On December 14, the Israeli Army shot and killed Ibrahim Abu Thuwria and Yasser Sukari while they were peacefully protesting north of the Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian sources. The sources revealed that Abu Thuwria was disabled. He lost his legs previously in an Israeli airstrike during the 2008 Gaza war.
The third Palestinian protestor, Bassel Mustafa Ibrahim, was also shot and killed by Israeli security forces while he was protesting in the village of Anata around the city of Jerusalem, according to Palestinian activists.
Earlier, Israeli security forces killed a Palestinian named Mohammad Amin al-Aqail near the Beit El checkpoint north of the city of al-Bireh in the Western Bank, after he had tried to stab an Israeli security forces personal.
وأعلن وزارة الصحة عن ارتقاء منفذ عملية الطعن اليوم، الشاب محمد أمين عقل (19 عاما) من بلدة بيت أولا – الخليل، عند حاجز بيت إيل بالضفة الغربية pic.twitter.com/JuZtYnH2VI
— Hassan Ridha (@sayed_ridha) December 15, 2017
The Palestinian Red Crescent announced that 263 Palestinian protestors were injured, including 13 with live bullets, during the ongoing protests in the Western Bank and Jerusalem. 164 other protestors were injured by the Israeli Army fire in the Gaza Strip, 5 of them are in critical condition, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent.
Over 8 Palestinian protesters have been killed by the Israeli Army and security forces since the beginning of protests against the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on December 7. The death of 4 protestors in a single day will for sure trigger bigger protests in the Western Bank and the Gaza Strip in the upcoming days. Palestinian rocket attacks against the Israeli settlement around Gaza are also possible.
Eventually, Israel will kill every last Palestinian.
Just look at the tens of millions of Russians killed by the jewish Bolsheviks.
Olga, stop putting these ads on this forum! Google is a government TOOL, working work the U$A government in their new CENSORSHIP WW programme.
I am not a political guru but damn, I could see this coming. I hope and pray another Gaza slaughter is not going to happen.
Killing the ‘other’ peoples women and kids until they give up seems, so Ungod like !
This is probably nothing to what was expected.
Trump must have been advised that a thousand would be dead by now.
The Palestinians have pretty much had it.
They know that when they provoke Israel, they get slaughtered.
They have no desire to get slaughtered anymore.
They stopped firing rockets at Israel many years ago.
Whenever Netanyahu wants a rocket fired into a field in Israel, the IDF oblige him.
The rockets will carry on being the excuse to bomb them.
God who the fuck is God? You are all a bunch of idiots fighting over God/Allah…
Ahhh. You’re trying to turn this into a religious war?
God/Allah have very little to do with this.
Nope.. he’s telling the truth..! And God doesn’t lose a bloody thing the actions of what a man does..!
God/AllahTaala doesn’t have anything to do with it..! It is the filthiness of man that makes the world in its current states..!
*irony mode*
it’s the guy that can beat everyone. that’s why everybody tries to be his best friend.
perhaps when men will understand that in the universe, the world is smaller than a grain of sand in the Gobi desert, and that human race is an atom over that grain, they would get that they aren’t all that important after all, and that being divided in religions, countries etc just makes them even less interesting.
Ironically Israel creation heavily relying on some unverifiable old tome and some heavily modified scripture yet the Israeli and the israelophiles say that these arab jihadist are crazy nuts.
the answer is.. when ur parents do that F thing.. and God gave you to them..! Who cares if don’t belief in God..! But do respect others that does..!
I’m still wondering.., why the rest of monkeys & apes still doesn’t evolves in to human when it also do the F thing..!
But I see most is, not monkey @ apes.. but human with monkey & apes brain..!
America and Israel are those people who eat human body meat.
Aha.. cannibalism are everywhere.. just because it’s not being reported.. it doesn’t means it’s non existence.. hehehe
Have you read the Old Testament.killing other people’s women and children is a very Jewish thing to do.it is a veritable manual for ISIS.
Aaaaand only Jewish thing? No one ever done it before, and no one ever done it after the Old Testament period? Jihad was peaceful “reintegration” of the region? British, Dutch, Belgium and Spanish colonial empires were all about peaceful coexistence?
We are not discussing other empires here. This article is about Israel, who are supposedly Semites just like almost all the Moslems in Israel,palestinians or not.
If you want my opinion on the other empires and time periods, i am happy to answer if you ask me again.
who are supposedly Semites..?
LOL..! Just like the moslem(Palestinians Arab..)!
Jews and Arabs are Semites.. but it doesn’t make everyone in israhell are Jews @ Arabs @ Semites..!
I never said all in israel or all jews in israel are semites. I said jews are SUPPOSEDLY semites. The majoriry of askenazim are def not semites.
In fact ,of all hebrews, the only ones i have confidence in absolutely are the samaritans . Even the sephardim are late returnees from babylon and so could even be originally Aryan, and there are only less than one thousand of them lef in the world!
Then keep ur confidence regarding that to ur self.. as I’m not interested of what you have in mind of your personal stuffs.
Old Testament..?
Or was it the modification and/or the fabricated of the Old Testament by psychopaths rabbais called Talmud..!?
Do ya really know what Old Testament is..?
Or what’s the difference between Injil and Bible is..?
America and Israel both are terrorist states. They have besieged the whole world.
In the whole world there are protests against Zionist Trump and Zionist Israel. For detail watch youtube. Jews are also against Zionist Israel. They say Zionist Israel have hijacked our religion and using it against world humans.
Of course he is a Zionist. trump’s dad was half jewish,both his present wife and ivana were half jewish and at least one of his children are jewish.
