Written by Dennis M. Nilsen exclusively for SouthFront
The Israeli State founded in 1948 has consistently maintained a firm foreign policy of active defense against its regional neighbors who, since independence, have engaged in at least four wars against it. This state of perpetual insecurity has forced all political parties within Israel to pursue a regional foreign policy of divide and manage in order to prevent the emergence of a powerful, ideologically-united military bloc able to viably oppose its actions, despite the uncritical support of the United States. In on-the-ground terms, all Muslims in the Middle East possess a cultural dislike of the Israelis because of gross displacement of the Palestinian people during the 1948 War of Independence and the 1967 occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. While Israel has withdrawn from Gaza, it still occupies Golan, internationally recognized as belonging to Syria, a majority of the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.
This status quo provides a residual foundation of resentment, but it is the present and constant Israeli policy of discrimination against the Palestinians which forms the injurious thorn in the side of its Muslim neighbors. This state of affairs causes all Israelis to live in a siege mindset, to be overly belligerent in words and actions to provocations and to always take a hardline in any negotiations designed to end the politically untenable situation of the Palestinian people in the West Banka and Gaza. Though the Israeli vote is divided among a plethora of parties, there is this strong commitment to security found in them all which allowed men as opposed ideologically as Shimon Peres and Binyamin Netanyahu to ultimately agree on the larger picture of Israeli regional foreign policy.
Seen in a religious context, Israeli is surrounded by a sea of Muslim neighbors. Yet Israeli foreign policy noticeably more severe towards the Shia than the Sunni. Why, in Israeli eyes, do they constitute a potentially greater threat?
First, they unlike the Sunnis possess a religious unity whose character is politically based in Iran. While Shia theology does not demand the existence of one guardian jurist (vela-ye faqih) to judge all of the ‘umma, this came to be supported from the middle of the nineteenth century, and the establishment of the Khomeini regime in Iran made this a fact. While there are other ayatollahs – and the very chief among them marj’e – the constitution of Iran has institutionalized this hierarchy within Shia Islam. Traditionally, the leading Shia jurists had refused direct involvement in politics as this stance was the continuation of the practices of the Imams. However, with the creation of the Safavid state in Persian in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, the political character of Shiism came into its own. The historical direction of Shiite jurisprudence was therefore fated to occur in Iran because it was – and is – the locus of one of the two major venues of Shiite scholarship (Qom, the other being Karbala in Iraq, and because it is the only officially Shiite state.
Second, the political direction of the Iranian Shia community has meant advocacy of a continuous revolutionary movement to establish Shia or Shia-friendly regimes. The various Sunni schools of jurisprudence have all promoted the spread of Islam, but the political unity of the Shia under the headship of Iran has meant that much more of a focused attempt to do this, and the recent political breakwater created by Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran has given great fuel to this impetus. Further, the absence of any real plurality within Shiite jurisprudence means that a very large majority of the Shia follow the Ja’fari School, which is institutionalized in Iran as part of the legal system. The Yemeni Shia follow the Zaydi School which, while an older discipline than the Ja’fari, cannot compete numerically or status-wise against the latter. All of the Shiite political allies of the Iranians follow the Ja’fari School, and while the ruling elite in Syria are Alawi, politically these have aligned themselves with the Iranians to challenge greater enemies in Sunni takfiris and Israel.
Therefore, the political and religious unity of the Shia under the headship of Iran means a concentration of the revolutionary element as taught by Ayatollah Khomeini. While there indeed are a number of Sunni jihadi groups operating with goals detrimental to Israel, none have the institutional or political maturity of the Shia.

Israeli security forces clash with Palestinian stone throwers at the northern entrance of the village of Yatta, near Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, on May 22, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / HAZEM BADER
This religious similarity being established, what does it mean in actual fact for the Israelis? What designs does the Iranian-led Shia bloc have against Israel? Are the usual mantras which we hear about the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of Jews true or merely hyperbole to instill a regime of fear among the Israeli populace? Ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the political and military leaders of Iran have opposed the existence of the Zionist regime for a number of reasons, the most well-known among which are the unresolved plight of the Palestinians and occupation of the West Bank and the control of Jerusalem with the al-Aqsa Mosque.
More broadly, however, Iran sees Israeli foreign policy as detrimental to the Islamic world in general and destructive to its own well-being. However, since the Iranians cannot match the Israelis in terms of military or alliance power, they must resort to methods recently characterized as hybrid warfare, a mixture of clandestine military support and propagandistic dissimulation. As to Jerusalem, are they committed to restoring it to Islamic rule? They have named the special action service branch of the Sepah the Ghods Force [Quds Force] (‘the Jerusalem Force’): is there any other country which denotes its units in such a way?
Because Jerusalem is considered by the Shia after Mecca and Medina to be the third-ranking of their holiest sites, it is understandable to conclude that part of this preparation for the return of the Mahdi means the recapture of the city for the Muslims; they, as do the Sunni, consider that the Masjid al-Aqsa (“The Farthest Mosque”) in the Old City was a site given significance by the Patriarch Abraham as a place of sacrifice before the coming of Mohammed. The existence of the remaining foundations of the Temple of Solomon underneath it means that the reoccupation of the Mosque by Muslim authority cannot happen without the eradication of the State of Israel; this the Iranians are reconciled to it. With Karbala, Najaf, Mecca and Medina currently ruled by an Islamic authority, the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem remains the only one outside of Muslim hands.
The generations-long Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe/Disaster), begun in 1948, is an added ingredient in the conflict between Iran and Israel, held by some in the Islamic Republic as a true injustice which needs to be remedied and by others who cynically accept the role of spokesman and advocate for these people, but who really consider them to have no effect upon the national wellbeing of Iran.
