Israeli Strikes On Lebanon Reveals Hezbollah Is In Possession Of Advanced Air Defense System (Videos)

Israeli Strikes On Lebanon Reveals Hezbollah Is In Possession Of Advanced Air Defense System (Videos)

The Sayyad-2 anti-aircraft missile. Click to see full-size image. (The Tasnim News Agency)

A wave of Israeli strikes that hit southern Lebanon on May 17 revealed that Hezbollah is in possession of advanced Iranian-made medium range air defense systems.

The strikes targeted facilities belonging to Hezbollah’s air defense force in Najjarieh, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced in a statement, noting that a number of fighters were gathered at the sites in the coastal town to the south of Sidon city.

“These compounds were used by Hezbollah’s air defense array, and posed a threat to Israeli aircraft,” the IDF said in the statement.

“The IDF will not tolerate a violation of aerial operational freedom and will operate to defend against any threat. We warn the citizens of Lebanon to refrain from cooperation with the Hezbollah terrorist organization and emphasize that in doing so, they endanger themselves and their surroundings,” it added.

After the strikes, Hezbollah mourned one of its fighters, saying in a statement that he was killed “on the road to Jerusalem,” its term for members killed by the IDF during the current confrontation.

Moreover, Lebanese media reported the death of two children, both Syrian refugees, as a result of the Israeli strikes on Najjarieh.

Video footage from the scene of the strikes showed what appears to be an Iranian-made Sayyad-2 anti-aircraft missile. The missile, which is thought to be guided via semi-active radar and command, has a range of 40-75 kilometers depending on the version. It is typically associated with the Khordad 15 medium range air defense system.

The footage confirmed for the first time that Hezbollah is in possession of such an advanced air defense system, which could engage not only drones and helicopters but also fighter jets.

The deadly Israeli strikes on Najjarieh were apparently a response to an early morning drone attack by Hezbollah that targeted a newly-established headquarters of the IDF’s 411th Artillery Battalion near the northern Israeli settlement of Ga’aton.

After the strikes however, Hezbollah announced two more attacks. The group said its fighters fired “Katyusha” rockets at the Tsnubar base in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and artillery positions in the area of Zaoura on the border of Lebanon.

Hebrew media reported that some 75 rockets were fired from Lebanon. Dozens were intercepted by the Iron Dome air defenses systems, according to the IDF, which also said that one of the launchers used in the attacks was struck near the southern Lebanese town of Yaroun. Still, two Israelis were lightly wounded in the Upper Galilee by rocket fire.

Later on, Hezbollah announced that it shelled the border sites of al-Rahib, Jal al-Alam, Bayad Blida and al-Baghadadi. It also said that its fighters struck surveillance equipment of the IDF in the Pranit barracks using “suitable weapons.”

The attacks were carried out in support of the Palestinian people and resistance in the Gaza Strip and as a response to recent Israeli strikes on southern Lebanon, the group noted.

Since the outbreak of the Israeli war on Gaza last October, Hezbollah and its allies began launching near-daily attacks against the IDF in support of the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions in the Strip.

So far, the border clashes have resulted in ten civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of at least 14 IDF soldiers and reservists. On the Lebanese side, more than 400 people have been killed, including 284 fighters of Hezbollah and at least 70 civilians.


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Cornish Gamehen

israel is the terrorist nation.

Massa John

one advanced bedtime story more


all your air space is ours !!!i=idf

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil


Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

quem israel pensa que é para mandar nos céus do líbano. hezbollah agora tem o temido e terrível sistema de defesa aéreo do irã khordad 15 que derrubou um global hawk americano.
israel nunca mais dominará os céus do líbano, hezbollah já os protege para sempre.


jews are very brave…from 50k feet in the air.

Ali Pasha

doesn’t matter what the saracens do. the judeo-christians will always defeat them as we’ve being doing for millenia.

Icarus Tanović

what the hell you mumbling about you prick? capus carintaum.


you are clearly not a disciple of history. islam conquered the whole region, crusades did not end well for the catholics. ‘judeo-christian’ is a meaningless term, just refer to the talmud to see what jews think of jesus. its an old tripe used by christian zionists and their useful idiot jewish tools. 1/3 of jews will be converted and 2/3 wiped out according to evangelical christians


“1/3 of jews will be converted and 2/3 wiped out according to evangelical christians” heard the same about turks, but bible says nothing about it, just that jerusalem will be destroyed again, book of revelation. you’re right on crusaders’ kingdoms, they existed for ~200 years, but arabs defeated them.

