Israeli Strike On Syria’s Damascus Leaves At Least Seven Dead (Videos)

Israeli Strike On Syria’s Damascus Leaves At Least Seven Dead (Videos)

Illustrative image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

An Israeli strike targeted a multi-story building in the Mezzeh district of the Syrian capital, Damascus, late on October 8, causing casualties.

In a statement to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency, a Syrian military official said that a residential and commercial building in Mezzeh was struck by three Israeli missiles which were launched from the direction of the occupied Golan Height.

The strike killed seven civilians and wounded at least 11 others, according to the unnamed official, who noted that working was still ongoing to rescue others from under the rubble.

The Saudi news outlet Al-Hadath reported that the target of the strike was a member of Hezbollah’s Unit 4400, which is allegedly responsible for moving weapons from Iran to Lebanon.

The next day, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that a total of nine civilians were killed in the strike in addition to two members of Hezbollah. The civilian casualties included a Yemeni college professor along with his wife and three young daughters as well as two Syrian women, one of whom was a doctor, a man and a child, according to the London-based pro-opposition monitoring group.

Israel stepped up its attacks on Syria significantly since the outbreak of the war in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip last October, targeting Syrian military sites as well as personnel of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and other factions of the so-called Axis of Resistance.

The Israeli military announced after escalating operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon last month that it will work to prevent the supply of any weapons from Iran to Hezbollah through the Lebanese-Syrian border.

Last week, the commander of Hezbollah’s Unit 4400, Muhammad Ja’far, was killed in a strike on the Lebanese capital, Beirut, while his brother was reportedly killed days later in a strike on Mezzeh in Damascus.


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i hope that russia will condemn this in the un general assembly and continue its inaction. by the way, if you have checked how russian diplomats talked about iran, they have more or less given the green light to any american-israeli operation there. they will condemn it, of course, as aggression against their “ally”, but they will do nothing. the same as in syria. being a russian ally is as good as being shot. lots of problems are guaranteed and nothing is gained.


the western “rules based” system is an utter failure. there is no way we can reform this system. best to destroy it, burn it to the ground, and make a non-western alternative instead. the english-zionist system can circle jerk itself with their slavish vassals. the rest of us do not need them. we have enough resources and manpower, civilization and culture to withstand messianic new worldism


the sad thing is that iran doesn’t even need russia to win a war against israel, even if it’s backed by the us, conventionally.

moreover, israel cannot bomb syria into submission either. there’s simply no military solution to western decadence and economic decline. and brics’ patience is waning. we see china also becoming more involved… which is the real turnkey factor that no one is talking about…


and in terms of where russia stands. as a good friend and expert in asian history pointed out: if putin was with israel and the us, they wouldn’t have intervened in syria in the first place and decimated isis. people forget isis and separatist terror organizations funded by the west were a hair away from conquering damascus and toppling assad just like they did in lybia. you can unequivocally say that the zionist’s geostrategic ambitions were thwarted by russia.


russia intervened for their own purposes, not to save anyone. syria is the gateway to iran, which is gateway to russia. russia has the same problem as the rest of the world, zionists. a vast number of those ‘settlers’ are russians…which putin regards as russians, not israelis. putin said killing terrorists there is better than killing them in russia. russia does not label israel terrorists, even after pagers and phone attack they labeled terrorism?


it was soleimani who decimated isis. russia attacked turkish backed terrorists who would be against russia. without iran/hezbollah, russia would have had to send many, many more troops. russia was loathe to do that. yet russia withheld weapons at behest of the west, from both syria and iran. only after il-20 did syria get what they paid for. have they yet been allowed to use it? no. has an idf plane ever been shot down?


1) the baltics and finland are the gateway to russia. nor iran. west asia and the middle east are interests. syria is russia’s oldest and truest arab ally. and of course, the relationship has always been out of mutual interest and respect. let’s not be naive children.

2) it is factually incorrect to say that russia only attacked turkish backed terrorists. russia was instrumental in the anti-isis bombing campaigns gave air-support to the syrian arab army against all insurgent groups.


that being said, yes, 3) you can say that russia went to syria to defend its interests. interests which were diametrically opposed to israel’s. and interests which again, are mutual with syria… hence why russia was invited.

4) you can also say that iran and soleimani, as well as hezbollah and nasrallah were also instrumental in defeating isis on the ground alongside the saa.

