Israeli warplanes have reportedly bombed Hezbollah units in Syria’s Quneitra province.
The incident allegedly took place in the area of the 90th Brigade Base near Quneitra city. No reports about casualties are available now.
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have not officially announced the strikes.
عاجل | مصادر موالية للنظام: طائرات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي تشن غارات على اللواء 90 في محيط مدينة القنيطرة
— HalabToday حلب اليوم (@HalabTodayTV) 26 September 2017
On September 22, the Israeli Air Force struck positions of Hezbollah near Damascus International Airport at the Syrian capital.
Waste of petrol. Probably hit a farm truck and a chicken enclosure.
To REPEAT what I have stated MANY times: If you don’t fight back Bullies will continue doing what bullies do because they love weak victims
Bullies are COWARDS at heart.Stand up to them and they back off.
As long as Syrians and Hezbollah don’t strike back, Israel will continue doing what those cowardly KHAZARS do
I have been proven right many times, so far and now and once again. As my Irish Grandfather said-GUERRILLA tactics work well against greater numbers and weapons.
We won the REPUBLIC by using them against the mighty British Military
Time for Hezbollah and Syria to show what they are made of, SURREPTITIOUSLY, of course
The only thing to enter Syria was probably the explosive device coming from Israeli controlled area. It’s kind of tough to preempt that. Once they finish defeating the Jew world order regime change attempt in Syria. The Syrian government coalition will be be in a stronger position to deal with Israeli aggression with a conventional and nuclear superior force on Israel’s northern border.
And with the Egyptian military build up of a conventional peer force to the Jews. That is nuclear combat capable, with strong military alliances with the Russians and others in the region. The days of the Jew’s military dominance in the region are coming to an end. And with the progressing deterioration of US public support for their crime spree. The US is unlikely to go to bat for the Jews in response to their ongoing belligerence and trouble making.
Hopefully but we Irish were very patient for over 500 years UNTIL we realized we had to fight back or remain in Poverty and Slavery
We fought back and by 1949,WON, but only because we used GUERRILLA warfare tactics
We wasted the previous 500 years and LIVES-5 million and counting in the last 100 years BEFORE we woke up
Yes I know. But the Palestinians have been fighting the Jews for thousands of years off and on. And for the past 100+ years continuously:
“Three Israeli paramilitary guards killed in shooting”
They’re pursuing both diplomatic and armed resistance to Jew crime and evil.
No “Buts” for me thanks :-)
USA will support Israel, in any case of war.
They supported Israel in 73 with an air lift after being nuclear black mailed and against almost universal regional and European opposition. That’s unlikely to help them the next time around.
One should never guage Egyptian motives or ever trust they, or Turkey for that matter,the visible news.
Look into the mIddle East Free trade association of Egypt, Israe, UA E and the special trade status given it By US.
Also note World Banks financial programs to aid tbem, note the Banks and financial Institutions that are financing.
Now lookup their Free Trade area industrialized of GAZA with Palestinian cheap labor playns. THEIR PARTNERSHIP HAS REPS IN US, BRITS AND EURO
The Egyptians? You mean the ones that fought Israel in 48, 56, 67 & 73?
Respectfully disagree.
Syria is best off letting Israel do this because it’s slowly showing the world their true face as bullies; Israel, the US, Saudis and everyone else implicated in this mess.
WE disagree
Easy for you to say when you don’t live there, NOR, as only another example, have you been through what the Irish suffered at the hands of equal Tyrants
If you are American your fight for Independence was a kindergarten party compared to the Irish revolution, in terms of TIME ( 500 years) and LIVES lost – 5 million since the late 1800’s which the British called a Potato Famine- WHICH it was NOT. They, in fact, tried to STARVE us into submission
The Palestinians are still suffering by doing it your way
Thanks for your input
and YOU, do live there???
Yes and 2 other places and YOU, in Israel?
