Israeli Forces Struck At least 65 Targets In Gaza. Palestinian Forces Launched At least 70 Projectiles

The Israeli-Palestinian military escalation has been developing in the Gaza Strip and the nearby area.

Since May 29, the Israeli Defense Forces (SDF) have attacked at least 65 targets in the Gaza Strip. The targets were allegedly belonging to Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Movement and included alleged facilities manufacturing rocket launchers and rocket engines.

The IDF also claimed that its forces are currently operating in Gaza.

The round of escalation started from mortar shelling from Gaza early on May 29. Throughout the day, Palestinian forces launched at least 70 mortar shells and rockets at Israeli targets. The situation is developing.

Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups claimed that “bombings will be met with bombings and blood with blood”. They described the recent increased wave of shelling on Israeli targets as a “response to the Zionist aggression and the crimes against our people and the members of the resistance.”

The map below shows the following areas targeted by the IDF:

  • The Deir Balah Naval site and the Khan Yunis Nusayrat port
  • Shaykh Zayed
  • Bani Suhayla
  • Badr
  • A civilian administration in Eastern Jabalia
  • Malik
  • Arafat
  • Buraq
  • Fajr
Israeli Forces Struck At least 65 Targets In Gaza. Palestinian Forces Launched At least 70 Projectiles

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The Israeli map of the strikes:

Israeli Forces Struck At least 65 Targets In Gaza. Palestinian Forces Launched At least 70 Projectiles

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Val Shadowhawk

Zionist ‘israel’ now lashing out at shadows in desperation. It is in a downward spiral, and will continue to spin out of control, on its way to its own demise. Sadly, it will cause more than enough damage and misery to those in its path as it crashes.


But still the world Muslim nations are silent. They have not condemned and not protested. I don’t know on what kind of drugs they are.


unfortunately almost all muslim leaders are paid, bribed otherwise ”protected” employees of Israel (directly or indirectly).

Val Shadowhawk

Not all of them. You’re painting too wide a brush. Not logical thinking.

Law Se

Islam has to rely on the monsters of Isis in order to be acknowledged…Islamic leaders are useless and have been so for a long time watch how the Europeans act and then and decide if you are right..Israel is suppose to a humble state in the ocean of Islam but no a speck has you all divided and powerless…


As opposed to Christians being united in the genocide they affect and or support….

The monsters on this planet, are not Muslims. Clearly

“”last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark study concluding that the death toll from 10 years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million.

The 97-page report by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning doctors’ group”

“The PSR report is authored by an interdisciplinary team of leading public health experts, including Dr. Robert Gould, director of health professional outreach and education at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and Professor Tim Takaro of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University.”


I said ”almost all”.


As you also said, bottom line is, Israel is uncontrollable. They do whatever they want.

Val Shadowhawk

Not anymore.


Wishful thinking. But this generations long conflict is certainly winding down bery slowly because many former belligerants are now true neutrals.

Val Shadowhawk

No not really. The proverbial handwriting on the wall says differently. The entire zionist project is in implode mode. Their infighting is loud and in plain sight for the world to see. An inevitable consequence of its criminal malfeasance and malicous machinations from its inception.


I was trying to be polite, but what I was really thinking was that you’re voluntarily delusional.

Val Shadowhawk

The delusional one is you. Nice projection. Your condescending attitude stinks.


Not a very original rebuttal.


ahhh…finally my jewish satanic buddies showing their true face…… your true face children of satan……i´m probably in jail sooner than later cause my country austria is totally jewish dominated….todays newspapers in austria read “Terror organization rains rockets down on israels peacfull population”…… yeah satans children…disgusting……..and lies..loads of lies…just as jesus said..” you do your fathers work…he was a liar all along….thats satans work” in the article it reads ” hamas rockets rain down on tel aviv”……..satans children..thats what jews are.and i aint playing ball with this bullshit excuse of..”no its not the jews, its the zonists” take that fairytale and shove up your ass…
One cannot be a zionist without being a jew and believing in the talmud “all non jews are gojim, all non jewish women are whores”……zionism was invented by the jews, to take the pressure of them satanic assholes….just as the phrase” money doesnt make u happy, it aint everything” oyeah…thats so that the stupid poor can look in the mirror each day and tell their poor kids, “hey i know we cant heat the apartment, i know we cant by fruits, but hey kid money aint everything”
Total brainwash for the human population on so many topics, including jews and their satanic religion, money/wealth, history,geography etc… its so insane for a country(it really isnt but that would make things more complicated here and now) like the united states of america to give other countries lectures on human rights, mindboggling…what about the native indians?what about the brutal satanic slave industry for centuries in the us? unbelievable the people, i guess all are busy watching jew mind control hollywood movies, snorting cocaine and shooting their own kids at school or whatever these stupid moral degenerate people over there do.peace love and harmony

Hard Hawk

intelligent people dont go to jail and know when to speak, where to act and when to do so. Fighting back does not happen with words, or in a self destructive way.


