Israel Tests Hezbollah’s Readiness To Retaliate To Killing Of Its Members


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Late on August 31, air defense forces of Syria were activated to repel Israeli missile strikes on the countryside of the Syrian capital of Damascus and the southern part of the country. According to reports, Israeli missiles targeted positions of Iranian-backed forces in the area of Mahajah and Hezbollah positions in the area of Izraa in the province of Daraa. Another group of missiles reportedly hit alleged positions of Iranian-backed forces in the area of Sahnaya in the Damascus countryside. The missiles were allegedly launched from the area of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

According to Syrian media, at least 2 people were killed and 7 others were injured in the attack. Material damage was also reported. The Israeli strikes were likely conducted as a part of the current Israeli-Hezbollah tensions in the region. Just recently, the sides exchanged a number of threats and the Israeli military even struck a supposed Hezbollah target on the Israeli-Lebanese contact line. In response, Hezbollah vowed to kill an Israeli soldier for every killed Hezbollah member. Therefore, if some Hezbollah members were killed in the August 31 attack, the movement will have to respond to this by force, or its public image in the region will be significantly undermined. Such a blow will be especially painful in the conditions of the developing political and social crisis in Lebanon following the Beirut port explosion on August 4.

On August 29, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency claimed that the United Arab Emirates has had intelligence agents in northern Syria working with Kurdish YPG and PKK militias over the past few years. They reportedly trained YPG/PKK members in the fields of espionage, counter-espionage, sabotage, acts of assassination, signals intelligence, information security and communication networks. This training allegedly took place in the areas of Qamishli, Hasaka and Deir ez-Zor.

Earlier, on August 27, Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen TV reported that a group of Saudi service members had entered the area of al-Shaddadi in the province of al-Hasakah. According to reports, the Saudi side has been trying to convince local Arab tribes to support the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The SDF mostly consists of and is led by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) that in its own turn have ties with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The PKK is considered a terrorist group by Turkey and a number of other countries, including the United States. Thus, Turkey conducts military operations against the SDF and the YPG in northern Syria, while the United States supports them with weapons, funds and diplomatic cover.

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Free man

” In response, Hezbollah vowed to kill an Israeli soldier for every killed Hezbollah member.” – No need to rush. Planning such revenge takes a long time.
The planning of the revenge for the murder of Imed Mornia has been going on for more than 12 years.
In the meantime, Hezbollah can produce some particularly threatening videos.



Can you do 15 minutes? lol

Free man

If I concentrate on the mullahs regime and its militias, I’ll need few hours.

Traiano Welcome

You can barely concentrate on your keyboard, what can you do to Iran?

The Objective

That’s why I say Saddam Hussein deserved more respect than these mouthy cowards.


Keep barking Nasrallah, if he wants to test us we are fine with it too.

Fog of War

Hezbollah is trapped as Israhell wants them to retaliate. As soon as they do, ZioAmerica will come to join the ” party “. Now Hezbollah will lose honor and face if it doesn’t respond. Check mate ?



Israel will terminate Lebanon … full stop

Why ZioAmerica? lol

WTF is ZioAmerica? lol

Fog of War

Israhell will never attack alone again, as they’re too afraid. ZioAmerica and possiblt NATO will help.

” WTF is ZioAmerica? lol ”

ZioAmerica is Israhell’s dumb, blood thirsty, muscle bound, roid head bitch. Ever willing to bend over for the Khazars while attacking innocent people and countries. Hope that helps clear things up for you.


Foggy thinking …

When has Israel attacked an Arab country with America? Remind me

Oh … that would be NEVER … lol

I’m just re-reading Michael Oren’s ‘Six Days of War’ … PM Eshkol sent Eban to Washington in late May to get US assurance that US would come to Israel’s aid … and was rebuffed … “You’re on you own if you got it alone”

Israel’s Generals reminded the PM … Israel must be strong in order NEVER to rely on others … that’s the mantra of the IDF … they are alone and will abide

Preemption … Surprise … are the hallmarks of the IDF


Fog of War

You’re not very bright are you ? Of course they never had public direct US military assistance before, so what ? This is a new normal incase you havent noticed. Also, if you actually read your hoistory books properly you would know ZioAmerica allowed Israhell to get Nuclear weapons, provided it with massive military hardware and fuel assitance during these conflicts. Gave it real time intelligence information. While also, threating the Soviets and other nations to back down, in case Israhell was ” forced ” to use its nukes.

Research the 1973 Yom Kippur war, then explain to us in full detail why the Arabs didnt win what should have been a decisive victory.

Yes sir, poor Israhell fighting it all ” alone “. Nice mythology .


NOT very bright and then you accept it has NEVER happened before … is that some sort of deflection? lol

The Arabs have been armed to the teeth by the Soviets … and the Soviets even manned Egyptian planes (the Russian pilots were killed in the dog fights … eh?)

The Soviets threatened to NUKE Israel in 1973 if the Israelis didn’t back off from the Egyptian Army surrounded without supply lines that were cut off by Sharon crossing the Suez Canal … lol.

The Arabs have their heads in their axx … ask them … eh?

Maybe it’s the ‘special sauce’ the Israelis cook with … pmsl

Israel fights alone … they develop their own INTEL et al

Why didn’t the Arabs win in 1973? Waiting …

Fog of War

” The Soviets threatened to NUKE Israel in 1973 if the Israelis didn’t back off from the ”

Prove it idiot. Thats the biggest BS I’ve heard in a long time, and what would happen if the Soviets actually did that ?

” Why didn’t the Arabs win in 1973? Waiting … ”

Research Sadat and his betrayal of all the Arab nations, including his own, during the conflict . Yo ‘re delusional as always. Shalom Khazar.


Prove the Soviets threaten to Nuke Israel if they didn’t end the War … exactly as they wished … lol

“Israel, caught off guard, initially reeled under the two-front attack, but Israeli counterattacks turned the tide, aided by massive amounts of U.S. military assistance, as well as disorganization among the Syrian and Egyptian forces. The Syrians were driven back, with Israeli troops seizing the strategically important Golan Heights. Egyptian forces fared even worse: retreating back through the Sinai Desert, thousands of their troops were surrounded and cut off by the Israeli army. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, together with his Soviet counterparts, eventually arranged a shaky cease-fire. When it became clear that Israel would not give up its siege of the Egyptian troops (low on food and medicine by this time), the Soviets threatened to take unilateral action to rescue them. Tempers flared both in Washington and Moscow; U.S. military forces went to a Stage 3 alert (Stage 5 is the launch of nuclear attacks). The Soviets backed down on their threat but the damage to relations between the two nations was serious and long lasting.”


Sadat’s betrayal of the Arab nations? lol

YOU sound like an Arab loser … foggy


Séamus Ó Néill

The hallmarks of the IDF are extreme cowardice, genocide, shooting children in the back….and of course the usual sexual deviance of the Khazars, ie paedophilia, child sacrafice and phallic worship !