Otherwise, Your point?
so, you are islamist migrant. bastard one!
i am not jew, not israeli.
AND I am NOT an Islamist migrant
you told, you live there and also in other 2 countries. migrant
If you wish to believe that, fine with me but I suggest you take remedial course in English so you understand better, should if you want to understand English better
He has mental issues.
Actually I don’t think English is his first language or he would have realized I am Irish , NOT Islamist but you could also be correct.
Freespirit, I trace the Brit boot on the neck of the Irish back to the Norman invasion of 1177, 100 + yrs after the Norman invasion of England.
Norman = Northmen = Vikings, who invaded France & conquered Normandy & Brittany. This is (part of) the white Aryan supremacy nonsense which captured Hitler & similar idiots.
You are dead right about the deliberately forced potato famine 1847 – 1849.
A huge pool of destitute cheap labour was transported to N. Amerikkka as cheap workforce for Northern factory owners profits, as expendable footsoldiers/settlers to send West to conquer the Indian lands & as cannon fodder for the long-planned US “civil” war, which was actually an invasion of the South by the North.
Think carefully about the equally long planned “immigration” of huge numbers of young Muslim men into Europe, who have been bombed out of their homes in the Middle East & N. Africa ?
A book I much recommend: Merchants of Despair by PhD nuclear engineer Robert Zubrin, who has 9 patents to his name or pending.
An eye-opener: nuclear is the safest, cleanest power source, statistically proven over many years. & the 1%s globalist plan is a Global Totalitarian Govt along with a 95%? depopulation.
Evil incarnate.
Click on Quotes.
John Doran.
Historically you are correct ,but we Irish link it to the “Battle of the Boyne” making the British, as English , or the “Crown” responsible………and even the French Catholic church
Look it up if you have not,already
I and we still hate the British especially because I and my Grands generation remember the slaughter of our women and Children during the Easter Rebellion in Dublin.
Here is a very good docu about the Irish Holocaust, which is never covered by msm: http://www.irishholocaust.org/home
The channel is only 17 miles. The north east has always been part British.
I don’t agree the N.East has always been part British. That is only part of the settlement of the Revolutionary war
Occupation is not the same as “begin part of” unless you agree with that FAKE entity called Israel
Don’t ever say that out loud while walking down an Irish street anywhere in the Irish Island :-)….unless, of course you invite them into a PUB to discuss the matter!
If you look at the genealogy of that part of the island you’l find that it’s part British and that the people there are related to the people on the island of Britain. The settlements were part of an ongoing process that goes back to the end of the last ice age. People have been crossing the channel for thousands of years. It’s the primary transportation nexus between the islands.
I would be interested inthe SOURCE LINKS offering your assertions so I can analyze
Look forward to them
It’s common sense.
Not for me
Look at a map.
Now you are only proving you are trolling.YOU must be used to young fools who will read your comments and believe what you assert, without question
I have lived too long and learned too much to be deceived by your type
Thanks for reading my comment though. You must see my TRUTH as a THREAT but you can learn IF you try and stop listening to your MASTERS.
You’re lying. Any fool can see by looking at a map that people have been crossing between the islands over that channel from long before the dawn of recorded history and are closely genetically inter related. You’ve got a fascist political agenda just like your buddy.
I never said people have not been crossing and you know that.
We are done now.You are becoming too irrational
Talk to my hand from now
What is it about this that you don’t understand:
“If you look at the genealogy of that part of the island you’l find that it’s always been part British and that the people there are related to the people on the island of Britain. The settlements were part of an ongoing process that goes back to the end of the last ice age. People have been crossing the channel for thousands of years. It’s the primary transportation nexus between the islands.” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/45250e4b7167f53122beb5a10c29a9176f8b05c0004873875be44ebe1e5da10f.png
Thanks for stopping by
Maybe one day after my disc craft company is successful as a qualifying factor for becoming a small government owner operator. I’ll get one up and running in the six counties and have a courtier seconded from North Korea to help with phasing out taxation of the citizenry like Jong Un’s father did in 74, and capable of paying the government’s bills from income from state owned companies. And you can decide if living there works for you.
