Israel Threatens To Destroy All Iranian Facilities In Syria Within 40 KM Of Golan Heights

Israel Threatens To Destroy All Iranian Facilities In Syria Within 40 KM Of Golan Heights


Israel has vowed to destroy all Iranian factilities in Syria within 40 km from the Israel-occupied Gloan Heights, the Kuwaiti daily newspaper Al-Jarida reported citing  an anonymous Israeli source.

The source also speculated that this Israeli message was delivered to Russian President Vladimir Putin by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This allegedly took place during Assad’s meeting with Putin earlier this week.

Furthermore, the report claimed that Putin called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and said that he would be glad to accept these conditions.

While it’s clear that Tel Aviv occupies a very hostile attitude towards the Iranian involvement in the Syrian conflict and towards the Syrian government in general, experts believe that the key part of the report (Putin’s support to Tel Aviv) is just another example of fairy stories pushed by the Israeli side to strengthen its diplomatic position in the region.

Tel Aviv and Israeli media have repeatedly claimed that they have found a common ground with Russia to limit the Shia influence in Syria. In turn, any observer is able to see the strengthening Syrian-Iranian-Russian relations and the growing influence of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria and in the region, in general.

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Zainab Ali

dream on israhell – it will be/pleading to be eliminated by its own humongous crime against humanity

You can call me Al

….I wonder if this is all planned ?; as the demise of the US is.

Yes, I know it sounds insane.


Translation: “Netanyahu” called Putin to ask for his support and was told to forget it. (The original was in mirror writing.)

Pave Way IV

Same as the ‘demands for its security’ Israel made in April, June and earlier this month.

If I recall correctly, it started out as a tens-of-kilometers ‘deconfliction zone’ along the entire Jordanian border to the east, and included everything around Mt. Hermon and south of Damascus to the west. This was essentially a SAA and allies no-go zone proposed by the US (but quickly endorsed by Israel). Everyone ignored the request, of course.

Then Israel demanded a 40 km DMZ (SAA/allies-free zone) around the Golan ‘border’ extending into southwest Syria. Ignored as well.

Now Israel has backpedaled to a 40 km ‘Iranian-free’ zone around the Golan. I’m not quite sure what part of being on the losing side they don’t understand yet.


“The source also speculated that this Israeli message was delivered to Russian President Vladimir Putin by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. ” ?!?! Hahahaha! This is the joke of the day! lol!


The message of Israel is a fake news, bs, propaganda and disinformation. A little mistake of Israel will vanish Israel completely.

Tommy Jensen

Iran states in response they will destroy all facilities in Israel within 80km from Golan if 1 single shot is fired upon Iranian troops.

You can call me Al

Exactly – mmm, I hope and pray.

I have no problem with Jews, but I now have a huge problem with Israel… in my view, they MUST be eliminated and eliminated NOW.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

The Israel government is run by Atheist Zionist Nazi jews.


There’s nothing Jewish about zionism except that cynical opportunists pretend to be Jewish to hide their crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and war crimes behind a stolen fig leaf.


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You can call me Al



If you have no problems with Jews that must mean you have never read the Talmud, I suggest you read it.

You can call me Al


All down to the interpretation !!

PS To be honest, I don’t care.


Jewipedia is the WORST source on anything ‘zionist’.

You can call me Al

OK, thanks or the heads up.


I used to feel this way too. I also used to believe all the propaganda about the Arab nations…then my sister married into a Jewish family and I saw first hand treatment of goy by Jews. She is no longer married to this man and is much happier for it. I used to work for him and was treated like the illegals that he also hired. I lasted 2 months and quit. The one child she had with him has nothing to do with our side of the family and it is no loss as far as I am concerned.


Are the Israeli Zionist ASHKENAZI about to be taken down, for doing 911?


I checked the calendar but it’s not April 1st. :)


Justice may be coming: Are the Israeli Zionist ASHKENAZI about to be taken down, for doing 911?

888mladen .