… and also killing Paddy morons

The IDF killed more Mick Soldiers than any other army in history , more than the number of Irish soldier who died fighting the Nazis in WWII, more than the number of Irish soldiers who died defending their brothers in the north when the British pulverized the IRA


“The IDF killed more Mick Soldiers than any other army in history” …

Which war? Which battle? Is this the reason the Irish are so anti-Israel?


46 Irish Soldiers died while serving for the UN … is that it?

TFB …. they weren’t on vacation and they weren’t targeted by Israel … full stop

Séamus Ó Néill

You don’t see the irony of your reply? Perhaps you lack enough intelligence? All your precious IDF can offer is death and destruction and by the same token, your continual slaughter of the innocents has ensured the destruction of the parasitic leech squatting in Palestine. “Israel” will not exist in 5 years time….the Khazars have guaranteed their own destruction !

The Objective

You’re being delusional. Nasrallah certainly will disagree with you. He’s walking a thin line between war and peace, survival and destruction.
With Donald J Trump in office, be careful what you. Soleimani knows better.



Soleimani the vile Iranian IRGC thug is dead … lol

Nasrallah is a fat cow … the thin line he’s walking is between life and sudden death … hello?

Lebanon is a failed state … full stop

Time to ‘put it down’ … that’s coming to a TV screen soon …


The Objective

Israel should stop threatening Lebanon. Their enemy is Hezbollah, not the other Lebanese. The government of Lebanon has been overpowered by Hezbollah. It can’t dismantle Hezbollah even if it wanted to. Israel should focus on its enemy which is holding Lebanon captive.


200,000 Dead Lebanese in the coming war …

Hezbollah has doomed the Leba

Traiano Welcome

Those numbers will be matched in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod.

Hezbollah has all the capacity to hit anywhere in occupied Palestine.

There are no israeli civilians, only human shields.


Good to know … cuz if Tel Aviv or Haifa or Ashdod are hit with large death counts … the Israelis will NUKE Beirut out of existence

Rather than throw more missiles when a few Nukes will suffice … eh?

As for civilians … the Israelis protect their own with bomb shelters … hello?

As for civilians … there are 4 layers of Anti-Missile Defence Systems … bringing confidence of survival … the F-35 can and will be able to do 1000 MISSIONS per day … Israel has 2 fleets of them READY TO RUMBLE … eh?

We’ve already got the recipes …

Traiano Welcome

“Israelis will NUKE Beirut out of existence”

Now you’re just being stupid and talking out of desperation.

Have you seen the map, idiot?

Did it cross your tiny reptile brain what a nuke strike on Beirut will do to israel?

Actually, that would guarantee the end of israel. Iran will be laughing and Israel will be a toxic dustbowl for the next 100 000 years.

What a fool you are.


Oh like the rest of Japan after Hiroshima and Nagasaki? lol

What a fool you are.

Traiano Welcome

Did you see the birth defects and burn victims around those cities?

israelis are inbred enough as it is, they’ll be positively mongoloid for generations after that stunt!

Seriously, what kind of idiot nukes a city a few kilometers upwind!

Lol. What an idiot.


Israelis seem to be doing just fine … inbred or not … LMAO

Nobel Awards … HI-TECH Nation … Best Pilots … Great Food

What an idiot.

Traiano Welcome

They don’t look fine at all.
They’re decaying.
Behind a facade.

Militarily weaker every day despite massive infusions of military aid.

Demographically dying off, so badly they have embark on Judaising races who are not even white or semitic just to buff the numbers.

Losing in the technogical domain to Asia who has excelled the West in nearly all areas of technology and will make Israel a bit player in tech.

… And getting more inbred every day …


Will you shut the fuck already with all of your spam towards tzatz, jeez you are one annoying motherfucker. We wait to teach your Hezbollah a proper lesson, just let them respond and see what comes for them. Bitch.

Traiano Welcome

Whose talking to you, bitch?


I am talking to you and your BS comments about Israel, I hate liars.

Traiano Welcome

What lies? You should hate yourself most then, hasbara troll.


Oh … a white supremacist? lol

What discovery have the Shia made in day the last 1000 Years? lol

Pathetic bottom feeders …


Traiano Welcome

“As for civilians … there are 4 layers of Anti-Missile Defence Systems … bringing confidence of survival ”

These things can barely handle bottle rockets and incendiary balloons.
What use are they against advanced Iranian weapons that can evade even Patriot batteries?

Hezbollah would keep these four layers of shit tied up with crappy katyushas until the defenses get so confused their hitting your own missiles!

Then israeli cities would have to suffer a rain of shrapnel produced by their own anti air defenses – for weeks.

Say goodbye to the economy while that is going on. Say goodbye to all critical infrastructure too.


The vaunted S-300 … S-400 … S-500 are your favourites? lol

Israel’s tech works … the F-35 with 1000 Missions per day and there are 2 fleets of them OPERATIONAL TODAY … lol

Did YOU ever see the video about Operation Turkey Shoot …


YOUR Syrian dreams are going to be a NIGHTMARE …

YOUR Hezbollah dreams are going to be a worse NIGHTMARE …



Sudden silence … ahh

Traiano Welcome

Why you replying to yourself? You stoned?


You’re silent on the ‘Turkey Shoot’ but so proud of Bint whatever … lol

Traiano Welcome

Who cares about your “turkey shoot”?

My point is proven:

Hezbollah is capable of destroying the IDF regardless of how many expensive technical toys Uncle Sam provides to his little pedo-boy israel.

Turkey shoot or not, Hezbollah kicked israel’s collective ass numerous times. Facts.


Hah … that’s your crew … useless

Traiano Welcome

“As for civilians … the Israelis protect their own with bomb shelters … hello?”

None of that helped in 2006. None of that will help when Nassrallah decides to wipe out Tel Aviv.

For any who are saved by bomb shelters, thete will not be an israel to return to when they emerge.

There will be a lot of angry Palestinians though … and no idf to defend israelis from them.



Boastful … like Nasrallah himself … he’s hiding for the last 15 YEARS in his underground lair … not sleeping in the same locale every night

Coming ta git ya …

Traiano Welcome

But it’s just the truth right?
Got to face facts.
Cause follows effect.
Basic logic yells you israel is screwed in a battle with Hezbollah.



Lebanese Dead 700 Hezbollah + 1,192 Civilians

Israeli Dead 118 Soldiers + 43 Civilians

Traiano Welcome

Your Hezbollah stats are wrong again as usual. You’re like a broken record stuck on the same track.

Your civilian dead stats are vaguely close to the official – but again, if you think murdering civilians is a metric of success then you’re dumber than your posts indicate.

Here’s another stat the IDF EXCELS at: Murder of UN personnel and people not even involved in combat:

Foreign civilians:

51 dead[28]
25 wounded

United Nations:

5 dead
12 wounded[46]


Denial …

Traiano Welcome

Another one:

“As for civilians … the Israelis protect their own with bomb shelters … hello?”