“YOU are the LIAR and being INFANTILE, by your own words.”
If you could prove your false accusations by copying and pasting something that I’ve written that’s untrue and then disproving it with judicial quality evidence that would stand up in a court of law you would. You can’t, so you don’t even try. You just add to your lies with more lies. That’s what liars do and that’s the difference between the truth that I’ve written and the lies and false accusations that you’ve made.
It’s Bullshite.
The Northern Protestant enclave (ghetto) was established as a cheap labour pool by the Brit Proddy establishment during the industrial revolution through the Victorian Imperial period.
You really need to read some history & refrain from spouting shite.
Thanks John.that is what I thought but I am giving him a chance to prove he is NOT a SOFT troll :-)….in other words -BRITISH
Glad to furnish a chuckle. :) You’re welcome.
Dad, bless him, Wicklow Catholic, 9 siblings.
Mum, bless her, Galway Catholic, 9 siblings.
Me, for my sins, London Catholic, 6 siblings.
I’m a citizen of the World who knows a little history.
We live in interesting times.
As am I, in Spirit
If the truth doesn’t fit your fascist political agenda, that’s your problem. First it was the Vikings then the Normans, King Billy, the Victorians, etc. You’re kind of making my point for me. Between them it was the butcher, baker, candlestick maker and Aunt Milly from Scotland. How far back do you want to go, the Neanderthals?
Clicked on this, & found I had already bookmarked it, &, I’m afraid, forgotten it. I really have read too much for my poxy poor memory. :(
Only an idiot willingly fights a war on multiple fronts. Assad is currently already fighting one on dozens of multiple fronts, ISIS, Al Qaida, the various other brands of headchoppers, and of course the current competition with the SDF for East Syria. He’d be an utter idiot if he added open warfare with Israel to that as well. Even more if you consider that every time Syria went to war with Israel it lost. BIG! As long as Syria’s air defense network no longer exists there’s little Syria can do. Only the Russians can. But the Russians are not idiots, they’re already waging a proxy war with the US over Syria, I doubt they want to start one with Israel as well.
He would not need to fight on all those front if he taught Israel a lesson they could never forget, so we disagree
Have you forgotten ISRAEL is behind all those, whom you so casually call “head-choppers’
Israel is the HEAD “head-chopper”……….. Israel GONE, PROBLEM gone-Period!
If you don’t believe or know that by now, you are either one of those Zionist Jew LIARS OR too uninformed to be commenting in the Grown-Ups club
I suspect the FIRST
Beautiful is the only word for Ken O’Keefe’s passionate delivery of the truth.
John Doran. :)
If I may interject a correction as to who defeated whom in the Israeli Syrian war.
During last Israeli versus Arab war it was Israel that struck first and hence reason they sunk USed Liberty in order to hide truth
Before conflict began Syria had massed troops along Israeli border but during talks between them Syria agreed to withdraw by an Iraeli agreement to future talks upon treaty lines.
Israel then later Launched it’s multi NATION attack and including Syrian forces that were withdrawing back to their base sites.
When Syria recovered it managed to inflict so many casualties upon Israel ground troops IsrEl withdrew to hold lines at Golan Heights.
At that time Syrian military had very capable sniper teams embedded within every company of ground forces and it was those snipers expertise that killed so many Israeli grunts or armor men that raised their heads.
Israel was losing so bad after it’s betrayal they needed help from the US and Britain to maintain their position. You might be a Military man but you sure as shit know very little of that war as the Israeli loses felt and impacted the IDF army were huge. Israel has always been nothing without intervention, their army is the equivalent of a bunch of reservists with expensive equipment. Many forget that Israel always had CIA paid Mercenaries operating in all war wars of theirs the pilots that flew the planes that attacked the Liberty were CIA and MOSSAD recruited.
