Israeli Army Dismantles Hezbollah Sites In Lebanon While Entrenching In Syria

Israeli Army Dismantles Hezbollah Sites In Lebanon While Entrenching In Syria

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The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is working to dismantle Hezbollah’s infrastructure in southern Lebanon in line with the ceasefire agreement brokered by the United States last month.

On December 18, the IDF said that a tunnel in southern Lebanon that served as a Hezbollah command center was recently demolished by its combat engineers.

The underground facility was used by Hezbollah to direct numerous rocket attacks on Israeli towns in the Galilee in the past year, according to the military, which noted that Israeli troops located weapons, surveillance equipment, and other military gear inside the tunnel.

The IDF also said that several weapons depots were located near the tunnel, including one inside a mosque, where hundreds of explosive devices, guns, grenades, and other equipment were stored. After the tunnel was fully investigated by the elite Yahalom combat engineering unit, it was blown up, per the military.

On December 19, the IDF said that it had demolished rocket launchers and weapons at Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon.

During operations carried out by the 300th “Baram” Regional Brigade, the IDF said that troops found anti-tank missiles, an artillery piece, explosive devices, and rocket launchers. Some of the launchers found by troops were aimed at Israel, the military added.

The ceasefire agreement, which entered into effect on November 27, does call on Hezbollah to pull its forces out from southern Lebanon as well as for the destruction of the group’s infrastructure in the region. Due to this, there was no reaction from the group to the IDF’s recent operations.

Meanwhile in Syria, Israel continues to entrench itself in the areas it invaded in the southern region of the country following the fall of the Assad regime.

As of December 19, the IDF has occupied some 500 kilometers of southern Syria, including parts of the governorates of al-Qunitra, Rif Dimashq and Daraa, according to al-Mayadeen TV.

The Beirut-based news channel said that Israeli troops dismantled all Syrian military sites in the The slopes of Mount Hermon and the plateaus of Quneitra and Daraa.

Citing Syrian sources, Al-Mayadeen also reported that the IDF bulldozed the sites of the Haramoun sign, Tel Ain Marwan, Tel al-Hamriya, al-Tilal al-Humr, and Tel al-Kassarat in the far northern countryside of Quneitra, which administratively overlaps with the slopes of Mount Hermon.

The sources also confirmed that Israeli troops destroyed the headquarters of the second and third battalions of the 90th Brigade, which are among the largest formations of the now dissolved Syrian Arab Army. Communication and jamming equipment were also taken or destroyed by the troops.

Commenting on Israeli operations in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned on December 19 that Israel was the main beneficiary of the downfall of the Assad regime in Syria and casted doubt on Israel’s plans to withdraw troops from a buffer zone once the situation stabilizes.

Putin condemned Israel’s seizure of territories in Syria and said that he felt that Israel had no intention of withdrawing its troops from Syria.

“We hope that Israel will at some point leave the territory of Syria. But now it is bringing in additional troops,” Putin said at his annual end-of-year press conference.

This warning reflects the seriousness of Israel’s recent actions in Syria. The new government, which is led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, is still weak and working to solidify its control. It had condemned IDF operations. However, the war-torn country is clearly not in a situation that would allow it to fight back.

Overall, Israel continues to reap the gains of its war on Hezbollah in both Lebanon and Syria. Still, a complete Israeli victory remains questionable.


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putin changed hats and now wears a tiny hat to accommodate his askenazi tribe and in effect threw russia’s allies- syria, hezbollah & iran under the bus.. sans souci for putin who seemed to have come to a deal with the “islamists” headchoppers “russia’s objectives have been achieved”…


i dont think this is putins fault. russia was allways just the air power in this war the ground forces were hezbolah, iran and iraqi and other shiite militias. what should russia do if the others went against isreal not realising the president of iran that had their back is dead and the new one wants to get along with the usa.
only thing you can criticize putin for is to ever have any trust in the so called resistance axis as well as turkey. one failed the other betrayed them.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic

still it is unclear why for so many years israel was allowed to bomb syria without any reaction from russia despite it had the means to deter air attacks and should have had this as a duty guven its alliance with syria..