The Iranians, as a confessional Shia state, are naturally most concerned with their Shia brethren in neighboring countries, countries in which they do not enjoy the same directional control of the culture as they do in Iran. In Iraq until recently, the Shia were politically excluded from the status quo regime of Sunni Arabs, and as I have mentioned before the removal of Saddam Hussein and the de-Baathification of the country was the greatest triumph for Iranian foreign policy since the Revolution of 1979. The majority Shia population of Bahrain has meant the heightened interest of Iran towards that country since the Revolution, and the current military interventions in Syria and Yemen on behalf of al-Assad and the Houthis rebels are driven by a desire to see the existence of their fellow Shia made secure. The Iranian support for Hezbollah, which the Sepah helped to create in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, is well known and is a permanent feature of Iranian regional foreign policy, the primary and most visible ingredient in their Axis of Resistance political, economy and military alignment against the Zionist State.
The next factor in this Axis of Resistance is the quasi-state of Hezbollah, the ‘Party of God,’ a movement which arose in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and formed with the backing of the Sepah. While Hezbollah has gone from being an anti-state within Lebanon to a participant in parliamentary governance and a provider of social and educational services to a large number of Lebanese, its original aim of the destruction of the State of Israel as an act of defensive jihad remains in place.

Hezbollah displays a pick-up truck mounted with a multiple rocket launcher in a parade in the southern Lebanese city of Nabatiyeh in 2014. (photo credit:MAHMOUD ZAYYAT / AFP)
Again, because it lacks the military might of Israel – and a strong backer like the United States – Hezbollah must engage in hybrid warfare. Under the leadership of Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah continues to pose a very real though untraditional military threat to Israel.
The third party to this bloc is Syria, officially an ethnically-based republic but in reality a key partner in extending the reach of Iran to its Hezbollah partners in Lebanon. Syria is no friend of Israel, due not least to the continued occupation of two-thirds of the Golan Heights since 1967. Syrian attitudes towards Israel are not officially religiously motivated due to Syria not possessing a confessional character, but neither does it diplomatically recognize the Zionist state; it also takes part in the Arab boycott against it. Further, it has consistently taken the part of Hezbollah against Israeli actions, intervening on its behalf during the 1982 invasion and continuously acting as a bastion on which to ensure a favorable Lebanese foreign policy for itself against Israel. A potential fourth party here is Iraq, which is heavily under Iranian influence due to religious affinity and also to the more recent joint actions taken against ISIS.

In this Thursday Feb. 25, 2010 file photo, Hezbollah leader sheik Hassan Nasrallah, left, speaks with Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Iran’s then-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad upon their arrival for a dinner in Damascus, Syria. (photo credit: AP/SANA)
Considering all of this, it is not difficult to understand why the Israelis maintain a hardline stance against these entities. Although the Israelis are divided internally, and the political parties are quite diverse, seek different ends for a political ideal, all are committed to a Jewish state and only divided as to the intensity of its religious character and to the resolution of the Palestinian issue. Despite this internal division, the Israelis have maintained a united front against any accommodation with what they perceive to be any threat against their interests. Are they being misled by an unreasonable fear, or do they see the truth behind foreign policy maneuvers which can be seen as benign?
The real Israeli problem with the Muslim world at large and with their Middle Eastern Muslim neighbors began in 1967 with the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem; these actions caused a permanent state of animosity towards the Israelis despite the numerous agreements and the diplomatic recognition given to them by Egypt and Jordan.
The continued occupation of these lands, plus the aggressive campaigns of settlement building in the West Bank – a policy followed by all Israeli governments, whether Likud or Labour – have only further alienated Muslim sentiment and served as fuel to the fire both for Sunni jihadi groups and for the Shia bloc. Existing within a small pale on the Mediterranean coast, the Jewish state understandably sees itself as having its collective back to the sea, and the only way that it can at the least maintain or at most strengthen its position is by engaging in forceful rhetoric and sometimes unilateral military action against those interests it perceives intend it harm. The world has seen how severely it has dealt with the Palestinian groups Hamas and Fatah, and further back in time the PLO under Arafat; the world has also witnessed the unilateral military strikes against nuclear facilities in Iraq in 1981 (Operation “Opera”) and Syria in 2007 (Operation “Orchard”) and more recently against the Syrian Armed Forces on the pretext of interdicting arms shipments to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A two-ship of Israeli Air Force F-16s from Ramon Air Base, Israel, head out to the Nevada Test and Training Range, July 17 during Red Flag Exercise 09-4. Photo: Master Sergeant Kevin J. Gruenwald
As to Iran, if the political establishment has consistently spoken with bravado against Israel, then the Israelis have responded in kind, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has on more than one occasion openly spoken of the existential threat which an Iranian nuclear weapons project will pose for his country, and that, if such be the case – despite the guarantees of the IAEA that Iran has complied with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – Israel reserves to the right to conduct a unilateral air strike against any and all facilities which it deems are crucial to the weapons construction regime. Due to the brittle security atmosphere prevailing in the Middle East, the Prime Minister stills enjoys considerable support despite the allegations of corruption, and his Likud (Heb. “Consolidation”) Party unquestionably prevails in recent opinion polling. Avigdor Lieberman, the defense minister from Yisrael Beiteinu (Heb. “Israel Our Home”), a secular rightwing party, while voicing greater moderation in his statements about the Palestinians (cf. “Lieberman Plan”) is as against Iran attaining nuclear weapons capability as his chief. Of the 23 cabinet members (holding a total of 31 portfolios), 12 are from Likud. Kulanu (Heb. “All of Us”), the only centrist party within the governing coalition, holds the ministries of Economy, Construction and Finance, and thus does not have a strong say in the determination of foreign diplomatic and military policy. The Orthodox Jewish parties Shas (short for Shomrei Sfarad, Heb. “Guardians of the Sephardim”) and The Jewish Home each have two portfolios, while Lieberman’s party Yisrael Beiteinu has two, and United Torah Judaism has one. All of these parties save Yisrael Beiteinu and Kulanu are religious, and all save Kulanu are rightwing.