Every player from SAA part are afraid the fighting back could implies WWIII, and every body is trying to avoid this. That is why Russia (mainly) is allowing Israel to bomb whatever she wants to bomb in Syria (the same with USA). However, many thinks that WWIII not necessarily will happen if there is a fight back. I guess, Russia and Syria have a limit to these actions.
THAT is why I suggest the same tactics the Israeli FAKE Jew are using – War by DECEPTION or as I prefer-GUERRILLA warfare, the tactic which my family used in Ireland, to beat the British who had 100 times the men and weapons we did.
The one who “sucker punches” USUALLY wins and we did just that, many times
Did you actually read my complete comment?
Why hasn’t there been one case where the Pantsir was used to destroy a bomb after it was launched from an Israeli Jet?
If an Israeli Jet hugs the ground to avoid radar, then swoops to altitude to drop a glide based bomb that has guidance, a Pantsir integrated with Russia’s defense system should be able to track and destroy it at least once. I get that they can’t be everywhere but this doesn’t even happen when the Israelis bomb the Damascus airport.
Maby they did already?! Only we do not know it.
Putin’s friend Netanyahu again?
“The dog barks but the caravan moves on”, Middle Eastern saying. Let the Chihuahua bark, they’re losing big in Syria and their Kurdish plot will fail just as the Syria proxy war failed.
i guess those S-400 are worthless ,I ask my self WTF ,Russia need to stop thinking those bastards terrorist jews will eventually reason ,RUSSIA ,listen …THEY WILL NOT , they are responsible of more than 20 million living in EXILE right now ,a million plus Syrian deads ,a million plus Palestinians (since or bf 47′ ) (a million Plus Iranians) a million plus IRAKIS and hundred of thousands Lebeneses,Egyptians,Libyan… ohhh hold on the BASTARDS were behind south african APARTHEID and currently their dirty hands is also in SUDAN SOMALIA ETC and they have their ISIS PUPPETS in COLOMBIA , FOR REAL RUSSIA ,I think the WORLD EXPECT YOU TO BE THE “GOOD GUY” that SAVE THE WORLD from this PARASITES
Russia can’t be expected to fight the world’s battles for everyone else. Jewmerica is the big problem. And it’s primarily American’s responsibility to get their Jew problem corrected.
You’re wasting your breath trying to explain this to armchair generals safe in their homes. It has been explained how many times what the Russian/Syrian assistance agreement is? If these guys don’t get it by now, they never will. Those dissing the Russian effort are clueless. They somehow must believe that Syria would be better off if Russia never became involved. They expect Russia to exhibit the same behavior as the US/NATO. I expect that most of these experts are merely trolls/hasbara…that or they cannot comprehend simple concepts, such as not splitting your forces into too many fronts. The Russians have accomplished great results in their collaboration with the SAA and Hezbollah, but this means nothing to these military geniuses.
Russia sucks my friend. Ask Serbs, Cubans, the Russians stuck all over former USSR, North Koreans, Ukrainians, Armenians and many more. NEVER rely on Russia especially one of today where the interests of the oligarchs are paramount to the interests of the Russian people.
Your comment is nonsense. The amazing success of the Syrian government coalition in defeating the the Jew world order is due in large part to Russian efforts.
100% spot on !!
Putin-Russians were outnumbered & are picking their battles , being patient. These little pin-pricks are “acts of desperation” by Zionists-Cia-Isis. Russia is getting stronger by the week. While NATO is rotting from within. NATO-USA patriot can’t even shoot down the NK missiles. S-400 is the real deal. Russians are smart , they won’t use the expensive missiles & let NATO-Zionists learn from it use in Syria. You notice no Russian aircraft are attacked.
if russians are smart, why lost the cold ar? why split ussr in so stupid way? russians are everything but smart. this is the bitter reality.