Who said Putin what is a childish talk. So far Zionist entity has had a free ride in Syria just like KSA in Yemen. In spite of its alliance with RU and IR Syria has been pretty vulnerable during this conflict to Zionist attacks. That’s fact all the rest is theory.


Very true as Russia turns a blind eye to Israeli planes in Syria.

Doubt Israel dare to attack Irianian bases.
But then Iran is always silent about Israeli threats which can indicate Iran is more talk than actions.

Let’s see if this is another Israeli bluff as they always do.


An attack on Iran is an attack on Russia.
You are somewhat blase

Dimitrios Haf

Well an attack on Israel is an attack on United States. I doubt either Russia or US want a conflict with each other. Everything depends in how far is US and Russia willing to go to support their proxies. If things turn ugly and they are adamant on clashing with each other, hundreds of thousands of civilians will die and the whole region will be completely destabilized. I believe that suits the current losing side ( US) a little bit more than the winning Russia. EU should step in somehow because the sheer amount of refugees that will make their way into Europe will be huge. Everything is getting worse and worse. We never learn. Again US and Russia are to blame with their proxy wars. Doesn’t matter who started it, they both have the tiniest respect and human decency. It is like they are playing a video game with no regard of the pain they are causing. Communists Capitalists Democrats Nazis same story every time


An attack on Israel?
What attack?
Iran has not attacked anyone in some 300 years.
Actually it does matter who started it and it was not Russia.
We all hope Russia will finish it but not if Iran is attacked as has been – illegally – Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria – and they are just the biggies.
Israel is acting in contravention of international law and UN resolution by refusing to give back the Golan.
Any war or bloodshed is clearly their complete responsibility.


Trying to spread the blame? Russia did not engage until well after the US led coalition (read: mostly American CIA) openly supported ISIL and the so-called “moderate” anti-government terrorists. If you need proof of this, there’s plenty available. My favorite is a video of US Apache helicopters riding shotgun for streaming convoys of ISIL Toyota technicals as they invaded Syrian territory. Russia entered the war well after this initial invasion/occupation and it was apparent Syria could not cope without help. You’ll also remember that one of Russia’s first tasks was to destroy ISIL convoys carrying stolen crude across the Turkish border in full view of the coalition which pretended not to notice even though they possessed all the latest satellite imagery clearly showing what was happening. Russia’s engagement was in response to a plea for help from the legitimate government of Syria. The important thing to remember when attempting to assign any blame to Russia is that they are there at the invitation of the Syrian government. The USA, its vassals/minions and terrorist proxies are uninvited.

Tommy Jensen

An attack on Israel is an attack on USA which is an attack on NATO which must defend an ally and the US/NATO 75 countries Coalition Inherent Resolve Freedom enters into force and will win over the attacker as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and latest they won in Syria over the terrorists.

eric zweistein

“Israel Threatens To Destroy All Iranian Facilities In Syria Within 40 KM Of Golan Heights”

Thanks, SouthFront, but you don’t need to repeat this non-news every day, ok?


Keeps the evil depravity of the jewish terror state fresh in people’s minds- so it’s all for the good.

John Whitehot

I know i’ll get flames, but it doesn’t seem such unreasonable request – although as a rule, countries should not be allowed any say in other countries matters.

what makes the request less reasonable is the explicit threats contained in it, always if it’s genuine talk and not an excuse to bomb this and that or something else.


Nice to see that when some hostile country takes a chunk of your nation state and threatens force to keep it you will not find it unreasonable.
And when a UN resolution demands its return you will be OK with the continued occupation.

Dimitrios Haf

Well didn’t Syria attack Israel in the first place?


You must be living in a parallel universe.
Please post the links to prove this assertion.


Do your own homework.


Not my homework to do.
So you posted a load of unsubstantiated piffle.


Apparently she has…now you need to.


Is what they teach in Israeli schools? Israel launched a preemptive war in1967. The excuse was that Israel was under imminent threat. This is old news now.

John Whitehot

moderation is needed.

those that want war at all costs will be destroyed, no matter their allegiance, country, or religion.

The region has been in constant war since centuries, and a large part of that is owed to the blame game.

