Israeli Border Police Officer Killed, Ten Wounded In Shooting Attack (18+ Videos)

Israeli Border Police Officer Killed, Ten Wounded In Shooting Attack (18+ Videos)

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An Israeli Border Police officer was killed and at least ten other people were wounded in a shooting attack at the Beersheba bus station on October 6.

A gunman stormed into a McDonald’s in the southern city’s central bus station and opened fire on those inside, including 19-year-old Sergeant Shira Suslik who was fatally wounded.

The gunman, who was reportedly killed at the scene by Israeli soldiers, was identified by Hebrew media as Ahmad al-Uqbi, 29, an Israeli citizen from the unrecognized Bedouin village of Uqbi. Police said that they were investigating whether the attack involved both stabbing and gunfire by the gunman.

Israel’s Magen David Adom ambulance service said that ten people were wounded in the attack and taken for treatment to the Soroka Medical Center. The casualties included a woman in serious condition and four men in moderate condition, all of whom sustained gunshot wounds.

Another five were listed in good condition after being hit by glass shards or blunt trauma, while three others were treated for acute anxiety, according to the service.

The deadly attack in Beersheba came just three days after a rare Israeli airstrike hit the Tulkarem refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank, killing at least 20 Palestinains, including members of the Hamas Movement and the Islamic Jihad.

Two days before the deadly airstrike, seven Israelis were killed and 17 others were wounded as a result of a shooting attack in the central city of Tel Aviv that was claimed by Hamas. Israeli security forces killed two gunmen who carried out the attack.

The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 41,000 Palestinians, led to an increase of violence within Israel and in the West Bank.

Since the start of the war, at least 47 people, including Israeli soldiers and police officers, have been killed in attacks in Israel and the West Bank. During the same period, around 716 Palestinians were killed and over 5,250 others were arrested in the West Bank.


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zionist monsters need to ne neutralized for the world to be able to breathe.


we will have no peace as long as the israeli cancer exists. it needs ablation


pharoah pharoah let it go sunshine.


but hamas hate assad they will attack assad army

It Is Always Funny..

.. watching kikes run for their lives.

god bless the shooter


you can remember saying that soon enough.


haha there’s the real number of numbskull lame brains bs who hate the truth . the total readershits


wtf are you trying to say? learn the language if you want to insult. otherwise it makes you look like the dumb khazar bunker hoe you obviously are.


typical stance of one of soros payroll trollopes that he publicly vowed to flood social media with for wef. the nazi stance.


how curious art thou magical votes so trabsparent like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle.

Peter Roberts

the zionist media are already distoring the truth, they describe a 25 year old female being shot and avoid pointing out how many zionist idf ran and hid in the toilet room in mcdonalds. the female for the record was in military clothing and armed.


yep they try to pass their female dog soldiers as humans or civilians


reduced to dancing tiktoc barbies, whores luring in fresh conscripts and perv settlers to do satan’s deeds…


is that klaus barbie dolls you mean

Jewish pimp

that is good frase ‘whores lures’.


zio female torturers and concentration camp guards are magically transformed into innocent little girls when they themselves become victims. why are all their “sergeants” aged 19, captains 20, majors 21 and colonels 22? do they all start at 12 and get a free promotion once a year? i was in the army for years without being promoted. i should have joined the zio army. i could have joined at 18 and been a field marshal by 25. weird.


but then again maybe not. i was never very good at tik tok dancing or killing kiddies.


if you were a homosexual like me you would have been promoted. licking peniz got me where i am today.


a mouthful?


no stomach for the army eh? too dumb to know that’s what they do?


you said. ” i was in the army for years without being promoted” that sounds about right given you capacity for reason whichever army it was obviously recognized your lack of brains and poor education.


yes, but if i’d joined the zio army instead i could have been a field marshal within 5 years. maybe only 3-4 if i’d concentrated on my tik tok dancing.

