Israel Wants War With Lebanon


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Israel Wants War With Lebanon

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Israel Wants War With Lebanon
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Israel has launched an unprecedented sabotage attack against Hezbollah in an apparent first step to ignite a full-on war with Lebanon.

The first wave of the attack, which took place on September 17, saw some 5,000 pagers, which were recently distributed by Hezbollah to its members across Lebanon, exploding simultaneously.

Blasts were reported from the Baalbek-Hermel governorate in the north, to the capital, Beirut, the Beqaa Valley in the east and the South governorate, the heartland of Hezbollah.

The pagers, Gold Apollo AR924 models, were reportedly intercepted by Israeli intelligence and rigged with explosive material before arriving in Lebanon some five months ago. The Taiwan-based Gold Apollo company alleged that the devices were made by a Hungarian-based contractor, BAC Consulting KFT.

The first wave of the attack claimed the lives of 12 people, including two children, and left more than 2,800 others wounded.

Among those wounded was the Iranian ambassador to the country, Mojtaba Amani, who was reportedly taken to Tehran for treatment.

The second wave of the attack came on September 18. It saw hundreds of Icom IC-V82 VHF handheld radios, which were also recently distributed by Hezbollah to its members, exploding across Lebanon, from Baalbek-Hermel to Beirut, Bekaa Valley and the south.

A sales executive at the United States subsidiary of Japan’s Icom said the transceivers involved in the attack appeared to be “knockoff” products. They were reportedly also intercepted and rigged with explosives by the Israeli intelligence before arriving in Lebanon some five months ago along with the pagers.

The second wave of the sabotage attack claimed the lives of some 20 people and left more than 450 others wounded.

Israel’s main spy agency, Mossad, and the Military Intelligence Directorate, known as Aman, were reportedly behind the sophisticated attack.

The attack appears to be an attempt to provoke Hezbollah, which has been launching near-daily attacks against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in support of the Gaza Strip since the start of the Israeli war on the Palestinian enclave last October.

Hezbollah vowed to respond to the deadly sabotage attack while affirming that it will separately continue to launch attacks in support of Gaza.

Besides the attack, the IDF began to take steps to prepare for a ground offensive in Lebanon. On September 18, the elite 98th Division was deployed to northern Israel. The paratroopers and commando division, which is made up of approximately 10,000 to 20,000 troops, will reportedly join the 36th Division under the military’s Northern Command. The division played a key role in offensive operations in Gaza.

Unable to end the war on Gaza with a clear victory, Israel apparently sees a war with Lebanon as an alternative for a ceasefire that would be widely seen as defeat. Still, the chances of the IDF performing any better in Lebanon are slim and the Israeli losses will likely be much larger.


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i don’t understand israel! the pager attack is a pure pr attack, without sense and reason! any attack on a hezbollah or hamas headquarters would have been more effective.

the technological trick behind the pagers is now burned, could have been used much more effectively in eliminating a serious problem.


the mossad is trying to regain lost ground, to continue to tell the fairy tale about the successful intelligence service. -the problem, no one believes it anymore!

conclusion: a symbolic act for the audience in israel, that’s it. the war continues, the longest, most expensive and most costly war israel has ever waged – and probably also the last war in israel’s history!

Jewish pimp

and most likely – last one.


… they allowed october 7 as a false flag “let it happen” operation. part of the cost in its cost/benefit analysis was losing some prestige in its intelligence capabilities. this attack was meant to regain some of that prestige and the deterrence that accompanies it … but it is halfwitted analysis because they are giving the muslims more resolve and improving their overall military strength.


the other baffling aspect is that iran and yemen have both shown capabilities of pinpoint strikes deep into central israel… and basically gave them warning shots … and the israelis continue to provoke them … many military analysts say that they are planning a dangerous uncertain strategy by trying to lure the us military in case of all out war … but the us doesn’t have the ability to fight two theaters. or three if you count china.


that’s why the us always uses a “proxy.” and proxy after proxy after proxy all over the world. those bases mark the location of a proxy, i.e. “pidgeon, patsy, fall-guy–whatever you want to call it.


i always believed that israel will not live to see its 100th birthday, now i’m not even sure about the 80th anymore

Jewish pimp

my saxon brother.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jewish pimp

israel had help from a very, very, very “close” friend.


israel wants their empire. not only an empire — a rabbinical talmudist envisioned world dominance — where they rule over all mankind. every empire in history became an empire by lying, stealing, and rewriting history. the only problem is that in the modern world, mankind is in a different place consciously, attempting to transcend the decadence of its imperialist, warring, animalistic history …


and here you have the israelis completely tone deaf’d and too late to the game … dragging the whole world down into a neo-feudal and neo-colonial hellscape …

Jewish pimp

they’ve figured out theirs quote land from al maghreb, meaning morocco to al mashref, which is on pacific coast, meaning far east. plus they zios count america and canada as theirs no question.
they will go down, or entire human kind will go down. it is e v i l.

