Israeli Warplanes Bombed A Factory In Syria’s Homs Governorate

Israeli Warplanes Bombed A Factory In Syria’s Homs Governorate

On Wednesday, Israeli warplanes bombed a copper factory in Hisyah Industrial Area 30km south of Homs city according to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen news TV channel. Syrian local sources added that the factory was targeted with 7 unspecified projectiles.

Al-Mayadeen also reported that the 72 brigade of the Syrian Air Defense Forces targeted the Israeli warplanes with an unspecified ground to air missile. However, no hits were reported.

The 72 brigade of the Syrian Air Defense Forces is mainly armed with the Soviet-made S-75 air defense system, that’s considered ineffective and outdated. Local sources confirmed that an air defense missile was fired and exploded east of al-Qusayr city near the Syrian-Lebanese border.

The Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper also confirmed that Israel warplanes conducted airstrikes against an unspecified target inside Syria. However, the newspaper didn’t provide any further details about the airstrikes.

However, the attack is yet to be confirmed by any Israeli or Syrian officials.

Syrian state TV confirmed that Israeli warplanes bombed Hisyah Industrial Area. The Syrian TV also confirmed that the Syrian Air Defense Forces targeted the Israeli warplanes.

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Terror state Israhell


I just want to know how long Russia will refrain from supporting it’s allies in fighting terrorists supported by Israel and the ‘west’. I was under the impression that the Russians wanted to scale down their operation in Syria. How does allowing Israel to bomb in the support of terrorists help Russia achieve that goal?

You can call me Al

Well, if they switched their damn S-300 and S-400 systems on; that would help.

God it is frustrating.

Icarus Tanović

Yes it is, God damn it.


Yeah it’s extremely frustrating and INFURIATING. How much more suffering do the Syrian people have to take? Enough is enough already!


Israel is attempting to goad Russia into attacking them. This is of course an Israeli ploy to slow down the SAA assault on the Deir Ezzor border by causing Russian assets to be deployed elsewhere.
The Jews will get their just deserts when the time is right after the borders are cleared of ISIS.

888mladen .

It is very provocative action calculated for a certain response. Though there would be no need for redeployment of RU special forces if they decided to respond. You don’t need to redeploy air defense forces to protect Syrian sky. It seems like the jets were flying ~50m from the ground making it difficult to detect. Where did they come from since Homs is not that close to the Golan? RU and Syrian military brass needs to pay more attention to these attacks and find the way how to prevent them.

Floyd Hazzard

Does that mean similar jets can attack Tartus and Heimeim at will too?


Sounds right and I Hope you’re right, but Russia should at least threaten to sanction trade between Israel and Russia.

Floyd Hazzard

How is defending your ally under unprovoked assault an attack again?

Muriel Kuri

I do hope you’re right!

888mladen .

First you have to ask yourself what is actually RU goal in Syria.


Good point. What do you think it is?

888mladen .

During his last visit to the Zionist entity Shoigu discussed with his counterpart about military technical cooperation between the two states. What that exactly mean is not quiet clear. How do you cooperate with a state which is defacto in war with your main longstanding ally in the ME is a mystery to me. RU are proverbial for their pragmatic approach to politics which means a lot of compromising. That’s what makes finding out what’s Kremlin up to in the ME very difficult.
Few interesting articles that could shed more light on the topic.
From all this I’ve come to a conclusion that RU IR alliance is very fragile because of diametrically opposed views how to deal with the problem of Zionist entity. For some reason (most likely vested interest) Kremlin does not see the artificially created state of Israel as a key problem in the ME because as Shoigu said “RU and Israel have a common history”. It’s interested how editors of SF have kept silent about all these developments. And then you will find in one of the articles how Kremlin considers KSA and not Iran a key to solving ME woes. And remember RU is desperately looking for a way how to remove US and EU sanctions and IR which has been kept in isolation by West for long time is no help to their cause. My personal understanding is that the main objective of RU intervention in Syria is to deal with Caucasian separatism and religious extremism on Syrian soil as well as testing and promoting interests of their military industrial complex and energy sector.

