Ayelet Shaked. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
During an international counter-terrorism conference in Herzliya on September 11, Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked announced that Israel supports the idea of turning Iraq’s Kurdistan Region into an independent state.
Shaked added that Israel and Western countries have a major interest in this case.
“Israel [and] the Western countries have a major interest in the establishment of the state of Kurdistan,” the minister said. “I think that the time has come for the US to support the process.”
The statement came ahead a referendum on the Kurdistan Region independence from Iraq that is scheduled for September 25.
This is not the first time when top Israeli officials clearly support the idea of creation of the independnet Kurdish state in the Middle East. They expect it will be friendly toward Israel and allow to shift further the balance of power in the region.
In 2016, Ayelet Shaked already called for this during the ninth annual International INSS (Institute for National Security Studies) Conference in Israel.
“We [Israel] must openly call for the establishment of a Kurdish state that separates Iran from Turkey, one which will be friendly towards Israel,” she said.
On September 7, 2017, the former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, Major General Yair Golan said that he supports establishing of the Greater Kurdistan, a state that will include the Kurdish-populated territories of Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey. According to Major General Golan this will contribute to stability in the Middle East.
The establishment of a Kurdistan state will only speed up the israeli zionist project to dominate the middle east. The trick is “Divide and Conquer” that is what they have always done, look Iraq and Syria are now divided in 4
Israeli strategy is ‘find anybody who may have the least sympathy towards you and use them’
Yes israel needs another Ethno state to justify its continued existance, however a lot of people in the West have noticed that its alway jews wanting open borders and mass third world migration in Western countries – well if thats what they want they can all move to Israel then we are going to open its borders to Africa and the Third world since they love open borders so much lol.
The Kurds, typical back-stabbing traitors throughout their history. Always serving a stronger party, always hoping they will be rewarded..The only reward they will get is the enmity of all their neighbours and war.
Hope so and the most important decision has Iraq because they are partly together with the US. Not Syria, not Iran and Turkey is against the Kurds as sure.
these countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran or Turkey had given kurds the
same human right they gave to their own people, you would not see kurds
going for independence. But since they have been genocided and massacred
in every single one of these countries,
even today they dont have basic human right in Iran and Turkey. In
Syria they were not allowed Syrian passport, many of their land farms
was given to arabs. In Iraq Saddam used chemical weapon on them. And
this all happen from 1920’s until 1990’s before Israel even started
supporting Kurds. Can you really blame Kurds for wanting to splitt from
those savage middle-east countries? I am all for it.
In Iraq, Saddam used chemical weapons against the Kurds because they were helping Iranian army during Iraq-Iran War (1980), and as our friend Drinas said, the Kurds always serve a stronger party, in 1980 they were enemies of Iraq, now they are enemies of Iran
well the shiates also served iran why they were not bombed then ?? even with that is it okay to drop chimical bomb on civilians ??
Yes, shias were killed by Saddam, don’t you know?
hmm did the shiates got bombed by chimical bommbs no you go read some books
As a matter of fact, yes they were. You have a very strange version of history.
when ?
Ask that question of your friends in IS, Israel and the US.
we were here before the establshment of israil and US its not them who were killing insont kurds it was turks arabs and persians
Do you not remember history much later than that? What about in the 1980s?
Stop listening to CNN, or the Kurdish version of it.
so every thing you don’t like is a zionist american propaganda
we would gladly serve satan if he portects us from the existential theart of our so called neighbors
So you consider yourself a muslim?
if a muslem means to be like you killing insont people and deny peoples right of freedom then nooo
For all intents and purposes, the Kurds ARE sleeping with Satan already. They are relying on the most untrustworthy players there are. They will reap the rewards of sleeping with criminals. When ISIS is done…There will be 4 states that will be dealing with the Kurdish issue and it will not be pretty. They need to think 5 to 10 years into the future, not 5 minutes, as the west tends to do.
The Kurds situation is of their own making. If they would cease collaborating with those that would undermine the countries where they live, they might engender better relations. But, no they collude with the Turks, the US, Israel, KSA and expect Iran, Iraq and Syria to be benevolent? Maybe they could start working with the Syrian government and go back to having their own semi-autonomous state within Syria, as they had before they decided to jump on the destroy Syria bandwagon. No, they are pushing this independent state crap (at whose urging?) that they know is opposed by all states in the area. Who supports it? The states that have no business having a say about anything to do with Syria, Iraq and Iran. To align with outsiders, whose only interest is oil and state chaos to continue same, is foolish. Why would anyone poke a stick in the eye of those you must live with at the behest of those that would discard you in a millisecond? Too soon the Kurds forget where Saddam got the very weapons that were used to slaughter them. To this day they continue to sleep with the amoral Israeli state, detested by all, including those they control. ‘Their’ plan to take traditional Arab land is not going to fly either. As soon as the US finds that this plan will be foiled, then the Kurds will see what the US promises are worth.
Pussy BullShit
well if you didnot alienated kurds that way maybe the result would have been different but i don’t think people who already made up their mind in a genocidal way agenst kurds would understand reason
Ha! Actually my ancestors were killed by Kurds about a century ago, when the Kurds acted as lackeys to the Turks..But that part of Kurdish history-along with other ones-is lost to the ones keen on seeing them as “the good guys”..
Yeeesss, Kurds have never had a Kurdish state, that’s why they always served to a stronger country. As Drinas said, Kurds carried out the armenian genocide for the turks.
Armenians, Greeks, Alawites and other ethnic or religious minorities were targeted by the Kurds systematically, acting on the orders of the Turkish Ottomans for decades..
They’re doing it right now with Assyrians. They almost ethnically cleansed Nineveh of them, the area which Assyrians lived for millenniums.