Jewish pimp

maybe only 3.


they don’t advance dummies. you ll be forever down everywhere real.


says the loser who can’t even meet basic entry specs… loser talks tough, eats fluff…


hahaha kibosh are you the gruppenfuhrer solo writer here at silly fiction news


hahahaha and to the alleged up votes too. hahaha as if.


it seems they made a tactical withdrawal and hid in the bogs. standard tactical response of the heroic zio tik tok army.


just can’t see israel lasting beyond a couple of years from today. they created no many enemies and just not sustainable. they might go for creating another israel in manchuria like they attempted to do right after world war 2. chinese, russians and koreans dodged the bullet. imagine israel in manchuria.


they need to send all of the stupid american neocons including billy kristol to go fight for israel on the frontline … traitorous halfwits, the lot.


look look the 13 witches oven brigade


oh look pal do you think wef wants any state based on religion? have you kept up with the basics? what do they want a new world order based on multiculturalism. every state, iran and israel more than anywhere else threatens their foundations.


says the guy who wrote 15 published books on wef policy… not. the jew world order is ethno-zionist supremacy, genocide of all goy, it’s not frikken multiculturalism, it’s extermination and supremacy, you’d actually know that if you were smart enough to frikken notice, actions above words…


hahaha nice try dumbarse sorry bout bursting your arty farty buble bubby but i’ve seen the plans for the future growth and development in australia and there’s no population reduction anticipated at all dead head kibuttz.


they are getting ground down in a long war they can’t handle. talmudistan has always tried to avoid this by resorting to constant terrorism, a permanent terrorist state. but it is now locked into a long war it cannot win. one year now and no sign of this ending. it can go on like this for another 3, 5, 10, 20 years, or however long it takes until the zio state collapses. soleimani recognised this weakness and planned to exploit it. just deny them cheap and easy victories.


through its own actions it is now bogged down in a quagmire of its own making. with every further act of aggression, against lebanon, against syria, against iran, it just sinks further into the quicksand. it is falling apart economically, socially, politically, and morally. it is on a path of self destruction. and the costs to its western enablers and apologists grow greater by the day. it is trapped and swirling around in a cesspit end of its own making.


while i am sure that this comment will incur the wrath of the moronic jew haters here, here we go. i see a lot of comments saying the middle east will be peaceful if the jews or zionist or israeli’s are no longer existing in the israel became a nation in late 1940’s the middle east has been a cluster fuck of wars and turmoil since mohammad found the fallen star and conversed with satan to start his idiotic cult.


those idiotic jews or zionist monsters as you call them are standing in the way of the satanic muslims for the last century, before that it was spain or greece, bulgaria, the eastern roman empire, the crusaders from england and france, the knights templar, and so on and so on. the only consistent force for violence and evil in the area are the muslim idiots who follow satan as a false idol.


from the time of my oldest known ancestor (1320 a.d.) my family have fought to keep islamic rapists from your wives, my sons and i are proud to have deployed and fought for modernity and christianity to all over hell’s half acre to put them down and stop them from overwhelming the world the israeli are not my friend but the enemy of my enemy and that’s enough for me.


fyi hurry up and nuke kiev before trump comes back and kicks your ass again like we did in syria .


drumpf, the hardest kayfabe character in history.


you are on borrowed time and your total desperation oozes from every word. it’s delightful to witness the destruction of zionazi evil


hey retard, jews are a hundred times worse enemy to christians than muslims ever were. that’s why the crusaders also killed jews when the opportunity presented itself.

jews fomented and financed every revolution against the christian order in europe and they are busy destroying what is left of the christian west as we speak.

you are a complete fucking idiot and as well as an obvious jew troll.


fool. your so uneducated ill informed the perfect patsy.


btw dumb fuk, iraq had the largest christian population in the middle east before the neocon jew filth and their bought gentile lackeys in the us invaded and destroyed the entire country. the same goes for syria.

once again you are severely retarded

you’re probably some dipshit evangelical who thinks jews are still the ‘chosen people” and speaks in tongues at some tacky wacky megachurch…lol


jews in israel spit on priests and nuns and spit every time they pass a christian church. nice people. but christian zionist retards in the us bow down and worship israel, not god. they are idolators.


listen palsy there’s 10 commandments. you don’t even know the book obviously so just shove off with your attempts to pretend god knows you


“they in there hate christians” pope emeritus beneduct describing the vatican’s residents “they hate jesus” he also said.


no. youre the losers you’ll find out


then why not join in all the fun. you could join the zio army and have a whale of a time raping and torturing palestinians, shooting little kiddies and pregnant women, looting and defecating in people’s homes and stealing women’s underwear. think what you’re missing out on. better brush up on your tik tok dancing first though.


well your only young. nouveau. you can be forgiven


youre deceived.