Suffice it to say that Netanyahu, who in addition to the Prime Minister’s office holds the foreign affairs portfolio, and Lieberman are both hawkish when considering actions towards countries whom they see as prejudicial to their own understanding of Israel’s interests. Lieberman has publicly noted that he does not believe that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the main reason for the lack of a status quo in the Middle East, nor does he believe the restitution of the 1967 borders will bring about a peaceful settlement. His main efforts are against Hezbollah and Iran, though it is myopic at the very least to disregard this continuous human rights catastrophe in the context of his country’s relations with Lebanon and Iran.
For the foreseeable future, then, the actions which Israel may take in order to prevent the consolidation of a Shia bloc are, in the first order, the exerting of diplomatic pressure on Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and (to be determined) Iraq in order to forestall actions prejudicial to Israel. This will be most likely accomplished through the enlistment of American and/or British power at the UN or through NATO.
Also in the first order is the conducting of harsh security measures within Israel against suspected agents of these governments, unilateral air strikes against agents of these governments deemed to be operating in a manner directly harmful to Israeli security, and the use of clandestine operations through its Mossad security service. Of the second order is the use of all-out war, something seemingly spoken of freely by Prime Minister Netanyahu but in reality something to be avoided at all costs due to the great destruction it would wreak on his country.
Obviously of particular concern to the Israeli government is the growing influence of Iran in Syria and in Lebanon through Hezbollah. Its leadership can be expected to continually raise the alarm about this and to engage in unilateral airstrikes against targets they deem to be of particular importance. Although they cannot prevent Hezbollah from arming itself to a dangerous level, they can reorient their defensive doctrine to prepare to refight the 2006 war. It is widely expected that Israel and Hezbollah will again fight, but it remains to be seen how involved Iran will be in this contest. These two countries cannot engage in a traditional war but only by proxy. As Iran is determined to destroy the State of Israel as it exists, it will continue to supply and direct Hezbollah. Israel on the other hand cannot directly reach Iran, even through airstrikes (which it has been shown will only have a small effect on Iranian nuclear capability but will ensure the uniting of the Islamic world against Israel). Thus both are fated to fight a proxy war.
In Syria, Iranian support has been essential to the increasingly successful Syrian efforts to defeat ISIS, and this has caused concern in Israel. However, a permanent Iranian influence will be measured on how much they give to the rebuilding of the country and the support to the Syrian Army. The prospects for success here are much less than in Iraq because there is no shared border nor a sizeable Shia population in Syria; rather, the Syrian government has to worry about keeping its majority Sunni population pacified, something which will not happen should Iran visibly remain. Despite all of this, should Syria remain a passageway for the shipment of arms and personnel between Iran and Hezbollah, Israel will continue to engage in its current efforts to dry up this land line.
Presently there exists a war of words between Israel and its Shia opponents coupled with a certain undeclared warfare prosecuted through indirect means. We can expect to see more of this, as both Israel and her opponents (Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq) are in it for the long game.
Well balanced report.
Very naive article. In the heads of these Zionist there is something called Greater Israel which isn’t mention here
I dont know if it is naive but Greater Israel project should have been mentioned.
Greater Israel exists in your Head. And the Head of Nazi Scum.
Herzl Complete Diaries – Vol 2 – p 711
“Discussed with Bodenheimer the demands we will make.
Area: from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.”
David Ben-Gurion: “The present map of Palestine was drawn by the British mandate. The Jewish people have another map which our youth and adults should strive to fulfill-From the Nile to the Euphrates.”
You are very misinformed, are too trusting of your nations leaders , or criminally denialist because kniw it is so but wont admit it.
Please see my ODED YINON post.
Hezbollah will destroy the IDF just like they did in 2006
Map which shows the country of Palestine and the future Israeli refugee camps. Total number of Israeli refugees moved to Palestine is 2%. Therefore, they can be easily accommodated in South Palestine with no congestion. Israeli refugees cannot claim any part of Palestine.
1. For the last 70 years these foreign refugees living in Palestine. They have harassed, tortured and brutally killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. They have demolished and still demolishing their homes. Therefore, 50% Palestinians left Palestine and now living in camps outside Palestine.
2. Total 2% Israeli refugees moved to Palestine was a Western conspiracy/ terrorism against Palestinians and their sovereignty.
3. Under these facts it is obvious that America and Europe don’t care of human rights?
Palisraelistine should have a one person, one vote democracy with right of return for all refugees. This is what Jews insist on in other countries the whole world over. Why should it not apply to them?
Too true.
Sigh! The zionists are’t Jews, they are secular, fascist antisemites.
Please tell me the difference between Zionism and Judaism?’
What are the roots of Zionism if not Judaism?
Zionism is one of the late C19th manifestations of liberalism, one of the proto-fascist racist-imperialist ideologies shorn of it’s enlightenment pretensions. It is based on the rejection of Judaism and ideologists like Hertzl claimed that they had created its successor. Contemporary zionists are using Judaism as a fig-leaf of respectability to excuse a naked land-grab and the expulsion (one way or another) of the rightful owners of the land of Palestine.
From the above article:
“The Israeli State founded in 1948 has consistently maintained a firm foreign policy of active defense against its regional neighbors who, since independence, have engaged in at least four wars against it.”
Really? Israel was engaged in active offense, not defense against the Palestinians and their neighbors. Israel waged 4 offensive wars against the Arabs. In 47 it invaded non Israel Palestine during the civil war, in 56 and 67 invaded Egypt, and in 73 fought Egyptian forces re entering the Egyptian Sinai to extinguish the Israeli occupation from 67.
In 47 Israel attacked the Palestinians in the Arab sector of Palestine not allocated to them in Resolution 181. The 48 war was a continuation of the 47 civil war between the Jews and Palestinians and the Arab intervention was after the Jews had ethnically cleansed a large part of Palestine with mascaras and land thefts and the Palestinians requested Arab intervention to stop it after the UN had given away 55% of their land to the Jews without their consent and against their wishes.
“The 1948 Arab–Israeli War after 15 May 1948, marking the end of the British Mandate and the birth of Israel, in which Transjordan intervened and sent expeditionary forces that entered Palestine and engaged the Israeli army. However, Jordanian operations were limited to specific and clearly defined objectives. Egypt, Syria and Iraq by contrast, attempted a full invasion of the territory of the newly created State of Israel with the intention of expunging it.