In addition, the current hawkish, warmongering israeli government is left with bad cards in this hand – they probably are thinking that a generalized, larger war is in their best interests at this point.

There are way too many agitators on the internet trying to increase the tension level.


Now we are on the same wavelength – nearly.
But you cannot expect Syria to be illegally dismembered – lose Billions of oil revenue – it needs for reconstruction – to pay as blackmail for ‘peace’.
Check out what the stripes on the Iraely flag represent.
Syria will remain in the cross hairs regardless.
They cannot wallow in weakness.
They must not.

John Whitehot

“But you cannot expect Syria to be illegally dismembered”

I neither expect or support that in the slightest.


thanks for that.
Nicely put and clarified.


It’s kind of relative to challenge and response – obviously Iran and Israel are regional rivals for political and economic dominance. But in reality, Israel just tried to use both US power and Kurdish ethnicity within Iraq to facilitate a breakaway subservient state-let, right on the Iranian border. In the desired Israeli model this would have been used as a forward US and Israeli military and intelligence base against Iran – with exploitation of Kurdish ethnicity inside Iran for intelligence and agitation purposes as baked-in key concept. That project lacked serious current US political support and failed, but now Israel is crying foul, that it might find itself on the receiving end of something not dissimilar – an Iranian forward military base inside Syria and close its own border.


”.. although as a rule, countries should not be allowed any say in other countries matters.”
That is true particularly enemy states. Neither should national vassals have anything to say as they promote foreign interests. They are called traitors.


Syria does not have the capacity to respond to Israeli aggression unlike Hezbollah. Syria would need 100,000 mid range defensive missiles to begin. Then, a proper response to Israeli aggression. Israel will start another war of aggression, the response must be decisive and firm. The stated objective will be regime chance in Israel. Then, peace will flourish like spring wild flowers.

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

After the Natenyahoo gov is crushed need to start with a one state solution where the one state is Palestine and not Israel.


Israel knows that the endgame is the liberation for the Syrian Golan Heights. Theft must never be rewarded.


So Israel still clings illegally to the Golan and its billions in oil
Apparently it has already leased the rights to this to a company whose shareholders list the US political establishment from a to z.
To attack Iranian interests – legally in Syria, welcomed and authorised by the Syrian government, is a declaration of war.
Time I think for international sanctions to be applied.
No state should be threatening what would quickly become wide international conflict by aggressive and illegal .activity.
There is no excuse for not handing back – under UN notice – part of Syria and internationally recognised as such.

Dimitrios Haf

Well the thing is that Iran is hostile towards Israel. So Israel IMO as harsh as it may be especially to innocent civilians, attack and destroy Iranian facilities near it’s border. If they let Iran entrech near it’s borders they will have to face huge problems in the near future. Do not forget that Israel in contrast with the other countries faces a constant threat to it’s survival. It’s choices of course will be ugly but that is the problem of the region. And IMO neither jews nor arabs are only to blame. The blame falls mostly on Westerners dividing stupidly the region. Israel will do anything it can to survive as an entity in the region even if it means nuking and striking everywhere. It isn’t good or bad it is the harsh reality. There is no evil israel and good arabs or the opposite. They are opposing sides which will stop at nothing. This goes on and on in history. The true evil thing is that neither side truthfully want’s to negotiate a true peace and co-operate with each other.


The Golan heights aren’t the “borders”. It is territory occupied by Israel as a buffer. And now they want to create another buffer 40km from that one?

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Example of Israel paranoia. They are in a corner now that they lost the Syria war.


Of course, enough is never enough for a thief.


Iran can be hostile to anyone it pleases.
It has not attacked anyone in 300 years.
Can you post up the information that says every country should be servile to Israel and not take a stand in its own national interests.
I have never read such piffle.
If you are ‘hostile’ to Israel they can wipe you off the face of the earth?
Hang on a bit!!!.
Dream on.
That is no longer the case as shown when it attacked the Lebanon to take its water and resources some years ago.


