Israeli Soldiers Shot Down Own Drone Near Separation Line With Lebanon By Mistake

Israeli Soldiers Shot Down Own Drone Near Separation Line With Lebanon By Mistake

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Israeli soldiers shot down a drone near the separation line with Lebanon on February 13 afternoon only to then find out that it belonged to their military.

In a brief statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that the soldiers fired at the drone due to a “mistaken identification”. The soldiers thought that the drone crossed from Lebanon into Israeli airspace

The IDF said that the drone was not damaged in the incident, without providing any information on its type. The incident is currently being investigated.

The drone was likely one of the commercially-available ones the IDF usually use to conduct surveillance along the separation line with Lebanon. In the last few years, several such drones were shot down by the Lebanese military and Hezbollah.

The friendly-fire incident reflects the sensitive situation along the separation line between Israel and Lebanon. The IDF has been growing frustrated with Hezbollah drone operations in the region.

In January, the IDF shot down a small Hezbollah drone that crossed into Israeli airspace. Footage showing Hezbollah operators were recovered from the drone. Back then, a spokesman for the IDF said that a “new system” was used to shot down the drone.


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Shot down a drone but it wasn’t damaged???

Icarus Tanović

No, it was Hezbollah Lebanese drone, that flew over theirs heads, barracks and watchtowers, as a example per se, only to be detonated in empty field (cuting couple of chestnut trees).
So, don’t believe what they say, ever.

Last edited 3 years ago by Icarus Tanović

I don’t believe this. It was most likely a successful Hezbollah reconnaissance operation but Israel lied. It can also be another if those dumb mistakes that the IDF once again have either damaged their own equipment or friendly fire against another IDF terrorist. I wonder how IDF can stand chance against Hezbollah, one of the most organized armies/militias on earth, if the IDF have proved once again how bad their intelligence is.

Peppe il Sicario

The Golden Rule: How do you know a Joo is lying? His mouth is moving. In short, never ever take a Joo for his word. Especially, anything coming out of Zio-Nazi Israhell.

Chris Gr

Says the Sicarii mafioso

S Balu

zionist are the biggest LIARS

Arch Bungle

Wait long enough and the jews will kill each other out of stupidity.

just wait.