At the end of the war, the State of Israel kept the area that had been recommended by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 as well as almost 60% of the area allocated to the proposed Arab state”
“In 1956 Israel invaded the Egyptian Sinai, with one of its objectives being the reopening of the Straits of Tiran which Egypt had blocked to Israeli shipping since 1950. Israel was subsequently forced to withdraw, but won a guarantee that the Straits of Tiran would remain open.”
“In the period leading up to June 1967, tensions became dangerously heightened. Israel reiterated its post-1956 position that the closure of the straits of Tiran to its shipping would be a casus belli and in late May Nasser announced the straits would be closed to Israeli vessels. Egypt then mobilised its forces along its border with Israel, and on 5 June Israel launched what it claimed were a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields.”
In 73
“The war began with a massive and successful Egyptian crossing of the Suez Canal. After crossing the cease-fire lines, Egyptian forces advanced virtually unopposed into the Sinai Peninsula.”
The 48 war was to stop Israeli ethnic cleansing and land theft, Israel attacked Egypt in 56 and 67, occupying the Sinai on both occasions and was in occupation of the Sinai in 73 when Egypt entered the Sinai to end the Israeli occupation.
The creation of Israel was one of the worst examples of mismanagement of a supranational organization founded to maintain peace and order on this planet. It should have never happened in the manner that it did and the UN has spent it’s entire history since then trying to correct this historic mistake.
An excellent summary overview; thanks for posting SF!
Israeli tactic: “Right of self determination would allow palestinians to seccede. So let’s instead settle jews on their lands and chase out/genocide the palestinians, until there are more jews than palestinians, so we get to completely annex them!”
“the quasi-state of Hezbollah, the ‘Party of God,’ a movement which arose in 1982 “…
I am pretty sure Hezbollah was created in 1985 from the Amal party in Southern Lebanon.
It did, after Amal changed its policy and became a political party, Hezbollah broke off so it can actually fight Israeli forces, Today, Amal is a multi-billionaire and is quite corrupt while Hezbollah is fighting the Zionist aggression.
That’s right, but if they don’t insist on creation of Hezbollah in 1982, how on earth can they blame it for bombing of US marine and French barracks?
I think the whole article is biased towards Israel and try to paint Iran in particular and Shi’as in general as fanatically bound to annihilation of Israel.
Houthis are Iran’s proxy? Really? If they could discover ONE shipment of arms from Iran to Yemen, Nikki the witch would raise hell in the UN!
“The commission found that “Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase”.[16] Nearly 90% of the Palestinian population was emphatically against the entire Zionist program …
It concluded that the only way to establish a viable Jewish state would be with armed force to enforce it. This was precisely what the Commission wanted to avoid, so they dismissed the idea, saying that Zionists anticipated “a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants to Palestine, by various forms of purchase”.”
Wikipedia – King Crane Commission 1919
So shows an intent from long ago and documented.Bleeding hearts in US can not thus get out of seeing truth. I am not disparaging bleeding hearts ,i am one myself,but many of them make decisions only on emotion of the moment.They are thus sucked in by slick talking – heads on tv.
Distracting shite from a member of the Israeli club that would have the world accept their aggression as self-defense. We don’t. And we won’t. You don’t bomb children in their homes every few years and expect us to like you. Not going to happen.
The Syrian debacle presented Israel with a marvelous opportunity – which they squandered.
They COULD have supported a neighbour and actively helped Syria get rid of the terrorists and maintain law and order. Instead they were opportunistic. Presuming the govt would fall, they actively supported terrorism and insurgency, struck at Syria forces and tried to use the chaos to steal the Golan Heights and its oil.
Their … little Syrian adventure… didn’t turn out as expected – and now they want to turn back the clock and reset everything as it was before the shit hit the fan. But life doesn’t work that way and they will just have to live with a few home truths.
Syria will soon again be a sovereign state and Syria – not Israel – will decide what foreign states have military bases in Syria. They can whine and gripe and threaten as much as they like – it won’t make an iota of difference. The influence of the United States in the region is declining and theirs with it. They get to suck it up and the rest of us don’t give a damn.
There is NOTHING about Israel that is worth supporting or saving beyond the lonely fact it is the world’s singular Jewish state. But that does NOT allow, permit, mitigate or ameliorate their ABOMINABLE treatment of the Palestinians or their neighbours, So phuck ’em – who gives a shit anymore.
A New thoughtful video from Black Pigeon Speaks.
That is an extremely dirty and really nasty little organisation that doesn’t get ANY of the publicity it deserves!
I’ll watch the video tonight thanx!
The video is more about how the media are controlled by the elite.
However Black Pigeon Speaks says he is working on a future Council on Foreign Relations video.
Yes too true.Isnt it ironic that Nato’s / US so-called victory in Iraq has led to an Increase in Irans power and that Iraq is to all extent a Shia power?
I remember Natoists entering Baghfad’s sadr or saddam city and all the people ,shites crying for joy. Within months this very same population rose up against Nato and launched shiite rebellion.Now we have Shiite gov in Iraq and “mum’s the word”.
Of course, the US / Nato did not do their homework…or maybe just did not care either way!
Beautiful irony.
Beautiful irony too that … Israel backed the wrong horse in Syria – and now Iran’s come to bite them in the arse.
Ironic? Nah, it was stupid. It was predicted blow back for an invasion for purposes of looting. Now everybody hates the Americans as well as the ZioNazis in the Middle East.
Pretty good analysis but a wheel fell off when you fell for the myth that the zionist occupation of Palestine had anything to do with Jews or Judaism. The place you call Israel is an antisemitic boil on the arse of society.
We have Christian states, Muslim states, Hindu states, Buddhist states, you name states – and one little Jewish state.
It would be NICE to regard it with fondness – instead of just pure contempt.
States are inanimate objects and as for owners of the zionist colony, they are the antithesis of Judaism. You’ll call England Chris next.