When stupids want to do something stupid, they don’t listen to hundreds of wiser people which advise them not to do it. Instead they just hear the voice of the one who cheers for them to do it and take it as a proof of their righteousness.
The story of the Kurds, the world and the cheering Israel.
They started writing Jahili poetry on the statues that was ignorant of them.
And the “Young Turks” leading Turkey at the time were all jews.
Kurds have always served a stronger power the Kurdish province was very small and they were always lackeys and subservient to the state. Many Kurds have a big misconception of their history as they go to great lengths to distort their history and origins. They will never grow out of their false history as they teach Kurds, they are like Israelis believing everything as their truth and not the evident facts of reality.
who says that mr computer kid who is an expert in kurdish history
Well let’s see here now there are Archaeologists, Anthropologists , Geneticists, and Historians have found glaring inconsistencies about Kurdish people in their history and have with scientific fact and historical data , dispute much of what has been told as Kurdish history.
Genetically many Kurds are not even of the same genus and actually migrated from either Euro-Asia or Indo-Asia ,specifically they currently have found no connection at all with the Medes people. That would dispute claims of much of their history.
do you want another historic fact whe were here before the arival of mongol turks and arabs go read something
Have read many articles says nothing about but speaks volumes on the Persians and whom you call Arabs as the word means desert as the Kurd means mountains. Never mistake me for someone who believes a popular truth if it can be refuted then it is just not a fact.
Aryan Persians?
If that is what you are claiming then its time to get as far away from the jews as you can as they will want to manipulate and destroy you as they have done to Western countries.
we know that israil and usa are not trust worthy but we also know that the other axis iran turkey and syria are totally agenst us its the lesser of two evils we try to take as much as we can from this aliance perparing for the real conflict after isis is gone
Hello Israeli-psy-ops employee.
Kurds have been doing suicide bombings and car-bombings against civilians for simply not beeing Kurdish for 100 years. They have the same mentality as Jews who teach that Goyim’s are filthy animals and are suppose to be slaves to the Jewish-master-race for eternity.
mybe you should consider changing your name to simply scum
Well hes right, why are the Kurds so in bed with the jews?
The Myth Of The Moderate Kurdish Rebel
by Sarah Abed
In this third and final part of her inquiry into the claim to create a Kurdish state outside the historic Kurdish territories and to the detriment of the Arab and Christian populations, Sarah Abed draws a terrible observation. This article may seem to be partial to some of our readers. Yet all reported items are accurate and can be easily verified.
– Part 1 : “The Kurds: Washington’s Weapon Of Mass Destabilization In The Middle East”.
– Part 2 : “The Kurdish Connection: Israel, ISIS And U.S. Efforts To Destabilize Iran”.
Kurds and Assyrians: a tumultuous past and present
Much of what the Kurds claim as their own unique culture is actually borrowed from older cultures, such as the Assyrians, Armenians and Suryoye. In fact, much if not all of the land in Eastern Turkey that the Kurds claim as their own once belonged to the Armenians. It is hardly surprising, then, that the Kurds assisted in the Turkish genocide of Assyrians [1] and the 1915 genocide of Armenians [2].
A group of men excavate the remains of victims of the Armenian genocide in modern day, Deir ez-Zor, Syria, 1938.
© Armenian Genocide Museum Institute
Also known as “Shato du Seyfo,” or the “Year of the Sword, ” this genocide targeted Christians in the Ottoman Empire during World War I, mainly in 1915 [3]. The size of the Assyrian population was reduced by as much as 75 percent as a result.
On the Nineveh plains of northern Iraq, the Kurds dwell in cities such as “Dohuk” (formerly known by the Assyrian name of Nohadra). But these cities are “theirs” only in that they have established a relatively recent presence there.
Employing the criteria of cultural identity and thousands of years of historical authenticity, these lands are, and have been, uniquely Assyrian. The Kurds were essentially “given” these lands in the early 1970s as a means of drawing their eyes away from the oil-rich lands in and around the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. To this end, there were large migrations of Kurds into Dohuk which displaced, often forcibly, Assyrians who had far greater legal and historical claims to these lands.
This is a tactic commonly employed by the Kurds when attempting to ascribe validation to their “sacred quest” of establishing a Kurdish state – something which has never existed at any point in recorded history. By defining “Kurdistan” as any place where Kurds happen to dwell at any given point, they seem to be going by the maxim “possession is nine-tenths of the law” – which may work well in determining criminal liability, but not so well in determining one’s homeland.
In the early 1970s, the Kurds of Nineveh began to fall into what would become a familiar pattern of being used as a pawn of U.S. interests. In this instance, they betrayed their host country when the U.S. – through its puppet, the Shah of Iran – began arming them and encouraging them to rise up against the government.
The Iraqi government cracked down, which resulted in many Kurds being forced out of the lands they had only recently acquired. Iraq and Iran came to a diplomatic resolution and the Kurds were left holding the proverbial bag in what would also become a recurring scenario. Nearly the exact same phenomenon occurred in the 1980s and 1990s when, during the first Gulf War, a no-fly zone was established that granted the Kurds a tangible measure of international support and protection.
Kurdish guerrillas of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, guard the entrance of Irbil, Iraq, Sept. 1, 1996, after they seized the main Kurdish city from the rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on, Aug. 31, 1996. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s forces stormed Irbil to dislodge one Kurdish group, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, and allow its rival, the KDP, to move in. Internal quarrels have long plagued the estimated 20 million Kurds who live in the mountainous region where the borders of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Armenia and Azerbaijan converge.
