Israel Seeks Third War Front With Syria


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Israel Seeks Third War Front With Syria

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Israel Seeks Third War Front With Syria
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Israel is ramping up strikes on Syria all while continuing its war on the Gaza Strip and escalating operations against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

On October 1, Israeli strikes hit the highly-secured Mazzeh Western Villas neighborhood in the Syrian capital, Damascus, fatally wounding Majid Divani, an Iranian advisor working for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The strikes also killed three civilians, including a state TV anchor, and wounded at least nine others.

Later on the same day, another wave of Israeli strikes targeted a radar site between the towns of al-Sanamayn and al-Qaniya in the northern countryside of Daraa, in addition to an airstrip near the town of Izraa agricultural Airport.

The strikes also hit al-Tha’la Air Base and another radar site in the area of Tal al-Kharouf in the western countryside of al-Sweida.

On October 2, Israel struck the Mazzeh neighborhood in Damascus again, this time killing Hassan Jafar Qassir, the son-in-law of late Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Hassan was reportedly working for Hezbollah’s Unit 4400, which is tasked with delivering weapons from Iran and to Lebanon. Three civilians were reportedly killed and three others were wounded in the same strike.

On October 3, Israeli strikes hit an unofficial border crossing near the town of Janta that connects the Damascus countryside with the town of Nabi Sheet in Lebanon.

Israel escalated even further later on the same day, attacking warehouses located nearly one kilometer to the west of Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base in the southern countryside of Lattakia. The warehouses were allegedly being used as a temporary ammunition depot. There were no casualties or damage.

More strikes were reported on October 4. A drone strike struck a vehicle in the vicinity of the city of Homs. The strike killed a Syrian soldier and wounded at least three other people.

On October 5, Israeli drones struck three vehicles carrying aid from Iraq in the Hassia industrial city in the southern countryside of Homs. The attack killed a person and wounded three others.

Later on the same day, a wave of Israeli strikes hit two ammunition depots in the Shinshar area south of Homs and in the town of al-Shatay in the eastern countryside of the governorate. A third depot near the town of al-Salamiyah in the eastern Hama countryside was also hit.

On October 8, Israel struck the Mazzeh neighborhood in Damascus again, killing seven people and wounding 11 others. A Yemeni college professor, his wife and three young daughters were among the fatalities.

While Israel claims that the increase of strikes on Syria is meant to cut Hezbollah supply lines, the scale and targets of the recent attacks clearly goes beyond this goal. Israel may be planning to expand its war to include Syria in order to pressure not only Hezbollah, but also Iran.


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netanyahu and his people are all demented and headed for hell. israel itself is “cracking” just like a “rotten” egg. the state of israel will fail to exist.


look, everyone knows that the jeeews elites want nuclear war. this is why they were so obsessed with testing precision missiles in iraq, why they collected all the data from chernobyl, and this is why they developed so many “tactical” nuclear weapons and deceived the public in the west that nuclear weapons are “cool”. ask me how many times they have mentioned that these “tactical” nuclear weapons are six times more powerful than the bomb used on hiroshima. zero times. exactly.

Last edited 6 days ago by SnowDen
SnowDen 2

in the mainstream, there is an opinion that a tactical nuclear attack on the city will take place in such a way that the windows will be closed and people will not leave the apartment for two days, when dust settles, it will be flushed down the sewers, the shops will open, people will take out their credit cards and everything will be ok. western people are not stupid. they are so smart that they were able to come up with such effective brainwashing that they began to believe their own lies.

SnowDen 3

and putin is the one who is guilty of all this, because he has been crawling up the west’s ass for so long and postponing the fact check for so long, that now we are collectively all f*cked up and there is no turning point.if that idiot had leveled kiev with strategic bombers on the first day poroshenko started dropping bombs on donetsk and luhansk, it might not have gone that far.


you’re all over the place, you say he’s guilty and then mention that “it might not have gone that far.”
more and more people are becoming aware of the messianic fake jews plans for nuclear war for world domination and the opponents of the satanists have been preparing to counter.
blaming vlad and calling him an idiot doesn’t help, it even sounds like madman rambling.


indeed, we will all come out of our deep underground compounds and usher in a jew world order. be afraid, be very afraid!!


the far side of anti-semitism is people saying jews are so powerful they can instantly kill anyone and that nobody can do anything so they must accept the situation. if i were jewish, i would probably promote that theory for fun


—> “fake jews” aka the ashkenazi khazarians.

have fun while it lasts.

fudge cracker

i’d love to never hear the word “israel” ever again! but then i don’t want them moving in next door either!


that’s you, thinking you’re kidding anyone with your fake names and the fake votes.

