Israeli Air Force Chief: F-35I Stealth Fighters Participated In Strikes On Syria

Israeli Air Force Chief: F-35I Stealth Fighters Participated In Strikes On Syria

Israel’s first two F-35 stealth fighter jets on their maiden flight as part of the Israeli Air Force on December 13, 2016. (Israel Defense Forces)

F-35I stealth fighters of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) have participated in strikes on Syria, Israel’s air force commander Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin said on May 22.

“The F-35 squadron has become an operational squadron. We are flying the F-35 all over the Middle East. It had become part of our operational capabilities. We are the first to attack using the F-35 in the Middle East and have already attacked twice on different fronts,” he said.

According to Maj. Gen. Norkin, the F-35I stealth fighter did not participate in the last strike in Syria but did in two previous ones.

The Israeli military declared initial operational capability of the F-35I stealth fighter in December after receiving nine F-35I warplanes. The IAF is expected to receive a total of 50 jets to make two full squadrons by 2024.

Speaking at the IAF Senior Air Force Conference in Herzilya Norkin added that more than 100 surface-to-air missiles had been fired at Israeli jets from Syria during the May 10 incident.

Norkin also provided with additional details on the Israeli version of events. According to him, Iran fired 32 rockets at Israel during the flare-up across the Syrian border.Four rockets were allegedly intercepted by Israel and the rest landed outside of what he described as “Israeli territory”.

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jerry hamilton

Occupied Palestine is even more proud of mass murder than America is.
Speaks volumes.

Val Shadowhawk

As usual, the utter lies and bullshit spewing from ‘israeli’ Military Officials defies all logic, all reason and is beyond contempt.


If you [disbelievers] seek victory – defeat will come to you. And if you desist [from hostilities], it is best for you; but if you return [to war], We will return, and never will you be availed by your [large] company at all, even if it should increase; and [that is] because Allah is with the believers. 8:19




ISIS cowards are defeated and destroyed everywhere! ISIS are terrorist cowards, who cannot fight openly but would rather hide behind women and children and mass-murder unarmed civilians. Get lost, Go to hell FAST where you belong and don’t post your terrorist shit here! You Are One M.F. Ass-Hole!


i hate isis and i have only bullet for each johadist.
but they are not cowards. saa troops are cowards, iraqi troops are cowards, but those jihadists sure not. isis was ale to beat all enemies. only russian planes are too strong enemy for them.


ISIS or Al-Qaeda are indeed cowards, they use terror, suicide bombings and murder civilians en-mass. They can’t stand and fight but they only use terror and hide behind women and kids using as them human shields. They are indeed COWARDS!


and what are you, armchairbraveshit? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD


really I man really that was your answer, SAA were cowards Iraqi were cowards. please man blow ur self up


no, i am not jihadist like you.

i saw hundreds time run iraqi and syrian soldiers before isis. also kurds, turks. remember second lost of palmyra. also russians ran before isis.

you are simply stupid troll!!!


You are defending ISIS terrorists, why don’t you join them?

Val Shadowhawk

He’s hopelessly enchanted with himself. Don’t waste your time replying to him.


Blow that hot air out your ass. We all know you’re an Israeli, trying to cheer up your massacred proxies. Tell Bibi your shit failed, everyone knows the truth…sooner or later, even those brainwashed Israelis will see the light…guess what that light is?

Igor Dano

This person is mentally ill, having any 1400 years old manual to live. he should go back to desert and eat sand there.
to the hell with his ill ideology.


Go cry you fucking Israeli slave dog


So you fuckers surrender to SAA in South Damascus so how is a disbeliever now, who will be punished from God a who, you it’s your turn. Fuckheads. You seeked victory all over Syria and Defeat came to you, am I right. Oh yeah please stop riding that shit of book no one cares about your war quran. How can a God and book of God just teaches you about destruction and war, how to kill and blah blah. That’s why all middle east is always in war, because all of your muslim believes towards that quran book. You get that book so literally that you people start doing everything as that book says.

Val Shadowhawk

I care not for dialogue with such useful idiots as you. Fuck off!!


i agree that Allah is with the believer, that is why Allah has been with Syria-Hezbolah-Iran-Russia army from the beginning.


This a sales pitch to the US congress who are deciding whether to screw us some more over these piles of smoldering shit. US military/CONgrress doesn’t want them, except for those with vested interests. That would be those that are part of the revolving door, those that have factories in their state and those sucking on the MIL…teat. This is just Bibi’s holding up his part of the facade while they do the circle jerk. With Bibi’s help we’ll be saddled with more of these flying lemons. Enough is NEVER enough with these lying thieving fuckers.

Val Shadowhawk

You know it!! It’s really infuriating!!


One was shot at and damaged by S-200 that is why Israel is now buying Advance F-15 instead of more F-35

Val Shadowhawk

Of which can be shot down. Hehe! The desperation of the so called ‘jewish State’ has reached its epoch. Now comes the proverbial reckoning….


The Advance F-15E seems more survivable than the F-35 that is why Israel went with the decision after having tested the F-35 in combat therefore, the F-35 is lacking from my own resolution is stealth and speed

Val Shadowhawk

Having relatives who served in the Military, I cam tell what I have ascertained by way of their own observations. That F15 is a flying piece of junk.