R. Ambrose Raven

exploding these devices has given netanyahu a very useful win, also to exploit the line that despite the difficult times, victory is certain with him in charge. in contrast, hezbollah has refused to recognise that what matters is that a year of military attacks proved politically and strategically ineffective, not least by its refusal o attack zionist airbases. a cunning politician can exploit that failure as “backs to the wall” that allows him time (now, a year) to rebound.


the resistance has been hugely impactful. you have about 250k internally displaced israelis and about 30k are from the northern settlements. hezbollah has been successful in targeting hundreds of millions worth of military infrastructure and assets. and the israeli economy is not only at a standstill but it’s hemorrhaging…

Huckelberry finn

you don’t seem to understand that the hezbollah strategy since the start of the genocide is to mobilize a significant part of the iof away from gaza. now that goal has been achieved, israel is moving more and more exhausted troops to the north, to face a stronger opponent than hamas 😂


somehow they maintain their arrogance after getting stomped by the palestinians in gaza. they go to war with people who they have blockaded and kept from getting any arms imports. the palestinians kept in poverty made their own weapons and rpgs from unexploded ordinance. the israelis have infinite bombs and lots of tanks and superioer gear. it’s pretty retarded. how is anyone supposed to be scared of them?


what’s “retarded” are the hundreds of countries who just sat back in their giant “recliners” to watch israel’s genocide of the palestinians starting in 1948 to present. it was and still is a hellscape. i am not muslim, but i admire the valor of hamas, the houthis and any other group working to find peace for the palestinians.


where was that valor when in the beginning of the syrian war quatar bought hamas and they fought for the west and isreal against syria?


israel will go the exact way of ukraine. they both have the same beneficiary. the punji pit is just up ahead.


israelians will run to ukraine, all men are dead only women and children left, they are the next victim.


what the murderous activities of the israelis have done is put the holocaust tale in a “miscellaneous file” never to be believed or thought of again.


kikes murdering children and complaining about their grandparents killed in a brutal war in which millions upon millions were killed is getting pretty old.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers
shlomo shekelstein

oy vey! i’m waving my holocaust membership card and nobody cares! who can i swindle my shekels from now? oy vey!


they still publish commercials asking money for the poor jewish holocaust survivor that has no food showing a old lady living in a dump, i mean, how many jewish survivors are still alive even if you were born in 1939 you’d be 85 today. why they have money for wars buy no money for some hundreds of elders.


it’s just another kike money laundering operation and tax right off, like suburbia and almost all ‘charities’. they give the money with one hand and take it with the other.


there are more “holocaust survivors” every year. these are the peter pans of the victim world, they never grow any older. though anyone who is “distressed” after reading about the holocaust 80 years later is also a “holocaust survivor” who needs infinite shekels from the german or french or swiss goy taxpayer. you can be a “survivor” if you never set foot in germany or saw a german.

the cohen r khan

the german government still pay 65 thousands survivors monies every year.

100s of billions in payouts since the 1950s the grift never ends

coming soon museums in many cities
never again the tavistock said never again

Shlomo's little weenie

comment of the day. inbreds are howling 6 million tears, they’ve lost their victim’s membership.


there are no negociation possible with zionists, no matter the deal, they wont respect it, as for dealing with hezbolah, israel wants everything and give nothing in return, they wont liberate the 10000 hostages held in their jail, will stop killing only for some time, wont put down the wall, wont give any land back when in reality israel has no right at all on any of all palestine, they live on stolen land given by corrupt british politicians, they gave something that did not belong to them.


churchill lost all his money in the wall st. crash. (((they))) bailed him out with money, and after that he was in their pocket ever afterwards. they owned him, just like they own biden/ starmer/ johnson now. but (((they))) still tried to murder him by sending him a letter bomb during the war when he was fighting hitler. consistent behaviour – corruption and terrorism.


true, and exactly the same situation with mr. trump. he too lost his money and then was bailed out by the jews, and is in their pocket since then.same goes also for german fdp politician christian lindner and lots of other backbone-less creatures.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

there’s now evidence that it was usa terrorizing lebanon, not israel: “nasrallah could stop the terrorist attacks across israel, and i guarantee you, if he did that, we would be impressing upon israel the need to maintain calm on their end. bottom line is he hasn’t stopped those terrorist attacks,” us state department spokesperson matthew miller told reporters.


keep in mind that israel owns the us and nothing that comes from the “old red, white and blue” can be believed, especially from the state department.