You can call me Al

Whilst you are correct I suppose, from what I can gather … the Israelis were more there to ask Russia to pull back from supporting Iran and enforce some sort of troop limitation.

Putin showed them the door.


As I understand it, Israel had desired a larger buffer zone in the Golan than it got. I also understand Israel is trying to goad Russia. The least it could do is tell Israel that trade with Russia is at risk if it continues it’s operations in Syria. I mean what next, will Israel be allowed to bomb Damascus unfettered?

You can call me Al

The Israeli / Russian tread is negligible.

Israel can FO regards the larger buffer zone.

Don’t shout; I agree with you.

In fact what are you blaming me for – that is what I wrote or inferred in the post you responded to.

There wont be a war if the Syrians / Russians shoot down a plane; of course some difficult and complicated politics but hey-ho.


These discussions tend to get a little out of order. I guess I’m going to go back to quoting the segment that I’m responding to or embellishing. Looking back at the posts, I wasn’t meaning to shout, but to emphasize just how mad I am about the affair.

“There wont be a war if the Syrians..”

There I believe it depends on who shoots down the Israeli war plane. If Russia shoots it down; complicated politics. If Syria shoots it down, the excuse desired by both Israel and it’s Zionist allies to do what they wanted to do in Syria in the first place.


Putin’s approach may be slow, however there is more to be gained through patience than rash decision making. Figures like Napoleon III, Wilhelm II, Franz Joseph, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao attest to the ills of acting before thinking about the potential consequences.

You can call me Al

You are so right… apologies for my terseness.

I like you, am frustrated at best, furious at worst.

No offense intended. Cheers.




Thank you for your comment. I appreciate POVs that consider all angles. Those are good points – many of which I share. The real motive behind Russia’s presence in Syria is something I’ve been wondering about. I remember Putin stating publicly: “if I don’t do something, the same will happen to me”. I deduced: Russia intervened to stop the Anglo-Americans from laying the field in the Middle East and in the “stan” countries against Russia – while exercising its MIC and getting something out of it: energy (through deals or not). Then Kissinger (apparently a long time confident of Putin) showed up in the picture. He’s well known to orchestrate bloody wars between countries so that each reach specific objectives all while making sure his masters’ (the oligarchies behind the British Empire which includes the US) hegemonic and financial interests are kept intact and/or are furthered. Kissinger was also accepted in the Russian Academy of Sciences. It may not mean anything but if he’s an enemy of Russia, it wouldn’t have happened. Either way and if Russia is playing one of Kissinger’s game, I think it implies that Russia is complicit in the unilateral world project. We then have IsraHell’s attacks in Syria. Despite summoning the Israeli ambassador, Russia has remained mostly silent. Shoigu’s visit to IsraHell is another dilemma. I read in one article that they supposedly agreed on a 60km buffer zone but neither side confirmed. Others say it’s 5km. The “history they share” seem to be the Jews. Maybe Russia forgot how the Jews lead the Bolshevik Revolution and killed millions of Russians for the Western oligarchs. I wasn’t aware that Russia saw KSA in solving the ME’s future. I was under the impression of the contrary with Iran. For what it’s worth, Putin publicly said Hezbollah is key in fighting ISIS in Syria.

On an indirect but related note (which I think sheds light in general), I recently came across the masonic Ur Lodges. They were discovered by Giole Magaldi, a free-Mason, who wrote about them in his book “Massoni” (only in Italian for now). Magaldi depicts how most of the world’s leaders are member of one or more than one Ur Lodge. Ur Lodges are ultra-secretive Masonic Lodges not to be confused with the average free-Masons. Putin for instance is member of Golden EuroAsia. The Ur Lodges are pretty much at war and each seek to be the dominant. If you go through the two links below, you’ll notice that none of the oligarchical banking families (Warburgs, Rothschild, et al.) are mentionned. I deduce that Ur Lodges members are mostly representatives for the behind-the-scenes entities (wealthy families, bankers, MIC, etc). I understand that “masonic” is often associated with that “spooky” while saying/demonstration nothing but this is different.

