Israeli Army Pays Heavy Price In Gaza


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Israeli Army Pays Heavy Price In Gaza

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Israeli Army Pays Heavy Price In Gaza
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Israeli Army Pays Heavy Price In Gaza

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have sustained serious losses while advancing in the Gaza Strip as a result of the fierce resistance from the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions.

The IDF launched its ground operations October 27, advancing along al-Rasheed Street on the coast of Gaza, near the city of Beit Lahia in the northeastern part of the Strip and in Wadi Gaza, right to the south of Gaza City.

Israeli troops were met with fierce resistance from Palestinian fighters, who targeted dozens of vehicles with rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Drones, rockets and mortars were also used to target IDF gatherings inside and near Gaza.

On October 31, the IDF said that two soldiers from the 84th “Givati” Brigade were killed during clashes in Gaza.

And on November 1, the IDF admitted that 11 soldiers from the same brigade were killed after a Namer armored personnel carrier they were in was destroyed in Gaza by an ATGM.

Two other soldiers from the 77th “Oz” Armor Battalion of the 7th Armored Brigade were killed after their main battle tank was destroyed by an IED in the Strip. This battalion only operates advanced Merkava Mark 4M tanks.

On the same day, another soldier from the 749 Battalion of the “Bislamach” Brigade was killed by mortar fire on the border of Gaza.

The next day, November 2, a commander in the 7007th Battalion of the “Etzioni” Brigade was killed during clashes inside Gaza, according to the IDF.

As of November 2, IDF advance in al-Rasheed Street and near the city of Beit Lahia came to a halt as a result of the fierce Palestinian resistance.However, Israeli troops managed to expand their control in Wadi Gaza, reaching a point located just under one kilometers away from Gaza’s beach.

The IDF’s main plan appears to be to besiege then occupy the northern part of Gaza, including Gaza City. So far, Israeli troops have been advancing in fields and open areas. In order to achieve their goals, they will have to enter highly-dense urban areas where heavy human and material losses are inevitable.

Israel has already stepped up strikes on urban areas in northern Gaza in an attempt to displace remaining civilians and pave routes for its troops. More than 1,000 civilians were reportedly killed or wounded in a single strike on the Jabalia refugee camp on October 31.

The recent Israeli losses and the heavy bombardment against civilians will likely encourage Palestinian fighters in northern Gaza until death.

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you call 20+- kia soldiers “heavy losses”?


that number they admit to, plus the unknown number of us assets in gaza.


russia is acting no better than america, or israel.

renegadetribune com 10 ways russia is acting like israel

t me eternalmuscovitesschat 2046954

“un confirms that russia attacked hroza and all victims were civilians”

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

un is fully in the pockets of the u.s but nice try “eric”. 🤪


you are referring to the same un that for many years has accurately accused israel of committing war crimes with evidence to prove it.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

how is omaha trailer park—enough fentanyl poko polo?


caught on camera, traced by phone: the russian military unit that killed dozens in bucha:

archive ph ldnev

jens holm

fake news –seek taliban therapist to treat your nazi senility


are you actually getting paid to sell out your soul ? or are you just some lefty moron who thinks, not sure, but thinks he has an idea ? either way. get a clue, wake the f up moron.


direct footage proving russian atrocities:

archive org details bucha-massacre

archive org details peskov-liar_202310

John Wallace

plenty of video footage proving bucha was faked. i even saw a video where a car was driving down the street filming the bodies when in the wing mirror a body just past got up and lit a smoke. videos of interviewing the mayor after the russians left and no bodies in the street. days later bodies everywhere.

John Wallace

pt2 real bodies had the white cloth which people wore to signal they supported russia tied to their arms behind their backs. obvious ukrainians shot the russian supporters. why do you think within a couple of weeks no more was said . because it had been shown to be utter garbage, just like your made up comment.


entirely discredited by french journalist jacque baud who was there when it was a reported.. “stupidity is a virtue in amerika”. charles pierce


you’re a brainwashed dumb fuck.

holocausthandbooks com


hillbilly amerikan projecting…lol

jens holm

are you ameeikan hillbilly i like lick boots and lgbt warts


moron amerikan references fringe trash—typical amerikan hillbilly


what is this new !awaiting for approval” thing in the messages?


renegadetribune com un says israeli strikes on jabalia refugee camp could amount to war crimes

[jewish] globalists in charge of america plan on china becoming their next nwo superpower:

t me thuletide 1695

news cityoflondon gov uk city corporation puts london on the belt and road map

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

the leftists that rule over america, europe and australia utilize the exact same anti-white lies originating from the ussr, while ignoring the much more real and far larger genocides scattered throughout russian and chinese history:

odysee com/@historyreviewed:7 guilt tripping canadians and americans over first nations and history-p11-1-p07:3

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

desperate poko molo hillbilly senile discarded retired janitor bitter loser


t me thuletide 1695

(1) chinese communist party founded by jewish bolsheviks, (2) china the biggest investor in israel, (3) chinese 2nd in command prays for the reconstruction of solomon’s temple, (4) china working with the un to implement agenda 21 worldwide, (5) china building agenda 21 smart cities via belt and road imperialism using israel technology, (6) china praised by rockefellers and rothschilds, (7) china is welcoming to jewish international finance.


childishly insisting i am wrong is never proof i am wrong. if you cannot prove me wrong, i am not wrong. you are wrong since you irrationally believe you are “right” without proof to refute my claims
i rationally prove correct.

if russia & china weren’t on the globalists side, they wouldn’t join the wef, they wouldn’t go along with covid-19 nonsense that still goes on in china, they would not cover for jewish supremacists, they’d stop preserving holohoax lies.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in europe”. paul fussell

Last edited 11 months ago by Shaman

we must see how big are the forces involved in yhe gaza operation.