Sam Adams!

c.i.a. director william casey: “we’ll know our disinformation program is complete when…..”

The Hebrew Hammer

we got you for a second round.

Last edited 5 months ago by The Hebrew Hammer

i hope that next hannukah, when kippahs and menorahs start exploding all over israel. you can retain your sense of humour and enjoy it all as a jolly jape.

The Hebrew Hammer

next can be any of you.


you’re scary. my hands are shaking thinking about it.


why don’t you just go off and poison some wells or vandalise a jewish cemetery.


this means hezbollah has juu insiders in their organizations beside that how dumb can they be not to check their equipment for juu sabotage. these juus will poison you they will sabotage your munitions they will make sure your guns misfire and blow up in your face. these hezbullahs seriously need to fix their game if they ever want to make a difference against these satanic money changer demons.


100 % you are 100% on point !!!!! fully true !!! this goes for hezbollah and for iran !!! they ned to wake up – and get their stuff together. joos have 2000 years knowledge of sabotage, infiltrating, intrige and poison-murdering.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

to fight these sinister hook-nosed demons from hell, one needs to be aware of their tactics and methods and needs to have the own house in check, clear and free of spies, parasites and other infiltrators and traitors. if that’ not done – you’ll be done. hezbollah & iran need to understand this !!!

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
real saxon

israel shows they are superior to dumb anglo disrupting communication among hizbollah military


oh come now… the invading, occupying, genocidal zionist entity has the ‘right of self defense’…even if that ‘defense’ means commiting terrorism, theft, murder, and genocide, it’s all defensive… right? like shooting mom and dad, in self defense while you try and kill their child, in self defense, after kicking in ‘thier’ front door, like a true zionist…sharing ‘thier’ stuff with yourselves.


somehow, i am always puzzled that the israelis see “sodomy and rape” as forms of acceptable “defense.”


they need such a huge rule book because they lack empathy and any common decency. lacking common decency, they just do whatever they want anyway and refer back to their special (ed) status. so the poor kike needs to be made pure after endlessly sinning and therefore must slaughter animals in order to purify themsevles. it makes sense i promise.

homer simpson

i never lose grip on lgbt mulatto in american gay bar


ever since the jews were let out of the ghettos by the europeans, the world has slid farther and farther into moral degeneracy and mass slaughters. the rothschilds and their chabad ilk sinking their filthy rat claws into more and more countries. kosovo was yet another jew enterprise and the ‘peace keepers’ were given carte blanche to commit crimes and human trafficking, organ trafficking, and drug trafficking exploded. just one more example.


once i thought it was anti-semetic then i learned more history.

Sam Adams!

the organ and human trafficking from former yugoslavia is a horrible hidden crime. like human slaves in shipping containers from x port in asia.


just follow the kike through history and you will find all the same sorts of crimes over and over. the crimes being committed against palestinians scooped off the street for not being kikes are unspeakable, and i am sure organ harvesting is a part of it. it’s like the mongol raping the conquered. they were picked off the street so now they own their organs, because satan said so. and if people have a problem with slurs in reference to such people, they belong in hell too.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Sam Adams!

well chinese have dragon gods and the whole of asia is filled with lore of basically demons. i mean no offense but shiva destroyer of worlds. the human body part clothing. it is quite disgusting. i do not know how yogaurts breeze over that.


(((they))) ran both the transatlantic slave trade and the white european slave trade in the ottoman empire for hundreds of years. though they use slavery to incite blacks to hate whites.


thanks for reminding me, i had almost forgotten that the kikes were also deeply involved in the slave trade all the way back then too. wherever they go, things nosedive horribly. i wonder why that would be. a pack of inbred little goblins because nobody can stand to be around them, and for good reason. the worst of jacob, cain, philistines, khazars, mongols and europeans all mixed into one gross little group. tell me if i missed any.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

the worst of the assyrians and babylonians too.

the cohen r khan

a book called the secret relationship between the blacks and the jews

Sam Adams!