888mladen .

Excellent comment. However you will not receive many upvotes which doesn’t matter really. It’s for those who understand.


Thank you. No worries about the upvotes; I am not here for that but the truth.

Deo Cass

And useless ally, Russia!


Yeah, Syria would be so much better if Russia never intervened at all. Get real.


What are you talking . Without Russia Syria is ISiS , Al Nusra, Al qaedah all ruling a piece of Syria.

…and with Assad refusing the pipeline Russia is a goner economically.

So everyone is doing everyone a favour.

Point is if ASSAD had allowed the Pipeline, Russia and Iran will be finished and Western coalition will be victorious with only China facing these war loving conquerer.

888mladen .

So why are we dragging this conflict multiplying human casualties if we know who will be the final winner? To cut down the population of the world of what?


Exactly because Russia intervened and won the war with Russia still holding their oil card for EU.

It is the coalition aka US that has failed .

So Assad actually played a very vital part for Russian strategy

888mladen .

Too early my friend the war is not over. According to military doctrine a war is won only when the enemy has been destroyed.


There is nothing left for ISIS to fight for now. By all military standards, they should have surrendered but these guys prefer to meet up with their makers are what is prolonging the war.

As for SDF etc, negotiation will be next and Assad has the strongest cards as you can see even the Kurds did not want to take on Assad, Iranians ,Iraq sides .

So hope the war ends

888mladen .

Who is the enemy? You mean ISIS?

Floyd Hazzard

Perhaps Assad should switch and allow the pipeline.


Russia’s diplomatic approach towards Saudi Arabia and various other countries, alongside China’s silk road project, will certainly pan out in the long run. Europe, Asia, and just about everyone else have more to gain by trading with Russia, China and Latin America, than with America and Israel. This precedent will one day bite Israel and the globalist cabal in the arse.


As frustrating as it is, we have to understand Russia’s position in Syria. The intervention itself was a massive risk, yet Russia have managed to defeat the West’s geopolitical agenda, although it is far from over. Can you imagine the political fallout if Russia brought down a Israeli fighter jet? It would be game on. The fact is Putin is master of chess and he has positioned his pieces strategically amongst a hostile environment. Reading this story annoys me too and I wish their was retaliation of some sort, but Russia just doesn’t have the clout at the present moment. Israel is a powerful nation thanks to its allies, an attack, even though it would be a defensive one would certainly be detrimental to Syria’s sovereignty and Russia’s military standing.


so. israel can bomb syria with impunity and it is not game on. got it.


Unfortunately Israel does whatever it wants, don’t blame me.


I agree with you. You are very level headed in your analysis. No emotion. You are a good chess player as well.

Floyd Hazzard

So far for the most part, the good chess players reputations are in the drains and their allies are being beaten into the ground. They are basically fiddling while Rome burns. Perhaps the emperor has no clothes after all.

You can call me Al

A very good and realistic argument, but surely this cannot continue; as it is undermining Russia in my view.

One day you must confront the bully, or the bully will just continue, with the other children, Countries whatever, putting on a fake smile and losing hope themselves.

I think in this day and age, with the technological advances in weaponry, Russia does have the clout,

PS Deep down I know you are right, but there must be some time, when enough is enough.

Floyd Hazzard

Confront the bully, the Russians are cutting arms deals with the other side. They are traitorous.

You can call me Al

We beg to differ, so let’s just wait and see.




Well, why Syria don’t buy S300?…


Putin doesnt want to sell to please israel.

Floyd Hazzard

So Russia can give the codes to Israel like they did with the Iranian ones? These countries need to start buying Chinese.


And Putin did nothing. XD. Everyone whose side is Putin.

I think Putin doesn’t deserve Syria.

João Leston

This isn’t childs play. If you don’t understand something, just don’t even comment. Imagine what would happen if Israel downed a russian warplane, or the same vice-versa. Do you want a direct conflict with nuclear powers?


