Israeli Attack On Iran Targeted Air Defense Site Near Natanz Nuclear Facility

Israeli Attack On Iran Targeted Air Defense Site Near Natanz Nuclear Facility

Illustrative image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

The April 19 Israeli attack on Iran targeted an air defense site near the top-secret Natanz nuclear facility close to the city of Isfahan, several news agencies reported.

The attack came in response to the April 13-14 Iranian missile and drone strikes on Israel, which was a retaliation to an Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital, Damascus, at the beginning of the month that claimed the lives of several senior members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Iranian media reported the interception of drones over Isfahan air base during the attack, and said that there were no casualties or losses.

Israel didn’t acknowledge the attack, neither was officially blamed for it by Iran. However, officials from the two countries as well as the United States confirmed to several news outlets that the Israeli military was responsible.

Contradicting Iran’s claims, ABC, quoting a U.S. official, reported that the attack included three missiles launched by Israeli Air Force warplanes from outside of Iranian airspace. According to the news network, the strike was “very limited.” It also said that according to an initial assessment, the strike took out the radar site, but the assessment had not yet been completed.

The ABC report did not clarify however if the missiles were used in the attack in addition to the drones earlier reported by Iran.

Another report by The New York Times also said that Israeli warplanes fired the missiles and noted that the new information suggested that the Israel strike “included more advanced firepower than initial reports indicated.”

The newspaper said that it was “not immediately clear the types of missiles used, from where they were fired, whether any were intercepted by Iran’s defenses or where they landed.”

It’s worth noting that the remains of what is believed to be the first stage of a never-seen-before Israeli air-launched, two-stages ballistic missile were found in central Iraq after the attack on Iran. Also during the attack, Israel struck several air defense sites in southern Syria, leading to speculation that Israeli warplanes launched their missiles from some area along the border between Syria, Jorda and Iraq.

Meanwhile, Fox News reported, senior U.S. military sources, that the target of the strike was a military base in Isfahan, and not the not the heavily fortified Natanz nuclear facility.

“The Israelis hit what they intended to strike,” one of the sources told Fox News, adding that there was one main target that was hit multiple times and that Iran’s Russian-made air defense system was proven ineffective.

The targets of the strike included air defense systems at the military base, which is used to protect the nearby nuclear facilities, according to Fox News. .

Israel’s message with the strike was to sell the Iranians on the idea that “we can reach out and touch you,” one of the source said.

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images taken hours after the Israeli attack also showed evidence that the radar site in Isfahan was targeted.

Despite the reports that the radar site had been destroyed, other SAR satellite images published by CNN did not appear to show any extensive damage to Iran’s Isfahan air base.

“There does not appear to be any large craters in the ground and there are no apparent destroyed buildings,” CNN said, noting that the findings needed to be confirmed by regular satellite pictures that could detect things like burn scars.

The attack on Isfahan was apparently meant to send a message to Iran that the Israeli military can strike its heavily fortified nuclear facilities.

Iran, which has played down the limited attack, will not likely respond, at least not directly against Israel. Still, tensions between the regional foes will not likely ease as long as Israel continues its war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip.


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Massa John

our anchestors have failed us all. if they had finished it 80 years ago, people like biden and netanjahu would only have appeared to receive their two pieces in the foreheads.

CEO of Yapping

i like how people claim “a probable damaged” to “significant damage”… which just means nothing.

– the new information suggested that the israel strike “included more advanced firepower than initial reports indicated.” so, iran use up to 10 years old missiles (old types) and “israel” with intel from 2 wahhabi states and full support of 4 nato countries couldn’t stop it. there is a massive different here.

CEO of Yapping

– israel’s message with the strike was to sell the iranians on the idea that “we can reach out and touch you,” one of the source said. so can iran… with their 10 years old missiles… what happened “israel”? they just pissed on themselves.

one of iran targets was the heavily protected “mossad base” in golan heights which “israel” put up a media ban after iran attack.

CEO of Yapping

there was an “israeli” strikes on pmf base in iraq… like that should give the clue how bad they failed in iran. also, pmf: “a response will be given to whoever is behind the attack on the pmf base, whoever it may be.” let me be clear the us+nato said it wasn’t them.

iranian press agency: the iranian air force will receive the first batch of russian su- 35 fighters next week. (some people were talking about iran air force, read the report if you want).

CEO of Yapping

about that report – the first batch of russian su- 35 fighters. the cradle report about it as well (it seems to be fake).

according to a military reporter for tasnim, mehdi bakhtiari, the published news about sukhoi-35s, is not true.

edit: i don’t know and i don’t care anymore – it is 50-50 lmao… some say it is next week other say it isn’t coming next week (we wait and see).