“they” being not the minority jews at the time. were ruled by the ottoman caliph.
you’re daft. a.d.l. and zionist movements are one thing. the ottoman slave trade was all islam.


nope. the transatlantic slave trade was 100% kosher (ask louis farrakhan.) the ottoman slave trade was also a kosher monopoly. they sold millions of eastern european christian slaves to the ottomans for hundreds of years. even more lucrative than swindling and pimping.

Samuel Adams

although, you are correct. the majority of european slave traders. especially the dutch were jewish. but 1000’s of years of slave trade was not orchestrated by jews. rival afrikan tribes sold each other off. not to mention the completely islamic over-land slave trade from asia into the middle east and whatever the caliph controlled at the time. try moving a caravan of slaves from persia to istanbul. as a non-islamic. good luck.

Last edited 4 months ago by Samuel Adams
Sammy Adams

oh zammo! vikings! they’re scandinavian! the norse slave trade was huge. no jew’s there in 900 ad.

the cohen r khan

look up old books on blood libel blood rituals
the original blood lickers

gomer pyle

i want homo war with pygmy after 20 years sodomy by taliban


no electronic devices are allowed on planes flying into lebanon. the first step. soon all devices will be banned on air travel. thanks, shlomo. shlomo’s latest contribution to the world.


if they want a war give them one.


the jews haven’t defeated hamas so far and never will. the hezbollah will survive the jews constant attacks while iran patiently waits for the right moment to strike at the jews homebases, haifa refinery andvtel aviv while the houthis can send their latest supersonic missiles up the red sea and approach from the sea. the iron dome is not constructed with supersonic missiles in mind and will thus be penetrated. they are in for a hard awakening, the jews!


the disunited states of a will try to avoid anything with iran since iran can kill the world economy in no time – close the hormuz and finish ras tanura loading terminal, and kuwaits and abu dhabis. iran’s loading is now outside of the hormuz and will allow iran to ship their oil. the disunited states can’t allow iran to sink the world economy and will act accordingly. the derivatives in the disunited states stand at some 632 trillion dollars and when that market collapses, the us is toast.


iran has asked to return to the nuclear deal with the usa watch them walk out of this conflict and leave the arabs hanging.


maybe the jews raping and torturing children and innocent people should consider that there might be consequences to their actions later on. /video/u4vupbh5aa0y/ just a friendly food for thought, especially considering all the other things i have been right about here.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers

now let’s see. i wonder what other country “might” have been a “little helper” in this sick, desperate, murderous israeli stunt. it’s no mystery.


the big three goyim nations us uk fr at the round table of the bankers council.

Sam Adams!

hsbc… it’s only a bank. in shanghai, started by bankers from london. everyone’s finger’s are in the pie!

Joseph Day

lebanon using kursk stratergy, let them in pound the amassed troop in the rear and inflict heavy casualties


saudi arabia, king salman is involved here. (dubai) the signal that triger pagers is not like natenjahu saj “wiu-wiu”, bud sounds more like a trubo engine, wiper “ššš”, and that radiovave sound triger the batery.


device explodes more if its fully charged


and nfc antena has something to do with that


ever notice that hamas and hezbollah never attack israeli air or sea ports where the us and nato deliver the weapons israel uses


to be fair, hamas doesn’t really have the ability to do attacks which would matter inside kikeland. hezbollah never attacks runways or planes which drop all the bombs or iron dome batteries either. it’s almost like it’s just another kike scheme to get a bunch of people killed. personally, i think hezbollah, iran and syria are so controlled by freemasons and kikes that they just kill any commander who shows self-will and determination to actually deal with kikeland.

Last edited 5 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Sam Adams!

i noticed. hezbollah are a political/military group. they need funding and are not what they were 20 or 40 years ago. if they do anything. regardless of the official lebanese political line. the israeli response is disproportionately 10x. israel bombed the port over nothing. ruined that lady’s wedding who gave us great footage.


true, i too mentioned this strange facts. like bunkerdweller states below hamas is out of option to effectively attack jewih ports and airports, but hezbollah, yes they could do but they dont.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki

and to me this means they eighter dont want to or have some hidden other agenda to give the jews false security feeling, till the real war starts. which i don t believe in, & would therefore agree with bunkerdwellers, that hezbollah & iran are likely fully infiltrated & allowing the true resistance commanders getting slaughtered.moreover hamas & hezb not rebuffed let alone stopped who & israel from injecting 660000 pali-kids with “vaccine” camouflaged poison.