I don’t know. If Putin doesn’t want to protect Syrians and Syria he better let USA in charge of Syria.

Why don’t he give S-400 to SAA ?

What do you propose for Syrians ? To be targeted for 1000 years ?

João Leston

Your argument stands with no logic. If russia initiates a direct atack on Israel or another NATO proxy you should know what happens everywhere. Not just in Syria, but in every inch of the world.
USA is constantly poking the bear, trying to make it do something.
For now, let it stay a syria, israel thing. It’s better for the syrians. And when the war is over, Israel wont be able to do atack them no more ;)


Who talk about initating an attack ??? I’m talking about defending Syria.

It’s an excuse to let israel strike Syria.

Why doesn’t russia let Poland strike some factories in Russia and don’t respond because of USA ? XD.

And israel doesn’t belong to NATO. You can make clear to israel not to strike Syria or to face consequences. I think israelis are not mad to fight Russia.

João Leston

The one that can retaliate is Syria!! NO OTHER NATION. That’s the point where we stand. I guess in your brain everything goes like 1+1=2.

Try to think, or troll, a little better. You’re no good if you think that your friend or ally does not have its own problems to deal with.


Everyone had his own problems. But, when you are dealing with USA, you make fight ruthless and be fearless and defend hardly.

China showed how to do with Vietnam with heavy support for Vietnam.

If you want to please him or him or him, it’s the good way to loose.

João Leston

China had to gain some face. And South vietnam won with the help of Russia as well. With no boots on the ground ;)


For my penny, I do not think Israel is likely to attack Russia at all and if it does, it will be an accident. On the one hand I think Israeli intelligence in Syria is such that they exactly know where Russians, Hezbollah, Iranians and SAA are and secondly I am almost certain there is a line of communication between Israel and Russia to prevent accidents in Syria, at least as far as both are involved.

Russia does not care one bit if Israel drops a few bombs on Syria here and there, as long as it is low key. It even helps Russia in the sense that it will make Assad more dependent on Russian aid and assistance.


Syria is already dependent of Russia. Russia shouldn’t rely on israel. israel is all the way with USA and the israel military is controled by USA. israelis act like spies. That’s why they are very dangerous. And, usually, they want high rank position to grab precious informations and use them to blackmail a country.

888mladen .

Nice summary of what has happened so far.


Good insight dutchnational – you’re spot on….However, on dependence, Serious is right -Syria’s indeed already dependent on Russia….When it comes to geopolitics – Syria needs more than firepower -it needs Russia’s support on the world stage……It is therefore privileged to have Russia as a friend – because it is always advantageous to be aligned to a country holding a UNSC veto……Same goes for Iran on Russia – so is Israel with the US….

Floyd Hazzard

These are unprovoked attacks on an ally. These aircrafts should all be shot down.


Perhaps because they do not need it?

Didn’t Syria take out an F35 or seriously damage it with an S200? They have also got the S300. At the end of the day, Syria are more than happy to express their gratitude to their invited guests, Russia, Iran and Hezbullah. The US never got the message that they were not invited.

888mladen .

I would have left that for the end. All is good that ends good. It hasn’t ended yet.

Floyd Hazzard

What happened when Turkey downed one? NOTHING.
Before I didn’t think Israel was any match for Russia but now I’m not sure. Everyone with an airforce is making slapping them directly in their face with shit pies. Perhaps all they can fight are semi-trained militants with no airforce.
They have really lost standing in the eyes of critical analysts.

Axis of Resistance

Or your understanding of geopolitics is just inaccurate.

João Leston

Tell me, what happened to turkey since then?


You must have been asleep when Russia practically destroyed their economy overnight. Erdo didn’t come crawling for no reason, Russia didn’t need to open another front. Your grasp of military strategy is abysmal at best. Yeah, Russia should open up several more fronts with several more opponents before dealing with ISIS. Any war you ran would be good for your enemy.