© Anatolia
“Despite the oppression the Kurds have suffered at the hands of the Turks, they have not learned to be tolerant. In the Kurdish autonomous of North Iraq, The Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) are acting in the same way as the Turkish government has for 90 years against Kurds and Assyrians. Reports of systematic abuses against Assyrians within the Kurdish autonomy in Iraq are constantly increasing in number. There is organized harassment, sanctioned by the Kurdish authorities. The aim is obviously the same as that of the Turks, to assimilate or expel the Assyrian indigenous people who have lived in these parts of the country for more than 7,000 years.” Augin Haninke wrote in her article The Kurds: Victims and Oppressors with Assyrian [4]
As explained in the video above, Kurdish security forces in Syria tortured and murdered Assyrian military commander David Jindo after a false invitation under the pretense of cooperation. This was a move reminiscent of Kurdish leader Simko Shikak’s 1918 assassination of Assyrian Patriarch Mar Shimun XXI Benyamin, which took place when he invited the patriarch into his home.
The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of northern Iraq claims that it is $25 billion dollars in debt, despite having negotiated its own oil deals and received significant amounts of foreign aid [5]. One has to question how much corruption exists within the Kurdish administration for it to be in the financial situation it claims to be in. This has resulted in circumstances where small charity groups are left to facilitate and distribute aid to the Assyrians and Yazidis, who are supposed to be under the governorship of the KRG.
Sporting a revised version of the phrase “Mesopotamia: The Cradle of Civilization,” this sign is located near the Assyrian heritage site of Khinis in Dohuk Province. Such sites are typically unguarded and are often vandalized.
Courtesy of Assyrian International News Agency (AINA)
In 2011, imams in Dohuk encouraged Sunni Kurds to destroy Christian churches and businesses. In response, shops were attacked and clubs were besieged by mobs of people numbering in the hundreds. Hotels and restaurants were attacked with small arms fire [6].
In recent years, Kurds have continued acting disingenuously towards Christian minorities, including Assyrians, and even Yazidis. Their abuses have gone far beyond historical revisionism – an example of which can be seen in the picture below. This was also seen when they took refuge in northern Syria in the early 19th century and proceeded to drive Arabs and Armenians out of numerous towns.
Modern day horrors as Kurds allow Daesh to murder Assyrians
In July 2014, as Daesh began its incursion into Iraqi territory, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) began its systematic disarmament of Assyrians and several other ethnic groups so that it could use their weapons in its own struggle.
A disarmament order that was circulated by the KRG in Assyrian towns on the Nineveh plains.
Notices were circulated threatening severe punishment for noncompliance. Assurances were given that the Peshmerga would provide some degree of protection.
But as Daesh advanced, the Peshmerga took the weapons and fled, following the same example as the Iraqi Army.
This left the Assyrians and Yazidis with no means to resist or defend themselves against Daesh. Reports even surfaced of these same Peshmerga gunning down Yazidis who tried to prevent them from fleeing with all the weapons.
Haydar Shesho, a Yazidi commander who managed to procure weapons from the Iraqi government, was then arrested by KDP authorities for organizing an “illegal” militia.
This scene was repeated elsewhere throughout the country, as 150,000 Assyrians were forced to flee the Nineveh plains, their ancestral land.
These actions can only be seen as a deliberate ploy by the Kurdish leadership to allow foreign forces to violently cleanse these areas of all non-Kurdish residents and then, with the help of their U.S. allies, retake and “liberate their lands.”
On April 13, 2016, Kurdish security forces blocked hundreds of Assyrians from participating in a protest outside of the Kurdistan Regional Government Parliament building. The protest was planned in response to the ongoing confiscation of Assyrian land by Kurds in northern Iraq.
Many testimonies have surfaced, such as a statement given to the UK Parliament by Yazidi ex-captive Salwa Khalaf Rasho, in which it is said that the Peshmerga, eager to flee first ahead of Yazidi civilians, has refused requests to stay and protect Yazidis or at least leave them their weapons. They had even reassured the Yazidis that they should return to their homes, where they would be defended.
Some Peshmerga ultimately started firing on Yazidis when their protests grew forceful – killing some of them – in order to clear the way for their convoy of vehicles to pass unhindered. Yazda, an organization that campaigns for Yazidi genocide recognition, wrote in its last report in January 2016: “Had they [Yazidis] been defended for one day, they could have been evacuated safely and the massacres and enslavement crisis could have been averted.”
The following is an excerpt from Rasho’s testimony to the UK Parliament in which she pleaded for help after escaping eight months of Daesh slavery, rape and multiple attempted suicides [7].
“My name is Salwa Khalaf Rasho. I was born in 1998 and was in the ninth grade. I was leading a simple and modest life with my family until the day when Daesh attacked Shengal on August 3, 2014. I liked my city, Shengal, very much. I grew up under the principle of coexistence with all societies within the community, regardless of one’s religion or sect, because the values of my religion do not allow to hate others and discriminate against them.
Therefore, Shengal was well known as the city of tolerance and ethnic diversity. What happened was shocking and unexpected, because we saw Daesh as our brothers. With this, I mean the Arab tribes of the villages that belong to Shengal. Suddenly, they became monsters and wolves. They collaborated with Daesh when Yazidi women and children were enslaved and men were killed.
There were about 9,000 Peshmerga in my city who were armed with various types of weapons. They said to us, ‘We will protect and defend Shengal, and Daesh will only enter Shengal over our dead bodies. We will defend Shengal until the last bullet.’”
Unfortunately, they ran away without any resistance and without warning or giving notice to the civilians so we could escape from falling into the arms of Daesh monsters. They left us women and children to our cold-blooded fate. I and the people with me tried to flee into the mountains like the others.” Watch: How Kurds disarmed Assyrian Christians and abandoned them to Daesh:
A history of human rights abuses
In light of these horrors, it should easily be understood why the Kurds would have a vested interest in claiming Arab, Assyrian or Armenian history as their own. Failing in that endeavor, they often resort to destroying any relevant history altogether. In this aspect, they operate in a similar manner to Daesh.
