Israeli Army Ordered Evacuation Of Lebanese Town, Then Backed Down (Photos)

Israeli Army Ordered Evacuation Of Lebanese Town, Then Backed Down (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) dropped leaflets over al-Wazzani in southern Lebanon on September 15, ordering civilians in the town and nearby areas to evacuate.

The al-Wazzani is located right next to the Israeli-occupied town of Ghajar, which both Lebanon and Syria claim ownership over.

“To all residents and displaced people in the refugee camps area, Hezbollah is firing from your area.
You must leave your homes immediately and head north of the Khiam area until 4:00 p.m. and do not return to this area until the end of the war.
Anyone present in this area after this hour will be considered a terrorist element and his blood will be shed.
The IDF will use all its might in your area to ensure that it is empty of residents,” the leaflets read.

Shortly after the evacuation order, the Israeli Channel 11 war reported on Sunday that the IDF and the country’s political leadership did not approve the leaflet drops over al-Wazzani, considering the move as an “unilateral initiative by the 769th Territorial Brigade.”

The IDF is reportedly investigating the “unusual incident,” stating, “There is no evacuation order for residents of southern Lebanon.”

Israeli Army Ordered Evacuation Of Lebanese Town, Then Backed Down (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

Since the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah and its allies have been launching attacks against the IDF from Lebanon in support of the Palestinian enclave.

So far, Israel has limited its response to air and artillery strikes. However, the intensity of the strikes escalated in recent weeks.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly warned security chiefs during a strategic discussion on September 12 that Israel is headed for an inevitable all-out confrontation with Hezbollah, as a diplomatic solution that could bring an end to the near-daily attacks from Lebanon remains elusive.

Citing an unnamed Netanyahu associate, Channel 13 reported on September 15 that no timeline had been established for the expected confrontation, which has been promised by top Israeli officials for months, and as such, it could be in weeks or months from now.

It’s worth noting that the border clashes have so far resulted in 26 civilian deaths in Israel and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights as well as the deaths of at least 20 soldiers and security officers. On the Lebanese side, more than 870 people have been killed, including 440 fighters of Hezbollah and over 150 civilians.


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jews are brave when it comes to standing on a stage and telling bad jokes, or playing crappy music. but when it comes to actual fighting in a military they are complete girlie men.

this will be 2006 all over again, that’s why the jews talk tough. but going into lebanon?

they shit in their kosher panties.


in the talmud, wearing panties is definitely kosher in the right circumstances. for instance, if nobody knows then who does it hurt? people simply don’t understand the superiority of the jew. /s although there is some rabbi who would make an even more absurd argument and expect people to take them seriously, like schmuley, no doubt.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

schmuley is a dildo salesman. he sells dildos from his daughter’s dildo factory.


aaaaw arent you the little saucy wrench.?


are you ok? maybe you should see a nurse? we know you’re just pretending to be different characters you know.


you wouldn’t understand propgandas from facts you’re so naive it’s pointless to even attempt rationality with such blatant ignorance of the reality of anything imo


grow up. what t f are you on ? an hallucinogenic?


just stop witb your absurdly transparent fake names playing your nero nazi hero games


are you a hasba-rat? 🐀


ars you a multiple personality disordered from mk ultra? or just a poor writer with bad character development skills


absolutely insane that they want to steal lebanese land now with the pretext of creating a buffer for the north so that the disgusting settlers can move back. and then they will need a buffer for the new land they occupy, and then another buffer for the buffer …


why do think england together with the arabs in elite circles divided palestine in the first place war is the most profitable business and oil fuels it.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

you’re the worst kind of stupid.
the kind that doesn’t even know how stupid it is…


oh you’re so funny. it’s so obvious why no one out if 8 billion people bothers with this site except you two with your fake names


it’s expansionism, incrementalism, and fascism all rolled into one


the bible is very clear that they will actually be living in tents, like the palestinians are forced to now. big ol crocodile tears… and another ‘attempt’ on trump, this time from a jew hater with a russian ak, lol. the propaganda is so dumb i have to laugh but then it is also so stupid that it is nauseating like a tragi-comedy.


wbat tiral crap. you’ve never read anything more than a toilet wall

Probably Because..

.. it dawned on them that hezbollah is capable of ordering the evacuation of their own israeli towns.

it’s really a failed attempt at being tough.


it’s business the oldest business in the world joined in bed with prostitutes liars spinning deceits for dollars sin and the wages of sin is death


hahahaha yeah sure like you’d know what a ridiculous thing to say its like saying the bus drives between bus stops

Zionist child killers

zionist subhumans are in panic as the cowards have become a genocidal psychopathic rabble and proved third rate losers.


no that’s your crew here who are genocidal mass murderers don’t be so modest


the worst sort, who are planning to cleanse the west bank and southern lebannon, are still in denial and only angry at the resistance they are facing. the partially sane ones are starting to panic. the maniacs will use brutality and terrible propaganda to get what they want, and the world of pufta panzies will probably let them. the rest of the world will then learn that it can’t afford to let the maniacs carry on, for their own little girly sakes.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

the zionazi vermin can’t feed itself without its idiot golem ussa and its tax cattle paying for everything the welfare warfare trash need to exist in palestine. when the dollah gets flushed israhell will disappear like warm pi$$ on a hot rock.
