A picture taken from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights shows smoke billowing from the Syrian side of the border on June 26, 2017. (Photo by AFP)
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) struck a Syrian Army position in the Golan Heights after a projectile allegedly fired from Syria landed in the area occupied by the IDF.
According to Syrian sources, the attack was carried out by an Israeli warplane and targeted a hill in the village of Khan Arnabeh in the southwestern Syrian province of Quneitra.
The IDF is not involved in the internal fighting in Syria, however, it will continue to implement the 1974 Separation of Forces Agreement that includes maintaining the buffer zone
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 6 July 2018
The attack came amid repeated Israeli claims that the Syrian military is about to violate or is already violating the buffer zone between Israel and Syria establsihed under the 1974 agreement. Using this as a pretext, Israeli officials threatened Syria with military strikes.
The blamed it on a mortar fired by their own proxies they blame everything on SAA but they are the ones violating the 1974 agreement typical Weakness of these fascist Bolshevik inbreds.
is this “fascist bolshevik” a new term of your stupidity?
It seems English comprehension is yours
Well let’s look at the numbers of lone soldiers in the IDF well over 50% so you have the tossed out anarchist bolsheviks of Europe with Fascist democrats in Israel and what mix that is. Seems about correct from my standpoint!
The zionists are never actually struck by an errant shell. It’s always a lie. They dont even need to lie given the western media will lie for them. But old habits die hard.
Yes the old phrase used is they yell “stop hitting me” while they beat you with a stick , take it away and they run away screaming it louder”.
Way too easy an end for him, he needs to suffer, for a long time.
Their really needs to be a brand new “social” movement across our nations and others to run high end web news, social and political information countering Zionist ambitions.
A more concerted effort to oppose and dismantle Zionism in each of our nations, and back all of the Zionist into the corner (meaning Tel Aviv) and then allow the locals in the region to make the final arrest.
Goddamned Jews. “The enemy of humankind.” (St. Paul)
How many more times, the zionist filth aren’t Jews; you can’t be Jewish and a zionist because Judaism is the opposite of zionism. Zionists murder Jews.
Russian air defenses humiliated AGAIN
The Syrians cucks will take this without retaliation as usual
They talk tough but fold every time Israel calls their bluff
They haven’t forgotten the last beating the Israelis gave them in 73
Russian air defenses simply can’t stop Israel, and they try to challenge the US?
Clown it was a StoS missile Israel humiliated by their own proxies again now that’s funny HAHAHAHAHA!! ROFLMAO!!!
Nice sarcastic name. This is Israel not the US by the way. The nation pretend that got billions each years for free. US citizens themselves weren’t as loved.
You can tell by his handle, that he is not patriotic, not white, and not an American.
Yes you are correct he is Jewish Hasbara agent they are perfidious and insidious people.
No casualties, according to Syria… so it missed its target.
you forgot the GAY part between ‘Patriotic’ and ‘White’ dude…but it’s OK we knew you were really gay anyway.
lol this is too funny, you are obviously yet another anti-American Zionist-Jewish-supremacist bigot always trying to enslave Americas to fight for your dirty Jew World Order.
I know full well you spit on the American flag you bit*h just as you spit on all Goyim.
You are already found out.
Why would Russia Air Defense be humiliated, for what reason, did Russia said that will shot or counter any Israeli attacks NO it didn’t, so what is the problem a typical_black_zio.
Russian Air Defense its the BEST IN THE WORLD. Period. Asking again Zio, why would Russia shoot Israeli jets, its not their priority Syria has its own defense and can defend its self, you talk about the US, moron, Syrian Pantsir air defense shot down 75% of the april Tomahawks that US, UK and France bitches shoot it, and now you Zio, imagine only if Russian Air defense were used, not even one miserable tomahawk to reach anywhere. Russia is helping Syria with some Air Support, that’s it, Russia has a base in Syria, and if that base came under any attack, they will shot down anything that will endanger it. If you really want to know how strong are either your Zios or your Neos let them Try brake the air-space at the Hmeimim base or tartus in Syria, or shoot any Cruise missile. If your perfect Israeli or Americans, are so fucking good, why since 2015 they didn’t attack Russian Base once one single once, even to say was a mistake or what ever, why? Hah, I see and i smell the fear from far away zio.