Every time the Kurds failed in an attack against Turkey, they would migrate to Syria and try to claim Syrian land as their own. For instance, they tried to claim the Syrian city of Ayn al Arab, naming it “Kobani.” The origin of the name is the word “company,” a reference to a German railway company that built the Konya-Baghdad railway. The Kurds also claimed Al Qamishli, another Syrian city, as their illegal capital and renamed it Qamishlo [8].
It’s worth mentioning that the Kurds are not even a majority in the land they claim as theirs in northeast Syria. For example, in the governorate of Al Hasakah, they amount to about 30 to 40 percent of the population. That number has decreased since the outbreak of the current Syrian conflict, as many Kurds have left for European countries.
Most of the have fled to Germany, where their numbers are about 1.2 million, a little less than the number of Kurds living in Syria. However, they do not seem concerned about seeking autonomy there. They only seek it in the Middle Eastern countries that have provided them with refuge all of these years – these are the countries they want to stab in the back instead of thanking them for their hospitality.
Amnesty International’s many refutable allegations against the Syrian government and the Syrian Arab Army cannot be taken at face value in the absence of other corroborating reports [9]. In some cases, however, they do report truthfully, such as when they released a report in 2015 accusing the YPG, the militia of Syria’s Kurdish population, of a range of human rights abuses [10].
“These abuses include forced displacement, demolition of homes, and the seizure and destruction of property,” the group wrote. “In some cases, entire villages have been demolished, apparently in retaliation for the perceived support of their Arab or Turkmen residents for the group that calls itself the Islamic State (IS) or other non-state armed groups.” Amnesty International has also documented the use of child soldiers, according to Lama Fakih, a senior crisis advisor for the group.
The Kurds claim that their “Kurdistan” is “multicultural and multireligious,” which is disingenuous when you consider that those additional cultures consist of people now dwelling amongst a Kurdish majority in lands the Kurds took by force. These people will be faced with the prospect of casting meaningless votes on Kurdish independence since, even if they all voted “no,” they would nonetheless be outvoted by the Kurdish “yes” majority and as a result would still find themselves subject to a Kurdish government and agenda.
Why are they stateless?
The Sykes-Picot agreement, officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret 1916 agreement between the United Kingdom and France, to which the Russian Empire assented [11]. It set the borders for countries like Syria, Iraq, and Jordan, but the Kurds held little or no influence. The main purpose of the agreement for the French and British was to bolster their own influence and power in the region. The Kurds have made the argument that they were promised land at the time, but were then cut out of the deal at the last minute.
Kurdish history in the 20th century is marked by a rising sense of Kurdish nationhood focused on the goal of establishing an independent Kurdistan in accordance with the Treaty of Sèvres of 1920. Countries like Armenia, Iraq and Syria were able to achieve statehood, but the prospective Kurdistan was in the way of the newly founded state of Turkey, established by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The state of Kurdistan has simply never existed.
Kurds leave Kirkuk, Iraq for Erbil on March 28, 1991 after the Iraqi army bombarded the area, to reclaim it from Kurdish rebels.
The only areas in the Middle East where the Kurds were able to establish some semblance of legal autonomy are the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq – where minorities are well-protected under new laws – and Israel [12].
As a result of the disparity between areas of Kurdish settlement and the political and administrative boundaries of the region, a general agreement among Kurds could not be reached regarding borders. However, the Treaty of Sèvres was not implemented and was superseded by the Treaty of Lausanne. The current Iraq-Turkey border was agreed upon in July 1926. While Article 63 of the Treaty of Sevres explicitly granted full safeguards and protections to the Assyro-Chaldean minority, this reference was dropped in the Treaty of Lausanne.
It’s worth noting that the Iraqi Kurds are situated on the country’s oil-rich fields [13]. Syria’s Hasakah province – which the Kurds are illegally claiming as their territory and which includes their self-appointed capital, Al Qamishli – also contains some of Syria’s most valuable oil fields. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the U.S. is putting its money on the Kurds.
Unethical and violent treatment of minorities, particularly Christians
According to Rûdaw, in an article written in 2014, “Last year Ahmed Turk, a Kurdish politician in Turkey, declared that the Kurds have their share of ‘guilt in the genocide, too,’ and apologized to the Armenians. ‘Our fathers and grandfathers were used against Assyrians and Yazidis, as well as against Armenians. They persecuted these people; their hands are stained with blood. We as the descendants apologize,’ Turk said.” [14].
The Kurds have a centuries-long history of persecuting minority groups, having committed genocide against them with alarming frequency. Historical accounts of acts of genocide by the Kurds from 1261 through 1999 are documented in Genocides Against the Assyrian Nation.
In A.D. 1261, in what was referred to as “the coming of the Kurds,” thousands of Assyrians fled the Nineveh plains villages of Bartillah, Bakhdida (Qaraqosh), Badna, Basihra and Karmlis, moving toward the citadel of Arbil to escape a substantial Kurdish emigration. King Salih Isma’il had ordered a great number of Kurds to move from the mountains of Turkey to the Nineveh plains. Assyrian villages on the plains were looted and the thousands of Assyrians who were not able to escape to Arbil were butchered by the Kurdish newcomers. A monastery for nuns in Bakhdida was invaded and its inhabitants brutally massacred. A New York Times article from 1915 addressing the mass slaughter of Christians at the hands of Turks and Kurds.
A New York Times article from 1915 addressing the mass slaughter of Christians at the hands of Turks and Kurds.