Robert Duran

Its time you admit something..Just like in the US, there are also Zionist in the Kremlin involved in policy making.This is the issue and not all these fringe excuses you are trying to come up with

Solomon Krupacek

it would be nice


Simon Krupacek is that you, different name -same crap.


What do you conclude from the article ? Obviously, you have to make the same conclusion as me. No need to invent stories. I’m a logical person. I trust what I see.

Solomon Krupacek

oh gosh, there is also another krupacek?!

but i blocked this guy long time ago.


Ignore or block them. See how much comments he made when not even everything is clear. He’s obviously waiting this kind of news to come up.

888mladen .

Yes he did nothing and how anybody could argue with it? It’s hard to go against the facts but here we have fortunately so many brave souls ready to fight reality. What a noble cause!


The main reason why Russia always loose against USA is that USA always help his allies to the end.

Like Americans say : “Tanks don’t fly”.

It’s not good for Russia. Because, USA is building more and more military bases around Russia. One day, Russia will be alone and that day USA will be ruthless.

John Whitehot

Try to bully an american ally. XD. You will see what happen.


Yeah, try South Vietnam – betrayed and abandoned…


China made them loose hardly. 10 years of war for nothing.

China put 300 000 chinese soldiers and dozen billions dollars into the battle. that’s how you win a war buddy.


Chinese propaganda, and also nothing to do with your failed argument above.


Go tell to Americans if that is propagenda. Do you think that USA withdraw by themselfs ? XD.

They even made “Top Gun” after this big lost.


Ah yes, Top Gun, the ultimate historical argument (except maybe Rambo).

Are you sure you are not Solomon Krupacek?


Only people that really want to know can know.

You can call me Al

Same – same….

John Whitehot

Top Gun is the movie you must not see if you want to learn anything on air combat. nuff said.


I’ve never see Top Gun. Ususally, I don’t watch US propagenda.

John Whitehot

right, you limit yourself to disseminating it.


I disseminate nothing. I fight US propagenda false flags and talk about their conspiracies to take over the world.

John Whitehot

try the truth once in a while. there’s an universe to discover.


Hahahaha, and how much has the US spent on invading nations? Yet, the only win they have had, in the 20th century, was the tiny little Island Grenada. 19 years peace in total, since 4 July 1776, but, their sailors still cannot spot a cargo ship or learn how to use the control panel on the bridge.


China? Dozens of billions of $ in VietNam? Boy, you pulled that number of your a$$. China didn’t even have billions at that time, period. Let’s just make this crap up as we go along.


wall street stopped the viet nam war. they had to, as they were in a hurry to off-shore all of our manufacturing.

John Whitehot

who? me?

Solomon Krupacek

this is whitecocks language?

John Whitehot

just the one I use to interface with tricks and hoes.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Israel launch long range missile air to ground…if Syria respond launching scud missile or something like that..then another front is open and let terrorist to take oxigene!..for other side Israel dont build gas pipeline Haifa-Cyrprus-Turkey-EU…which is better for Russia!


This missile can be intercepted. Russia is in Syria since 1950 or before. They have all the time to build an effective anti-missile system.

I don’t know. In my logic, you do all possible to keep your ally. Otherwise, I don’t understand what is the point of loosing so much energy for nothing.

João Leston

Syria gave limited acess to russia forces on they’re soil. Witch is fine, they are a sovereign nation. Russia has many things, but for syria to have them, they would have to pay for it. Do you think they have the money? You are just full of nothing. Just another troll or clueless guy.


It doesn’t work like that. You live in utopialand. XD. Make your ally strong. Otherwise, USA will take them. You are not fighting a small country. You are fighting the fourth reich (USA). Americans are ruthless and fanatic. They will never give up by themselfs.

Icarus Tanović

They did. In Vietnam, you see.
As for this situation, a ground on which American politics stands is sooo fragile.

You can call me Al

Don’t waste you time – block it.


USA don’t have ‘allies’ only vassals and slaves.


Exactly. USA doesn’t have any allies or friends. The “little” countries will chose USA over Russia because they can’t defend against USA and Russia will not defend them. They will prefer to be a vassal rather than be destroyed.