Not going to be much use when the critical infrastructure goes out.

Bomb shelters make good cemeteries :-)


Bomb Shelters are built to protect …

Lebanese will be running like after the Beirut Bomb … lol


YOU louts are going to suffer …


Traiano Welcome

“Foggy thinking …”

LOL. That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.

You’re not known for your clarity of thought, twatz.


Stealing my lines … Are we? lol

Traiano Welcome



it’s slang for jewmarica

Traiano Welcome

“WTF is ZioAmerica?”

AIPAC. The only think standing between Israel and an ass whooping at the hands of Hassan Nassrallah.


Did America attack Hezbollah in 2006?

Do YOU think with your dik?

When has America attacked in an Israeli War on Arabs?

It’s a rhetorical question …


Traiano Welcome

How the fuck is that even relevant? Are you rational?

Do you even think?

No, seriously, do you have a brain?


NO answer … got it

So America will come to the aid of Israel … but NEVER attack … do YOU have a brain?

It’s a rhetorical question … lol

Traiano Welcome

No, stop being a deliberate dimwit and deflecting.
America will come to the aid of their white colonial outpost if they felt it faced annhilation AND ATTACK.

Seriously, it’s like you can’t read English properly.


Hedging your bet?


Traiano Welcome

Talking nonsense?


Annihilation? 7 Million Jews and 2 Million Arabs ?

No, stop being a deliberate dimwit …

Traiano Welcome

You’re not good at numbers are you?

There are more than 5 million Palestinian Arabs in Palestine as of 2020. And we are not counting those in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon who will return one day to their rightful homeland.

As for 7 million jews, that is absurd. What is a jew? Some kooky religion! Not even an ethnic group.

What you call ‘jew’ is a patchwork of Russians, Ashkenazis, Ethiopians, Europeans if various mixes.
This is a patchwork about to fracture due to non-homogeneity.


7 million Israeli Jews … full stop

2 million Israeli Arabs …

Traiano Welcome

Jew: A religion.
Arab: A broad range of ethnic groups.

Are you even capable of basic reasoning?


You … a goy telling a Jew ?

Are you even capable of basic reasoning? lol

The Israelis are going to bury Hezbollah and the IRGC ….


Traiano Welcome

No answer because there’s no rational question.

Fog of War

ZioAmerica is not collapsing, the whole world is. In fact, China and Russia seem to be doing eveything they can not to ” help along ” ZioAmerica’s economic collapse, why ?, because they’re own economies are too tangled up in the whole mess, just like every other nation.

Why do you think most of the countries in the world destroyed their own econmoies simultaneously ? Hint: to cover for the inevitable collapse of the usury based, Zio controlled, financial scam / system. This is all a big charade to save the ((( system ))) and to enthrone the next ” host ” for the Khazars.

ZioAmerica wont be allowed to collapse till its served its final purpose, a major war.


Wow … you better ‘pitch yarn that to a Hollywood Jew’ … eh?

The next summer’s blockbuster?


Traiano Welcome

Why post if you’re going to post meaningless rubbish?


Netflix might accept it … there’s a need for summer popcorn fun

Traiano Welcome

There you go again. Near the end of your shift, troll?

The Objective

Dead on the nail. We’ll see what happens. But I think they’re fucked whether or not they retaliate, and whether Trump or Biden wins. They’ve lost respect already. Iran has zero leverage in any future negotiations.

Fog of War

They are trapped. In 2006 Israhell initiate hostilities, therefore, Uncle ZioAmerica couldn’t really join. However, this time the onus is on Hezbollah, because of their constant threats of retaliation. Notice also how Syrian air defenses are being slowly destroyed, this is in preparation for the attack on Hezbollah, and to neutralize Hezbollahs supply lines from Iran.
I also suspect Russia is actually part of this whole scheme to get rid of Hezbollah, and if not Russia then definitely Zio lover Putin. This is a game of ” good cop , bad cop “.

Traiano Welcome

Hezbollah has always been slow to retaliate. That has been their pattern of behaviour for almost 40 years.

This tension is always there until they snap and everyone craps themselves. Then people run screaming for help from the UN.


Like Hezbollah did in 2006 … eh?

Traiano Welcome

Yes. You should have seen idf goons shitting themselves.

My personal favoyrite, the battle of Wadi Al Ayoun where israelis got ass whooped like naughty kids:


A battle? Cool … you can’t always win every battle … eh?

Good / Better / Best
Never let them rest
Until good is better and better is best


Traiano Welcome

Looking at israel I’m trying to find one they won in 2006.

Oh, what’s this? Bint Jbeil! My second favourite:

Watch these losers go slinking back out of Lebanon in defeat.


A battle ? A surprise? Cool …

1191 Lebanese Dead Israel not so much … eh?

Traiano Welcome

1191? You counting civilians? Is that your metric of success? Lame.

And then those dumb jews tried to go straight to Maroun al Ras, and got sodomised there too:

“The battle of Maroun al-Ras became a watershed in the Lebanon war. After realizing that the standing army was not enough to defeat Hezbollah, Israel finally decided on July 22 to call in the reserves.[17] This decision increased the options available to Israel and would eventually lead to the decision at the end of July to commence ground operations. Operation Change of Direction 8 was initiated on July 31 with the aim of taking control of a 6- to 8-kilometer-wide “security zone” along the entire Lebanese border, an aim that was never realized. On August 9 Israel launched Operation Changing Direction 11, which aimed at occupying South Lebanon up to the Litani river.

At Maroun al-Ras IDF experienced for the first time sustained Hezbollah attacks with anti-tank rockets and guided missiles and especially the deadly effect of the “swarming” technique. As a member of Egoz later told: “What can you do when a missile is being fired at you other than say your prayers?”


700 Hezbollah thugs add it up … about 2000 DEAD Lebanese

200 Dead Israelis …

It’s NOT good enough … eh? 100:1 is the next goal … why not 1000:1


Traiano Welcome

You’re stats are fictional. Why do you lie so much? Were you born that way?


Sour grapes …

Traiano Welcome

But your numbers are fabrications, why should I be sour grapes?

You keep counting civilians, I keep calling you out on your bullshit.

You inflate the numbers with goodness knows what sources (KUWAITIS???). I call you out on your bullshit.

You bullshit the numbers some more like a real jew, I call your bullshit anyhow … Keep spinning, Shekelstein :-) Nobody falls for your dodgy numbers.


The Hezbollah thugs tried to keep the 5000 dead In fighting for Assad as well plus all the injured …

The Arabs are pathetic …

May it ever be thus …

Traiano Welcome

Now you’ve gone all the way to Syria and a different war and enemy.

You’re pathetic. What a lame deflection tactic.