Zionists aren’t Jewish, quite the opposite, zionism is a secular, fascist and antisemite ideology. It’s a sign of their moral bankruptcy that they pose as Jews and revile the real ones, who gob on them for the apostates they are.

Val Shadowhawk

It’s called ‘the jewish State’. That in and of itself says it all.


No, the nazis called themselves National Socialists, the Soviets the International Socialists and the Americans called themselves democratic, didn’t make it so. There’s nothing Jewish about the fascist mountebanks who control Palestine. Compare what they do with the Old Testament, there’s no comparison.

Val Shadowhawk

The Rothschilds aka Bauerberg. They are jewish. Supreme zionists. You need to do a bit more research.


Judaism is the opposite of zionism; real Jews walk the walk, frauds talk the talk of zionism and take American Ceasar’s dirty money, just like the Ukrainian collaborators took nazi money. Name one zionist who has condemned the US state for conniving with Ukrainian nazis, fascists and antisemites.

Val Shadowhawk

Zionisn is Judaism. Get ypur facts straigjt.


You are an idiot, or a liar. Zionism, is politics.

Val Shadowhawk

It is clear, you don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about here regarding Zionism. It is much more than ‘Political Ideology’. It is jewish supremacism. Same as Communism. It is spawned by jews of the supremacist slant, for world domination. Get it right, and stop ad hoc, repeating regurgitated jewish bullshit.


Antisemite fuckhead.


you babble your opinion, as if it means something other than bullshit :P

I see you…a paranoid, high strung conspiracy theorist. Then you provide more irrelevant opinionated bunk.

Judaism is religion, Zionism is politics.

Christianity is religion, Neo conservatism is politics.

we see you. And I will tell you right now, you are way out of your league.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

☛ Newsweek: “A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980, p. 19.


Take your head out of your arse and learn to spell, HaSSbara.


You babble in circles. Meaningless drivel. Money power rules dimwit, and it has no religion, no creed, no color….Just greed and envy.

Val Shadowhawk

Read and learn something.


it says nothing. America is called the land of democracy and freedom. And that is the same kind of bullshit.

It says it all to you, because you are driven by BIAS and beLIEf.

Val Shadowhawk

Idiot. Facts stare you right in the face and you deny it. I detect hasbara in your baseless replies. More palpable than the the nose on your face.


You start with ad hom, because you are clever enough to know you have jack shit to say factually speaking. You babble prejudice and ignorance and hate.

Then you call me, a 4th generation Canadian, of British, Scottish stock, as “hasbara”, because you are too damn stupid to think, and that is the only explanation that comes to your cleverly manipulated pseudo brain when you are confronted by facts, logic, and reason.

Its called cognitive dissonance. The feeling you got when confronted with the logic and the fact. And that is why you babbled ad hom. at me.

You brought no fact, you brought speculative ignorance, fallacy, historical babble, and nothing much more.

truth hurts huh dimwit….


If I want to know what someone thinks, I ask them, I do not go to someone who babbles the same kind of buLlshit that I want to beLIEve.

Declaration and Call for Peace To our Palestinian Neighbors –

Peace be upon you and G-d’s mercy and blessings be upon you With the founding of the State of Israel came the widespread misconception that there is a connection between nationalistic Zionism and the Jewish People. As the torch-bearers of uncompromised Jewish heritage and tradition, we find it opportune to reach out to you and clarify the following matters.

A. As one of the foundations of Judaism, Jews are obliged to be loyal to the governments under which they find shelter, and to live peacefully with their neighbors in every country where they may be dispersed. The Torah teaches us to live peacefully, “The ways of the Torah are pleasant and all its paths [call for] peace.” Accordingly, for close to two thousand years, Jews have lived this way in every country in the Diaspora.