João Leston

USA never won a war all by himself, not even they’re own civil war xD Stop saying nonsense -.-


Of course. That’s why they always win.

João Leston

Keep playing video games :)


You do realise that the US has only had 19 years peace in total, since 4 July 1776 and yet last century, the only time the had a win, was against the tiny, little island of Grenada. How many months did that take?

Even the pig farmers in Vietnam, saw off the US Military.


Man. You must be objective. Americans exterminate the Natives and stole their lands. Then, they fight french in USA and take their lands. Then, they fiught the Spaniard and take New-Mexico, California. Then, they buy Alaska to Russia.

Then , they take Hawai, Guam, …

After that, they made a conspiracy to take over Germany. Now, US has dozen military bases in Germany. Germans are the better fughters on the planet. They couldoin’t have won one vs one. So, Americans have used Europeans like France and Poland and even Russia to fight Germans.

Americans have a string appetite for destruction and they are ruthless. They don’t bother wining with pride or not.

Tudor Miron

“Americans have used Europeans like France and Poland ” and “Germans are the better fughters on the planet.”(c) you should not take such heavy drugs… it’s playing havoc to your brain and creates false reality :)


Its going to be a cold winter in Russia this year. Dress warm, Russian Troll

You can call me Al

Go girl go.

888mladen .

There were some setbacks however overall trend has been expansion, more power and control.

888mladen .


Solomon Krupacek

they have allies. russia has no one

John Whitehot

i got an “ally” too, a female that bends rather easily.

You can call me Al

Did you buy the version 4 model as well…. Christ it is so realistic I know.

PS Only kidding, I couldn’t resist it.


Is it one that you have to blow up John ? :)

Icarus Tanović

You don’t have right to have brains, funny named. Your name sounds like old Franch Citroën car aka wreckage.

Solomon Krupacek


Icarus Tanović

Thats right, you little maggot.


Recently stepped down KRG President disagree with you. You’ve made quite a lot of comments contain the same point. Can’t help yourself ?


Why ? The iraqi army and Turkey are not american allies ?


America has no allies, only vassels. Funny, how so many nations are flocking to Russia for sound advice and not forgetting working and cost affordable weapons.


Yeah and really. Remember the pig farmers of Vietnam and how they saw off the US Military?

Remember the cargo ships and oil tankers the US sailors never spotted?

Remember the USS Donald Cook trying to get too close to Khaliningrad and also Crimea
Remember the USS Theodore Roosevelt trying to get too close to Khaliningrad?
Remember 59 tomahawks, and how 36 got lost and 23 arrived at destination, leaving as much damage as a firework display. The Syrian planes were taking off a few hours later.

I could go on, but, most of us have got the message.




Thank you.


You are always welcome. Seriously.

888mladen .

You have no manners he does. You lack of decency is not welcome. You can’t take a weight of an argument which doesn’t suit your preconceptions.


That applies more to you I think 888.


‘…USA always help his allies to the end.’ Tell that to Turkey – the NATO ally who US agencies tried to engineer a military coup against just last year. US only helps itself and for its self.

Robert Duran

Turkey is not and has never been a US ally..just like Qatar or these East European states.These territories are convenient to the US for its geopolitical Turkey is a bad example

Tudor Miron

Help their allies to the end??? Are you kidding us? That’s the same BS as your usual “all sunnies are stupid” rants. Do you know that Saddam was their ally? Another fart in the puddle is your claim that “USA always wings against Russia” :)

888mladen .

Yes they help them for reason of their hegemony. My question is why RU are opposing them if they know they can’t beat them and eventually they will have to bow down to their hegemony?


It will never come. You know why?
Russia will never be alone.
She has Iran, Turkey , Syria, Hez ,China and the Brics nations not to say about Belarus etc.

US is too far away to wage any real war vs Russia and allies.

Practically the entire ME is under the thumb of Russia now . Israel is alone


destroying Syria wealth?


Just think about Russia having no more allies. USA will go after Iran. Then, they will go in central Asia and Venezuela.