Jewish pimp

well he is. take syria for example. he signed that bs document on some ‘peace’ with invading turks. wth he was thinking? okay, you signed it, but hell to that, don’t stop bombing them wahhabi cunts.
then, after almost two years they made those situations in ukraine and he was forced to r e a c t!

fudge cracker

vlad disarmed the west by his slow roll methods. now it’s down to nuclear or nothing and he’s betting since he can smoke the elites of the west it will be nothing. it’s the best strategy. not guaranteed to work but that’s all there is. best strategy since we do not know the future for sure until it arrives.

Sammy Adams

wherever this appears on the chat list. men behind the curtain we have not seen or heard of. come now every one. people gamble huge amounts of money over when a natural disaster will happen/how bad it will be. “disaster capitalism” plus weather mods!

Last edited 20 hours ago by Sammy Adams
Jewish pimp

exactly my thoughts.

homer simpson

“i do not envy amerikunt happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal


yes you and your obviously fraudulent postings are twisted. and no, you’re not fooling anyone. your 100 bucks a day declared “donations”. hahaha let’s see that pattern change now predictable as.

Last edited 6 days ago by Anonymous

typical butthurt hasbara troll.


they seem to want to start so many fights at the same time that the usa have to get involved to protect them and then later on kill all their enemys for them just like with saddam and ghadaffi they want all governments who do not bend the knee to them gone.

SnowDen 4

it is not about the u.s. at all. it is about bildeberg and rome club and freemasonry, if you want to know. the few central bankers have much bigger influence then all the politicians, un security council and diplomacy. there are no rules when it comes to jeeews and their “destiny” to control all the world. what is western “democracy”? it is a system when you are the “good citizen” when you obey orders of couple jeewish oligarchs, killing yourself and your family, especially children.


all over the place again, the u.s. deep state, the bilderberg, the club of rome, freemasonry and central bankers all answer to the same masters and you seem to know very well who they be.

kotromanic is right, the fake jews will drag the u.s. and their western vassals to fight their war in order to expand the satanic colonial entity. clearly telling people about it will help them make an informed decision when they’ll be called to arms.


and who are the fake jews goldilocks.? where are they housed right now which cities?


use what’s left of your brains shlomostein

Sammy Adams

♪ jazz-ze-ze-ze-zed-zed-zed, jimmy jazz! ♪ boy you’re toes are barely in the water snowden. zzz… when was that the 90’s?

Sammy Adams

no wait it was the 50’s. you’re talking about thing’s 70 years old.

Last edited 5 days ago by Sammy Adams

in a way but no they’re just front organisations for the church of rome and the crown s of europe rome being the crown of crowns its about solomonns templars. its the catholic crusades to win jerusalem by killing the jews and moslems and orthodox protestant rivals. basically and about ruling the world, the universe.

Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

here we go again: the church, the crown…

as usual, names anything he can get out of his hat but the real culprits.


it’s all on red and nocome back for the jews if iran, clever as they are, doesn’t take the bait. neither the jews nor the idiots in the white house/pentagon etc can be seen to start a nuclear attack on iran and thus are forced to try to lure iran to act and then mushroom clouds over iran!


some patriots at the pentagon have been pushing back against the neocons iran plan for ages but these zionazis will not stop at anything until they get their wishes accomplished, more now than ever because nuttinyahoo is trapped with a messianic government.

a massive false flag blamed on the iranians is all they need.


nice try christopher ribbon hood with your mary men brigade of neo nazis


make your fat fingers useful for once and search the internet for:

—-> colonel douglas macgregor

Sammy Adams

general! does your chair need arm-wrests!?


you’re silly wake up. the cia put the ayatollah in. they got the shah out they set iran up as it is. to be their bad cop they play the good cop


that is exactly their plan, rush the western world into an apocalyptic war to armageddon so they get to reign over the world once most of us are dead.

the people now in control of the zionist entity are psychopaths, even ehud barak (the only sephardic prime minister in zio history) warned in western media video interview that these psychos want to bring in their messiah and the end of the world with it.


my god you really like the fantasy of thaf obvious b/s don’t you.?


wef says it isn’t a fantasy you climate change denier.

how dare you!


wef knows of course the truth from the lies spread by jews


you’re the perfect case study for the “dunning kruger effect”.

homer simpson

“the amerikunt national character differs profoundly from those in europe asia africa…” geoffrey gorer


yes it does they re raised in a different programme to believe in ideals mapped out for them to serve as england’s barracks no other country believes in that.


it’s the only way to eliminate the evil genetic pool of the descendants raised in psychopathic sadistic rome ovef 500 years of terror. the most evil empire the earth has ever seen go and study history sometime. there’s never been any society anywhere near as totally sadistic ever, not even the spartans were as cruel as the romans and they still run the show and depict themselves as the most glorious of all.

Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous

your vomatose propagandas with your moderatored frauds are really telling

Sammy Adams

the 1948 war has never officially ended. there are geno-sides in afrika or south east asia. no one cares about them. north korea sucks a lot. the chinese and russians do nothing. except things that are in their interest. (it’s a buffer state, with a figurehead) not a fan of saddam. but lybia after 30 years of ghadaffi was the greatest nation in afrika. fiat currencies suck.


correct america remained under martial law apparently, secretly and still does japan remained occupied as a permanent threat to china and korea. australia retained anerican bases including top secret facilities to co ordinate control over the south east asia region europe was crushed, russia isolated and the commonwealth of nations flourished and bore forth nato

Sammy Adams

the patriot act is the paper that can cause the implementation of martial law. you don’t know what martial law is. japan you also know nothing about. they have abandoned their post 1945 pacts and treaties. are building their own army. “occupied” granted they have many bases. but the u.s.a. has ports/bases. everywhere. like the chinese or russians or even le french. you really spewed babble. nato nations also share bases and international airports.

Sammy Adams

russia has one too “yarovaya law” get your dictionary and read what “dichotomous thinking/false dichotomy means.” join the beige team. “your neutralness, it’s a beige alert!” … “if i don’t survive. tell my wife, hello.”

Sammy Adams

and japan, is not in nato. never has been. has a large anti-american movement. specifically about the military bases. the whole world went into martial law. just a few short years ago. remember? w.h.o. given powers by the u.n. implemented everywhere. “lockdown” ring a bell? everyone is lockstep. it’s ordo ab chao. men behind the curtain we have never seen or heard of. bankers are nothing.

Sammy Adams

“japan remained occupied as a permanent threat to china and korea.” i have to say. you’re so dumb. we already established nk is a buffer state. somehow you breeze right over south korea and blame japan. ww2 surplus arms for the korean conflict were already on the move in 1947. both sides. the cold war? oh russians didn’t fly migs in korea. yes, in fact the nk were so useless most fighter kills are attributed to russian pilots.


catatonic alright. ars you even mentally rational that’s rhetorical btw. any jitter even would know israels in the most vulnerable position on earth if any nation possible except for total straight out blatant liars or complete frauds.


your “vulnerable” rivers of tears won’t hide the fact that the whole wide world saw how apartheid israhell is really a genocidal construct.

no amount of your fallacies about “rome” will change that.

Last edited 5 days ago by Markus
Zalim singh

and where is russia in all of this attacks to protect its allay, its host that has given them a naval base? now, if it was us that had that naval base, nobody would be allowed to attack syria.


excellent question that none can answer within reason. i know russia is allied with iran, but i don’t know what the russian syrian contract covers..!


it’s a silly question stupid in fact. irrelevant the only question is what are wefs intentions from the actions.


are you equating the power of the us empire with russia?


put a sick in it clyde’s dale who do you think you’re kidding with your blatant wef anti american propagandas for the crown?

homer simpson

all civilized peoples anti-amerikunt


all stupid people believe propagandas. sensible people think for themselves they hate the truth that’s who they are.


where are you at? come out of hiding behind smoke screens of persistent msm propaganda for a breath


please keep enlightening us goyim with the eternal light of zion shlomostein.


as long as the illegal occupants of palestine, the jews, can dominate the sky over the me, they are hard to get to in a meaningful way! take away the f35s and they will fold like the cowards they are. putin should send a few batches of sam:s to finish the jews airdominance and then they’ll be finished.


in addition, the stupid yanks have parked abraham lincoln in the oman sea and i would bet that it is prepared to send the nukes on tehran if the jews in palestine are about to lose, which the disunited states of a/aipac u s w never can accept!


omg you’re another wef trollope or another name most likely cuckoo cuckoo is that you?

R. Ambrose Raven

israel’s friend lavrov will just have to ask the israelis to be nice and only mass-murder non-russians.


90% of the satanic settlers still hold russian citizenship and there is no doubt that the foreign ministry has to take this into account but that doesn’t mean that russians agree with the genocidal fake jews.

russian people know how the satanic khazars hate russia, slavic people and orthodoxy, they even saw how brigades of israelis filmed themselves bragging that they’re fighting for zelensky in ukraine.

it definitely is a complex situation.