Kurdish tribes in Turkey, Syria and Iran conducted regular raids and even paramilitary assaults against their Christian neighbors during World War I. The Kurds, acting in accordance with a long-standing tradition of a perceived Kurdish right to pillage Christian villages, were responsible for many atrocities that were committed against Assyrian Christians. A Kurdish chieftain assassinated the patriarch of the Church of the Aast at a negotiation dinner in 1918, the aftermath of which led to the further decimation of the Christian population.
Kurdish complicity in Armenian genocide
The Armenian genocide was carried out during and after World War I and implemented in two phases: the wholesale killing of the able-bodied male population through massacres and subjection of army conscripts to forced labor, followed by the deportation of women, children, the elderly, and the infirm on death marches leading to the Syrian desert [15]. Driven forward by military escorts, the deportees were deprived of food and water and subjected to periodic robbery, rape and massacre.
Other indigenous and Christian ethnic groups, such as the Assyrians and the Ottoman Greeks, were similarly targeted for extermination by the Ottoman government in the Assyrian genocide and the Greek genocide, and their treatment is considered by some historians to be part of the same genocidal policy that targeted the Armenians. Most Armenian diaspora communities around the world came into being as a direct result of the genocide.
In the eastern provinces, the Armenians were subject to the whims of their Turkish and Kurdish neighbors, who would regularly overtax them, subject them to brigandage and kidnapping, force them to convert to Islam, and otherwise exploit them without interference from central or local authorities.
Egged on by their Ottoman rulers, Kurdish tribal chieftains raped, murdered and pillaged their way through the southeastern provinces where for centuries they had co-existed, if uneasily, with the Armenians and other non-Muslims. Henry Morgenthau [16], who served as U.S. Ambassador in Constantinople at the height of the bloodshed, described the Kurds’ complicity in his chilling 1918 memoir Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story:
“The Kurds would sweep down from their mountain homes. Rushing up to the young girls, they would lift their veils and carry the pretty ones off to the hills. They would steal such children as pleased their fancy and mercilessly rob all the rest of the throng…While they were committing these depredations, the Kurds would freely massacre, and the screams of women and old men would add to the general horror.” [17].
Discrimination against Feyli Kurds in Iraq
It is important to reiterate that there are many Kurds to whom some of the characterizations presented in this analysis cannot and should not be applied. There are Kurds who have assimilated into their current cultural societies and reject the ideals of the separatist Kurds. Their concerns are mostly political in nature and specific to the nations in which they reside.
They are not interested in establishing a united Kurdish country in the four countries they occupy, through Balkanization, land theft, genocide or any of the other violations against humanity that have been addressed here. In fact, these Kurds have faced discrimination from the Kurdish community as a result of their unwillingness to support the establishment of a Kurdish state.
The Feyli Kurds in northern Iraq are a prime example. Many of them expressed opposition to a referendum on independence announced by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) on June 7, 2017, as they feared it could lead to an escalation of the area’s ongoing crisis.
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi laid out the Iraqi government’s official position on June 18 [18], stating, “The Kurdistan Regional referendum on secession is illegal, and the federal government will not support it, fund it or participate in it.”
The United States [19] and Iraq’s neighbors, including Turkey, Iran [20] and Syria, oppose the country’s territorial division [21].
Fouad Ali Akbar, a Feyli member of the Baghdad provincial council, told Al-Monitor, “They are Shiite Kurds…neither Shiites nor Kurds have done Feylis justice. Most Feylis are moderate and culturally diverse, and this has prevented them from earning the trust of Kurds and Shiites, who, for ethnic and sectarian reasons, have not wanted them to have a stable identity with normal rights like other Iraqi citizens.”
Feyli activist Hassan Abdali said, “We, the Feyli Kurds, consider ourselves original Iraqis. We have deep historical and social roots in Iraq. We defended the country and its people in all the Iraqi liberation movements, in the Iraqi revolt against the British, and we took part in Kurdish movements and Shiite revolutions and also in the fight against the Islamic State (IS). And we faced persecution from Arab and Kurdish nationalist movements.” [22]
Ali Akbar also told Al-Monitor, “The majority of Feylis are voicing concerns about the potential displacement, killing, confiscation of funds and systematic looting that they might face in the event of the declaration of independence of Kurdistan as a result of the threats they receive whenever a dispute between the central government and the KRG erupts.”
Sarwa Abdel Wahid, head of a KRG parliamentary bloc in Gorran (an Iraqi Kurdish political party), said at a joint press conference with Feyli representatives, including legislators, “The referendum to be held in September in Kurdistan is a partisan referendum that does not represent the ambition of all the Kurdish people, as it has failed to go through the legitimate national institutions.”
Kurdish racism against Arabs – especially Syrians
Finnish investigative journalist Bruno Jantti described his experience working in Iraqi Kurdistan while investigating Daesh:
“When working in Iraqi Kurdistan, I was struck by the prevalence of regressive attitudes, including racism and sexism. I returned recently from Iraqi Kurdistan where I spent a couple of weeks investigating the Islamic State (IS) group. Working mostly in the vicinity of Sulaymaniyah and Dohuk, I could not help but notice a great many societal and cultural characteristics that somewhat surprised me.
Considering what is happening right next door in Syria, the level of anti-Syrian racism did catch me off guard. I came across such prejudice almost daily. A taxi driver quipped in Sulaymaniyah: ‘These Syrians are ruining our country.’ Another taxi driver was quite upset at Syrian kids who were washing car windows and selling tack. ‘These are dirty kids.’ he said. It was all but unusual that internally displaced persons of Iraqi or Syrian Arab descent who had fled to Iraqi Kurdistan were discussed using such language.