Its Good to have “LOST” the Cold war, because Russians werent the Rulers of the Soviet Union. No True RUSSIAN has rules Russia and its Lands for more then 400 Years from now on. Its the First time since then a “True to Russia” Man has Finaly the Ruling Zeptar in his hand.
you Croats got used by Zionists. & are crying in your soup now. Your lives are worthless. Russia under Cia agent Yeltsin didn’t betray anyone. You Zionist bootlickers are are about to get dusted very soon. We’ll see what Russia & the Serbs do. Nato is finished . Now your girlfriends the Croats can’t hide behind NATO skirts. You & Albanians are the biggest drug dealers-pedophiles-sex Slavers in Europe. Your time to pay is very soon. Scales will balance. You rapists & murderers won’t have anywhere to hide. Hillary-Obama-Soros can’t help you. Bye-Bye !!
Here in Croatia there is an old saying “God help anyone that Russians defend and Greeks feed”
But you lot sold your soul, so few people listen to you.
How can you blame other Arabs and countries for hating Israel?
What justification does Israel have for attacking countries and people without cause?
They are the proxies of American Caesar.
These Jews are really rabid war dogs. They just keep attacking their neighbours without provocation.
They aren’t Jews, they are zionists the negations of Judaism. Don’t let zionist filth hide behind the fraud that they are Jewish.
they are also jews.
All Zionists are Jews but not all Jews are Zionists. Look up the thousands marching last week against conscription – stating that “We shall not fight for the Zionists, we are Jews” – every time I write this, I suddenly get frozen off the internet.
i wrote, the israelian zionist = jew. you agreed. no necessary of more words.
Will do.
This Halab TV is frequently the source of fake ”news”
This is systematic attack USA think that Russians are uninformed the Russia Police attack and Deir Ezzor attack arte orchestrated by USA.After that failure USA has again order Israel attack on Hezbollah troops.Peace seeking nation won’t attack before peace surety.But arrogant war seeking nation like Israel will.Israel talk about its safety but yet their are the once terrorising Arab and Muslim countries under I N watchful eye.
How can Israel be democratic when it holds 4.5 million Palestinians under a seemingly
permanent military occupation without voting rights? All people living under the control of the Israeli government, which in effect includes people in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Golan Heights, should have rights to full equality and opportunity to vote for the government which ultimately decides their fate.
Even within Israel ‘proper,’ Israel’s democracy is undermined by the discrimination and emphasis on being a Jewish state rather than a state of all its citizens. There are over 60 laws that, in intention and in effect, discriminate against non-Jews, including barring state funding from institutions that talk about the nakba, the violence against and displacement of Palestinians that began in 1948 with the creation of the state, and the law of return which grants special privileges of citizenship to Jews living around the world and excludes Palestinians from returning to their homes.The far-right government in Israel is becoming increasingly fascist, for example: passing laws that require loyalty litmus tests, undermining judicial authority,
approving indefinite detention of migrants.
Part of Israeli and western media’s propaganda campaign against the Palestinian people and their legitimate cause is that Israel and the western media absolutely refuses to differentiate between terrorism and Palestinian legitimate armed resistance.
The Palestinians have the right under international law to resist occupation, ethnic cleansing, annexation, aggression, and colonization. And Israel as an occupying power cannot justify military force as self defense in territory for which it is responsible for as the occupant. By definition, an aggressor cannot act in defense. Israel is asserting rights that may be consistent with colonial domination but simply do not exist under International Law.
General Assembly Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX) of 29 November 1974:
Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle; and strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people.
United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/33/24 of 29 November 1978:
Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle.”
The mainstream US media outlets are actively concealing the alarming displays of genocidal racism emanating from Israeli Jewish society. Violence against Palestinians is nothing new. Israel’s ongoing colonial project requires enormous levels of brutality against Palestinians. But this daily reality is only newsworthy when it blows back against Israeli Jews.