Yes. And we all live in one of these inanimate objects and call it home
Your point?
PS. If you’re just being anti-Semitic because you’re anti-Semitic then – really – go fish somewhere else.
Ooh, hoist by your own petard, the zionists aren’t Jewish because Judaism is inconsistent with a secular, fascist and antisemitic ideology. Pointing this out is the opposite of antisemitism but thanks for letting me know where you stand with the haSSbara.
Zionism = 100 Judaism.
Where do you think the borers of “Greater Israel” come from
or why do you think they named it “Israel”?
No it isn’t; you’ll be calling England a chris country next. The use of Jewish terminology doesn’t make something or someone Jewish. A Jew is someone communicant with the religion, you can’t be communicant with Judaism and follow zionism at the same time, they are antitheses.
Judaism is a religion.
By definition it’s crackpot stuff that doesn’t have to make sense.
And it’s hardly lonely in that dept!
Yes, that’s the purpose religion serves. I prefer Scooby-Doo.
WHATEVER rocks your boat, man!
There is nothing in Judaism that is not from the Torah.
Zionism is the antithesis of Judaism.
95% of world Jewry is European Ashkenaz. Why aren’t these Europeans erecting their state where their grandma’s are from: Lithuania, Hungary, Germany ..?
“beyond the lonely fact it is the world’s singular Jewish state.”
Listen: these goddamned foreigners can pave the street with gold, we just want them to do it where their grandmas are from in Lithuania, Poland, Hungary. It also does not matter how well bad these Europeans are treating the Palestinians. They are colonial settlers like the French in Algeria and they need to go home.
Is this true, is it a tenet of Shia faith, as practiced in Iran, that Israel must be destroyed before the Mahdi can return?
No, while reconstruction of the temple plays a great role in Christian view on “the end of times”, Shi’a views Israel as the symbol of oppression and injustice. They don’t seek destruction of Israel, but a dissolution (politically) or better, a solution which satisfies the Palestinians.
In short, Mahdi will return (with Jesus Christ of course) when the world is full of oppression and injustice. The most important aspect of such view is that you cannot cheat or do something (by spreading more chaos or injustice) to speed up his return. Shi’a must do all they can to oppose injustice and help the ones in need. Nobody knows when is the time, but it’ll come. Until then, do your best to defend, try to improve your own and your neighbours’ lives, seek knowledge and be patient..
Yes i did read somewhere that Islam Koran or some commentary says that at end of days Muhammed will come back but also that he will bow down to jesus who will return and will show a new doctrine to the world.
maybe some theology expert could tell us morenand a reference.?
I’m not a theology expert by any stretch of imagination but I can write what I know.
Our prophet Mohammad passed away and remains so. We believe that in the end of times, Mahdi (Shi’a’s twelfth Imam) will return, as he never died and is just absent, along with Jesus Christ and they and their helpers will clean the world of oppression and injustice.
Jesus Christ is mentioned 25 times by name and 13 times by title in Quran. His mother is the only woman mentioned by name (34 times) and is titled “lady of two worlds” and defends her virtue fiercely.
If you couldn’t find the verses in Quran’s English translation, perhaps I can post a link or two here.
Thank you for the detail esm faml.
It sounds like you are a Shiite.
I always thought that conservative Christians, Shiites, and Orthodox Jews, should in theory be able to get along just fine. While we believe in a different version of events, God is the one who brings it about, no reason to fight over it. I’ve read the New Testament many times, I don’t see anything that compels Christians to take physically coercive actions, we are supposed to be the peacemakers. I don’t understand some of my peers.
You got it right, I’m Iranian.
And you’re right again. These religions are the same in the core with some differences which we think are minor. For example, while Shi’a has great respect for Jesus Christ and his holy mother, we don’t believe he’s the lord in flesh but a prophet (the most important after ours) and his title is “the God’s spirit”, his mother is considered one of the two holiest lady of all times (the other being our prophet’s daughter, Fatemeh). Jews (and Christians) know Solomon and David as kings, we believe they’re lord’s prophets (Solomon is the most powerful prophet, ruling over man, fauna, flora and unseen creatures). Our religious precepts are almost the same as Jews.
In Iran we live together without any problems. Orthodox Christians and Jews have lived in Iran since ancient times and are every bit as Iranian as I am. You probably know about Cyrus and Jews, Esther, etc; but haven’t heard of Qara Kelisa (St. Thaddeus Monastery), a world heritage site which was built in 68 A.D.
Anyway, Shi’a is very tolerant towards other Abrahamic religions with two exception: 1- Baha’ism and 2- Apostasy. Currently both are used actively by western MSM as a political tool to show how religious minorities are oppressed in Iran. Baha’is can’t get a government job and clerics hate apostates’ guts, but in both cases you’ll be just fine if you don’t write it on your forehead or trumpet it.
Hearing and receiving info directly from the source helps to clear a lot of misconceptions, but MSM and politicians can’t have that, otherwise how can they spin the truth and create hate among people?
Sorry it got long. Take care.
If Allah isn’t real or Chooses not to Appear as being real, (same thing for most people) the jews have the intellectual high ground and so the outcome of psychological war is tilted in their favour because Christians in the West for some reason, – that I don’t know of except satan of course, – swore allegiance to the Talmud where Christ is being boiled in hot excrement for all-time, and that explains the Western Christian support for homosexualism, Orthodox didn’t go that far, but all and only Christians caused Climate Change, that will be hard for Christians to live with let alone the jews that they worship.
Christians the world over say with one voice *we do what the jews tell us to.
Actually i could be wrong but i think the Talmud or some rabbis commentary said in boiling semen! Maybe some specialist could give us reference .
What happened was when the Romans went Christian it began the the State being opposed to Jews, they were the tax collectors still whoes profession had developed into the Roman Bureaucracy, so there was only intellectual hostility, this resulted in both Talmuds being modified to be complimentary.
“Jesus in the Talmud” by Peter Schafer published 2007 in his introduction “I do not see any reason why the tannaitic Jesus ben Pantera / Pandera (Jesus son of Pantera / Pandera) and Ben Standa (son of Standa) passages should not refer to Jesus.