B. Therefore, the relationship between the Arab and Jewish nations has always been one of peace and fraternity; friendship reigned between both nations at all times. In fact, for hundreds of years, hundreds of thousands of Jews lived in almost every Arab country with mutual respect and honor. Even the Jews who continued to reside in the Holy Land for generations lived with friendship and brotherliness with the Palestinians. They engaged in business together, they helped each other, and they even attended each other’s celebrations.

C. About one hundred years ago, the idea of Zionism was tragically conceived. Its malicious intent: to turn authentic Torah Judaism into a new-fangled culture of nationalism and rebellion, directly contradicting the Torah. Immediately upon its founding, Jewish leaders and rabbis protested forcefully against its ideas.

D. With incredible chutzpah, Zionists added insult to injury by effectively “stealing” the identity of the Jewish People. They continually declared themselves as representatives of the Jewish Nation, when the opposite is true. Judaism is a religion which is guided by the Torah, as opposed to Zionism which is a political movement that contradicts the Torah. Leaders and/or supporters of Zionism do not represent Judaism and/or the Jewish People under any circumstance.

E. Zionism is the greatest tragedy that has struck the Jewish People. We have suffered most from Zionism because it exploits innocent Jews as cannon-fodder to advance its agendas. Zionist groups and organizations even neglected to rescue Jews during the Holocaust in their hopes of promoting the country’s independence through increased Jewish holocaust fatalities. Unfortunately, the confusion between “Judaism” and “Zionism” resulted in the loss of lives and livelihoods of so many Jews who had prospered in Arabic countries for generations. And the Holy Land, where Jews and Arabs had lived so peacefully that they would babysit each other’s children, has turned into a minefield of hatred and conflict.

F. Orthodox Jewry has declared, and continues to declare, that Zionists do not represent the Jewish People. Therefore, the statements of Zionist leaders and spokespeople, their declarations, and their actions do not have any connection to the Jewish People. Unfortunately, we hardly have a platform from which to voice the truth, as it is strangled and silenced by the Zionist leadership.

G. Recently, the Temple Mount issue has created quite a storm. We wish to clarify as follows: a. Since the destruction of the Temple, Jews have been forbidden to set foot on the Temple Mount. The status quo of Judaism for the past two thousand years has been to completely prohibit ascending the Temple Mount. This prohibition was reiterated this year by every authentic Jewish Rabbi and Rabbinical Court without exception. b. Specifically in these times, when ascending the Temple Mount results in conflict, we are forbidden from setting foot on the Temple Mount per another commandment of the Torah, which obliges us to behave in pleasant, peaceful ways.

H. Orthodox Jews have recently exerted much effort in holding back individuals who planned to ascend the Temple Mount. To a great extent, they were successful, and many Jews who visited the Temple Mount in the past have ceased this practice. The hope is to continue keeping people away from the Temple Mount as much as possible. I. We stretch our hands out to you in peace, and we once again declare that we wish to live with friendship and fraternity with our Arabic neighbors and the Palestinians as we did in the past. We pray to G-d that we may reach a peaceful agreement with mutual understanding, without any loss of human lives – neither Palestinian or Jewish – at all. Every human casualty is a tragedy. Every human being was created by G-d, and the Torah commands us to treat him or her with respect, without regard to his or her nationality, type, or background. We hope and pray for the day when the entire world will recognize G-d’s Kingdom. This conflict will end. When the dust settles, peace will reign. At that time, whoever had promoted peace and friendship will be rewarded by G-d. “G-d has not found another vessel for blessing but peace.” True Torah Jews

For more information about Jews opposing Zionism:


its called the Jewish state, by the Zionists. Just like the rich call America the land of freedom. Dimwit. Doesn’t make it so.

It saysit all to you, because you are prejudiced, and ignorant, and full of irrational hate.

S Melanson

Excuse the late reply but your post caught my eye. Few people seem to realize the significance of Israel referring to itself as a Jewish State, and indeed it does speak volumes.

Val Shadowhawk

That is quite alright. We have some things in common. Yes, ‘israel’ and its supremscist jewish overlords have been causing misery and undue suffering all over our planet for the past century. Time to get rid of them.

S Melanson

Agreed and let us hope the world can soon be rid of this tumour. Keep up the good fight :)

Val Shadowhawk

And indeed, it will come to pass, as we make it so. A huge consciousness shift, away from tyranny, manipulation of our psyches and mass crimes against humanity, committed by delusional dregs, misfits and cretins posing as ‘leaders’. These maggots would not make a good welcome mat. They are worthless parasites. Blood sucking ticks.


