Israeli Military Spokesman Praises “Psychological War” Against Hezbollah

Israeli Military Spokesman Praises “Psychological War” Against Hezbollah

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with IDF chief Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz (standing directly behind him) and then-defense minister Moshe Ya’alon (seated right), monitoring IDF ground operations in Gaza during a meeting at the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv on July 18, 2014. (Haim Zach/GPO/Flash90)

Israel’s chief military spokesman Ronen Manelis said that Israel was conducting a “psychological war” against Hezbollah as well as preparing conventional operations against the Iran-backed group.

Manelis said that these operations included the targeting of Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah. “There won’t be a clear victory picture in the next war, though it’s clear that Nasrallah is a target,” he explained.

Manelis said that the propaganda war is shifting from traditional media to online: “One of the things we talk about is the transition from traditional media consumption to social media. We are also active in this theater, and it is an operational theater in every respect. Just in the past few weeks, we’ve taken a great many actions that caused consternation on the other side.”

According to The Guardian, the Israeli government has been engaged in recruiting what it has referred to as “cover units” since 2013. These units consist of a mixture of international students and domestic students employed by Israel in a “professional trolling” capacity to defeat a wide range of enemies from the boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS) movement to to foreign governments.

During the 2014 Gaza war the student group “Israel Under Fire” emerged as a key voice on social media promoting Israel’s narrative of the conflict. “Social media is another place where the war goes on. This is another way to tell our story,” the group’s leader, Yarden Ben-Yosef, said.

Hezbollah also has considerable media presence, with a weekly newspaper al-Ahad, two radio stations and a television station, al-Manar, created in the late 1980s. More recently Hezbollah has bolstered its media presence operating more than 50 websites including the website of its leader Hassan Nasrallah. On the Hezbollah leader’s website the archives of his speeches and and pronouncements are available.

Tensions have risen between Israel and Hezbollah with its backers in Iran in recent weeks. In a recent statement Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has attacked Israel, saying Israel would be “eradicated” in the next war with Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, said Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khameni, the Supreme Leader of Iran, was the “new Hitler of the Middle East.” He went on to further compare the sectarian power struggle in the region between Riyadh and Tehran to Europe in World War II.

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Zainab Ali

israhell – the supreme race in hell – are the real psychopatic losers
defeated in syria and iraq and soon more defeats to come


Childish remark.

Nigel Maund



It intrigues me that the facial features of Khazarian thugs and ISIS thugs are often similar,so similar in fact that they are likely from the same gene pool :)

Many of the child molesters and rapists being exposed in Hollywood today have the same brutish features.


Florian, those with the eyes to “see” will have noticed this as well. Those who have delved into the cess-pool of the jooish religion, are acquainted with the Talmud and all the hate and hubris that it exudes much like the stench from a dozen rotten eggs. That they regard the “goyinim” als untermench, which in its self,qualifies as hate speech in any court in the world, but more over, they believe they can destroy the lives and inocence of babes and children of Christians, Muslims etc, because they are “superior” ???????????? This filth does not belong to the human race and right now we should be liquidating these excrement covered footstools of satan enmasse. Mit Blut und Ehre Bruder, mit Blut und Ehre.


The pogrom is marching ever closer I think. The Wind of Change is carrying the sound of civilisation on the march to liberate those with enslaved minds and rid the world of their Zionist Khazar slave masters.


I wish it would march faster,I wish it would blow harder, I get the very uneasy feeling that we are running out of time………………. sometimes it is hard to keep the faith.


Israeli deported fake Jews are nowadays having very bad luck because they are defeated in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Yemen and in Saudi Arabia. Irani and Turkish scientists are making nuclear weapons and missiles in Pakistan since 1980.


There is a war between Israel and Muslim world. Israeli terrorists have made underground tunnels from Palestine to Saini and doing terrorist attacks on Egyptian nation. Muslims everywhere are brothers. They will never hurt their brothers. ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other militant and terrorist groups are run by Israel. Be smart..

Nigel Maund

One sincerely hopes you’re right! The Zionists only want war and conquest. They’re paranoid and downright dangerous in the Middle East and only wish the smash up the Arab States and Balkanize them to thus nuetralise them and then control them via chaos management. Once weakened and politically hobbled they can then control the natural resources, chiefly oil and gas, and then stragically manipulate the region ad infinitum.

Don Machiavelli

If they continue with atrocities than i expect every free man on this planet to fight them because it will be morally right thing to do. We shall see, the way Israel has taken will lead to their destruction as many empires and nations did vanish already through out our history. Apartheid can’t last forever.

jerry Hamilton

It can last as long as corrupt American politicians do.

Paranam Kid

And their Empire is also declining.

Don Machiavelli

True that.


The challenge the Zionist have at hand, making excreta palatable.