This southern offensive were under Russia blessing. For Israel they should be really careful since the SAA would be allowed to responds appropriately against these kinds of belligerence of theirs.
The Israelis will bomb, because that’s all they are capable of doing.
He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious(Sun Tzu)
sun tzu is idiot
Is that why he is required reading at West Point?
Because the US has achieved so many military objectives of late?!
Good point, providing a spurious academic imprimatur doesn’t half help ignoramuses feel justified when they start massacring people.
Because the soldiers are not applying what they are supposed to have learned from Sun Tzu. They have read, but not understood therefore not absorbed.
in west point do not teach such bullshits
you can check this, if you wite an e-mail to their library.
You keep confirming your ignorance and stupidity.
Sun Tzu achieved a hell of a lot more than you ever achieved Gandalf the Gay.
What is your claim to fame? Fapped to gay porn and cum 10 times in a day?
gay is your father, therefore you real father is the jewis salesman from neighbour city. :DDDD
Childish dribble, a hasbara trademark.
Write me the list of famous conquerors, who followed thiese idiot theories.
Jenghis khan, Napoleon, ALexandros Megas, Shaka, Xerxes, Kambines, all chinese emoperors did just the opposite what are in sub tzus book.
Really? What is your source?
Check their politics, tactics.
They took fortresses, cities by force. Never allowed to remove of enemy. This is one important example. You can run through sun thzus points and you will see, how stupid suggestions are they.
That’s not a source, you obviously don’t have and just keep shooting your crap.
Russia covers a small portion of Syria, while Israel the rest, there is anyone who didn’t expect a new strike? Must be painful for the Syrian soldiers that are sent to southern part of the country, knowing they will be bombed at any time.
All the jihadists need to do is to fire a projectile to the buffer zone, causing no damage whatsoever, and Israel uses that as an excuse to fire at actual military targets. A proportional response would be to fire a missile to a patch of dirt. A call for help from the jihadists, and israel is always happy to oblige. They are ridiculous.
just as i wrote before…..them satanic jews will never without a fight let SAA liberate quinetra area….the so called demilitarized zone/buffer zone that the israelis always mention is the “retreating area” for them terrorists…thats where israeli ambulances pick them up and bring them to israeli hospitals, rearm,regroup,reorganize, and where also israeli field hospitals are for minor injuries.
this will be very interesting how russia will behave once the SAA starts its operations to free that area, and israel engages SAA…….not very much i suspect…so sooner or later SAA with its allies of hezbollah will have to show that they will not, and cannot take the constant bombardment of its villages,towns and soldiers by them satanic jews without a price that has to be payed.Otherwise this will be a never ending story just like the last 70 years, where israel acts with TOTAL 100% impunity when it attacks its neighbors on false accusations and fabricated lies.
as far as this 1974 agreement is concearned….what a bad fucking typical jewish joke…1..never ever have jews kept promises or agreements…2.after 7 years of arming,organizing various jihadi groups to kill off a neighboring country, this nonsense of keeping the 1974 agreement in place is typical satanic jewish bullshit.After what the jews did in syria all bets are off….and by the way…golan heights are internationally recognized SYRIAN TERRITORY…thats israels “achilles”…thats why the last SAA attack on israel was against targets in the golan heights…..so that israel and its slaves be it usa,gb,germany,france, cannot use the legal term of “israel was attacked”…which they did not although SAA fired over 50 missiles…because by int.law the golan heights are syrian territory occupied by israel.
My best quess will be that SAA will sooner or later fire off another barrage of missiles at israeli targets at the golan.