Same Hezbollah slugs … being bled to death serving the vile Iranian Mullahs


Traiano Welcome

IDF goons murdered mostly civilians.
Hezbollah killed mostly IDF goons.

Better stats than the crap ypu present:

Perhaps the most telling sign of Israel’s military failure comes in counting the dead and wounded. Israel now claims that it killed about 400-500 Hezbollah fighters, while its own losses were significantly less. But a more precise accounting shows that Israeli and Hezbollah casualties were nearly even. It is impossible for Shi’ites (and Hezbollah) not to allow an honorable burial for its martyrs, so in this case it is simply a matter of counting funerals. Fewer than 180 funerals have been held for Hezbollah fighters–nearly equal to the number killed on the Israeli side. That number may be revised upward: our most recent information from Lebanon says the number of Shi’ite martyr funerals in the south can now be precisely tabulated at 184.


Kuwait counted 700 Hezbollah funerals … I guess YOU were asleep … eh?

YOU’RE a vile Shia promoter? A slug that’s gonna have to swallow the ignominy of Lebanon being dismantled … not that it’s NOT been dismantled by Hezbollah already … lol

Lebanon is a failed state … LMAO

Did YOU flaggelate yourself at Ashura? Nails or spikes … bloody bs … eh?

Traiano Welcome

“Kuwait counted 700 Hezbollah funerals”

Hahahahaha! You funny guy!

Kuwait? Those liars? These Liars:

Kuwaitis cannot even lie straight, you think they can count straight? You’re an idiot. Get proper sources.

My stats come from an ex MI5 source.

The Objective

The problem with your waiting strategy is that the enemy is already fighting you with kinetic force. You also talked big and won the respect of many. Hezbollah’s reputation is on the line, and so is the morale of its fighters.
You’re not waiting. You’re avoiding a war at all cost.
The only time Hezbollah will fight is when Israel gets tired of provoking them and decides to launch devastating attacks on Hezbollah’s positions in Lebanon, probably by staging a false flag and blaming Hezbollah, who, of course, would vehemently deny it, but to no avail.


No false flag necessary …. Nasrallah will provide an excuse

11 Died in Syria …. some were Hezbollah yet no words from the ‘underground’ vampire in his lair?

The Objective

11 dead in Syria? That’s not true. Otherwise, prove it.
But if what you claim happens to be true, then Hezbollah is even worse than I thought.
While they wait for Israel to present them an opportunity, more Hezbollah fighters dying. What a pathetic strategy.


Otherwise, prove it? Huh? SOHR … and lots of other press including SANA

Exactly … YOUR heroes are Hezbollah? Huh?


Hezbollah, the Resistance are indeed the heroes!


They’re going down … it’s coming

T-4 just attacked … Hezbollah dead

The BIG ONE is …



The Resistance cannot be defeated! Never!

Traiano Welcome

You’ll see the zionist rats run to their underground lairs when the missiles come flying in from Lebanon:

The Objective

A couple of months, when you are wishing that Trump will lose?
I urge Iran and Hezbollah to make peace with the U.S. and Israel otherwise they could be the next Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Israel ain’t worth the risk of your nuclear annihilation.


As an asymmetrical force, Hezbollah should not act out of emotional impulse, that would indeed be very foolish! Hezbollah should and will act in time, place and situation of its own choosing maximizing its own strength against the enemy’s weakness.


11 dead … including Hezbollah’s men?

“One hipster … One Bullet
Got my finger on the trigger
and I want to pull it”


Hezbollah will wait until after the election before responding – and will do so regardless of who wins.

Fog of War

Why ? What does it matter ?


Netanyahu is trying to get a war started that would (seem to) threaten Israel’s existence. This would put political pressure on Trump to assist them in a war that would destroy his candidacy.

Fog of War

If Hezbollah attacks the US will join in no matter what. Lebanon is already being prepped or the ” party “.


Trump won’t fight in Lebanon … full stop

Lebanon is naked and will suffer huge numbers of civilian DEATHS in the coming war …

200,000 DEAD in the first 48 hrs

Fog of War

Israhell will not fight alone this time. They learned their lesson in 2006.


They won’t be fighting alone … an entire wing of F-35’s will destroy Hezbollah and Lebanon … full stop

The Army will be forced into digging out the vile Hezbollah thugs from their underground lairs … hello?


Fog of War

You’re a Khazar aren’t you ?


im glad hezbollah has ruaians chinese korean and iranies weapons…remeber whats kazars staes about merkabahs…LIES…MANPADS..are READY…will see f35 ..gringo.yakys,,live…1 missik to SINONA,,,or REACTOR IN NEGUEVS….thats all …you wants erase libanon and hamas…FILISTEANS…1MISSIL TO DIMONA..1MISSIL TO NEGUEV,,erasekazars once FOR ALL


alel … take a breath and relax

Your last days on earth will be more peaceful … eh?

Let’s hope you’re at ground zero when the attack begins …

I could give a sh Xt …



kazars and kazarians lover be ready…PAID TIME IS COMING SUCKERS>>>>BE READY

Tommy Jensen

Since 2015 about 200 Israeli airstrikes/year in Syria to support ISIS, and prevent Iran to get WMD like Saddam had got.
Someone here should get a life. Not saying who, just saying someone.

The Objective

Does our complaints against Israel achieve anything? Those who claim they’ll help people against Israeli aggression, this is the time to do it. Threats don’t mean nothing without a decisive backup. I’m referring to Iran and Hezbollah.


IAF strikes were against IRGC / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades and there gathering of missiles

Raptar Driver

This silly tit for tat Leads to nowhere.

Traiano Welcome

Nasrallah risks losing all credibility if he does not act to defend his own people from israeli aggression.

Likewise for Assad.

If either of these leaders stand passively by while their followers are used as target practice by the zionists, then they should rightly be replaced by leaders who are willing to take a more muscular approach to criminal aggression by the israeli occupation.

Both Assad and Nasrallah are entirely too passive and peace loving. The time has come for violent men to lead and put the rabid dog of israel down.

The Objective

Hezbollah is probably being held back by Iran. The Mullahs in Tehran are scared stiff. They talked big for year and had most people fooled into believing they’re really tough and no one should mess with them. Then Trump pulled the rug from under them by assassinating their shining ? and heaping sanctions even as Tehran tries to save the nuclear deal.

Traiano Welcome

>The Mullahs in Tehran are scared stiff

Negative. No more scared than Trump or Bibi.

The Mullahs are not behaving any more fearfully than the other parties.
If they were scared stiff they would not have:

a) Bombed american bases publicly in retaliation for Soleimani.
b) Shot down the Global Hawk.
c) Captured British and American sailors crossing into their territorial waters.
d) Stuck to their guns on the JCPOA
e) Captured the Stena Impera in retaliation for the Grace 1

… and so forth.


f) And put the diaper-wearing cunties in Iraq on permanent headache as they now vacate base after base in constant fear for their lives…

Traiano Welcome

The list is endless. In the end, fearful men cannot lead nations like lran or the Lebanese Shia , who are willing to defend the weak against all the Superpowers and their toadies.