Brazil, Argentina has fallen into USA influence by regime change.

USA also owns EU and UN.

So, if they all make sanctions against Russia, it’s finished for Russia. Nobody can stand an embargo from the world for too long. USSR has fallen not military but economically.

USA has a plan for long term and they will implement it because they are crazy and ruthless as fuck.

888mladen .

Their victory will be short lived for sure. Long term planing belongs to God alone.

888mladen .

No need to use obscenities. Your comments have been clean so far.


The US strategy is to invade every country not into her sphere of influence. That’s obsviously the goal.

They started by Germany to own EU.
Then, Japan and South Korea to be in Asia. They tried Vietnam but China responded well.
Then, they created israel to have a foot in Middle east.
They negociate with gulf states to make an alliance. Saudi Arabia let oil price down which let to the economic destruction of USSR and then his destruction.
Then, they went after south america.
Then, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine.

Now, Syria, After Iran. After NK.

In the futur central Asia.

Each time they absorb a country, they are becoming more powerful.

The grand finale with end up with Russia.

Then, China will negociate with USA.

Solomon Krupacek

oh lala,where is the pantsirovka?


John McCain remembered about Vietnam. Of course, he was made a prisonner by Vietkong. XD. Still wonder why they didn’t kill him. You must always kill an american soldier. They will never end to kill.


I’ve predicted as much that there would be troll and shill gleefully jump at this kinds of news.
Still waiting for an update about this.


Here in Croatia there is an old saying, God help anyone that Russians defend and Greeks feed


Forewarned is forearmed.


It should be noted that the IDF updated in real time Russian forces operating in Syria about the attack.


Make clear about this story. If that doesn’t happen there is hope. If that happen, so very bad news.


what the fuck???? syrian jets should have chased after them and downed them!!!!


MIG 22’s?

Or even MIG 23’s?

As far as I know Syria hardly has any first rate fighter planes.


They just got some brand new mig-29s!!!

Solomon Krupacek

also shit


Yea f-35 is better eh? Lmao

Solomon Krupacek

al actual f-xy are better then the mig-s

sukhoy is mucher better category.

saddam had lot of mig-29. how laud songs were about their perfectionism. and se you, how enede?
btw., dont come with modernisation. also F-xy were modernized. and not 1x, like the mig-29
mig-29 is nice in earpoert acrobatic shows. but not in battle.


I don’t believe a word of that shit, a mig-29 can handle whatever Israel has and then some

Solomon Krupacek

i have friends, who are professional pilots, and until now flight with this shit. they are all happy, when our army will chenge them to something modern.


For which air force?

Solomon Krupacek

not public

otherwise, you should think deeply over, what for allied country is syria for russia, if accept its attack by yankee and israli planes.


do not understand what u said

Icarus Tanović

Then you are plain liar. Go back to your hole that you craweled from.

Solomon Krupacek

:DDDDDDDDDDDD loser balcanian half-animal :DD

Icarus Tanović

No, you’re truly full bloded animal, with wreckage car name.

John Whitehot

30kms south of Homs makes 13Kms away from Lebanese border.

Seems the Israelis aren’t getting any bolder after the supposed F-35 “bird strike”.

Icarus Tanović

Next time, on the same spot they will have to face them selves wit not-so-modest S-200.

Solomon Krupacek

this bird attack is real thing


Indeed, the IAF are being ruthlessly stalked by storks.

Solomon Krupacek

birds are more dangereaus then all zionists together :)

Icarus Tanović

You shut your fucckingg mouth, shiit heel!

Brother Ma

No it is not.israel said it hit a stork.storks are long gone from mid east.

Muriel Kuri

I am so tired of hearing about Israel repeatedly bombing Syria! Russia should set up the s400s right at the border and shoot anything that crosses it. What is the delay in retaliation? How long is Russia going to turn away with blatant disregard for Syrian sovereignty by acts of this terrorist ‘nation’?

John Whitehot

that wouldn’t change nothing, since they did not cross the border.

