I agree the jews are in control of our cultural products…its annoying, no minority should have exposure like that over the others.


The problem is Judaism, it isn’t a few and I’m not advocating killing them if it isn’t necessary as the solution. You’re trying to minimize a problem that isn’t minimal. They rape 1,000 babies a week. 94% support Zionism, the other 6% are also Talmud rabbinical Jews, and their ideology is toxic and racist. I don’t know why you’re portraying Judaism as something that should be permitted or preserved.


The UN Secretary General’s recommendations for a Palestinian protection force are due August 13th. It will be interesting to see if he drops the ball or puts something workable in place to go down in history as a true statesman and not a Jew toady betraying humanity like most western politicians. American ones in particular.


The message: Israel will continue to bomb Syria even after the war is over. Just for fun.