who was the president of syria? russia can’t attack without the approval of a sovereign country leader otherwise the western media would have a field day attacking russia as ussr 2.0 i.e. dangerous enemy giving more excuse at the western coalition to invade more. thik about it.


exactly they set traps lay baits .


this is bull manure. it was russia that did not allow this. russia stated they would not interfere with israel’s attacks, that they were there to fight terrorists. if you are right, why did russia forbid them use of their own system they bought and paid for? russia was the one who talked about not escalating. how did that turn out? syria did use their old systems to shoot at idf.


unfortunately russia accepted fakesrael as a nation and said they had the right to strike syria who was shipping weapons to hamas and hezbollah. they didn’t want to interfere with that nor a larger war with israel that would probably go nuclear.


9 years of wasted blood and sweat because they allowed their ally to be pummeled for years. look what they did to turkey over one plane and crew, compared to what they did when israel caused the downing of il-20 and 17 crew. russia was also at fault, syria had to use their older s-200 system that hit the plane because russia had yet to deliver their s-300. syria was shooting at idf all along with outdated systems.


russia supported genocidal neocon sanctions against iran and north korea in return for fake promises, never kept, not to put missile bases on russian borders.
russia failed to deliver s300s iran had paid for and dragged its feet on completing bushehr. it got absolutely nothing in return – it just got stiffed, yet again, by its western “partners,” when will russia ever learn?


they were hitting from outside syrian airspace, targetting iranian fighters, russia stepped up to usa/nato when they entered the syrian war.

iran is the only country to have attacked a usa military base with zero repurcussions, and the only country to actually attack israel.

economically israel could have tanked russia, and they attempted just that with ukraine conflict.

iran is the main player in the me.


your naive when they plan to run a revolution they do it impeccably. they don’t gamble .

The Truth

wrong putin was always in bed with israel it is not in russias interest for a strong muslim empire to form especially a shia one it will be end of all religions as we know it. but putins actions didn’t change the prophecy one bit it actually speed it up axis of resistance will win in the end russia is the biggest loser watch in few years.


the shiites will be eaten alife by turks, saudis and isrealis. and its not russias fault. iran and the shiites were dumb to mess with isreal just to get brownie points with arabs who still love isreal more then the shiites. look at syria and iraq which side did all sunni nations support which site did all sunni fighters act? the side who killed shiites alongside christians, kurds, drus, alevites and jesides. iran/ shiites should have stayed down just as the sunnies will if iran is attacked.


shiite and sunni’s lived in peace for years, then propaganda by british and usa crated and drove a wedge between them.

shiite and sunni conflict is purely a western propaganda tool and both sunni and shiite now acknowledge this

only usa military intelligence uses the sunni/shiite narrative

Russia Abandoned Syria

according to orc shitstains this is all a “brilliant chess move” from grandmaster poohtin!



putin ina mo and ayatollah assahola betrayed syria. a brilliant minus 200 iq move by both iran and russia

Shlomo's little weenie

heheheh 😵‍💫 . well, upvoted you this time for simply using different colourful words. and it’s funny 😄


i allways thought the talk of pro russian bloggers and commentators that isreal is done some months ago was far to optimistic but oh boy were they wrong. isreal is basically winning a race starting from last place by just blowing up every other car.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic
The Crunge

more like the other drivers just quit, like the syrian army. plus they bribed the americans to give them fancy racecars. that’s how they’re winning the race.

Last edited 2 months ago by The Crunge

yes syria did fall too easily to be credible as they want us to believe ino i suspect it was arranged .


ukraine losing land and soldiers

israel/nato v iran/russia is the next game, venue is syria, the minute israel attacks iranian positions, watch israeli army get fooked

Grab Your Gat

it is race where this one uses gun to shoot every other racer to back.


i wouldn’t be too sure. all this has just shuffled the pack. the show ain’t over till the fat lady sings.


a cancer does not go away on its own


they are removing a death causing bubonic plague rats including you

Grab Your Gat

shlomo shekelstein detected.


pagan islamic bubonic shitrat detected


judaism will let you down. its based on very retarded assumptions. your god is angry and jealous and you think you are his chosen people. real gods are not jealous. you people are dumb and misinformed. your god was nowhere between 1930-1945, what was he doing?