Well if the F-15 is a flying JUNK hate to imagine what the F-35 is. At least it got the speed to run while the F-35 is a turkey shoot for the Russian jets


F-351 Fighters Can and Should be SHOOT DOWN

Michał Hunicz



Without S-300 Syria and their allies will win this war from US, UK, France, KSA and Israeli migrants but on the cost of huge casualties. I mean many good and genius lives will be martyred but Israeli migrants will also loose their state.

Promitheas Apollonious

both S300-400 are already in Syria and around Syria in the sea. Now use your brain, no insult mean here and figure out why have not been used yet. Also understand why Russia take it ease in Syria and let the Syrians clean what mess left to be cleaned and take a look what is happening to Ukraine front. This will help you and maybe explain few blank spots for you if you manage to see the problem as global and in a peripheral manner rather than isolated to Syria.


Yeah… tell PUTIN this, not to us here.
And please READ THIS FIRST and you’ll understand HOW DIRTY is the game in Syria:
I can tell you IT IS WORTH to read it! And will make you feel a stone on your chest. It opens a look BEHIND the CURTAINS on the “Global Political Market”
It’s almost as eyes-opening as the Aaron Russo interview ( given to Alex Jones Infowars, 12-13 years ago) about the Rockefeller Foundation and their Total-Control-Agenda

Dr. Pro Liv

Suck-dick to Putin Kraut .
While your Kraut NAZI-NATO soldiers are sitting on RUSSIAN BORDER again like in 1941.

Dr. Pro Liv

And you are shouting creature from some NATO country…..
And you soldiers are on RUSSIAN BORDER also….and you are full of it…just like so many people from NATO countries.


According to Israel reports, it looks like that birth can shut down an F-35.


and they can shoot down all types of planes. allegedly also the russian sukhoy falled in sea in latakia because of such accident.


Israeli migrants are by birth thieves, stealing land from Palestinians and selling stollen gas of Palestine to Jordan. Israeli migrants also selling dates and other fruits of Palestinians to foreign countries. Same US, UK, France and KSA will also do. They will steal the middle east oil and gas and will sell to other countries.


I don’t know who was the moron that advised these Israeli migrants to migrate to Palestine and take that land from Palestinians and that there you will be so happy and safe. This was a so much wrong advise.

Now come and see each day these Israeli migrants butchering children, stealing their homes and land, eating from stolen land and selling from stollen land. Now every Israeli child that born in Palestine is by birth thief.


Adolf Hitler were one of them. He started the migration in as early as 1934. In agreement with Germanys zionist leaders.


….from the safety of Lebanese airspace. Watch out for bird strike


“The F-35 squadron has become an operational squadron. We are flying the
F-35 all over the Middle East. It had become part of our operational

yeah, we stand off in lebanon and lob missiles. brave pilots that we are.

what is amazing is that you got those things to fly in the 1st place.

do let us know when you face an actual enemy won’t you?



Tudor Miron

Yeah, and I am Maya Plisetskaya.


Thanks! You gave me such a big smile!


no, you are FSB agent

Ligerten .Ligerten

Blow them out of the sky!!! What happened to a Countries sovereign air space??!! Why are the Neo Fascist Israelis allowed to ignore International UN Laws & do what they want because they are Jews?? Big deal ! The Jews suffered in WW2 at the hands of the Nazis but does this give them the right to act the same as Hitler in the Middle East??? With the support of the Rouge Nation USA????!!!


you can show, how!

chris chuba

I’m glad that Putin says that Syria has all it needs to defend itself, the S-200 is enough.

Russia will watch the SAA that it helped to rebuilt get cut to pieces from the air, all that work for nothing just because Putin won’t even let their next best air defense system go to the Syrians.


President Putin is playing the long game and he realises that any S300’s in Syrian hands today will give NATO an excuse to fully engage in Syria ,under the pretext of protecting Israel.

This scenario would cause far more Syrian casualties.

The Syrian response to illegal Israeli attacks , has now moved from ‘No Response’ to ‘Limited Response in the occupied Golan ‘. I would think that this strategy is agreed with Russia and Iran


yes, suck putins cock, you idiot!


Pay attention, Russia does not want to give Syria S-300, but Russia will sell Trukey the S-400.
Something strange is going on here.

northerntruthseeker .

OK… Considering how truly horrific and abysmal the F35 really is, and how it is a detriment to every air force that deploys this flying POS lemon, I actually want to see these pricks out of Isra-hell use these lemons and have the Syrian air force laugh so loud as they blast them out of the sky!


Bullshit! Using hunderds pf missiles the syrian air defence was able to hit 1-2 IL planes. From old F-xys. This is nothing, boy. Moreover, the IAF destroyed lot of syrian launchers. now will be much worse for sy air defence.

Ellie Smid

IAF … ISISreali Air Force ……………… IDF , ISISraeli Defence Force .. all running with USIS aid … all their money , all their power , and they still fail ……..

Ellie Smid

IAF … ISISreali Air Force ……………… IDF , ISISraeli Defence Force .. all running with USIS aid … all their money , all their power , and they still fail ……


Israel needs to clear out all Arab squatters from it’s land and to continue to teach the IRGC many more lessons in Syria they won’t soon forget.

Lena Jones

Words from the worried mouth of a khazar loser.

Val Shadowhawk

‘israel’ needs to be fully dismantled and its creator overlords and officers arrested, tried and imprisoned for the remainder of their lives as war criminals.


What a prize is must be having them fall out of the sky.


Who care what Israel used o rnot used, any way the pane can be shut down….by births.