Support? YOU mean sold them weapons? lol

Russia provided their best weapons since the early 1960’s and prior the Arabs bought from whomever they could …

NOT one soldier has stood beside the IDF that wasn’t another IDF soldier … that’s support!

The Arabs have put several armies TOGETHER to attack in 1948 / 1967 / 1973 … all without success …

May it ever be thus …



Israel is the superpower they fear ….

In the end … your Shia Jihadi/Islamists are going to suffer defeat along with Iran … there’s gonna be a showdown

Traiano Welcome

Israel is not feared. Neither is it a superpower.

The USA is feared. The day it falls, israel will be wiped out in a few hours.

Hezbollah only holds back because the USA threatens to protect Israel.

Assad would crush israel if the US were not protecting it.

Alone, israel would be weak and not last more than a day.


Who has protected Israel? They’ve gone to war against the Arabs …

• because they were attacked …
• because they wanted to preempt …
• because they see Iran building up attack positions in Syria

The US did threaten or attack Israel’s enemies … hello?

The IDF MUST protect Israel … that’s their mantra

Assad’s Syria is a shell of itself … barely able to crawl … lol

Assad hasn’t attacked Israel in decades … he’s afraid to do it!

Russia is protecting him from Israel’s wrath …


Traiano Welcome

The British. The French. The Soviets. The Americans. All gave israel all the support they needed in the wars against the Arab armies.

This is historical fact. Read a book.

Russia is preventing Assad from retaliating.

Without Russia, Assad would have no choice but to level Tel Aviv, Ashdod and Haifa.


Israel Aiding Head-chopping Saudi Arabia In Developing Nuclear Weapons.


Tulsi Gabbard speaks out on America’s nuclear deal with Saudis!


Why would they do that? Does it make ANY sense … goy?


Do they have any sense?


More sense than you …



As the Master said, “You strain out the gnats and swallow the camels”. St. Matthew 23:24


Saint bs …. lol

Goy … your beliefs are vile … stick’em where the sun don’t shine …



Unlike your satanic Talmud, The Master Righteous is the Truth. His words are eternal!
Tap the clip:


Your goyish World is going to collapse …


So scared that they had over a hundred of headashes with declarations like: ‘we were not trained for this’ and ‘the explosions were so powerful some of us started to wip in the bunker’.

The Objective

Yeah, and those headaches were a proportionate response to a country’s number second citizen. Plus a shattered economy. Oh I forgot to say that about five Iranians died alongside their leader. And Iran notified the Americans that they’ll soon launch their missiles, and even told the Americans the target they’d attack. They also gave American two hours to get under cover before the missiles start falling. That means Iran never intended to even cause the headaches. The headaches you’re so proud of were purely accidental.
Stop being subjective and face it. The theocracy in Iran paranoid like never before. And their asses have parmanently been exposed in the winds. What is the use of a military power if you can’t use it to preserve your dignity? Soleimani was the most important military figure in Iran. If your might couldn’t persuade your enemies not to touch him, who do you think is safe? Khomeini?


You want to compare Iran to USA as equals I see, could you before January events imagine a country will launch a salvo of missiles on two American bases without prompt response? I didn’t. USA also informed Russia when they launched their salvo in Syria and most likely knowing that Russia is informing Syrians. For me that was a clear sign that USA is in the process of retreat from ME. Soleimani assasination was either a mistake that force US to hurry the retreat from Iraq or a gesture that says look we are living but we are not afraid of you, Iran.


Your accusation of Iran being ‘scared’ is based on WHAT exactly?!
They were not “scared” to hit US back now didn’t they?!
So why would they be “scared” of IsraHell ?


True ignorance shines in you. China Russia Iran…whether Israel exists or not, in 10 years it will be only in name, at the best. It Will not be an entity will exist as or with a racist Zionist majority.
By law or by force. Choice Will be up to israelis and how they push their government.


Zayid Nasrallah will not act out of a whim or emotion. He will rather act asymmetrically, out of strategic timing and placing based on his own choosing.

Traiano Welcome

It is possible to destroy israel in one day by striking Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod simultaneously … I don’t understand the delay.


Zayid Nasrallah and his brave men are wise, they won’t rush, they know when and how to act.

Icarus Tanović

Sead Hassan Nasrallah.


Are you holding your dolly and sucking your thumb?


Traiano Welcome

Did you enjoy fellating Iron_Zion today?


On behalf of the US and Nato, Israel is currently arming and training neo-Nazi militias in Ukraine. Justice will catch up aganist the Evil Allies soon! More of this below:


So … your headline says that IDF training of Ukrainian troops is ongoing … eh?

The rest is bs …

40 Human Rights groups say … blah … blah … blah

Ukraine is fighting the Russians and need ALL the help they can get …

I’m not bothered … let the Ukrainian sh Xt heads kill the Russian sh Xt heads … seems fair to me


Your “Ukrainian sh Xt heads” can’t do a thing to Russia but you are only exposing your foolishness by aligning your asses with the U$ imperialist cunts, a sinking mafia empire!


Israel just attacked the T-4 base in Homs, Syria … eh?

Russia is a joke …. it’ll be gone before the end of the century

China will bite a piece off … and Ukraine will hand them ‘payback’ … eh?


Not so, Sholomo! You are misreading!


SANA … SOHR … Agence France says so

At least 3 DEAD Hezbollah thugs …

Coming ta git ya

Icarus Tanović

Why do you waste your time with this evil troll? Ignore the idiot. Hypocrisy is his and alikes second name.


Slavic ball buster … the kid needs some building up?

He’s not tough like y’all ?


Icarus Tanović

That supposed to be racist insult or what?


In others words … he ain’t fighting

Traiano Welcome

israel’s existence hangs by a thread.

It is possible to destroy israel in one day by striking Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ashdod simultaneously.

If Assad felt the price was worth it, he would end israel in one day.

Clearly he values the lives of Syrians more.

However, push him too far and israel will be a wasteland in a few hours.


They will fight smart!


Sure … Arabs fight smart … isn’t that an OXYMORON

Or are YOU a MORON ?

It’s a rhetorical question …



Smart Shiites may be a small minority but they fight smart and Hezbollah is a Shiite force!
More Jews in Shiite Iran than the rest of the Islamic world combined. Do you think that is an accident? A big testimony to the humanity, kindness and rationality of Shiite peoples! And yet you Jews along with your US/Nato allies you support, arm, fund and train Sunni ISIS/Al-Qaeda head-chopping Wahhabis!!! Shame! Shame!


More Iranian Jews in California than are left in Iran …

You’re a propaganda machine for the Iranians?

What a slug …



Unlike your head-chopping/ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Saudi allies tens of thousands of Jew live freely in Iran, a number which is more than the rest of the Islamic world combined!