These specific passages are only in the Babylon Talmud, there are many other changed references to me, but Schafer a high up jew dated these specific ones at being 3 rd and 4 th Century..
He goes on to say that these are counter narratives to escape persecution and pogrons in Roman jurisdiction.
Panthers (Roman seducer of Mary), son of Panthera (Greek for virgin is panthenos a pun on son of a virgin.
The name Ben Stada, the mother was also Stada which means in Hebrew / Aramaic unfaithful to go astray, Stada also Sotah is a woman suspect or convicted of adultery.
This is the Jesus that was conjured up from the Netherworld by Onqelos and a later Bavli changed Jesus to “sinners of Israel”.
Page 84 has Jesus a heretic a magician a pervert being punished by boiling excrement.
Exactly what the Christians have done to me over the many long decades and it continues, but I don’t care in the end I will be seperated from jews and Christians.
Thanks Rodney.i do remember somwthing about jesus or mary being in semen or sonething as well.I will put it up if and when i find it.so we definitely have boiling shit heh!
So for my better understanding ,are you saying that boiling excrement passages only entered Jewish writings after Romans became Christian in 300 AD or that they came in after death of jesus but before Rome became Officially Christian?
Religious nutter-antisemite tosser.
You talking about me , in a not so symbolic manner, I hardly know how to respond, how about the fact that I am the Apostle and Prophet of God recognised by Christians and jews by their formal association with the criminal abuse of me and my children for over 66 years, about which I will be taking legal action as soon as the atheists of the world recognize that Existential Reality is about personal perception and not being told what it is by nasty little judens, I answer many questions on Quora (Terry Loder) that people ask me about Idealism causing reality to be, I have 48 followers 200 K views 12 K a week all while claiming to be Jesus Christ in the most conservative app on the internet, maybe God is not real or doesn’t want to be, that doesn’t worry me I’ve got Uncle Un who is my hero.
How so? , Lionel Loder and Sue Loder sexually abused my under age daughter, there is no statute of limitation on this crime in Australia, Lionel Loder lives in Brisbane and Sue Loder currently lives in Sydney these are real criminals and the Australian Government was complicit in this particular crime, there are many others perpetuated against me under the heading of aggravated fraud, eventually the Gov will respond, the reason I can post these allegations and have been since I was allowed to be on the Net post December 2012 is because it has always been considered that I was undergoing Revelation and one day my story would be a jew feel good message, but that was only my ruse that I sucked the jew Christians into by acting like a dummy, hahahaha.
You were serious? Then that’s another matter entirely.
You can trust me, because I’m making headway now for the first time since 1950 is because the US is being challenged, my fight has always been against the US, that means Allah is going to end their dominance, or I wouldn’t be posting.
Where is your focus? Wall Street? Langley? The Pentagon?
I started sending registered mail to Sana till the postal service was discontinued, my written content was then was as it is now, the main focus or concept is the Qur’an, the extraterrestrial content that is, one example is “thought they killed him not” I can’t be killed, this concept of the cognition of Religion is consistent with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuH) being he seal of a cognitive Religion.
This is beyond human reckoning in conjunction with the return of Messiah Jesus, it must be Predestination, as it fits the future perfectly, but that is only part of the focus the other part comes from me, that destiny is a reversal of Creation because Creation was a reversal itself, so we go back to Allah, but in my case its about reversing the abuse of me, so no matter what happens I’m the winner just like the jews and Christians always the winner were up till now.
Consequently as a philosophical atheists and a Prophet no matter what Allah does, I win, don’t forget the middle man gets the best before Elvis.
Wow! Your avatar confirms that you are a colossal leg puller.
From what little I know, the entire story about Imam Mahdi is flipped backwards, why on earth do you think this is been on Goolag for years, pimped by lord knows whom, for what, Armageddon, an word and an narrative most dont even understand, the word dont mean the total annihilation of man, the word means transition, to what, that is entirely ours, nobody else, in fact, nothing, apart from us.
We are been watched, and the golden rule is, dont interfere, since, if man cant do anything by them self, what man is it then, huh, whom isnt able to clean His own house, make solid fundaments, make peace, strive for law and justice.
So, can you handle this, the truth, can you.
I am not sure, anyway.
Are you worthy at all, to even been called an man, are you, and to sit there and idly do nothing, await an savior to do the f…. job, so you can just walk in an settle down, huh, really, I an sarcastic because its an hideous twisting of facts, to what an Saviour will in fact do, to do anything, is against the laws, do you get it.
Why didn’t Yeshua do that, the time He was here, snapped his fingers and the Roman empire just evaporated into oblivion, huh, no, because the rules are the same then as now in 2017, its You whom have to do the walk, and talk, the fastest way to hell is blaming others, God hates that above everything else, and excuses, He have heard them all.
Guidance, well, you have the Book, the Teachings of the prophets, the noble Quran, what the f….. do you want, huh, someone to hold your hand, like an child, (stupid analogy, anyway) do you think you will ever learn anything that way as an man, no, you have to walk the road your self, thats the “problem”, you cant denie your own responsibility, to teach and learn, I cant do it, our Lord cant do it, its all yours, period.
Thats the gift, but you dont see it do you.
You where created to gain knowledge, witch leads to wisdom and higher consciousness, the sole reason for our existence as begins..
I love those few I have very much, because after this, I will never see them again, no matter where I go, we will be separate, even after this life time, that makes this time on our Paradise so much more worth that you can imagine, life is precious, live it, love it, and when you die, you die in peace.
But, and this is an warning, you reap what you sew, it goes both ways.
The Mahdi cant do shit, other than teach, yeah, do what, attack the uISISa, huh, by him self, yeah shot life span, and that stupidity is widely believed, that is utter nonsense, the Mahdi is nothing, you are everything.
if you dont get it I cant help anymore, its not about reading the scriptures, its about living the teaching.
Its all there, everything you need.
