Israeli Military Launches Attack On Rafah

Israeli Military Launches Attack On Rafah

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The crisis of Rafah is reaching its peak. On May 6, the Israeli Air Force launched massive airstrikes in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

According to the IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari, more than 50 targets were struck. According to him, the targets included ‘facilities belonging to terrorist groups in the Rafah area’. The representative of the Israeli army added that the strikes were carried out amid the preparations for a military operation in the eastern part of Rafah.



Amid the ongoing airstrikes, the IDF reportedly launched a ground operation in Rafah. Armored vehicles are approaching the city, while Israeli tanks broke through the Gaza border fence. The forces of the IDF’s 401st Armored Brigade, supported by the Givati and Nahal infantry brigades, reportedly entered the eastern part of Rafah.

Netanyahu’s Office reported: “The War Cabinet has unanimously decided that Israel is continuing the Rafah operation in order to put military pressure on Hamas to speed up the release of our hostages and achieve other goals of the war.”

Rafah is the last major settlement full of refugees from all over the Gaza Strip. According to the Israeli side, there are large units of the Hamas military in the city.

The Israeli aircraft have been hitting the city since the morning, as well as scattering leaflets addressed to the civilian population, calling for them to leave.

Israel launched the attack on Rafah after the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Hamas movement announced his readiness to accept the truce in the Gaza Strip. He declared his decision in a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister of Qatar and the head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service. Qatar and Egypt mediate negotiations between Hamas and Israel. An Israeli official said the proposal that Hamas had accepted was a ‘softened’ version of an Egyptian proposal, which included ‘far-reaching’ conclusions that Israel could not accept.


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‘facilities belonging to terrorist groups in the rafah area’ everybody but the happy-lies dogmatic bible thumpers who never read it know what that means. a bunch of women and children were just murdered again while most people turn their heads away by the worlds only victims who were never actually victimized themselves, unlike the ones who died of starvation and gas chambers. metaphorical of other things in this filth heap planet too.

Icarus Tanović

that white phosphorus is just like toxic gas, so there’s no difference at all.


israelis will never learn or understand the meaning of peace. therefore there is only two possible outcomes: let yourself be destroyed by israel or destroy it. i wish the best of luck, courage and strength to all the heroes fighting this demon.

Last edited 5 months ago by Mowaten
Icarus Tanović

i just wish someday some alines come and destroy these chosenite wermins real good.

Icarus Tanović

was about to say vermin.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

amalek will be annihilated…heheheh


is that how you call your mother’s c*nt?

Icarus Tanović

it is time to hit tell aviv, and dimona, haifa from lebanon, syria, iraq, bahrain, yemen. after that hit from iran it self.
there is time to get rid of that dog erdogan from idlib as well. this israel must nit survive. this is genocidal maniac state. human kind as at high cost.

jens holm


Icarus Tanović

says who? you? get back to your shithole before you get hurt. and remember 2006…


and also turkey should start marching forward on israel. muslims need to put their sunni-shia conflict aside and crush israel once and for all. even usa in its current state cannot take on iran & turkey at the same time.

Last edited 5 months ago by MotherTeresa

go go hebrew hammerrr!


is that how you call your father’s p*nis?


flatten the entire city completely. no more mercy for these hamas terrorists and their supporters

Massa John

everyone is fed up with jews, even themselves. time to eradicate that pestilence and rename the land back to palastine, you worm you.

Edgar Zetar

nothing new, israel would do whatever they want, will get with mass murder, the palestine opossition will use the masses murdered has propaganda in the muslim world… this is going to end very very bad… but israel will win for sure, they are fully backed up by the westerners. so, nothing new to see here. just another mass murder in the middle east region were world powers are fighting a proxy war in every block, and corner.

Icarus Tanović

not this time.

Edgar Zetar

you cannot do anything, even during the planning of the creation of the state of ‘israel’ they were sure to move out turkey to the north so no other power could coexists with israel. egypt was enslaved. they were planning these and since biblical times. israel will win. if… and only when the usa hidden empire collapses then israel is going to suffer a lot, and when the human cattle discovers about the hidden goals of some of the elitist satanist, nobody that could save them from extinction.

Last edited 5 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

it’s not who gets the most likes wins a battle… i will leave you a paradox, it’s the state of israel a projection of the power of the western civilization and the ruler of the hidden empire? or… it’s u.s.a that allowed israel and using israel to project their expansion in the middle east, support them, gave them the a-bomb? who is using who here? where are the upper layers in this power pyramid? could you see the hidden hand driving the three horses “chariot”?


short answer: it’s the jews !!!!


isrshell, which is supported by the satanic (usa and european union), closed the only free company that denounces its war crimes in the gaza strip, now it will invade rafah and exterminate as many palestinians as possible.


hamas no more—their neighbors abandon them…the reality cannot be changed …israeli force devastating

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

hows “wiping out hamas” coming along, son?

Hasbarat Downvote Kvetch Crew

bombing rafah will not solve jewish mental disorder :d


perhaps russia will learn from israel how to air power more effectively


and abbas the traitor is verry silent. egypt let it happen. and iran just given lip service. the muslim world is not moving one finger to help them. disgusting !!!


exactly. ok turkey at least stopped all trade with israhell but, what about malaysia, indonesia, pakistan and other muslim countries – why aren t their mio. of volunteers signing up to go to israel and kill the jews ? why is the mio over mio of muslims in europe not rioting and put all jewish life inside europe to an end ? obviously now that real jihad is neeeded they suddenly no more believe in islam, allah & all that?

Last edited 5 months ago by MotherTeresa
Massa John

greed is the responsible culprit for all of this mayham. people like soros and gates had a great part in this and the worst and greatest tragics happen to the weakest, the children and as bitter as it is: this reality has to be faced, cause adolf hitler got one thing right. it is written in a book titled “mein kampf”.


to think that these mass murdering psychopaths control the stooges in the western governments, the entire financial system and 97% of the mass media. the slaughter of palestinians is a window into the future for what is coming our way.