Last edited 10 months ago by Антон

in 1204 (middle of crusades era) crusaders robbed constantinople, they were simply the robbers, not christian motive drove them. in 1240 and 1242 swedish and german crusaders attacked principality of novgorod, while other principalities of the ancient rus were under strike of mongolian empire, kiev was destroyed in 1241.


that is correct. these gangsters that robbed constantinople were not actual christians but followers of germanic church of aachen, still ruling vatican today. foundation of vatican “christianity” is not christian movement of syria, palestine and lebanon established by constantine as an official religion but pagan rulers of germanic tribes who “converted” to christianity and norman bandits. note myriad of pagan and egyptian symbolism in vatican city.


templar order were established by norman piglet, fake mystic, bernard of clairvaux, in vatican church known as st. bernard. his “aristocratic” family acquired great wealth through plunder, wars and plain banditism, like most of normans did. today, situation is more or less the same, norman/german/anglo scumbags trying to rule the world by the wars, theft and plunder, with blessings from vatican, den of satan, same as london and new york.

Arch Bungle

but the saracens have been defeating the judeo christians for two thousand years …

S. Adams

christianity is reaching the 2000 year mark.
the conflict with ” saracens” is closer to 1000 years give or take 100.
rhodes, tyre. 100s of years. conflict and eventual defeat.
its not as simple as a sentence. you are just stating falsehoods.

S. Adams

you are ignoring the roman and byzantine empire completely.

Icarus Tanović

now, when masquerade gets over zionistic entity is not in position of giving orders/warnings to anyone.

V2 for Victory

”’the idf will not tolerate a violation of aerial operational freedom and will operate to defend against any threat. we warn the citizens of lebanon to refrain from cooperation with the hezbollah terrorist organization and emphasize that in doing so, they endanger themselves and their surroundings,”

this said by the ones that want to fly and kill anyone who see as ‘enemy’. as happened in damascus, as example, on 1th april.


terrorist organization idf, which is created not for defense obviously, call other as terrorists. when syrian army stood in lebanon, zionists weren’t so brave to violate its airspace. lebanon is too weak and poor to buy advanced systems. security can be guaranteed by a large state only. small states are unable even to defend themselves without foreign assistance.


i think it’s funny when air defenses are destroyed from the air.

jens holm

me too.

i think is funný so many fight against war as well.

S. Adams

fighting against war is a funny oxymoron.
aa does have range and can be defeated by superior weaponry.


or massive attack which overloads defending possibilities.

S. Adams

indeed. that is what makes those beautiful pictures of spiraling fire with explosions over cities in israel.
better than fireworks! a lot more expensive. and sadly, people die.

Last edited 10 months ago by S. Adams

because you’re not thinking at all.

S. Adams

another airstrike with impunity. surprise surprise.
look hez. has advanced aa. why havent they used it at all to help syria or themselves?
how long have they had the aa? remember august 4, 2020?
its about arms and money knock-knock. hez. is political and takes cash like the rest of em.
seen irans parliament? it has 33 windows. its a pyramid.

S. Adams

do i have to put a checkboard floor, wear an apron and do the hidden hand?
benjamin franklin is on the 100 dollar bill why? fr33ma50n.
scheming old men, who do things with glass coffins, human remains, other unmentionables.
think they can become “like god” as per s&b 3.22 is a quote from genesis 3:22.
not to mention harvard.

S. Adams

and it’s not a thing from the u.s.a.
it comes from france and germany during the 1750’s
franklin, jefferson a bunch all went to france.
the masons are everywhere now. that was 250+ years ago.
hahaha, the jesuits. the templars. they all have fingers in the pie!

Icarus Tanović

templars does, sain clair, but not sure about jesuists.

S. Adams

“pope” francis. is a jesuit. he’s the first jesuit pope.
the vatican and all that it entails have fingers in the pie.
i didn’t mention the pay-pal guys, like peter thiel… xi, communist leader owning land all over the world…. i have mentioned hsbc bank (formerly of london) and their ties to the ccp. amazon dude, microsoft monster bill. it’s about money and control. simply.

S. Adams

how could i forget blackrock… owns pepsi and coke.
merc companies “formerly known as blackwater” i don’t know what they call themselves now. “stakeholders” spoken that old farts accent.


“after the strikes, hezbollah mourned one of its fighters, saying in a statement that he was killed “on the road to jerusalem”…”

“a stone’s throw from jerusalem” (sting, “mad about you”)


the longer israel continues, the more and more powerful weapons will be moved near israel. eventually, the day will come when the irondome is no longer enough.


hezbollah should focus on israel air bases to neutralize the idf airforce, by neutralizing israel airforce, idf ground forces will crumple, they already proved to be paper tiger on the ground.