It wasn’t just taxi drivers. In the Sulaymaniyah governorate building, an officer deemed it appropriate to prep us for our interviews in refugee camps in the area. She told me, verbatim, that Syrian refugees ‘complain about everything.’ In another city, a police chief was astonished and disappointed that my colleagues and myself were applying for a permit to work in a camp inhabiting Syrian refugees. The police chief stated: ‘But these are Syrian refugees!’ There was no shortage of contempt in his voice.
I had been fully aware that Kurdish nationalism flirts with highly questionable portrayals of Arabs, Persians and Turkish people. In Iraqi Kurdistan, I was surprised at how prevalent some of those attitudes seemed to be.” [23]
A Well-Curated Myth
The Kurds have gained popularity through effectively marketing themselves to Western audiences as revolutionary, feminist, Marxist “freedom fighters” [24] who have a burning desire to create their version of a utopia where peace for all will reign — an image that Stephen Gowans recently critiqued in “The Myth of the Kurdish YPG’s Moral Excellence.” [25].
U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led Syria Democratic Forces raise their flag in the center of the town of Manbij after battling ISIS in Aleppo province, Syria
What they actually seek to create is an illegal autonomous state carved out of existing sovereign countries. The freedom they seek is to be brought about by means of slaughtering natives in the countries that they want to Balkanize and divide on sectarian lines [26]. They have set about vacating areas of indigenous people, utilizing fear and forceful tactics that are supported by their sponsors but that are in violation of globally accepted human rights. To agree with their cause is to agree with genocidal actions that, in essence, tear people away from their homes and lands while fitting conveniently into the imperial views of Western nations.
Up until recently, Kurds with separatist ambitions were seen in a positive light. But their hidden agenda has now been exposed and their true intentions revealed.Their past and present alliance with Israel and the United States is indicative of these intentions. This can not be dismissed or underappreciated, as it is the hidden foundation on which they have built their mission. The Greater Israel project is in full swing and needs to be halted before it makes any further headway [27].
To support the Kurds’ demands for autonomy, and the establishment of a federation at the expense of others in the region, is illegal, profoundly illogical, and a violation of human rights for all of the reasons that have been discussed here. And it bears remembering as well that one of the top leaders of Daesh was a Kurd [28]. If the Kurds truly want to live in peace and coexist with others, they must end the excessive historical revisionism in which they incessantly partake; they must forgo alliances that threaten the stability of the countries in which they currently reside; and they must work together and unite with their brethren who share the same geographical land. Only then will the Kurds truly have friends other than the mountains.
Sarah Abed
[1] “Genocides Against the Assyrian Nation”, Assyrian International News Agency (AINA).
[2] “Today’s Turkey continues the Armenian genocide”, Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, May 14, 2015.
[3] “Seyfo 1915 — Sold for a hen”, The Syriac Orthodox Youth Association of Sweden, April 22, 2015.
[4] “The Kurds and Assyrians: Everything You Didn’t Know”, Max J. Joseph, The Syriac Orthodox Youth Association of Sweden & Assyrian International News Agency, March 31, 2016.
[5] “With Lamborghinis and Rooftop Sushi, Why Is Kurdistan Broke?”, Sharon Beth, Voice of America, July 26, 2016.
[6] “Islamic Cleric Incites Muslim Kurds during Friday Prayers, Attacks on Assyrian Businesses Follow”, Assyrian Information Managment, December 1, 2011.
[7] “Salwa Khalaf Rasho, statement to UK parliament”, Ezidi Press, March 15, 2016.
[8] “Syria: The Criminal Empire’s Strategy Of Divide, Conquer, and Destroy”, Sarah Abed, The Rabbit Hole, March 2, 2017.
[9] “Syria: ’We had nowhere to go’ – Forced displacement and demolitions in Northern Syria”, Amnesty International, October 13, 2015.
[10] “US-Backed Forces in Syria Accused of Human Rights Violations. The Kurdish groups may also not share America’s goals in the conflict”, Max J. Rosenthal, Mother Jones, November 9, 2015.
[11] A Line in the Sand: Britain, France and the struggle that shaped the Middle East, James Barr, Simon & Schuster, 2012. The Man Who Created the Middle East, by Christopher Simon Sykes, William Collins, 2016.
[12] “Iraqi Kurdistan sees a Jewish revival, thanks to the Islamic State”, Dov Lieber, Times of Israel, March 15, 2016.
[13] “How Much Oil Does Iraq Have?”, Gal Luft, Brookings Institution, May 12, 2003.
[14] “Kurds and the Armenian Genocide”, Deniz Serinci, Rûdaw , April 23, 2014. “How Should Kurds Address Armenian Genocide?”, Kani Xulam, Rûdaw, May 5, 2015.
[15] “The Armenian Genocide. Frequently asked questions”, Genocide 1915.
[16] “Morgenthau, Ambassador Henry, Sr.”, Rouben Paul Adalian, Armenian National Institute.
[17] Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, by Henry Morgenthau, Doubleday, Page & Co., 1918.
[18] “العبادي يؤكد «لا قانونية» استفتاء الأكراد على الانفصال”, Jawdat Kazem, Al Hayat (Iraq), June 18, 2017.
[19] “Congress threatens to cut payments to Iraqi Kurds if they break with Baghdad”, Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor, June 28, 2017.
[20] “The reason Tehran is against referendum on Iraqi Kurdistan”, Arash Karami, Al-Monitor, June 22, 2017.
[21] “إقليم كردستان العراق يجري استفتاء على الاستقلال في سبتمبر”, BBC, June 8, 2017.
[22] “Shiite Kurds challenge Iraqi Kurdistan independence”, Ali Mamouri, Al-Monitor, July 17, 2017.