“One cannot be a zionist without being a jew”

You are a liar, or an idiot. And you rant irrelevant hate on Jews for the results of politics.

Joe Dirt

IDF going to work.


As long as their is no voice from all world Muslim nations and of their leaderships in favour of Palestinian nation then this massacre of Palestinians will be continue until Israeli migrants occupy whole land of Palestine.

This is a great sin that one side they praying five times and keep whole month of ramadan fasting, performing haj and umra but other side they are ignorent towards poor nations of this world.

As long as all world Muslims don’t change their attitude towards oppressed poor nations then the poor nations would never ever rescused from oppressors for better life.

You can call me Al

On this one I agree with you – whether it be Palestine, The Yemen, The Lebanon or elsewhere, the Muslim World is no longer a united front; they have been divided from united by external influences and greed.


Their prayers would not be accepted to God due to ignorance toward poor nations. This is just wastage of time and their next generations will spit on their graves due to their ignorance and blunders.


prayers are what keep them submissive to their masters.

Kenneth Hammond

Netanyahu continues on his killing spree as a cover for his corruption.


Lose the TDS.


Idf child killers practicing on defenceless civilians,probably frustrated with the turn of events in SYRIA, they must keep up the charade of brave,determined fighting men when in fact they are only sneaky cowards,who want the stupid Americans to fight and die for them in their crazy quest to take over the middle east.The Synagogue of Satan, at its best.


The incredibly poor and short-sighted leaders of israel constantly paint themselves into corners, and to distract attention from their self-inflicted embarrassment they launch airstrikes against someone. Anyone. Bibi lives now permanently with an egg on his face.

You can call me Al

Agreed, like the USA, their inane, BS reasoning for their actions is now ignored and the people can see their true identity now = insane, greedy bastards.


To be honest there are many evil powers in this world who enjoying to keep poor nations oppressed. May God protect all humanity from these evil powers.

You can call me Al

Where exactly do you come from Rob ?.


How is that relevant ? He never said anything wrong.. He just never got it all right. Yet you lot attack him.

He said — “Who have invaded Japan by nukes, Vietnam, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine, Georgia, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia etc. Who’s military and terrorist training bases are there”


Only thing he messed up, was not dating his comment.

“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.”
? Zbigniew Brzezinski

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!”
John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.

You can call me Al

It has no relevance to you at all, I asked Rob.


you asked Rob what is irrelevant bunk. Hoping to find prejudice you can use to dismiss the FACT he speaks of.

And then you ignore the fact that he was quite correct, wherever he is from.


You are incorrect blaming nations or even people Rob. It goes deeper than that. Nations are owned by money power. Everyone is owned, by money = debt = slavery. Nation or not.

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this world would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.”

Sir Josiah Stamp, President of the Bank of England in the 1920s, the second richest man in


The corrupt socio economic paradigm we have nurtures the infrastructure for terror, domination, and totalitarianism we are all subject to on this planet.. Most are just too blind or FEARFUL to see it.


Like me and you everybody wakeup and move away from the football and video games and hollywood movies and start to know about other people in this world that how they pass their time under oppressions then this world can become a better, prosper and developed and then we can think to explore new worlds and new civilizations that waiting for us, otherwise many generations will pass without to know that who we are.


If there were no English man in this world then there would be no war in this world. I have studied most of the previous and current wars of this world. 90% wars made by English man by using disinformation, deception and lie.

You can call me Al

Sometimes, you do say the most stupid things. Maybe you had forgotten the empires before the British Empire, maybe you believe the conspiracy that the local Kings and Queens asked the Vikings, Normans, Romans to invade us.

You manipulate time, to fit your wanted view. Now, be off with you.


My friend why you are afraid in this I am also included. There are more than 60% English men and women that want to destroy humanity. Why you are not agree with me?

neil barron

You fit in the Stormer pamphlet rather in the true world of conflict Nazi idiot.

You can call me Al

If you limit it to a time frame, fine.

or did we kill the dinosaurs as well ?.


Dinosaurs were exists on earth before giants and human came to this world after giants.


butthurt is what I see.

You can call me Al

Logical and factual is what I know. Cheerio.


Yes, butt-hurt was the logical and factual conclusion.

You can call me Al

Oh I see. I will come back on Fluoridisation tomorrow night, when I change computer; but I still say it can be beneficial if correctly dosed.