But and its never to late to turn, and I mean it, just make shure you go for it with all of your hart and soul, that, is all our Creator needs to know.
It may save your soul, the second gift, mercy.
And never forget this, mercy isnt something just given, mercy must be earned, mercy must been given from you as well, against others, from family to foe, because then, when you have done that, you are free, no past to color the future, no past to hinder progress, show mercy and then You shall receive it your self.
Love life and life will love you back, we are living light.
Have you read the Gospel of Maria Magdalena, have you, the second person whom knew, apart from the man whom got crusifyed instead of Yeshua, Judas Iscariot, where I highly recommend to read the Gospel of Judas.
Only this two, apart of course from some few others incl His brother Barnabas, knew whom He was and the core of the teaching was and is about, the same story goes to Islam.
Have an nice day.
PS: its written in male tense, but everything goes to both ends, hehe
@ hvaiallerden
Three Big Bows : You said it all .
In this respect, as in a few others, the old testament is a little out of date. That zionists use it as a pretext is not the point, the reality of zionism is that of a standard late C19th Euro racist-imperialist ideology that would have slipped round the u-bend of history, had not American Caesar found it expedient to use them as proxies in the middle east and as enforcers in Washington. Praetorians a-go-go.
Hezbollah is full of confidence so IDF better watch out with all the threats. The International Jewish Supremacist Project! Doom to fail!
There’s nothing Jewish about zionism.
Very true. Ask the Iranian Jews how they feel about Zionism. The west simply tries to pretend like they don’t exist.
The Iranian Jews are there only because life is comfortable for them there – we have seen how the Yemeni, Iraqi, Egyptian … Jews immediately turned traitors to the nations where it was home for them spanning centuries.
Zionism is simply Judaism.
The Jews’ God, as a real estate agent of the Jews. This is directions for ‘Greater Israel’
The Borders of Canaan
Numbers 34 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2 Command the children of Israel, and say to them: When you are going into the land of Canaan, this is the land that will fall to you for an inheritance, the land of Canaan with its borders.
3 Then your south side will be from the Wilderness of Zin along by the border of Edom, and your south border will be the end of the Dead Sea to the east. 4 And your border will turn from the south to the Ascent of Akrabbim, and continue to Zin, and the end of it will be from the south to Kadesh Barnea. Then it will continue to Hazar Addar, and pass on to Azmon. 5 And the border will circle around from Azmon to the Brook of Egypt, and the end of it will be at the Mediterranean Sea.
6 For the western border, you will have the Mediterranean Sea and its coastline. This will be your western border.
7 This will be your northern border: From the Mediterranean Sea you will mark a line to Mount Hor; 8 from Mount Hor you will mark a line of your border to Lebo Hamath, and the limits of the border will be to Zedad. 9 And the border will go on to Ziphron, and the limits of it will be at Hazar Enan. This will be your northern border.
10 You will mark a line for your eastern border from Hazar Enan to Shepham. 11 And the border will go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain, and the border will go down and will reach the side of the Sea of Kinnereth to the east. 12 And the border will go down to the Jordan, and the limits of it will be at the Dead Sea.
There is nothing in Zionism that is not from Judaism.
Exodus 33:2-3 It is a land rich with milk and honey, and I will send an angel to force out those people who live there—the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. I would go with my people, but they are so rebellious that I would destroy them before they get there.
Exodus 34:11 I will force out the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, but you must do what I command you today.
Exodus 34:24 I will force the nations out of your land and enlarge your borders. Then no one will try to take your property when you come to worship me these three times each year.
Numbers 32:21 You also agreed to cross the Jordan and stay with the rest of the Israelites, until the Lord forces our enemies out of the land.
Numbers 33:52 you must force out the people living there. Destroy their idols and tear down their altars.
Numbers 33:55 If you don’t force out all the people there, they will be like pointed sticks in your eyes and thorns in your back. They will always be trouble for you,
Deuteronomy 7:2 the Lord will force them out of the land. Then you must destroy them without mercy. Don’t make any peace treaties with them,
Deuteronomy 7:22 As you attack these nations, the Lord will force them out little by little.
Deuteronomy 9:1 Moses said: Israel, listen to me! You will soon cross the Jordan River and go into the land to force out the nations that live there.
Joshua 3:10 The Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites control the land on the other side of the river. But the living God will be with you and will force them out of the land when you attack. And now, God is going to prove that he’s powerful enough to force them out.
2 Chronicles 20:7 Our God, you forced out the nations who lived in this land before your people Israel came here, and you gave it to the descendants of your friend Abraham forever.
Numbers 33:55 If you don’t force out all the people there, they will be like pointed sticks in your eyes and thorns in your back. They will always be trouble for you, 56 and I will treat you as cruelly as I planned on treating them.
Would be nice to go back to the 1947 borders back then ,since this would give all he Arab nations security and the rest of the World. The author of this piece seems to leave out a lot of information and probably went to school in Israel and read Israeli textbooks alone, which gives him a narrow view of the world and the real history behind everything.
This article just is typical of the Israeli Hubris in their version of events, he seems to leave out the genocide and massacres done to the Palestinians, which was a reason why the Arab nations protested to no avail with the rest of the world for decades as it still continues to this day.
after reading all your interesting and brilliant comments, i just want to sum out a fact that I BELIEVE is the main reason for the ‘shia threat’ … in short, after reckoning that iran is a power to be reckon with in the world (and the next world) … these zio satanic terrorists are trying to weaken iran so that she will not be able to fully aid ‘imam mahdi’ the awaited saviour (who is even recognised by these terrorists to be true) for a full annihilation of the world’s oppressors (real fear factor of the satan worshippers) which is already carved in stone by God … that is how totally dumb, arrogant and stupid these zio satanic terrorists are
Please do not forget that there are Palestinian Christians. Zionism is simply colonialism in disguise.
no worries, Prophet Isa a.s. {Jesus Christ) will be appearing soon after the imam
This article is titled incorrectly. It needs to be correctly titled
‘Goyim’s and the Jewish-Supremacist-Master-Race-Threat to Humans’.