Perhaps someone should bring the issue of Lebanese sovereignity before the UN, although they’d run the risk of Bibi staring at them for 45 seconds.

Solomon Krupacek

whitetrash, the missiles entered. aaaaaaaaand, allegedly, theose AD systems are also ageinst missiles

Muriel Kuri

Yes, now Israel wants to build a wall between Israel & Lebanon – but on Lebanonese land! They are always flying over Lebanonese airspace. Disgusting actions by a terrorist state.

John Whitehot

I think the word is “Lebanese”. Anyway, agreed.

Muriel Kuri

Sorry, I got carried away! Lebanonese????? ???


I just tell “Forewarned is forearmed.”. You better keep informed and don’t fool yourself and have illusions.

John Whitehot

and who’s gonna inform us? the Jerusalem Times?


This info is from al-Mayadeen.

Keep informed.

If it was me, I will have entered east Ukraine, bomb every aircrafts that enter Syria and keep pressure on USA in the UN about Yemen and ask to stop killing yemenis.

What USA will do ? Make sanctions ? Diabolize me ? USA is already doing that.

John Whitehot

you weren’t referring to this particular info in your previous post.

don’t try these cheap shit on adults which can at least read and write.

I could also elaborate that as usual, Israeli planes operated inside Lebanese airspace and the Syrian air defence opened fire on the incoming munitions rather than on the launching platforms.

But it ain’t that on Mayadeen, or Jerusalem Post or anything else you are going to get at which target missiles were fired.

The fact that some trick speculates on these “voids” is imho cheap shit, as stated above.


What was I refering to otherwise ? XD.


Every action has a reaction, maybe not immediate. The arabs cannot retaliate directly so they will do it Asymmetrical at some point. How? I don’t know but it will eventually happen. But one gotta hand it to Israel and the US, they are very creative with arab springs and staged rebellions/revolutions. Money helps a lot in doing these things. That’s why China and Russia are attacking the Dollar not the Nation.

You can call me Al

China need to grow a pair and been seen in Syria.




Russia has undoubtedly achieved great success in Syria, however it’s greatest failure has been Russia’s inability to stop Israel’s relentless bombing of Syria, and the inadequacy of the much-hyped air defenses Russia provided to that end.


It is strange that every month or so people come saying the same thing. They don’t seem to remember the agreement Russia and Syria entered into at the beginning. Russia is there to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda, period. Russia has stepped up at times, going beyond that agreement, but only when it is deniable. Those 59 cruise missiles, for instance. Do you think it was Syrians that took them out? In the end, Russia/Syria will prevail. But it won’t be because they jumped at every attempt to draw them into an expanded war. They know this is the US/Israeli tactic and they won’t fall for it. Israels days are numbered and it scares the shit out of them, which means they are going to try every trick to wear down the Russians, It ain’t gonna work.


You are of course correct. This bear baiting by Israel is just a ploy to enable them to go mad with violence.

Robert Duran

” Russia is there to fight ISIS and Al Qaeda, period”

Hmmm..Weird..Let me ask..But isnt Israel constantly bombing the SAA and Syrian territory not aiding both ISIS and Nusra?..By that logic Russia is not fighting the root cause of the problem..or part of the root cause

Solomon Krupacek

i assume, this information is much more important

Negotiations took place in Qamishlo btwn PYD and regime under Russian supervision.Ali Mamlouk,Mikhail Bogdanov and Shahoz Hesen were present.


Eh, a soft target was hit.


This must be taken into account by IRAN. Iran must know that if Israel or USA attack Iran, Russia will do nothing about it.


How sure are you to think all adversaries of US and Israel are all Dumbo’s.

It is understood for decades Russia will defend Iran…. to the last Russian!

Iran is bordering Russia silly
Just as China and Russia will never allow Sk/US to defeat NK


Note it said 1 missile fired and they expect a hit?

Why one not 10?
No wonder Israel can bomb at will and Russia just look the other way

Moussa Saab

I am waiting for the confirmation of the Israeli warplane hit by birds again.