Israeli Forces Shell Hamas Positions In Response To Rocket Launched From Gaza Strip

Israeli Forces Shell Hamas Positions In Response To Rocket Launched From Gaza Strip

Merkava Mk.4 Main Battle Tank. Photo by Michael Mass.

On December 11, a rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip on targets in southern Israel, according to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The IDF said that the target of the rocket was not identified.  In response, an IDF battle tank and the Israeli Air Force conducted strikes on positions of the Hamas movement in southern Gaza.

This was the fourth incident between Israeli forces and Palestinian groups in the area of Gaza in the last few days.

On December 7, the Palestinian armed group al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades fired several rockets on Israeli settlements north of Gaza. In response, an IDF battle tank and warplanes struck two posts in Gaza.

On December 8, al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades shelled Israeli settlements in the same area. The Israeli anti-rocket system Iron Dome successfully intercepted the rocket, according to the IDF. Israeli warplanes bombed an alleged Hamas training compound and a warehouse in Gaza.

On December 10, the IDF said that it discovered and demolished a tunnel under the Israeli territory east of the Gaza Strip.

All these developments came amid the continued protests against Israel across the region. The Israeli-Arab tensions once again sparked in the region on December 6 after the US president announced his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s true capital and to move the US embassy there. 

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Jerry Hamilton

We all expected this. They will make it escalate.


Quienes son los agresores, quienes se defienden de la ocupación, o quienes ocupan y expulsan a todo un pueblo de sus tierras?? Israelíes, no vais a adoctrinar a nadie con vuestro discurso del miedo y del victimismo, pues vosotros sois quienes habéis provocado cientos de miles de victimas


Target not identified, means no civilian was killed. I remember back some years when the IDF invaded the Gaza strip, the Zionist used the same reason but bigger. “A storm of rockets came from Gaza”, yet not a single Jewish citizen was killed before the IDF invaded Gaza killing 2000+ Gaza civilians including +200 children.


Good job, IDF: Instant, well targeted response to the aggression.


Any decision in favor of Israhell that is mean for peace according to Israhell but any decision against Israhell is against peace. So Israhell took Palestinian whole land that is for peace. Israhell butchering Palestinian children for peace. Israhell taking Jeruslam for peace. Israhell doing terrorist attacks on Syria and Palestine and supporting ISIS and Al-Qaeda global terrorist groups in Syria for peace. Israhell attacked on American Liberty ship for peace. Israhell killed thousands of American in Iraq for peace. When killer kill you that is for peace.


Yes, the Jews are lying.


All leaders of Muslim countries should have to become friends of Russia, China and Iran otherwise they gone, when they are united then they are safe and can develop. They should not trust in America and Israhell as a friend. Both are high degree deceiver. They are not friends they are foes.

Palestinian nation is a mixture of Muslims, Christians, and Jews. They all are united and wants freedom from Israhell. The Muslims are in majority then the second number is of Christians and Jews are in minority. They all want freedom from Israhell because Israhell are vicious brutal beasts that harassing torturing and killing Palestinians and taking their properties. Jews say that Israhell have hijacked our religion.


The US decision to announce Jerusalem (Al-Quds) the capital of the Zionist entity and move the US embassy there is a ‘blatant aggression’ against Palestinians.


Lets say they killed 20. The Gaza strip births that many replacements in an hour or so.


In that you are correct. Free abortions?


I think that Trump figured out that he’s incapable of closing a peace deal without pressuring the Israelis into accepting something that would be acceptable to the Palestinians. And that he threw the Palestinians under the bus to try to get the Jews off his back domestically who’ve been fighting him every step of the way since before he got elected and who are trying to get him out of office and replaced with an Israel first puppet rather than an America First president who is going against so much of their agenda on other issues.

The claims that most Americans support the embassy move are false from the research that I’ve done:

“Majority of Americans oppose moving embassy to Jerusalem …

According to a new poll conducted by the University of Maryland, The Middle East and Russia: American attitudes on Trump’s foreign policy, found that a strong majority of Americans (63 percent), including 44 percent of Republicans oppose moving the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.”

– Over 40% Of Americans Back Sanctions on Israel –

– overwhelming support from US public to allow UN establishment of Palestinian state –

– 81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel –


The embassy move looks like a bait and switch to me. The verbal and signed US presidential proclamation on moving the embassy to Jerusalem contradicts the stipulations of the embassy act. The act stipulates that moving the embassy is recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capitol of Israel:

“(1) Jerusalem should remain an undivided city in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected.
(2) Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel”

Which is in conflict with the President’s speech, statements made by administration officials, and the signing statement that reads:

“We are not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders.”

As well as being in conflict with UN Resolution 2334 that stipulates that east Jerusalem is not part of Israel, and other UN resolutions. Implementing the embassy act and moving the embassy to Jerusalem is extending US diplomatic recognition to all of Jerusalem as being part of Israel. The President’s signed proclamation stating otherwise in my opinion is erroneous and doesn’t change the law or the effect of it’s implementation in terms of US diplomatic recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capitol of Israel.


This is from an official White House statement:

“Speaker Of The House Paul Ryan (R-WI): “This is a day that is long overdue. Jerusalem has been, and always will be, the eternal, undivided capital of the State of Israel. …

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS): … Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided home of the Jewish people. …

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): … AIPAC has always supported American recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s undivided capital city”

There are dozens of endorsements in this press release from the “The White House
Office of the Press Secretary”. They all refer to Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel or the undivided capitol of Israel. There isn’t a single mention of west Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel. The 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act also refers to Jerusalem as the undivided capitol of Israel. It’s clear that the intention of the US and Israeli governments is to make Jerusalem the undivided capitol of Israel. Any statements about borders, etc. is simply a ruse and bait and switch to divert attention from what the law says and what the US and Israeli governments are trying to accomplish.


Hope Israel wipes out Hamas. The world is better off without terrorists like Hamas and the like.