It is all about awareness. What the article just said is a factor to why mostly Shias are the ones fighting against Israel. Many Sunnis just do not know what is happening, and so follow their leaders, just like the rest of the world. It is Iran who is saving the Middle East,and soon the world from the Zionist empire.
I agree with you to some extent.i do believe that iran has a better educational system than the sunni countries like saud,turkey ,Qatar etc.This may also explain it.
“The chain of resistance against Israel by Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, the new Iraqi government and Hamas passes through the Syrian highway… Syria is the golden ring of the chain of resistance against Israel.”
The Axis of Resistance (Persian: محور مقاومت) is an anti-Western and anti-Israeli alliance between Iran, Syria, and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. Iraqi Shi’ite militias and the Houthis are sometimes also considered part of the alliance. This Iran-led alliance aims to oppose Western, namely United States and Israel, interests in the region.
This is what the Illegal Zionist Israeli state in occupied Palestine fears.
Be careful with references to Wikipedia on anything to do with the zionist occupation, it is one of the most biased subjects in the encyclopedia. Look at the citations and references and you will see that they are overwhelmingly biased to corp-0-rat media sources. The articles are also assiduously policed by haSSbara to keep contrary opinion out.
I have a conflict of interest by the way, for challenging the right-wing stranglehold on the RT article. ;o)
Very true.I tried to add to wikipedia once on a non controversial topic and they pounced.first they said it wrong.i proved it wasnt.then they said it was biased.i proved it wasnt .then they said it was not interesting .anything to stop it.it seems too many petty officials have power at wiki.and this over a science article! What if it on israel or syria war.i would never get on!
The Zionists have corrupted Wikipedia.
Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups
Thanks Tecumseh.love the american name by the way.
You’re welcome. This is something everyone needs to know. It explains a lot.
I meant american indian name of course.
Thanks a lot! It was the only quick place (at the moment of posting it ) that I found information about it. I’m a bit aware of this issue with Wikipedia too, and not just about Zionist occupation too, because I’ve also seen a lot of nonsense writing in Wikipedia of my country by I don’t know who the hell. The Hasbara paid trolls are a cancer, RT old comment system used to be great, and now the new one — it is full of them!
I write mainly on the Great War; RT, the zionist occupation of Palestine and the unbelievable corruption of the BBC are no-go zones.
The so called analysis smells of heavy zionazi bias, the very light
criticism of the jewish state’s barbaric actions along history offers no
balance at all. The author seems to never have heard of Dimona (nor
Osirak, btw), but hails the “operations” (actually brutal acts of war)
innocuously named “Opera” (the forebear of the preemptive strike
“modern” doctrine so cherished in the west, beside the newer R2P), or “Orchard”, and beats the
drums on the presumed “nucular bomb” facilities in Syria, or Iran.
Yes I agree.or he might be too scared to reveal full extent of his feelings.
There is no Jewish state, only a zionist colony. Zionism is a secular, fascist and antisemite ideology, which is the opposite of judaism. The article is no more than colonialist apologetics. you could have read the same bilge from Boer propagandists in the 70s and 80s. I know that Southfront is a broad coalition rather than a narrow propaganda mouthpiece like the BBC but this is going a bit far.
Exodus 33:2-3 It is a land rich with milk and honey, and I will send an angel to force out those people who live there—the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. I would go with my people, but they are so rebellious that I would destroy them before they get there.
Exodus 34:11 I will force out the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, but you must do what I command you today.
Exodus 34:24 I will force the nations out of your land and enlarge your borders. Then no one will try to take your property when you come to worship me these three times each year.
Numbers 32:21 You also agreed to cross the Jordan and stay with the rest of the Israelites, until the Lord forces our enemies out of the land.
Numbers 33:52 you must force out the people living there. Destroy their idols and tear down their altars.
Numbers 33:55 If you don’t force out all the people there, they will be like pointed sticks in your eyes and thorns in your back. They will always be trouble for you,
Deuteronomy 7:2 the Lord will force them out of the land. Then you must destroy them without mercy. Don’t make any peace treaties with them,
Deuteronomy 7:22 As you attack these nations, the Lord will force them out little by little.
Deuteronomy 9:1 Moses said: Israel, listen to me! You will soon cross the Jordan River and go into the land to force out the nations that live there.
Joshua 3:10 The Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites control the land on the other side of the river. But the living God will be with you and will force them out of the land when you attack. And now, God is going to prove that he’s powerful enough to force them out.
2 Chronicles 20:7 Our God, you forced out the nations who lived in this land before your people Israel came here, and you gave it to the descendants of your friend Abraham forever.
Numbers 33:55 If you don’t force out all the people there, they will be like pointed sticks in your eyes and thorns in your back. They will always be trouble for you, 56 and I will treat you as cruelly as I planned on treating them.
So what are you saying attrition.are you saying that judaism doea not allow zionism?
No, zionism isn’t and can’t be Jewish, the are antitheses.
Well you will have a hard time convincing jews and gentiles the world over of that.
No, Jews see it plain as day, fake Jews and hypocrites do too but lie about it. A Jew is someone who behaves like a Jew by being communicant with the religion, you can’t be a communicant if you’re a zionist busy torturing children and bombing Syria.
Yes i do believe that many jews are against its wars just as there are many westerners and moslems against nato gulf country inspired wars.
This is a pure attempt to shroud the truth and a poor one at that, the world has already waken up to the lies of the zionists and no amount of hasbara can save Israel when the time comes.
What a load of zionist-fascist-antisemite shit.
Very Depressing, but a clear indicator of how far away we are from a a peaceful solution.
I was thinking to donate some money to south front but after reading this so called article with bogus claims, I have changed my mind. How come team South Front published this poorly written may be by a 14 year old israeli on their web site? This is not freedom of expression SF, this is the same israeli propaganda we hear all the time on msm. I am disappointed on you SF.
Probably because SF has ro live in the real world and does not want to burn its bridges.We will see strange bedfellows in future…look at russia and turkey already.