The Zionists should know alejoeisabel, they worship faeces and the orifice it is discharged from.

Bobby Twoshoes

Where’s dutchie, or is this topic a bit close to home? Regardless, nobody says “There won’t be a clear victory picture” if they expect to actually achieve victory. At least they’re catching on that trolling is all they can really do anymore after their earlier efforts backfired so spectacularly.


I am informed that Dutch is currently tunnelling into the Anne Frank House to gain some inspiration :)
Perhaps he will find the ancient Biro that some of ‘her’ stories were written with :)


I was informed that he was the one who gave her that ballpoint pen..The time machine he used is in a museum in Amsterdam..

jerry Hamilton

I have actually read the diary and I don’t get what all the fuss is about.
It is just the diary of a young girl. No politics or hatred at all.
I can only assume that there are other versions.
I know Mein Kampf versions and others have been changed.


How many versions do you want Jerry :) and is the ‘biro’ version included?

jerry Hamilton

One. One honest one. Sadly zionists would never allow that to happen.
The biro version would be a big zionist giveaway.

Brother Ma

Jerry, i thought that there was one official version and strangely in that hitler says mustapha kemal the Crypto jew turk is his hero and that hitler loves allah. Do all hitler -lovers know this?

Jerry Hamilton

Sorry, you are typing crypto rubbish.

Brother Ma

What do you mean? Are you going to answer the question or not?


This is Israeli fake news, bs, propaganda very cheap war.

Promitheas Apollonious

me personally i never seen psychopaths to wage psychological war and not backfire against them and their fears and fantasies, and we all know how well the lesbian gay armies are prone to suicide and shit scared of facing hardened veterans of war, while their main training is rainbow parades and their new trade.

Shock News: Female IDF Soldiers Work As Weekend Prostitutes In Tel Aviv Brothels

“The situation is enough to make you cry in despair, or vomit from shame.” — Jewish author David Weinberg in an article called Not So Holy Land, quoted below.

Now how this joke of an army, will face real warriors, is beyond me.


Thank you. Source for the above news: Jerusalem Post

Promitheas Apollonious

and israelis think that are the only ones, who can target their enemies leaders and not the other way around? Or that their deeds will remain unpunished?

Soon this SOBs, will find out what goes around comes around. That is the rumor in the tunnels.


Israel thinks its effective among students? I have news for them. Social justice types hate you just as much as the anti-semites. You oppress the poor Muslims, that cancels out your get out of jail free holocaust card, as SJW’s LOVE Muslims. Plus you guys are white to them, so white privilige. Shame on you. Now go stand aside in some corner and think over your micro aggressions.

Ivan Freely

An interesting POV. I had not considered the SJ angle.


There was a gay pride parade in the US recently where gay jews were told to not display their Israeli flags. That tells you where even gay jews stand in the SJW ranking order.


Message to Israeli Intelligence :- Fewer and fewer believe anything you say any more. You have told so many proven lies for many decades. :)

Tommy Jensen

Look at this photo. All psychopaths.


The Israelis can just sit there and take it the hard way. Which is completely destruction or move out now before it’s to late..

If I were them. I will not sit for to long because that small window will close with time. I honestly don’t even feel the USA will come to their aid. I believe alliances have changed..

They will be treated as Kurds 2.0

jerry Hamilton

America WILL run to their aid. It is what they get bribed to do.
Anyway Israel are America’s army in the ME.


Actual wars are fought on the battlefield, not on Facebook or many other internet outlets; Israel feels uncertain and possibly afraid in view of their losses and Iranian entrenchment in Syria, they feel they need to be relevant by drumming up BS.

Brother Ma

Wrong Jesus. Wars can and are won without a battlefield. See sell out of czechoslovakia by poland, france and uk.
That is why i do not feel so sorry for Poland then nor now!


People don’t hate Jews because they’re Jews. They hate them because of the evil that they do over and over and over again. As they’re taught to do by their evil pedophile rape cult.


Seems Israel is still not getting the message that Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian conflict has gotten it some great PR in the West as well. As long as it doesn’t strike at Israel, Israel is seen as the bully by more and more neutral minded people.


The “psychological war” is the part where Israel claims to be preparing for another war against Hezbollah. Israel knows full well the next war will be its last one which is why they would never dare launch such a suicidal mission. The only thing left for them to do is to use fake accounts on various social media and news websites to spread pro-Zionist propaganda and attack anti-Zionist posters.

Paranam Kid

“There won’t be a clear victory picture in the next war,…”

In other words, the Rogue Ziofascist Entity already knows it won’t win in the next war with Hezbollah. It got whipped in 2006, if it engages in a war this time the whole of the RZfE will drowned in rockets, no matter how good the RZfE’s social media manipulation is.