Last edited 2 months ago by hasbarats

you are also dumb and idiot and stupid filthy rat living in rotten sewers . you think islam is supreme ? why moslems always lose wars because they dumb and low iq like you

Natanyahoo donkey @ss licker

yes it is. truth is coming to surface, zioshit is drowining in its ziofilth.

Last edited 2 months ago by Natanyahoo donkey @ss licker
Shlomo's little weenie

“dumb and idiot and stupid filthy rat living in rotten sewers . . . . “. this is, by far, one of your best efforts to date 😄😄😜. well fella, you’re english beats my understanding of chinese, but i wouldn’t take it as a compliment.

Natanyahoo donkey @ss licker

judaism is most vile religion and race ther is/was ever.


islam is a religion of goatfackers and barbaric pagan worshippers


talmudism is a religion of kiddiefackers and devil worshippers.


and pedo’s…


people are the cancers on this planet i decided when i was 12 in primary school .and they are the greatest threat to this planets well being possible .


it’s very good that the king doesn’t apparently have to pay for the defense of his kingdom..course those costs are always nationalised to tax payers aren’t they. it’s the profits they privatise. all those jewels in their head wear etc.


ceasefire paahh. jews don’t know how to behave in the world and conclusion is that the jews have forfeited any right to continue to exist. thus thevworld must agree haw to eliminate the vermin once and forever.


you’re the worst vermin. no one not one nation has come even close to wreaking the havoc onto the world as you .

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

well we all know that’s a complete lie. who begat wwii by declaring war on germany? who started 67 war? the uss liberty? 73 war? who did 9/11? now people are realizing israel was involved in jfk assassination because he wouldn’t give them nukes. what about city of london that controls the west? talk about vermin, israel is a nation of rabid rats.

Shlomo's little weenie

you are a full-time juvenile insecure dumbass kike apologist ( big word there, just for you )

Shlomo's little weenie

straight to the point there. this vermin have to be eventually taken out world-wide .

The Crunge

i can’t believe this is happening. israel was getting bombed good (relatively anyway), and their army was getting no where in lebanon.

now this. am i having a nightmare or something?


no you’re just silly believing in a nonsense


resistance made same mistake as russia, no escalation. that worked out well, huh? us/nato supports israel, russia ties it’s friends hands. if russia doesn’t have a plan in all this, then they made a huge error in allowing israel to constantly bomb their alley. hezbollah and iran should have leveled air bases, not create potholes, then say, look what we can do. they did nothing to hinder the iaf in the end, which is sad because iaf is the only weapon israel has and they used it well.


“moderation in war is an imbecility.” admiral fisher, ww1.


of course israel won’t win the globalists won’t allow israel to be different it will have to be multi cultural too .they’re just using them they set them up ,entrapped them with oct 7 ..imo


israel knew about oct 7 and let it happen. it was to fake fighting hamas, while they slaughtered palestinians. that was the plan from the git-go. from this pov, they were quite successful. they never intended to fully destroy hamas, fighting them was their excuse to commit all the slaughter, their real objective. if they truly destroyed hamas and they quit attacking idf, they would have no excuse to continue.


i thought the fakeraelis were supposed to withdraw from lebanon. how are they dismantling anything there? hezbollah has every right to dismantle fakeraeli military infrastructure in fakesrael.


israel made a ‘side deal’ with u.s. that says they can. of course, this was a part lebanon never agreed to, but they are doing it anyway. this is why they should have continued and not took a cease-fire. lebanon will cease to exist soon like syria. idf is moving up western syria to flank hezbollah to avoid the south to finish them off. that deescalation everyone wanted sure isn’t, is it?


israel runs the usa


don’t you just love that the us and israel can arbitrarily add a side agreement to the cease fire? one that allows them to destroy a countries defense. hezbollah should have unleashed every last thing they had on israel at one time. it’s all going to be lost now, just as hezbollah will be decimated. lebanon will be wishing they had endured, as has gaza. israel will reneg on every last agreement they ever make. lebanon will time travel to 1982.


what happened to all the rockets and missiles hezz? nothing burger!


tel aviv just got banged by 2 hypersonic missiles

Shlomo's little weenie

which is keeping in reverse gear ⚙️ in the middle east . can’t beat that tactic.