Last edited 5 months ago by Vegard

there’s a reason why isis cheered nasrallah’s death. hezbollah, iraqi resistance, and iran were all instrumental in the fight against isis on the ground. and russia gave them the final nail in the coffin with air support. sometimes the air support wiped out 80+ isis insurgents in a single run, if you remember the old articles from some years ago.

Last edited 5 months ago by Vegard

thank you for reaffirming my statement ala soleimani. no one said russia was not instrumental, they were, but they’re not saviors some seem to believe. i notice that you have not addressed the weapons issue at all. as for terrorists, russias main focus was/is turkish backed terrorists, that’s why they were all collected in northwest syria on the turkish border. russia said it themselves, they are there for terrorists that threaten russia.


remember chechnya? where is that? how can russia claim the u.s. backs terrorists, yet not consider the main u.s. proxy terrorists? only if russians are killed does russia stand up. their claim is they do not want to be involved. fine, then release control of weapons and truly not be involved…otherwise, they are interfering.


syria is russias oldest and truest ally, but it is the gateway to russia, let’s not be naive. the baltics are not gateway to russia they are insignificant in comparison to syria and iran. they are where nato/us have their massive bases and influence. baltics may be significant in relation to kaliningrad, but not to southern russia or the other ‘stans’, especially concerning the caspian and black.

K. Lewis

russia is not going to confront another nuclear power over some rag heads. there’s never been a direct confrontation between nuclear powers in history. it’s without precedent. and that precedent is not about to be broken over syria. thankfully putin and other adults are in charge and not some inept armchair strategists.


refer to ukr about not confronting nuclear powers. or are you in the misbelief that the eu/nato and us are not nuclear powers? and yes there are inept armchair strategists, most of whom are apologists in one way or another.


as well, russia stood up to turkey over their pilot. are they not a nato nuclear power? putin made them eat dirt, no? military means are not the only means that can be used, as turkey found out. but, no such for israel, eh? russia (possibly) giving tech to iran and others helps, but considering drones and missiles from iran to russia, it should be a 2-way street.


no one said they need to attack israel, just get out of the way and do not interfere, as they claim they are doing. are syrian and iranian lives worth less than russian lives? are 1,000s slaughtered not a good enough reason? but 1 russian pilot and russia goes after turkey? besides, confronting israel is not confronting the u.s. or is the nuclear power you refer to israel?

Shlomo's little weenie

unfortunately, the duplicity of this kremlin crowd is getting too noticeable, and the anger of syrian nationals will be ramping up with it. the saa should have total control over their weapons stocks and defence of their people from these loathsome curs. the acquiescence of pooty’s crowd indicates the influence of russian khazars in this unchallenged yeltsinist neo-liberal govt. they all state support for the joo entity’s “security”


until the jewish bitches experience having their lands razed, their homes destroyed, they will act with impunity, it’s time to bomb any and all places of bibi’s supporters, their people must live underground, hidden like rats, the promised land has to turn to rubble


those zionist thugs have been attacking syria using lebanese airspace for years and no one has done a damn thing about it, netanyahu is a wild animal on a murder rampage, and will continue until someone has the balls to put the mad dog down.


absolutely. funny that after how many years, not one israeli plane has been shot down. syrians are still not allowed to down their planes. russia finally delivered on their s-300s, but only as a threat, not for actual use. all of resistance needs to target every last israeli air field until they are no more. the slaughter will not end until then. it almost seems as by design. why does russia target ukr air fields?


israel wont be able to kill its way out of its mental degeneration. they are picking fights with everyone, and this has already made zionism a failed colonialist project. the best ticket now for jews is a one way flight to jew york city


these attacks will not end until israel is not able to. their entire air force needs targeted. leave not one plane intact. that would be the end of their ‘aggression with impunity’. how many planes have been dropped from the skies? how many air ports are still able to launch air attacks? how many civilians are targeted daily? if the resistance is to save lives, they need to all concentrate on air fields. no air force=no ‘israel’. take away their one true weapon.

V for Victory

why onu do not condemn such attacks?

and why syrians not even dare to shot a bullev vs the nearest zionist airfield? a family, two doctors, several civilians killed. who is the murder and when he will pay for this crime?

The Hebrew Hammer

we will jiz down your throats, and you’ll like it.