Please benny, do something stupid… You will instantly unite the arab world against you and it will be all over for you and the handful of stupid arabs you have left…
He’s too smart for that.
There may be another reason for this retaliatory strike, there have been a few reports that claim that Hezbollah fighters have become involved in the fighting here, and the fact they haven’t left these areas, as per the agreement between Assad and the Israelis, would make that possibility highly likely. The Israelis stopped making a big deal out of the 60km exclusion zone they wanted to enforce on Hezbollah, but they’ve never agreed to them participating in the actual fighting. This could prove to be a problem for the SAA, if it’s actually Hezbollah’s participation in the fighting that’s actually stirring up the Israelis, [as the reports claim]. It’s been smooth sailing so far and we don’t want to rock the boat just yet, the rebels gaining Israeli air and ground support would do more than rock Assad’s boat, it would sink his ship, and I for one don’t want to see that happening.
Excuses, excuses; this is yet another terrorist attack by the terrorists par excellence.
If Israel goes rouge, and it hasn’t yet, the US coalition will also join the party, and then all the gains we’ve just seen in Daraa, will be reversed as quickly as they were made. And with coalition air support, do you think the rebels would stop at that, I don’t, I think it’s too sad to even contemplate.
ATM we have about 45,000 SAA attacking less than 10,000 anti reconciliation rebels, from the FSA, HTS, 2 anti Assad Druze militias, and a few other Arab militias. But we also have 50,000 pro reconciliation SFA fighters just standing back watching the fighting, if the US and Israel were to assist the rebels now fighting the SAA, I can’t imagine the others that aren’t fighting, not joining in too. Then this cakewalk of an operation, that’s gone so magnificently so far, would quickly turn into a bloodbath, but it’d be a bloodbath for the SAA, not the rebels, that’s a nightmare.
At the moment the Israelis are acting nearly Angelic compared to their normal behaviour, the smooth operation in Daraa so far is the result of it. They do have an agreement with Assad and Putin after all, and so far they’ve stuck to their part of it, [believe it or not], and it’s actually Assad who isn’t keeping his side of the bargain, twice now if the reports of Hezbollah joining the fighting are correct. Personally I think Assad should avoid antagonizing them further [if that’s the case], and get on with regaining the southern territories, when he’s finished doing that, things will be totally different. Better sites to place Assad’s AA systems and radars for one.
If Putin had any balls at all, Assad could’ve told the Israelis to stick their unreasonable demands where the sun don’t shine, but Putin doesn’t have any, so Assad HAD to play ball with them, UNFORTUNALELY.
My ancestors destroyed Israel 2000 years ago, and now it only exists in the minds of delusional Zionist’s, just in case you think I’m pro Israel. Cheers.
Excuses excuses, if the zionist antisemites commit terrorist atrocities, they should be treated like terrorists.
Fucking nazi bastards
Nonscense like this is just wasted space, you know how many hundreds of Nazis were killed by Jewish/Zionist vigilantes?
Fucking nazi apologist. Vigilantes do the same job as the SA you ignorant peasant.
That’s a pretty arrogant thing to say.
No, you asked for it.
Your relationships don’t last very long, do they?
Not with nazis.
Syria has been warned on numerous occasions, now stop whining.
The Israelis say they don’t care who wins the civil war as long as it doesn’t bite into their borders.
death for IL
Are you volunteering for the fight against them?
And yet you’d probably wouldn’t fight them even if you did enlist.
gove me a nike waerhaed and i am going on tel aviv.
And now you’re inciting terrorism/genocide…
nuke attack is normal war action.
btw., genocide is what you do in hebron. i read the blogs of former idf members, who are ashemd with nazi ideology of idf.
israel delenda est!
You know way better than this.
Yes. ME Union.
Stupid Israelis. This is war time and Syrians have right to clean up their side of the Golan Heights from terrorists as well as any Israeli soldiers.
Wait when SAA has done the job on the Terrorists then SAA with allies will take back Golan .