Israel’s ongoing denial of Palestinian rights and unconditional U.S. financial and diplomatic support for Israel fuels anti-American sentiment abroad. The negative perception of the United States is based on American policies and not a dislike of the West. Acknowledging Israel’s crimes and recognizing the rights of the Palestinian people would undoubtedly improve America’s international image, by proving that the U.S. government supports the consistent application of international law.As long as the U.S. runs an annual budget deficit, every dollar of aid the U.S. gives Israel has to be raised through U.S. government borrowing so the US has to also pay loan guarantees and annual compound interest on money borrowed to give to Israel. All aid to Israel is illegal under international (and US) law, because Israel is a consistent violator of human rights. Also Israel’s nuclear weapons, built as they are with components stolen from the U.S. and Israel’s refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty render that nation ineligible for American aid. No one in the US government will publicly admit to this truth because to do so would break the very laws we passed decades ago against proliferation, while simultaneously exposing the hypocrisy of the current Israeli foreign policy of the US.
Actually, it is the United States who is singling out Israel, with $3.1 billion dollars in military aid yearly, that’s over $10 million dollars every single day (more cumulative aid than any other country since WWII) and protecting it from diplomatic
censure in international forums such as the UN and the ICC. As Americans, you have a special
responsibility to ensure that your tax dollars stop being used to commit war crimes. This is not about singling out Israel, it’s about holding Israel to the same standard as all countries to comply with international law and leveraging the particular responsibility and influence that you have as American taxpayers to demand change in Israel.
Zionism is a system of ethnoreligious supremacy that grants Jewish citizens rights not granted to other citizens, that relegates Palestinians and those of other racial and ethnic backgrounds to second-class citizen status.
The legal meaning of apartheid as outlined by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. The UN General Assembly adopted the convention in 1973. According to Article II of that convention, the term applies to acts “committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.” Denying those others the right to life and liberty, subjecting them to arbitrary arrest, expropriating their property, depriving them of the right to leave and return to their country or the right to freedom of movement and of residence, creating separate reserves and ghettos for the members of different racial groups, preventing mixed marriages — these are all examples of the crime of apartheid specifically mentioned in the convention. ISRAEL ENGAGES IN ALL OF THESE ACTIONS !!!
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on November 10, 1975 “determined that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”.
Zionism is an inherently racist ideology; it always has been, from its very origins, and it always will be.
The theological argument for Zionism is not only bunk from a secular point of view, but is also a wholesale fabrication from a scriptural perspective, representing a continued rebelliousness against Yahweh and his Torah, and the teachings of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) in the New Testament.
?Israel’s violations of international law – A brief introduction
Israel is well into preparations of a massive attack upon Hezbolla portion of Lebanon and is trying to goad them into reacting in order to fond an excuse.
Remember it was Hezbolla troop who tackled the ISIL and Al ‘Q in Syra that were along Lebanon Syrian border and were kicking ass.
It was only after major victories by Hez that formal Lebanon sent in its military.
Formal Lebanon military are damn nearll daall trained and supplied by US-Brit military.
That military is backed up by huge Euro/ Lebanon financial endeavors partnerships.
They will not come, nor did they during last Israeli invasion, because if Hex defeated the
formal gov would be politicly empowered once again.
It was fund that many wealthy Palestinian business men were in Partnership and therefore they around Jerusalem did not nor do not to this day as they are happy taking Israeli and US funds
IMO Israel may well totally destroy all Hex inhabited areas in next conflict as they know US NATO will back them.
Just a forewarning what you think is support is highly unlikely , Israel may be deemed a rogue nation for using the Nukes and it’s destruction would be guaranteed.That would since tie US hands again which would likely abstain their vote and the rest of the world would be required to destroy it and nuclear destruction of Israel would be assured.
@Southfront; I’m bored with this photo being used for reports on the zionst occupation, can’t we have a different one, perhaps a pic of a pile of smoking debris instead? ;O)