Last edited 6 days ago by Chris

bullshit it is you’d like to muddy the waters though.

homer simpson

obviously u are racist moron amerikunt–jews considered fashionable in russia today


he thinks he’s thoughtful. he’s not he’s just naive.

R. Ambrose Raven

russians choosing to live in the zionist state have made their choice. while acknowledging discrimination inrussia, they can have no excuse for not knowing its even more brutal violent history, in which the zionist terrorists committed worse crimes than any in the pale of settlement – most of its jews being murdered by the nazis it seems some now admire. either way, today, the zionist state will expect their obedience, presumably without regard to their previous nationality.

R. Ambrose Raven

ah, but i was forgetting my manners. thank you for a very relevant point.


syrian army should attack back at anything those worthless zionists warmongers throw at syria.

Sammy Adams

syrians have s-300s. near lakatia, a deal with the russians n their naval port. i agree. i.a.f. should be shot down in syrian airspace. if the i.a.f. loses one aircraft, surviving pilot. “rolling thunder” pt. 2. i.a.f. / israelis told the u.n. (useless nations) they will do anything. i hope they don’t finally reveal they have been a nuclear nation since tests with south afrika.”vela incident” and use the weapons. iran has the “bomb” too. north korea. the missing nukes. who cares anymore?


what is israel exactly prey tell mr unbiased?? is if king chatles s kingdom or is he the king of nothing? as the trolls here like to pretend?


israel will cut off the head of the serpent, once and for all. damascus will be left in ruin, uninhabitable.

Sammy Adams

that’s much farther in scripture than the current situation. if we are using the book of isaiah

Last edited 5 days ago by Sammy Adams

rubbish biden set this up by empowering iran after he failed to get the israel supreme court overthrown. they don’t have a constitution in israel because then they would know charles is their king and they his subjects and they or the world aren’t allowed to know because that would ruin everything

Last edited 5 days ago by Anonymous
Sammy Adams

it’s a quote from isaiah. a book in the bible. it has nothing to do with joey b. or king chucky.
unless time travel exists. that was written oh, 2400-2800 years ago. i don’t think joe or chuck were a gleam in their great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather’s eyes. at that point in time. “ruin everything?” the delusional fantasy the c.i.a. has been feeding you for over 40 years?


the juice are making alot of friends with their expansionist jewish supremist netanyahu ben gvir otzma yehudid /jewish power far right government.
soon the whole world will nate them for the evil demons they are. they cry out in pain as they strike you constantly crying about anti semi and people who are critical of their extremist government.
their aggression has claimed the lives of more then 60000 innocent palestinian civilians in gaza alone.


its time for regimechange in israel down with netanyahu and ben gvir its time these evil demons meet their maker. the juus are not the victims they are all in on it they control all sides they poison our wells pollute out minds with wokeism and lgbti propaganda they stole our surplus and flooded our borders with migrants its time we stop simping for these common denominators and remove them from the power they hold over our governments its time to liberate palestine from their occupation.

Last edited 5 days ago by Awakend
homer simpson

time to obliterate animals in amerikuntistan


exactly both trump and harris serve the juus both wear their yarmukle and will bend down to their wailing wall and simp for them at aipac how many billions of us taxpayer money they are going to give to israel. without these parasites leeching off our surplus stealing our wealth our nations would be far better off.

Last edited 5 days ago by Awakend
homer simpson

israel occupies hizbollah vilage yesterday

Sammy Adams

it is so old. and keeps happening. every 10-20 years. i hate to be rude but i don’t care. work it out. with non-nuclear arms. maybe stop bombing for 30 days. it’s so stupid. i recently saw an old cheap faded ukr flag upside down! thought, whoever is flying that, is a useless idiot.

The Hebrew Hammer

no balls for terrorist.

jens holm

many fronts in amerikunt mulatto gay bar for me

R. Ambrose Raven

zionist claims of military justification for this or that action should never ever be printed without qualification, or accepted as valid without clear independent confirmation. it is automatic zionist media policy to lie. also to hold an “inquiry” if pressured which will always find what it wants us to hear, while the truth, if forced out, is always delayed until the media has lost interest so reports the embarrassment barely or not at all, e.g. its use of white phosphorus.


really? where are russian forces that supposed to protect syria from terrorism?


it sounds like false propaganda on behalf of israel courtesy of southfront. if all these attacks were true. what are russian forces doing in syria? there have to be great coordination between the israeli jews and the russian forces in syria to allow israel to attack unhindered and at will.