Icarus Tanović

for pigs such are you and your jewish cowards sluts in arms that’s a catastrophe.


make no mistake: this is our world — and you are all just living (or dying) in it.

Bob - Enough

it was your world; that is over… the world is united – against you.


wrong, the world’s shitholes try, but that does not prevent them from being destroyed


you sound like a delightful specimen…. i bet it’s all laughter, fun and games in your household 😄

Last edited 11 months ago by LoveYouLoads

pig zionists will not can even to come to latinaamerika , afrika or asia without been kicked in the future…you must pay filthy assassins

Icarus Tanović

i usually step on them spiders anyways. ugly splashes that’s all what is left. so who is fucking who now?


pigs will soon be raised in every mosque if it is not used as brothel…hahahaha

Icarus Tanović

pigs such are you? that’s okay then.


yes, they do. compare that with 250,000 russians losses the russian media reduced to 70,000. imagine being andrey kaminov in charge of the federal bailiffs service of the moscow region and receive a lower sentence for paedophilia than if anyone else in russia disagrees with the war in ukraine.

how tesak (maxim martsinkevich) treated the pederast:

vesti ru article 1954960

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

prigozhin also “died” under mysterious circumstances, indicating putin had him killed like other political opponents and journalist critics. here is another lower profile coverup that is easy for anyone to put together:

dailymail co uk news article-8771657 notorious neo nazi leader tortured murdered cell death fake suicide family says html


lgbt mulatto discarded senile eric–now lonely nazi bitter rejected


scott ritter loves it…


no moron hillbilly poko molo—macgreggor ,ritter, wilkerson us military experts claim 40-50,000 russians dead, 400,000-500,000 dead ukrops


you believe in cheating data. human losses of russia may be around 20-30k


eric/vlad are the same trolls much like their other “original” names brian shlomo etc


how does it feel to be wrong every time ? i am curious..


i know. retarded, right? it is not nearly enough.

Guy Fawkes

s an “occupying power” israel is “bound by the relevant provisions of the fourth geneva convention and all other relevant provisions of international law, including united nations resolutions.” international law stipulates that “occupying states” have increased responsibilities to protect local populations and are obliged to provide them with the basic health and safety supplies.

Joseph Day

that rule is only for the rest of the world


that’s what shithole russia is thinking all the time


rabbi yosef mizrachi 6 billion dont deserve to live


your post would get you arrested in russia.


durak kisely amerikanski tulka ponyamiash lgbt


russia is now a free country, unlike the west.


not to worry americana as american grunt will take up that slack for most coward army and go home and die under some decaying bridge by suicide for most coward army…
way tah go americana stupid as you like to see your children die for but no purpose other than that coward sniper of pregnant woman and her child.
fo shame america as if you could fake that shame, fo shame as american war-dogz and their sniper of old die by suicide at underpass of homelessness..

jens holm

i pay heavily for mulatto midget in lgbt brothel

amerikuntistan hillbilly

i no have money for brothel i use live fish for dildo


the american hillbilly stereotype is a projection of russian ignorance and barbarism.


“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind is primitive and puerile…” julius evola


that all you got ? no wonder russia stomped nato’s ass.


a few killed soldiers for thousands of barbecued hamas terrorists – thx for the laughs, sf 😆😆😆

amerikuntistan hillbilly

“the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. morris berman


for sure the zionists have more than 2000 casualties…..hope it will increase with the kidnapped scum

amerikuntistan hillbilly

we like murder torture and lgbt


russia does the first but is too big coward to admit that they are the second


sniff more glue find taliban therapist to treat vapid senility


learn english little ukro tsipso bot


ussa must keep the bodybags coming. nut’nyahoo will “fight” until the last chosenite.
god bless palestine free of the welfare warfare khazar squatters.


fuck spider, but he does have a point: idf lost ~30 dudes but they bomb 1k palestinians in return. i dont like it, but that ratio sucks


polo molo—amerikan moron hillbilly now erika


what israhell fails to understand is that arab breeding practices will overwelm them in the end. inbred tay sachs carrying joos fail to breed or breed weakness and many of them turn from satanic talmudism and embrace other religions or nothing at all. the joos and their ways are doomed.

Alexander the Transnistrian

i’m sorry to say that, but those are not “serious losses”…ok, they admitted only 20 casualties (+-) , but let’s say they lost even 200 soldiers + some vehicles …those are the “standard” casualties when a faction invades a territory, which i seriously doubt that israel did not make approximate calculations of the losses they would have suffered (curiosity: it is impossible not to suffer losses during an invasion)…


i hate thw zionazi entity which will likely get away with their ethnic cleansing with only token “clashes”with hezbollah and hamas
are arab leaders ready for the blow back from their populations? further are they prepared when the zionazi entity comes for them? because it will.
israhell wants to rule all of the me and build their 3rd temple on top of al asqa mosque.
if they don’t go in hard and destroy the zionazi entity this is what they have to look forward too