What is so hard to understand?
You cannot be half Jewish.
Who says? If your mother is not jewish and your father is then under Jewish tradition you are not Jewish. Yet for the rest of us, you are what your parents are. So if your father is jewish and your mom is not then under most Gentile customary law you are half-Jewish.
But they are not Jewish in the eyes of the Jews; not that I give a toss really.
Have a good one, cheers.
I’m not sure though..
If Nike Halley’s dad is an American.. then she is amerikan even if her mother is a pariah..! If her father is a pariah with American citizenship.. then, she’s still a pariah of American citizen..! The rest of the the law is to legalized what is illegal..! You can’t change that..! It’s like B.O.C.. British Overseas Citizens.. but the Israelis can do whatever they wanted to.. even up to the extent of using language to legalized it.. ie, Hebrew.. lol..!
I’m an Asean who speaks fluent Arabic.. does that makes me an Arab..? lol..
Yes you are right. That is why i get angry when north africans and reat of world call themselves arabs when they are plainly berber. Berbers were caucasian aryans not semites.
Even you as a persian may have lots of greek blood as alexander married many of his troops to local women . Sassanians and bactrians had lots of greek blood. Still aryan but not pure mede persian blood.
Even turks of today are most deluded of all.most of them are descendants of forcefully islamicised greeks,armenians and assyrians yet try telling them that. Most of their tvstars are beautiful blue eyed blonde women who would not be out of place in greece ,bulgaria,russia or germany.even persia ,i know has fair haired blue eyed women who are natives.once again,aryan indo euro ,caucasian stock.
Things are too far gone. You cant tell a headcgopper ,stop brother we are the same anymore even if you are. How ironic is it when a redheaded chechen or turk sunni is battling against a persian shia when all three are aryans but the first two are more arab in behaviour etc than the real semite arabs! Disgusting!
Even you as a Persian..
I’m not Persian.. I live in Asean region and my ancestors are from hadramout yemen.. I’m 3rd generation here..!
Yes, there are some possibilities what you’re saying are correct.. and too complicated to comprehend..! I as usual don’t give my personal thoughts but of evidence and histories, still historical stuffs can be manipulated..! I thanked you for your reply..
Hadramaut third generation here.where were your ancestors before ? Sunni arabia shiite arabia?
hadramowt yemen.. I’m an AsSaqqaf clan.. I was a Sunni but not shiite..currently following the teachings of Ahlul Bayt of Rasulullah saw
This is good, this is the way you have to deal with Muslims. Police and Military in the EU/Western Countries should take points from the Israeli’s, if the EU and Western Countries, did this there would be no Muslims raping White girls and taking over their Countries.
Muslims want to take over the World and this is the only way to stop them.
Idiot! Of course they should be stopped coming into europe! Who do you think leads them into europe? Israel!
Israel /Soros believe in open soceities except for Israel itself.do you get it now?
You do know that before the Brits occupied Palestine that the locals were Muslim, Christian and Jews? It was the British occupiers who declared Jewish homeland in Palestine and opened the floodgates for the great Zionist migration. What is now Israel was and is Palestine.
Whilst the Bits take credit / debit for this, it wasn’t quite like that, but whatever. In my view, at that time it seemed reasonable as it was just a big dessert; but what has gone on later may or may not be related to the plan is a bloody disgrace.
I despise the Zionists as does a high percentage of the Jews in Israel and abroad.
The biggest problem we have in Europe is that we believe that the Jews are to an extent the same as us Christians…. (as in America); once the differences are understood, it shall exist no more.
Muslims want to take over the World..!
Learn your barbarians histories.. then come back and comment..! And for the world current event.. do use your brain if you had one..!
All I know is that Israel won’t be able to preserve it’s existence this way. Even superman cannot. US and Israel should recuse themselves from constant provocation of Arab world
This is absolutely simiar to the start of syria war…. protest that were dealt with bullets… lead to bigger and more spread protests plus violence equals war… this will lead to war… lookin like iran,shiites,palestineins, hezbollah VS. israel, u.s + saudi, kurds. Its gonna be an interesting one.
They even shot the half man man, Jesus are this Zio motherfuckers normal or just they want to kill and kill, the man was without legs so how was he a threat to them for God sake, you fucking ISRAHELLi piece of shit…. War just war against them
By the way, he lost the legs from an Israeli attack. Fact.
The facts is.. israhell are apartheid zionist.. they’ll kill and murder whatever moves, crawls, swims, flys etc, etc that goes against them.. and they don’t give a F about what the world are saying about it..!
Yep.anywhere else in the world it would be an outrage and be on front page news to kill a legless man. no..not israel. Gravity works backwards in israel. Mysterious really!
When you are a minority ethnic group within U$A and, you have AIPAC acting as your eyes /ears/Rothweiller. AIPAC continuously breaks US election and campaign laws by donating £7,000,000 and more to candidates. Even when they are be brought to court , they get a pass. Federal Elections Commission do nothing but, give AIPAC a pass after breaking ELECTIONMS and helping in the RIGGING?? AIPAC is an employee of Israhell whilst they rip of American citizens; Social Welfare for Israhell;
1949-1996 Israhell received $46,8030 million Military Grants/ $23122 Economic Grants
1997- $3132.1 M $1,800. Million MG/ $1200 m Economic grants.
Get my drift. How will Palestinians ever get a fair deal??? How will the Jewish War Crime swill ever be exposed and they punished|??
Israel’s days are counted, Iran is at the gate, ready to unleash hell upon Israel alongside it’s closest allies.