Dosed HOW? Are you saying drinking fluoride is beneficial in the right dosage then ?


Fluoride Is Not a Nutrient.


Not a Single “Randomized Controlled Trial” Has Ever Proven Fluoridation Works.


Fluoride Works Topically, Not Systemically.

“the major anticaries benefit of fluoride is topical and not systemic.”
SOURCE: National Research Council. (2006). Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. p 16.




The United States, which fluoridates over 70% of its water supplies, has more people drinking fluoridated water than the rest of the world combined.


No one has the right to drugs us absent consent, let alone drug us with harmful chemicals, especially when the harmful chemicals dont do what YOU tell us they do.

FACT 7. The union representing the scientists at the EPA reject water fluoridation as dangerous, and ineffective. All 1500 of them.While so do thousands of others.

I can’t wait to hear what you got.

I have links for hundreds of INTERNATIONALLY sourced research papers, showing harm from systemic consumption of fluoride. Even at levels the herd drinks.

Maybe its our American exceptionalism huh. Makes us immune to the geno toxic, mutagenic, EPA designated class 4 neuro toxin called fluoride.


Not sure he is stupid. His reflection is accurate based on the last 100 years. English speaking folks have been the mass murderers of the last 2 centuries.

You can call me Al

I didn’t say he was stupid, I said it quite clearly, that sometimes he said some stupid things.

Also you, yourself stipulate a time frame, Rob doesn’t……. look…….

“If there were no English man in this world then there would be no war in this world. I have studied most of the previous and current wars of this world. 90% wars made by English man by using disinformation, deception and lie.”


More correct than not….English ruled the planet for centuries….Americans for a century. I think any previous historical difference is quite irrelevant no ?

Here is what I think, white folks dont like being called out :P All of us calling Muslims “terrorists and monsters” while we do the terrorizing and monstering.

Two white guys recently went into an Indian restaurant in Canada, and blew up a bomb. Newspapers do not even mention terrorism, while the police deny any terrorist behavior on the part of these WHITE terrorists. Cold as ice they were, according to the video.

While a brown skinned man, just a few weeks earlier, goes nutz and drives over a whole bunch of people on yonge st. White, black, christian, Muslim, and yet they label HIM as a terrorist..

And then tries to commit “suicide by police” by pretending to have a gun. Clearly suffering mental issues.

white folks want to pretend, we are the fix rather than the problem. Truth is clearly , at least partially, otherwise.


You clearly American and have never graduated college and do no research whatsoever. Ever hear of the African World War? The two Russian Civil Wars? 5 out of 10 of the world’s bloodiest wars were Chinese on Chinese. Anglophone presence was also non-existant in Armenia, Georgia, and Kashmir wars. You simply read American news and see US influence everywhere, but news agencies and the average reader focus’ on things that concern them directly.


why I am saying if there were no English man in this world then there would be no war in this world. I have studied most of the previous and current wars of this world. 90% wars made by English man by using disinformation, deception and lie. More than 60% English men and women like oppression of poor unarmed nations.

See the history of Red Indians, Palestinians etc. UK have occupied Palestine but now see where is Palestine colony. UK have occupied hundred tribes in America now see were are those tribes colonies that UK have occupied. These all gone by genocide. Sorry to say this.

Who have invaded Japan by nukes, Vietnam, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Ukraine, Georgia, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia etc. Who’s military and terrorist training bases are there. Look this is against humanity. This is evil and demon action against humanity.


“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.”
? Zbigniew Brzezinski

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .

“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!”
John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.

There will always be war, with inequality. Has nothing to do with what we speak.


Thanks for great information.


Are you speaking to me or some sort of audience? Because any lay person can see through such obvious historical revisionism, so clearly you are not trying to pursuade me.


please tell me what you think he is trying to persuade you to think. Because I am not sure..Fact is, any war in recent history is incipient of rich white men who want more than money.


Like… you?


I thought so…avoid the challenge, resort to babble…


Zionists just love to kill, even as much as Americans do.


Dr. I.M. Rabinovitch, one-time professor at McGill University, wrote in 1974 that:

“Political Zionism teaches Dual Loyalty and, in this dual loyalty, when the occasion arises, greater loyalty to the State of Israel than to the country of one’s birth or adoption. Political Zionism is thus not consistent with good citizenship, but has in it most fertile seeds for proliferation of anti-Semitism…”