Israels trouble with their neighbors was brought on by Israels actions. As for Iran being hostile towards Israel, who has killed whose citizens? Who has launched terrorist attacks in whose country? Who has attacked other nations in the last 40 years? Who has supported the wahhabists/ISIS? Who has instigated sanctions against who? Who is the only nation in the area to flaunt the nuclear non-proliferation agreement and obtained nuclear weapons? The statement that the world has clung to, which is attributed to the former Iranian president (push Israel into the sea) was taken completely out of context and used in western media as propaganda. The only part of your comment I agree with is that this is due to western interference…of which Israel has instigated from day one through political blackmail of politicians around the world.


”Do not forget that Israel in contrast with the other countries faces a constant threat to it’s survival”
That is a gross overstatement. It is Israel which has created the conditions for the threats that it itself has created. No person can be so stupid to know that the hostilities between Israel and its neighbors, Syria and Lebanon are because of stolen land. The desire to recover stolen land cannot be seen as a threat unless you lie and use it for propaganda purposes. Neither countries have any territorial claims against Israel. However, Israel puts itself in danger, by Hezbollah engaged in a counterattack and occupy Northern Israel, and hold it as a bargaining chip to leave the Golan Heights which Lebanon also has a claim to it. Any threat to Israel is self inflicted, and Israel is the only one to blame.


Ah- the jewish terrorist state and its ‘supporters’. All their arguments boil down to the same thing. The zionist screaming “ouch” as its boot falls upon the face of another innocent victim.


Bullshit – The Palestinians are suffering daily and have been for decades – Why would they not want peace? this is an old hasbara narrative to blame the victims.Israel holds all the cards and it knows, if it signs a permanent peace, it will never realise it’s goal of acquiring the territory it deems Eretz Yisrael which includes Jordan and more, so it sabotages the peace talks everytime, blames the Pals and commits genocide and land theft incrementally.Iran can and will retake the Golan, but it will not end there.We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the state of Israel. Israel wants to clear another buffer around itself the size of an entire country and I suppose thats ok – screw you and Zionist exceptionalism. The US already is preparing for a Middle East without Israel.

Pave Way IV

“…So Israel still clings illegally to the Golan and its billions in oil…”

‘Illegal’ in a worthless UN bureaucratic sense. Since the UN will never sanction Israel or authorize military force against it, the designation of ‘legal’ or not is quite meaningless. All UN nations know that Israeli/US occupation gets a free pass while any country that opposes Israel or the US is subject to destruction regardless of the UN.

And the ‘billions in oil’ was a lie from day one. You would think with such a valuable oil deposit, there would be major oil companies all over the area. Instead, you have a tiny Afek drilling crew and a few engineers that have barely managed to drill five exploratory wells in five years – and none have shown any economically-recoverable hydrocarbons. They never did any seismic work like a real oil exploration company would – it’s all drill-and-pray speculation. Genie Oil – the New Jersey parent of Afek – is damn near bankrupt. This was a classic oil exploration scam. Some experts claim they are actually solution-mining giant reservoirs in salt formations for their crude storage since their surface storage is vulnerable to missiles.


All that fine rhetoric ignores one fact.
The Golan is Syrian and they are entitled to have it back.
On your reckoning if wrong doers have the force and coercion to get away with criminal acts – you look the other way.
That is anarchy and chaos.
No thanks.

Pave Way IV

“…On your reckoning if wrong doers have the force and coercion to get away with criminal acts – you look the other way…”

Who, exactly, looks the other way? Who should do something about it? My point is that the UN is worthless in regards to enforcing anything against Israel – it will simply never happen. Any other nation trying to force Israel out of the Golan is guaranteed a war with the US. There are no global superheros fighting for truth and justice. The world isn’t fair. You’re confusing morality with political reality and military might. You’re right to point out the hypocrisy, but it’s like me complaining about corrupt politicians – nobody is ever going to do anything about it no matter how loud or long I complain. Recognizing reality does not mean I endorse it.

“…That is anarchy and chaos…”

Did you just notice this about the Middle East? You need a bit more in that description anyways. How about “…nuclear-armed anarchy and chaos”?