Imagine what would happen to an identifiable Jew walking around in Mecca or Riyad today? They would be instantly lynched by Saudi pedestrians, no questions asked!

And you are allied with these same Saudi headchoppers, giving them nukes???Shame! Shame! Loosers!

Icarus Tanović

If that happens, Iran will get one or dozen/hundreds for that matter before them.


Prior to the Vile Mullah Police State … there were 150,000 Iranian Jews …. TODAY there are 12 -15,000

Hostages … really

When Saudi Arabia makes Peace with Israel like the UAE … we’ll talk … eh?

Icarus Tanović

Yes, but it isn’t quite likewise. 90% SAA are Suni. Saudi Wahhabis invested billions to convert every single living Muslim (other religion included) to Wahhabism.

Traiano Welcome

Until he is. Then you and your reptilian parasite fellows are screwed.



A Syrian Arab … aww … your wittle heart will be broken … but Asma and family will be dead meat


Israel treats members of its Al-Qaeda, ISIS allies!


Giving hospital care to an injured Syrian is bad? The fact is …. INTEL is gathered from these injured and used against Hezbollah and Assad

FSA .. were fighting Assad … when Assad returned to the border … he’s left Hezbollah there to recruit locals to fight Israel …. lol

They’re dead men walking …


Israel treats its Al-Qaeda/ISIS allies! What are u trying to hide?
ISRAEL Secretly Armed and Funded 12 Syrian Jihadist Groups- Israeli Media Reports… More below:


Nothing …. a little help and off they go BUT not before they are TOTALLY debriefed on the situation in Syria … eh?

Nothing is free …

Traiano Welcome

This is called “gaslighting”. Lying by distorting the nature of historical truth.

ISIS headchoppers have no intel on Hizbollah or Assad. The only intel they have for the IDF is:

“Don’t get between the Syrian Tiger Forces and a hard place”


The Syrian tiger forces? lol

A paper tiger? Don’t make me laugh!

These terrorists knew the situation in Syria and could confirm or provide INTEL … Israel could confirm their own INTEL … lol

Relax … your Assad is safe if he continues to play dead … lol

Traiano Welcome

You don’t even make sense anymore. Are you a bot?


So … nothing but hot air … like your cousins

Got it

Traiano Welcome

Hezbollah has never been hot air.

They roast jew ass regularly like in this example:

Or this one, lots of kosher pigs roasted here:

“An explosion demolished an Israeli military headquarters building today on the outskirts of the port city of Tyre in southern Lebanon, and an Israeli Army spokesman said at least 15 Israelis were killed and 25 wounded.”

First Tyre Bombing of IDF headqurters, 1982.

Not. Hot. Air. At. All.


Unlike, the Anti-Christ, U$, Israel, Nato and Saudi Arabia who are all encouraging, arming and funding religious genocide against Christians and other minorities in Syria, Hezbollah protects Christian shrines in Syria from the US, Israeli, Nato and Saudi-backed terrorist head-choppers! Watch the photos of Hezbollah fighters just doing that on link below:


You’ve got it down bro …

You make your point and show the source of your misinformation … good for you

Hezbollah is a vile Crime Syndicate … NOT a pro-Christian group …. lol

Christians in the Arab/Muslim World are disappearing … except in Israel


Thanks to Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Syria Christians and other minorities are safe in Syria today. Had the US and Israeli headchoping allies succeeded in the Syrian war, millions of Christians and other Syrian minorities would be lying dead today and the black flag of ISIS/Al-Qaeda would be flying in Damascus today.


Syria doesn’t exist … it’s an illusion

It’s a failed state … Israel just attacked the T-4 IRGC / Hezbollah base in Homs … eh?

Check with your superior what you need to say …. pmsl


Bite your tongue. Your head-chopping buddies are defeated in Syria, your mafiosi imperialist cunts are sinking fast and you will be next!


Aww … cut the crap … your Syria is a failed state … the Assad Crime Family’s day’s alive are numbered …



Ur satanic project has miserably failed. Get over it, Jew!




Death and Destruction are ongoing …

Traiano Welcome

So called ‘israel’ is a failed state.

It survives on welfare from the world’s superpowers.

Without threats from the US it would be destroyed in a day.

It can only survive by keeping millions of Palestinians in concentration camps.

Israel is a “Prison Warden State” … It exists for no other reason than to guard the walls around a captive population of Arabs.

And those prison walls fall, pity the jew left behind in Palestine for the will be no Uncle Sam to protect him …


Spare me … Arab

More boasting without any means of making it real …

Your head is exploding from cognitive dissonance …


Traiano Welcome

Bwahahaha. Now you’re just lying deliriously.

Israel doesn’t exist. It’s a delusion. An even the delusion is about to dissolve.


A stupid Arab … who can’t put two words together that he can’t steal …

Traiano Welcome

Hot air like your accusation of the Buenos Aires bombing :-)


Arab … slug

Hopeful someone in Argentina has balls …

Traiano Welcome

So looking at your post, you’re wrong twice and off topic once. So your whole post is junk.

Face it, you’re burned out troll – time to retire.


Your People are burning … in Syria and soon in Lebanon


Icarus Tanović

That’s right.


Asymmetrically … you mean like the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires?

The Hezbollah thugs can’t fight but they can plant bombs and run ?

Israel will respond on Lebanon … count on it!


You have no prove that Hezbollah bombed Buenos Aires, it could have been a false flag or your head-chopping buddies did it!

Traiano Welcome

“Asymmetrically … you mean like the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires?”

You perpetual liar. Why do you lie so much?

The Buenos Ares bombing was proven to be nothing related to Hezbollah.

Read a book, idiot.

Oh look, you got one upvote from the dumb cunt Iron Zionist.


Liar … the next blow is coming on the heads of Hezbollah

Traiano Welcome

Try being original for once. Mirroring me just makes you look dumber than you already look.

You’ve still been exposed as a liar about the Buenos Aires bombing. Perhaps before throwing any more shit at the wall you should just admit that you lied?


Liar … Hezbollah was charged … Interpol has ‘red tickets’ out for arrest … Iran / Hezbollah are free wandering within the lands of the Shia … eh?

Step out and the accused slugs are going to the ICC


Assad hasn’t done anything against Israel for decades … hello?

He’s toast if he lifts a finger …


Traiano Welcome

The day Assad lifts his finger, israel will be toast.


Assad is barely a leader of a militia at this point … lol

His state is chopped up and held by ‘others’ … lol

NO self-respecting leader would allow such a thing …

Another Assad booster? feh

Traiano Welcome

He’s doing pretty well considering the odds.

Not everyone gets to face down the entire Zionist Anglo American empire and still be standing 10 years later.

Assad has enough missiles to wipe out israel.

Another zionist shill eh?


A Canadian living in Toronto … an anti-Islamist/anti-Jihadi … eh?