[23] “On Racism, Patriarchy and Corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan”, Bruno Jantti, TeleSur, January 20, 2016.
[24] “LGBT Brigades In Syria? Western Anarcho-Leftists Cutting Their Teeth With Western-Backed Kurdish YPG”, Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post, July 27, 2017. “Le Rojava, un califat d’extrême gauche ? Réseaux “antifascistes” et terrorisme : le laboratoire kurde”, Observatoire des extrêmes de gauche, 16 août 2017.
[25] “The Myth of the Kurdish YPG’s Moral Excellence”, Stephen Gowans, July 11, 2017.
[26] “Syria: The Criminal Empire’s Strategy Of Divide, Conquer, and Destroy”, Sarah Abed, The Rabbit Hole, March 2, 2017.
[27] “Washington’s ‘Greater’ Middle East Project – Hand in Hand with Israel”, Sarah Abed & Mark Taliano, 21st Century Wire, March 30, 2017.
[28] “The traitors helping ISIS wipe out their own people: How ethnic Kurds are using their knowledge of Kobane to coordinate Islamists’ city siege”, Chris Pleasance, Daily Mail, November 4, 2014.
Excellent article, thanks for sharing. One major thing that is missing from the article is the massive historical revisionism the Kurds are doing in relation with Iran. The Kurds are historically an Iranian tribe who speak an Iranian language and hold many ancient Iranian traditions and customs however through revisionism they attempt to dismiss this shared heritage and instead claim themselves as something completely separate and different.
Thanks !, Absolutely necessary information that we won´t find in MSM. Kurds must peacefully live with the other groups in each country. In a multi etnical-religious society. And of course not back the Israeli-Zionist-US-NATO imperialism, that want to invade as much countries as possible. As they did in Iraq, Libya , Afganistan, Siria. And want to continue in Iran , North Korea, Venezuela , Qatar or Yemen.
Switzerland did it, after a big battle they lost against
the French in 1515, they had funeral in each family,
and understood Wars produce only losers !
Then they understood only negotiations and agreements
with Democracy is able to solve problems.
Everybody has to do effort for Peace.
To make it short, today there is 26 different independent
confetti States living together with their own Laws, Culture
and Administrations, 4 Different languages, Different
Religions, each State kept it’s own Identity until today.
A small Peaceful Europe since 500 Years, at the Center
of a Raging Europe, a Culture, Education and History
hasard question…
For sure, Colonialism doesn’t work, but mutual respect !
Nothing is easy, everything is Possible, it’s all I can say !
Thanks for this!
Nest Israeli plot ans last hope. I noww know why Kurds still no have treir own state. They are easy fooled. Syria is not kurdish native land
Right and the Krim is not ukraine native land.
Crimea? Was taken by Turks/Tarters during the Muslim invasions of Europe, before then it belonged to the Ukrainian Russ ie Vikings who made up the Varangrian guard that guarded Contantinople in the Byzantine era
Changing borders and creating more states is never good, it only creates more instability. Also the interests of Israel run counter to that of the West, certainly Europe. Because Europe wants peace and stability in that region, whereas Israel seeks neither out of some short sighted myopia that only the current instability would suit its interests. Which in a way it does. Of course they could have sought to create that stability according to their own interests, that was probably part of the plan that former assassinated PM Rabin had in mind by seeking peace with the Palestinians, but that plan went out of the window when he got murdered. And Netannutjob’s own plans for long term stability in Israel’s interests have only played into the hands of Iran.
long story short: the West would do well to ignore everything Israel says, whatever it wants, its not in our interests.
The west has too much guilt to ignore Israel. History is debatable but Germany has given Israel free Dolphin class subs that now rotate with nuclear weapons off Iranian coast. The west – US congress is boutght and sold by Israel, the UK follows whatever is decided as does France. Trump got his ‘Mexican’ wall from Palestine where his myopic vision is embedded to cause a Iranian war.
Jews are like rats – predictable – you know its going to steal the cheese, when a group or someone is predictable someone else can run rings around them, these idiots have sown the seeds of their own destruction – they have created an Iranian,Iraqi,Syrian,Hezbollah,Russian axis – thats quite a feat!
Putins also gone on record several times saying the Palestinians are going to get their own state
a declaration of war against 4 country
Only Iraq in principle. The minister only mentioned Iraqi Kurdistan. Then again it would make the other three countries very nervous still.
F You israel, we know you want us to stay perpetually in syria forever and ever…
It’s not gonna happen. Trump isn’t gonna do it, and if he does, one term president…
Also: Turkey and Iraq are DEFINITELY not gonna go along with it… And whos gonna tell them what to do?
So eat a big fat fatty you bastards…
Will be One term anyways … crash is brewing …. has backed stabbed his “own” base by renegading on all his election pledges ….
Who said he was a republican(the so called base ur mentioning)?
Last I checked, he was a businessman that became the president.
Trump was a Repub up until 2001, when he changed to the Dems, then in 2009, he changed yet again to the repubs. You are the one who mentioned repubs, but yes, most of his supporters are repub. If you don’t know by now that he has reneged on every promise (save the wall, so far) he made, then you have been under your rock far too long. Trump is the quintessential US business man. Using other peoples money, he did a great job laundering money for mobs and stiffing creditors…perfect experience for being a politician.
Wiki states – Trump was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election, having won the most state primaries, caucuses, and delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention.
Don’t be stupid, you know what I’m talking about…
What are you referring too ….. as Trmpz in the Whitehouse is quoted as Republican …. not Independent !
It is neither Israel nor the USA or the UN to decide who owns a country. They can’t give away land that rightfully belong to a sovereign state. If they want the kurds to have their own country they could give Texas, Hawaii, Palestine to them. No wait. They were all taken by force and in theory are under control of an occupying power.
