The US-Israeli ‘partnership’ never changes.
The Biden administration, which is formally less supportive towards Tel Aviv than the previous one, is going to provide Israel with $9bn in weapons.
On January 8, the Israeli ministerial committee a $9bn arms deal with the United States under which Tel Aviv will receive F-35 and F-16 fighters, new troop-carrying helicopters, thousands of bombs and munitions as well as four Boeing KC-46 aerial refueling tankers.
The Israeli approval of the deal was delayed for a notable tame as there is a minor problem. While the funding for all these weapons will come from the $3.8 billion of military aid that the United States gives to Israel each year, the payment will have to come up front. Thus, at least formally, Tel Aviv will have to spend some money of this efforts. This situation is for sure unacceptable for the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’.
Nonetheless, it seems that the contradictions have been solved and Israeli media reported that US banks will provide major loans to Israel if it’s need some to use US-donated money to obtain US weapons.
The Zion is looting the mother of American morons as much as they can before US go down to shit.
BTW Zion and Wahhabi terrorists can buy or loot weapon from US but it wouldn’t save you morons. Gaza $40 rockets still can hit goys and Wahhabi morons getting hit from Iraq and Yemen.
Sure they can … lol
Gaza is a dog’s breakfast … but Israel is a jewel in comparison
Greed kills anyone who practices it, even more so those Jews who have made a cult of money.
It’s called an economy … are you still a hunter gatherer? Bow and arrow doesn’t cut it … lol
Unfortunately, the average American is so dumbed down by the Jew media and Hollywood that they have no idea that they are being fleeced into poverty by the parasitic murderous Zionist cancer.
Americans can print money … Iran’s economy is in the toilet
Janet Yellen is in charge … not Helen4Yemen
Americans dont really print money, they issue debt (bonds) that has a free market interest rate, when there is not enough buyers the fed buys debt from treasury. printing money = increasing debt.The fed’s balance sheet is awful… America economy will soon collapse due to government debt and reducing tax revenue…
and your point about Iran economy is not true. sanctions have been good for Iran, they have become more self sufficient and are now an industrial giant.
Reducing tax revenue?
There’s your mistake … eh?
Sure there will be a time when paying back debts must happen … it’s just a can kicked down the road … and with virtual 0% interest to borrow and inflation low … debt isn’t a problem
Iran more self-sufficient? Cool ..,
tritzy learn economics in trailer park from meth chemist; when usa collapses in next few years submissive colonies—Israel/canada become 4th world BLM/LGBT caliphate
I should learn economics from YOU?
YOU hate multi-cultural / multi-racial societies … I guess YOUR ‘white’ and/or ‘arab’ culture is racist … eh?
YOU hate blacks and gay people … eh?
Didn’t they dismantle their last F-16 plant to ship it to India (well, that was the official reason, LM did it so to leave the US military no choice but to purchase F-35)?
There was news that the US can no longer overhaul its F-16 fleet. Anyway, neither I’m giver nor receiver. Congratulation to all US tax payers.
Gazans and Syrian civilians can also be happy that they will be murdered by the weapons gifted by a democrat for a change.
Your source?
I get the sick feeling that supplying the Saudis has been outsourced to Israel. So not only are we still supplying the Saudis but we are making Israel rich while doing it.
That maybe so, but the more probable one is that Israel is envisioning a bigger operation maybe in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon even perhaps in Iran. Maybe a resupply in Armenia.
Also this ICC “victimization” coupled with the probability of Iran breaking away on the material grade threshold plus the perceived detachment of the new administration might propel Israel to become an open user of nuclear weapons. The multi polar world will turn Israel into a pariah state.
Clearly … War against Iran is on the agenda
Yossi is meeting with Biden shortly to inform him personally … give him the Israeli lowdown
Yossi’s timetable is the INLY one that counts … full stop
Lebanon / Syria / Iraq are only to be involved if Iran’s proxies fire from these locals
It’s so good having you planted in the Israeli war room to let us know ahead of time what is happening. We do expect a 4 hour heads up before time and keep your head down as we don’t want the Israeli’s to know they have an informer in their midst.
Cool …
Bingo. Any difference in foreign policy, just like any difference in how the US treats Israel, is mere Kabuki theatre.
Stupid thinking only an anti-Zionist would approve of … always with the conspiracies
9 billion sure does not buy much.
Biden’s proposal should be contingent for Israel to pay for the hardware out of irs defense budget.
As if YOU have a say? pmsl
All this problems caused by the parasitic Jewish banana republic would be easily solved if the Mullahs get nukes.
Isn’t that the point … genius?
The NK model … won’t work … Yossi knows and Iran will be attacked like Iraq’s Osirak in 1981 and Syria’s Deir Azzor in 2007 … hello?
Did you just wake up Rip Van Winkle?
A major war is on the horizon
I hope Iran gets attacked. That way they will go deep underground and eventually get nukes as they’ve already mastered the whole nuclear cycle.
mir shoin zayn
Regime change is not going to happen, just like it didn’t happen in Syria or Cuba 50 years later. Iran is not alone. Russia, China and Iran are going to hold military exercises in the Indian Ocean soon.
titzy confused like all racists
Israel attacks Iran—Israel ceases existence
Israel so incompetent loses to hizbollah
Israel can’t even finish off a few Hamas barefootmonkeys right next door in the tiny Gaza strip.
The Future is About to Land …
That is so good of the US to give their healthcare money too Israel so they can keep those munitions workers in a job otherwise they would be out on the street with no healthcare , or house , or food.. What a caring US that keeps peace around the world for everyone without favor. Now let’s have 3 cheers for the US.. Hip hip ….
Iran ha an economy, culture, military
Despite gringo sanctions they increased oil/gas sales in 2020
both Israel and USA will soon internally fragment due to internal conflicts
their peasants may be stupid, but they are able to observe that their burgers are now half sawdust and their only hope for a job is sting shoes for BLM/LGBT rulers
We thank our American allies, Israel also protects the U.S interests in the ME. Anyone trying to harm U.S forces in Al-Tanf will be vaporized by the IAF in less than 10 minutes. No one touches them.