Assad has no ability to harm Israel … he’s being attacked YESTERDAY with 11 DEAD including 3 of his own soldiers … hello?

Any response on Israel from Assad will bring his regime down around his head … and his head will be rolling on the ground … lol

Traiano Welcome

So, Another zionist shill eh?


Another Jew taking care of business … eh?

Lots of time during Covid …

Traiano Welcome

You call this taking care of business?

You set a really low bar for your own performance.


Israel has even more … and Nukes as well … and Nukes on Subs in the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf

Traiano Welcome

None of that will help when israel is levelled to the ground.

Iran may take a hit, but israel will be gone and iran and Arabs will eventually recover.

And the US will havevto leave shortly as well.

Small price to pay, I’d say level Tel Aviv today!


Sweet Dreams are made of this …

The nightmare will be arriving after the first missile is fired from Lebanon …

NO defence … NO air force … NO shelters … NOTHING

IDF troops will be there to dig out Nasrallah … he won’t be alive … he’ll be KILLED rather than put him in the dock at the ICC … eh? We’ll know from his severed head and/or hand!


Traiano Welcome

You just keep dreaming, pinnocchio.

I’m sure jews all over the world masturbate to the fantasy you just painted.

But that’s all it is. Fantasy.

John Brown

Its about winning not showing who is tough. Israel is losing and getting weaker every day along with its racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship, while its enemies get stronger. So Israel is desperate for a war now. It is in the intersest of Hezbollah to wait as their chances of victory grow with every day a war is delayed as they get stronger.

Traiano Welcome

Agreed for the most part. But there is a window.
Hezbollah cannot wait too long.Or else the window of opportunity will pass.
At the same time israel+US is using a strategy of strangulation on Lebanon and Syria.
Nasrallah needs to ‘use it or lose it’ … if you get my meaning.

John Brown

Wrong it is Israel’s window of opportunity that is closing. Iran is on the
verge of massive economic growth, with the 50 billion plus Chinese investment
economic growth package with guaranteed Chinese purchase of Iranian oil for
decades. Iran will become within 10 years the undisputed dominant regional economic
and conventional military power in the middle east, much stronger than Israel
and able to aid Hezbollah and Syria and defeat and drive out the USA militarily from the region,
as the USSA and the rest of the rotting racist supremacist global Jewish
satanic slave empire dictatorship rapidly declines.

China is currently negotiating a massive economic package for Lebanon like it
signed with Iran as we speak which is why Maron ran on his master Rothchild orders
there to try to stop it.

Soon the USSA will also be driven out of Syria by constant ambush hit and
run IED attacks.,

The USSA and the rest of the rotting racist supremacist global Jewish
satanic slave empire dictatorship will suffer a total economic and military collapse
within 5 years at most and possibly any day now. I very much doubt there will be an USSA or Eu
or UK or Germany when this happens.

The USSA due to its evil, corrupt satanic ways is now rapidly falling behind
China and Russia in all economic high-tech IT, and military tech. Within 10 years
if there is a USSA 5 even years from now, technologically will be like the polish
calvary charging against German tanks in world war 2.

Traiano Welcome

That’s the other side of the story, one I hope will play out as expected.

Of course, the zionist trolls on this forum like tzatz and his minime Iron_Zion are too dumb to see this picture. Let’s hope they never wise up …


They were hit again last night … 15 Shia dead … presumably Hezbollah too

T-4 base in Homs, Syria … eh?

Traiano Welcome

Another fantasy story made up by the IDF, who are hitting mostly “Shia” decoys and store mannequins dressed as Iranians.

Shia? how’d you know? Did you go around and take a poll?

“Presumably” ? You mean you don’t know. It could “Presumably” have been a bunch of goats. The IDF is famous for bombing goats:

“Kafr Tibnit, the SA/IDF lobbed shells at the village, killing an elderly farmer as well as a number of sheep and goats. Human Rights Watch Staff, ‎Human Rights Watch/Middle East, ‎Human Rights Watch (Organization) – 1996”


Fool …

Traiano Welcome

Imbecile. Run out of comebacks? I can do ad hominems too you know ?

Icarus Tanović

Just wait and be patient. Israel is loosing its nerves and attack like rabid dog, right after the Ashura Nasrallah speach. Just be patient and behold what is going to happen. Those are not an empty words. It has never been that way by Nasrallah. Just wait and see.

The Objective

Fuck off. Nothing will happen. We’ve heard more bombastic statements years ago

Icarus Tanović

No, you fuck off.

John Brown

Yeah like how Hezbollah kicked Israel’s racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship’s asses in 2006 and every time since then.

The Objective

Yeah, and the Israelis have been kicking their asses since 2016 or so. 2006 was a temporary victory. And the victory was denying Israel its objective, though there were more loses on Lebanon than Israel. Hezbollah fought on the defensive.
Plus America had little interest in Hezbollah back then.

Removil Pedro Mata

Is temporary that long? Since the 2006 victory that Israel didn´t have enough courage to confront them frontly!!!! If a army attack´s you wille it state that they are attacking to erase you, would you defend yourself by attacking directly a bigger army?

John Brown

Ha Ha Ha what a joke you are. Name any time Israel beat

Hezbollah since 2006.

They can only murder innocent civiilians as they are the most evil, corrupt and cowardly military on the planet just as they murdered those women and children in the port of Beiruit.

As for the truth

nothing beats the multiple hundreds, thousands tens of thousands of voluntary confessions to de-progam even the

most brain washed Goyim. I present irrefutable real evidence from Israeli and Jewish sources

sources. I am not saying anything none of it is my words at all. Are the

Israeli media, the Times of Israel Y Net News the Jerusalem Post etc. top

rabbis etc. lying, Are they anti-Jewish?? As for the truth nothing beats the

voluntary confession. 66 Trillion in reparations from world Jewry for the

Soviet holocaust 66 million murdered by racist supremacist Jews and 100

trillion from world Jewry for the African holocaust 100 million murdered 400 years of slavery rape etc. by racist supremacist Jews just to start. There are many other

holocausts shoahs which have been committed by world Jewry against Goyims

The Greatest

Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist,7340,L-3342999,00.html Racist supremacist

Jews killed 66 million Goyims in the Soviet Union “And us, the Jews? An Israeli

student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the

greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and

the founder and commander of the NKVD. “Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s

collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions

of people. “His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system

Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner,

Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps

in his book, Two Hundred Years Together. According to his observations, Jews

made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early

Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet

government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In

addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds

of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. Is Y-net news lying? Are they

anti Jewish

How Jews treated blacks when

they ran the slave trade updated

sell him cheap




Mungiyeh Sr & Jr … Samir Kuntar

Coming ta git ya …

John Brown

qu’en dites-vous ?