Then its time for the public and nations to act in the name of international justice and law.
I m amazed how many people and commentators are now coming out with the truth – a strong feeling is emerging across the world that something must be done about terrorist states ….
Golan is part of Syria.
And we go from there.


Explain to my why American soldiers should die to protect stolen land? Sorry, but the Goyim are not going to die as criminal accomplices with a known war criminal state and corrupt by any standard, Israel.


”’Illegal’ in a worthless UN bureaucratic sense.”
The theft of the Syrian Golan Heights is illegal under international law. It is theft and aggression under Syrian Law. Syria, Hezbollah, Iraq and Iran, as a Syrian Alliance, has all the legal and moral right to march into its illegally occupied territory, the Syrian Golan Heights. They can just march in and liberate their territory. After liberation, Syria will take Israel to the International Criminal Court, and sue Israel for damages. This will happen. Then there will be regime change in Israel. There is no glory for Israeli soldiers dying on stolen land.


Agreed on both points.

• The UN, preciously known as the League of Nations (a circus created by the Anglo-American-French), will never impose anything on the Zionistbstate as it is the British Empire’s puppet state in the Middle East.

• No real exploration was undertaken in the Golan Heights to determine proven and probable reserves.


Will be the last thing the zionists ever do loool fucking filth


If they’re willing to go after Hezbollah in Syria, they’ll go after Iran too. Actually, this does nothing more than increase the number of excuses Israhell will use to justify pinprick attacks on Syrian soil.


Difference is Iran will not let it go unanswered :)))


I hope not. Have you heard the Israeli (unofficial) response to Assad’s offer to demilitarize the Golan area? They say Syria is fated to be “federalized” I.e. split up, and Assad is to be the last Alawite leader in Syria. I’m starting to think the whole land grab by the Kurds/SDF isn’t for oil, but to provide a anti-Iranian missile shield for Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Golan. It really is getting late to target the SDF with Cruise missiles.


No I have not heard of this. If Israel tries anything they get the cruise missiles lololol

Steven Fay

And how can ISRAEL tell which is an IRANIAN facility, as opposed to a SYRIAN one. So they are saying they can bomb any building in the 40KM zone, with no consequences, the fucking arrogance, and the UN will be completely silent, and the media too.


The jokes on Israel. ANY action by Syria and it’s invited allies concerning retaking the Golan can have NO consequences in international law – since Israel is the agressor.It knows it thats why NuttyYahoo is throwing his toys outta the cot about Iran.


Fuck you Zionists just try that then you will see what is bloodshed on your streets.

Fritz Otto

This country of racists and religious fanatics should be aware not to be repushed at 40 km around it bloody capital Tel-Aviv! – They even are worse than the US deep state!




Good luck with that.


The no.1 supporter of the jewish terrorist state, and the main reason it feels safe engaging in atrocities and promises of atrocities, is not the jewish slave state of America, but Great Britain.

Britain is the home of both zionism and wahhabism. The most powerful jews are in Britain celebrating the creation of the nazi apartheid nation of Israel. And the capital of Saudi Arabia is London.

Indeed the USA is currently uncomfortable with the jewish psychopaths currently in power in Israel- but not Britain. America is the ‘muscle’ but Britain is the ‘brain’.


Judea monkey inbred doing breastbeating thinking they are gorilla’s !


lets be honest, If Israel goes to war against Syria, then Hezbollah and Iran will be drawn into it! KSA will also be drawn into it and then oil prices sky rocket!

Oil going from Iran and KSA will be severely hindered and mainly only Russia will supply the bulk of oil to the world at 300 dollars per barrel! Also they will probably drop the US dollar when trading oil and switch to the EURO which would make a deal for the EU to drop its sanctions on Russia!

A war between Israel, KSA, Iran, Iraq and Syria is EXACTLY what Russia and Iran want! Russia for the oil market and oil prices and both Russia and Iran so they can dump the US Petro dollar!

WW3 coming folks!
Russia and Iran have the upper hand! They will force Israel to protect themselves and it will be the beginning of the end for both Israel and the USA!