Last edited 10 months ago by CEO of Yapping
Malcolm Z

iraqi pro iran militia launched yesterday a drone attack vs israeli obda air base


la aviacion irani es inexistente por el bloqueo angloamericano alias occidental
hacerla renacer refundarla de nuevo tomara años los judios no les daran ese tiempo ni de broma

Last edited 10 months ago by SERGIO
CEO of Yapping

iran has air force and saying it is non-existent is a not smart statement. we know for sure russia selling them su-35 fighter jets – russia sent their training jets to iran like last year or so. there isn’t much that “israel” can do about it… russia made a deal with iran and they will uphold the deal they signed.

okay, go on and say what “israel” could do about russia and iran fighter jets deal now?

edit: even western msm report about iran getting su-35 next week (just saying).

Last edited 10 months ago by CEO of Yapping
CEO of Yapping

about these tweets and a whole 360 change in the news – we all know it is zionist psyops. one quest, do really think if zionists hit something in iran they would stfu about it? really… these apes that show their war crimes online lmao. also, why would they wait and attack iraq pmf…? like as if they try to save face… huh funny.


los israelies le dieron una paliza a iran por que el ataque fue real
iran ataca a israel en modo demostracion para salvar su honor mancillado
y avisando mas que argentinos antes de retomar malvinas

CEO of Yapping

please share us your source/s that shows (and give proofs) what “israel” damaged in iran.

also, let’s not act like children here, “israel” attacked iran in syria and iran like any state use their rights to attack “israel”. any country would have done what iran did.

Nuke The Planet

notice the total silence of the international atomic energy agency when israel strikes at or near a nuclear facility. almost as if this is like going for a morning coffee and a sandwich.

CEO of Yapping

like when ukraine target one of the biggest nuclear power plant in the eu? and like a child try to blame it on russia… when russia showed dead ukrainian pigs trying to attacked the nuclear power plant?

the iaea director general rafael mariano grossi went to “israel” to talk about iran nuclear program (israel that like child lie and hide their nuclear weapons)… yeah they sure aren’t used as puppets by west.


esos ataqiues a blancos rusos importantes
son cosa de la otan ucrania no tiene la autoridad para los asuntos importantes y son ejecutados por gente de la otan no por ukronazis por que si les dan un cohete bueno seguro se lo venden al mejor postor como cualquier chorro barato

CEO of Yapping

the whole ukraine military under the us (nato) that is nothing new, ukraine is a proxy force of the us.

here is the thing, ukrainians will still be hold responsible for attacking zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. remember all the things isil did in iraq and syria, we know they were supported and funded by the us and nato. even now the us openly training these terrorists in syria, but that is how proxy forces work.

Johhny Appleseed

so-called ‘senior us military sources’ told fox news that “iran’s russian-made air defense system was proven ineffective.”

in your dreams, pal….

Nohemian Chaldean

put in place. the zionist entity asylum. milking holohaux is over


iran fires off 300+/- projectiles, 99% are intercepted and the 1% that got through inflicted very minor damage to the nevatim airbase. israel fires three air-to-surface missiles and hits their intended target(s). the strike was purely symbolic but it sent a clear message to iran that israel can easily penetrate their air defense system and hit targets deep within their borders. 3 out of 3 vs 3 out of 300+? i know which horse i’m betting on!

Last edited 10 months ago by Hephaestus
Massa John

you are a troll + nothing

Massa John

that means zero (0)


“i know which horse i’m betting on!”

good for you.

the problem, of course, is the fact that you haven’t a clue the horse you want to bet on is already dead.

you no longer have permission to strike when you like at any site you choose in order to murder people who are way smarter than you could ever be.

that knowledge has got to hurt…even bullying dummies like you have to secretly know the game’s up!


just fake kyke propaganda


los rusos van a tener que venderles armas nucleares a iran como paso con bielorusia
o iran sera boleta ante la otan en medioriente alias el pobrecito israel !
la superioridad militar de los” pobrecitos judios ” es impresionante !

CEO of Yapping

iran did mentioned building a nuclear weapons (they are very close to it now)… i’m just saying, they don’t need to buy them.

also, russia stationed their nuclear weapons in belarus they didn’t sell them to belarus. like how the us station nuclear weapons in turkey, soon in south korea, etc.

the military superiority of zionist is a joke, they need 2 wahhabi states intel and 4 biggest nato powers to protect them from iran attack. edit: yeah sure it is very “impressive” somehow to you.

Last edited 10 months ago by CEO of Yapping

“israeli attack on iran targeted air defense site near natanz nuclear facility”

they may have “targeted” the air defense site near natanz nuclear facility but they missed it!

i’m sure they would have done a lot better if they had been aiming at innocent women and children.