They’re sleeping with the fishes …

Traiano Welcome
Traiano Welcome

Don’t forget before the 2006 war:

1983 – israeli idf beaten out of Lebanon by Hezbollah under Subhi al-Tufayli

2000 – israeli idf beaten out of Lebanon again by Hezbollah under Hassan Nasrallah. During the spring of 2000, Hezbollah operations stepped up considerably,
with persistent harassment of Israeli military outposts in occupied Lebanese territory. As preparation for the major withdrawal plan, Israeli forces began abandoning several forward positions within the security zone of South Lebanon. On 24 May, Israel announced that it would withdraw all troops from South Lebanon.

I see a pattern here …


What happened ? yawn

Icarus Tanović

Be patient and will see. End of conversation.


Ok Slava

Icarus Tanović

This actually translates as: Okay, Glory.




15 more Shia killed at T-4 Air base in Homs, Syria … oh my

Any Hezbollah dead is simply a fluke … Yes or No?


Icarus Tanović

By saying Shia, you mean Muslims?

Icarus Tanović

Next time it will be your Wahhabi statanistic headchopping zionistic friends-pseudo Muslims known as Wahhabis, that recruite kids in Isil, Al Nusra, this or that, enemies of human kind.


It’s always the next time … 200 missions … flattened buildings … blown up missile stores … dead Shia everywhere


Icarus Tanović

Next, shut the fuck up.


Hezbollah can’t do jack shit. They are scared shit like the mullahs in Iran.

The Objective

All they have to do is make good on their threat. Israeli soldiers are well within range.
Cowards deserve no support.


Hezbollah are courageous but not suicidal to go against extremely fortified positions with all the different sensors and cameras and mines that one could imagine all over the place !
Nobody can even come close let alone start the fight.

They must wait for the opportunity and opportunity always arrives to the patient people.
They must have original ideas how to get closer to Israelis also

The Objective

Well, they can keep waiting for Israel to give them the opportunity.
But do they really have to kill an Israeli soldier? How about launching a face-saving missile attack against some unmanned Israeli outpost? Or even better, launch one precision missile at an Israeli patrol. With their boastful statements regarding dozens of precision missiles that Iran provided them, it shouldn’t be such a difficult task to launch one even at an empty location like Iran did in Iraq. By empty I mean no human being is there.
A coward is a coward whichever way you cut it.


missiles are for the war…..this is just warming up…so don’t get overexcited too soon

The Objective

You know how many thousand missiles Hezbollah has? Or were all those reports exaggerated?
I only responded to your claim that Hezbollah must get really close before attacking its enemy. I showed you that Hezbollah has the means and capabilities to inflict casualties on Israel without any Hezbollah getting killed in the process. But what Hezbollah fears is the inevitable Israeli bombardment that’ll follow. Also, trump will immediately order the b52s to start dropping thousands of pounds of explosives on Hezbollah and also defeat Biden in the elections.
That’s the reason nasrallah will only bark and not bite as long as Trump occupies the Whitehouse.
Iran won’t let that happen. Imagine what a jerk Iran will look standing idle or doing little more than give covert support as America destroy Iran’s proxy in Lebanon.
The cowardly resistance axis hopes to get some relief from a Joe Biden victory. But that is not certain.

The Objective

Besides, Israel used dozens of missiles against Hezbollah in Syria. So it’ll be fair to launch a missile at an Israeli patrol.
No amount of excuse will cloak Hezbollah’s cowardice. But they don’t hesitate to say without them Lebanon will be no more.


I do not agree!
Nasrallah is fucking with Jew brains and keeps pressure on them!
What was promised must be fulfilled that is the name of the game.

It would be plain STUPID to launch single missile before killing one Israeli soldier!
Once they kill the soldier they can retaliate with the missiles also.
YES without them Lebanon would be no more!
I never expected you to agree with anything.
Time will only tell we have to sit and wait that promise is fulfilled


Even Jew dummies are scared dumping their dummy turds all over the place while exposed to Hezbollah :)

Traiano Welcome

Really!? Does this look like jack shit to you?

Loads of other examples of Hezbollah roasting idf goons in their shitcan merkavas.


Yeah, this is jack shit.

Send me videos of Hizbollah jets flighting sorties or shooting down Israelis jets, tanks advancing across Israel and hitting Israeli tanks, anti missiles interception of IDF missiles.

Traiano Welcome

Why jets specifically? Why not Hezbollah Warriors on foot with anti-tank weaponry blowing up IDF shitcans? Seems just as good to me!

Kaboom! Kosher roast.

Traiano Welcome

One of my personal favourites, hezbollah striking a Saar 5 warship:

Definitely. Not. Jackshit.


Ok, so I guess you couldn’t find any of the things asked for. Shooting missiles is all they have.

cechas vodobenikov

the CIA propaganda—tratzy, slave girl, Pepsi is liberty is farcical—without 3.8 $ billion per year Israel could not murder sand dunes in syria and ghettoized Gaza—-and with all this Hizbollah humiliated Israel in 2006 under the leadership of benny g
unfortunately ofra haza died of AIDS—perhaps she could have changed this nonsense


So much bs in a short paragraph …

You’re jealous you can’t ‘touch’ / harm Israel … lol

But … you’re lucky that Jews/Zionists/Israelis haven’t been killed … eh? It would send the IAF into action … 100:1 kill ratio

Lebanon hangs in the balance … eh?

Lebanon ? … like in Rome … eh?

Traiano Welcome

Lebanon can take 1000 defeats and still live.

‘Israel’ cannot take one defeat or it will be gone forever.


It looks like it’s taken 1000 defeats already

Traiano Welcome

And it’s still standing, like I said.

On the other hand israel will just be defeated once and never rise again.


Fucking moron.

Traiano Welcome

Come back on shift after sucking tatz micropenis all night?


Standing? lol

Nothing is standing …. pmsl

A failed state … bankrupt … corrupt … it’s people starving …. I piss on them

Traiano Welcome

Nothing new. They get up each time. The Lebanese civil war was worse.

One day when israel falls, I’ll book a flight over to piss on your graves :-)


One day … these days it’s the Jews/Zionists/Israelis pissing on your cousins …. pmsl

Traiano Welcome

Well, you better do all the pissing you can, while you can because it’s our turn next.

The Romans did a great job of pissing on the last temple.

We’ll have no shame in pissing on the current one. The Synagogue of Satan.


Our turn? An Arab … eh?

Quelle surprise … lol


Traiano Welcome

Human. Something your kind knows nothing about.


Muslim bs

Traiano Welcome

Zionist BS.


What a wasps nest Israel created in that area..


What a wasps nest Iran/Hezbollah created in that area ….

Traiano Welcome

Wasps are fine. zionist israel is a nest of lice.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

20:08 mark. does southfront recognise any of these people? landed in dover today. landing everyday in kent and being brought in by border patrol force. UK bringing its ISIS home?




is funny but this site is full of pedofiles dicksukerrs…dreaming to be rabbys…is all lot of free jimmys jewmericans call themselves jooz..