if you want to fight rapists you should join hamas. rape is legal in talmudistan. rape is official policy in talmudistan. along with torture, starvation and genocide. if you join hamas you can go on a shlomo hunt and fight plenty of rapists.


from the time of my oldest known ancestor (1320 a.d.) my family have fought to keep rapists from your women. my sons and i are proud to have bent over and taken that peniz meant for women instead, as that is what is real men would do.


israel is my friend because i worship phallus.


filthy monkey kike


for the past 100 years western imperialism has been trying to hammer a square peg, the genocidal zionist terror regime, into a round hole, using brute force in heavier and heavier doses. the result has been endless conflict, which may quite easily soon morph into global war and an extinction event. the world can simply no longer afford the zio regime. the current and future costs are simply too high.


many historians theogians suggest that the vatican created mohammed really since his wealthy widow wife was an former catholic nonne


israel recognizes my same sex marriage to a mulatto. muslims would hang us both.


funny commenting using my name you fucking coward use your real name like a man not a running dog ill give you and your towel heads my address and we can meet in person


i am the last of the truly hard internet men. many have challenged me and i smote them all with tizona, my nft sword.


i know i remember you its cuckoo bird back again.


they allow that here the pro bidenite moderators


funny commenting using my name you fucking coward use your real name like a man not a running dog. you and your towel heads can come to my lgbt trailer park and meet me in person.


once again, the pubic school system in the us shines. ever hear of any wars in the last thousand years involving christian european states? thank you for your derp.

Jewish pimp

like, uhm 30 years war, 100 years war? 🤔


you could also have mentioned every single war fought by every single european state.


and if you had a brain you would know who gained

Jewish pimp

zionistic ones maybe.


ever head of the empire the sun never sets on derp, if too busy with your head in the furrows of your propaganda?


look england’s king gave the jews a lease on israel. basic facts


the crown of crown lands which the coronation crown of england is the catholic crown of edward the catholic known as eddy the confessor. the crownee is only allowed to wear it temporarily then they switch it to the state crown when the monarch actually leaves the building.


wherever the entitled khazar lurks there is evil and death. there will be no peace until the abomination is erased from the earth. it is only a question of when. the jew was always its own worst enemy.


persia invented chess. iran, china and russia play chess. america and israel play whack a mole. whack a mole is a kids game


you should give it a try then you might have a chance


rocket salvos are exploding on downtown tel aviv today, 1 year after october 7th. the world’s most invincible army of imbeciles failed yet again to defeat men with no air force and water pipe rockets

Edgar Zetar

israel will wipe out arabs from palestine. it was all pre-planned. they need to secure palestine because we are entering an age of wars, this will be a decade of wars worldwide and israel wanted to secure himself. if you are an arab living in israel you should move out or the zionist will wipe you out. the fake light religion and their masters are getting themselves out of time.


kike on krack


they don’t just want the whole of palestine. they want the whole of lebanon, jordan, syria, part of turkey, a large chunk of egypt, & huge areas of iraq & saudi arabia. even if they got away with ethnically cleansing the whole of palestine, that would only be the beginning, & that is why they will destroy themselves – they never know when to stop, they could have had peace on very favourable terms any time over the past 60 years. but they have never wanted peace.

Edgar Zetar

israel is the us empire and britain military outpost base in the middleeast. they will do what they wanted in that region, they collapsed the ottoman empire just to lay ground to create israel state in palestine and then they developed and give all their weapons including nukes. that’s why they will never let israel fall. us empire established israel and will go to the end with israel.


the demon reaps what the demon sows. palestine will be free and independent of the evil khazar virus of that there can be no doubt whatsoever as the evil entity is now hated by the overwhelming majority of people on this planet. their holy hollow co$t gimmick is no longer working, only the enslaved us and its euro vassal fund the beast. the date of total liberation from the zionazi vermin is as of yet unknown but totally unavoidable.

Just me

regimes that murder civilians…hamas kills israeli civilians in revenge for the killing of palestinian civilians. netanyahu running is a good image, because it shows what these “rulers” really are. desk criminals


zionism is finished as a tenable solution for a jewish homeland. it died on october 7th 2023. the israelis are never walking back this level of carnage again, a switch has flipped in the fatally flawed jewish psyche. the monsters of zionism will be remembered as the nazis of the 21st century, just watch. england and america are included. clinching onto zionism will be the downfall of the west. zhirinovsky also knew it.

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

zionism was finished in 1948 when the jewish supemacist state was proclaimed.