What I seriously doubt though is the one term president. I am very concerned he will be reelected.
I actually don’t care if he is reelected or not…
It does not matter as our systems of economics are rotted to the core and should collapse(but don’t because the government keeps tossing money into the fire)…
This partisan politics crap doesn’t mean anything when the core of the country has been screwed since 1913…
We have enough shit in Palestine so please do not suggest to add more shit to Palestine.
Well said.
Israhell is a illegal state …. so maybe Israhell can return to its 1948 borders, be renamed Kurdistan .. problem solved …
Or perhaps in a Western country … like U$ america ?
The israhell zios could return to their borders between 1939-1945. There they hadn’ t a big dirty mouth as they have now in Palastine.
Too much blood has been lost …. there will never be a solution that fits all
Thats a very good idea Vtran :)
Thank you … doubt it will happen tho !
The hatred across the world for the Settler State is growing fast and the Israelis are in ‘panic and eternal victim’ mode now. That’s a start :)
Agree …. term U$ America / U$ Americans has become “toxic” … hence others trying to distance them-self’s
When the US house of cards collapses under the weight of debt and a possible Nuclear demolition , there will be many servants (NATO Vassals) who will snigger and clap their hands.
No one likes an ignorant and greedy ’employer’.
I do believe you are right in that assessment (clap their hands) ,,,, however they will support / defend U$ America right until the bitter end, before swapping and trying to distance them-self’s !
I’ve taken a keen look at this woman politically, she is very likely to become PM within 5-7 years, unless Bibi is ‘retired’ sooner…she’s a nasty piece of work, but sadly what Israelis look for in a leader.
Nar israel will be BBQ’ed by then according to Kissenger
Isn’t she the same person who called for the genocide of Palestinians and got thousands of Facebook likes?
According to the article:-
It is a call for genocide because it declares that “the entire Palestinian people is the enemy” and justifies its destruction, “including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure.”
It is a call for genocide because it calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes.”
She’s a monster no doubt, but very likely the next Israeli PM.
Yep yet another genocidal jew.
in short … any proposals from the illegitimate entity and its lapdogs are forever illegitimate in nature
Dirty jews hope to seed a perpetual war in that region, to weaken all involved.
Tose involved should all turn on jewish occupied Palestina.
If Israel and The West wish to provide the Kurds with a Kurdistand they should cough up real estate in their own countries to do it and not just help themselves to everyone elses to do it!
NO-ONE gives a phart in jar what Israel thinks about ANYTHING any more.
And I’d remind Israel – they expected Hamas to be “friendly to Israel” when they installed them in Gaza!
She’s one of the Israeli government officials involved in the non prosecution of 65,000 statutory mass rapes of Jew cult children a year during vile blood sucking rituals.
Well saying that Israel is the native Kurdish country. Or am I wrong ?
Oyyyy Veyyyy
Arab land is much too big…
They will figure some way to screw over their temporary “friends” eventually…
Saudis are dumb and its par for the course!
The Al Saud family is jewish, they could move to israel tomorrow they are close cousins
Pure coincidence!
It’s a (((Cohen-cidence))) Goyim
Time for israel to open its borders to the Kurds – it will make for a more “diverse” israel.
And the dirty zios will get the best self-named fighters in the world…
Neither of them can get along with anyone else or with their own for that matter – the fireworks would be interesting, would be nice to pull up a chair in Gaza with the Pallies and watch the fireworks kick off
Shaked, shake your hanging tits, shake your arse for the males in your cabinet and shake your brain until it tells you that you are a land grabbers daughter.
I wonder what in the hell are Kurdish leaders thinking, teaming up with the sworn enemies of all these countries to try to create an independent state in the very middle of them. Whatever befall the Kurds down the road, no one should shed any tears for them. They are begging for it.
Kurdish leaders are all shills, bought and paid for. My question is what the hell are the Kurdish masses thinking going along with their own death sentence. Surely there must be a few educated wise ones among them to warn them that they’re heading off a cliff.
Doesn’t Israel take the position that the conflict between them and the Palestinians is an internal matter and go ballistic if other countries interfere, especially the U.N.?
Talk about Chutzpah! Here they are advocating caring out a chunk of Iraq, Syria, and likely Turkey and Iran; LOL! No principles here.
“The west” , who exactly is “the west?” Give specific names.
She should say why, how and by whom.
these countries like Syria, Iraq, Iran or Turkey had given kurds the
same human right they gave to their own people, you would not see kurds
going for independence. But since they have been genocided and massacred
in every single one of these countries,
even today they dont have basic human right in Iran and Turkey. In
Syria they were not allowed Syrian passport, many of their land farms
was given to arabs. In Iraq Saddam used chemical weapon on them. And
this all happen from 1920’s until 1990’s before Israel even started
supporting Kurds. Can you really blame Kurds for wanting to splitt from
those savage middle-east countries? I am all for it.—
Tel Aviv and the Kurds since 1960 have had a fruitful working relationship: in military terms, intelligence and business. It is obvious that Israel will instantly recognize a possible new Kurdish nation-state.
I’m so sad for Saddam, he knew this would happen
He was the CIAs boy for quite a while, probably got wind of the plan eventually
West has zero interest in this plan by Israel. Zero.
The plan is to create a Kurdish state, once established it will be thrown into chaos by setting the various Kurdish factions against each other. It will be a de facto failed state controlled from the outside for colonial purposes. All its proposed national resources will be spent in the US military industrial complex because of a dismal security situation. Israel will be called in to protect it and there they will stay…
If it is good for Jews it is evil for everybody else.