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
Sam Adams!

hey thanks for mentioning the injections. canada and australia were, basically forced into it. only 10% dodged that bullet. from who i know. yes. 88% were injected twice. some 3-4 times. it’s still ongoing. russian dr.s jumping out windows just like at foxconn! here comes the next cold season in the northern hemisphere. boo! dodged it!

Sam Adams!

have some permanent heart damage. your dna will is now admitted to be altered and now you might have heart problems or cancer. or anything you can shake a stick at.

Samuel Adams

not many will see this but. iranian parliament is a pyramid with 33 windows. hello?

the cohen r khan

the movie the international deals with bankrupting countries funding terror the sales of weapons
synergy lockstep as putin says partners
haifa is so sleepy

each group group could be like actors in a play running a script the goym kills are real

remember khazhar are identity thieves and name stealers pirates from ukraine to gaza controlled slaughter run by the roth stein banks


the situation now is very similar to the run up to both world wars. eveybody knew a war was coming, and there were many crises, but they fizzled out. the war didn’t happen – till it happened. there were wars in the balkans and the mediterranean prior to 1914. a 3 year war in spain and war in china and abyssinia prior to 1939. we currently have a 3 year war in ukraine and a 12 month war in palestine. these are the precursors. america is intent on war with all its enemies.


russia, china, iran, dprk, maybe all 4 at the same time. the decision has already been taken. there will not be any peaceful resolution or negotiated settlement. the only question is when and where this starts and how it plays out. and the current conflicts will be insignificant by comparison. casualties in the billions. maybe extinction. it can no longer be avoided.


so long as humanity is rotten, and it always was, it was inevitable some day. even afterward, i can already tell, this world will become basically unlivable. there are lots of asteroid belts across the galaxy from civilizations blowing up planets, the people here will not change in any significant way and only a relative handful deserve to be saved from it.

Sammy Adams

i read that and think. i want to watch “death wish” with james bronson! “never make a death wish! because a death wish always comes true!”


it’s the jews – not america ! and they rule usa, same as europe(incl. ukraine), russia and china. and of course pissrael and lots of arab puppet states like saudi arabia, jordan, egypt, marocco etc too. this one needs to understand to see the whole picture, and understand how jews are orchestering the world (wars).

Last edited 5 months ago by Gurki
the cohen r khan

it is khazhar khazarian ask a nazi name stealers who self identify as yahoo satans tools


israel just love killing, they are running out of palestinian to kill, so they have to start another war, it was planned, after lebanon it will be egypt until they achieve their plan for a greater israel witch include lots of killing and land stealing.


they want to grab everything between the nile and the euphrates.

Sam Adams!

“greater israel” they held onto the sinai for decades and continue to hold onto that dream, however ridiculous. because they’re supremacists. thankfully it’s only some of the leaders and half the population of jews.


can you imagine living in a country like kikeland? either you are okay with the sickening behavior, or you are there to stop the sickening behavior.

Sam Adams!

no i cannot. it sounds like a terrible place. all the immigrants love where i live in canada. lots of lybians. phillipinos, former raj, iranian, egyptian, ukrianian, exc.the wef still controls half the mps. hahahaha! i live in paradise. nothing matters. i can’t do anything where i live.

Sam Adams!

i know about their wall. it makes the berlin wall a joke.

Sam Adams!

oh i forgot, russians and ukrainians working together at the same hardware store! wow! there are a ton of russian immigrants here too.

Sam Adams!

wait, the “israeli–lebanese conflict, or the south lebanon conflict” has been ongoing since 1948/1978? there is no peace treaty? they’ve been at war the whole time! boy no one reads anything. legal documents? nothing has ever been signed. i wondered why israel bombed other nations around with international impunity. not only do they control high up internationals. the “conflict” has never officially ended!


i hate everything israeli.

Sam Adams!

intel parts moved from taiwan/formosa to israel near the 8000 series. wonder why intel is junk now? more backdoors. unit 8200 can hack your new car, lock the doors, force the ignition, total control over the steering. and another dissenter has “accidentally crashed.” it’s been done with a few whistleblowers. and of course whoever else.