On May 27, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that its aircraft had destroyed a Syrian air-defense system near the Golan Heights. According to the IDF, the Syrian system had opened fire at an IDF jet flying over the occupied Golan Heights.
מוקדם יותר היום זוהה ירי נ"מ (נגד מטוסים) סורי לעבר מטוס קרב ישראלי שהיה במהלך טיסה שגרתית, בצפון הארץ.
פגז הנ"מ שנורה נפל בשטח סוריה והמשימה הושלמה כמתוכנן.
בתגובה תקף צה"ל לפני זמן קצר את המשגר ממנו בוצע הירי. צה"ל רואה בחומרה כל איום על מטוסיו ופועל להגנתם— צבא ההגנה לישראל (@idfonline) May 27, 2019
According to sources supporting militant groups in Syria, the Israel istrike targeted a Syrian Army positions on Tell Shaer in the province of Quneitra. The strike reportedly killed at least one soldier.
Syrian state media confirmed that one of its soldiers was killed in the Israeli retaliatory strike and a second was injured. A military vehicle was also said damaged in the attack.
UPDATE: The destroyed “systeM supposedly was a Shilka self-propelled gun.
If true, it’s a step in the right direction. But if IAF aircraft intruding on Syrian territory are going to be fired on, they should be hit and taken down as part of clearing the baby rapers off of stolen land.
What’s true is a missile hitting Syrian targets like within the range of the S400 fail
“There is a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. They are trying
to do two things: First, implement Communism, and second, see that all
business men of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown
out of their jobs. They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of
justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says
he is a Nazi. They were evidently quite shocked when I told them I
would kick nobody out without the successful proof of guilt before a
court of law.”(General George S Patton)
S-300 and S-400 have proven over and over again to be the biggest joke since the Syrian Special Forces or the Russkie Navy :-}
SAA uses S-200 to shoot down IAF planes, S-300 are ready for F-35, as for S-400 SAA doesn’t operate those.
Answering yourself now?
Your pathetic Wohl, go look at the twitter thread.from us armed forces impact.
Once you realise what your doing, how will you live with yourself?? Will you hang yourself at 25??
LOL! Same thought ran through my mind. Where is Wohls Nose when you need him?
Another Joke is the Iron Dome..useful vs few rockets..but when palestine launched a masive attack vs Ashkelon..ID cannot stop half of them!…another Joke is David Sling..unable to stop 2 Toshka missile which fell in Golan heights beside one long range rocket which fell in Tel Aviv..destroying a house and wounded people..
Were you laughing, when the Syrian Navy sunk the Israeli Dolphin-Class U Boot…………………… all the crew and the Spec.ops team drowned…………….bah, a bad way to go……………………mmmmmm, Robots can’t laugh.
The Syrian Army fights better then the Israeli army.
But the Israeli air power defeats anything in the air department in Syria.
Their exist no air defense in Syria that is of any threat or consequence to Israel.
If Putin wanted, he could ship down Russia’s new laser defense systems for trials.
– “Such types of weaponry will at large be defining the combat potential of the Russian Army and Navy… throughout the whole of the 21st century”. – Putin
If the SADF wasn’t effective, the baby rapers and NATO wouldn’t be staying out of Syrian airspace.
Israel is launching the weapons outside the range of the airspace genius, thus proving the impotency and range limitations of the Russian systems
Israel won again
All of Israel is within the range of the SAA and has been for decades.
won what exactly?
Won at liar’s poker?
If you (north_american) are pro-Israel, please take a look to USS-Liberty case. After reading and understand this, you continue being a pro-Israel (maybe due to religion stuff) you really need professional mental help, or your are a jew.
SAA are not a Qualified armed forces…sofisticate system are useless under hands of SAA officers…thats why Israel dont want Irani army/Hezbollah or IRGC near its border and even less they could get some air defense system like Pantsir or Buk M2…..
Almost all Arab regular armies are not very professional despite look very big and well armed on paper. The Iraqis had 10:1 advantage against post revolutionary depleted and sanction Iran in 1980 and still lost. The Saudis have over $2 trillion worth of the most sophisticated western weaponry since 1960’s but lost to khat chewing Zaidi Shia kids in sandals. The very nepotistic, sectarian and tribal nature of Arab militaries sets them up for failure. Hezbollah on the other hand is a close knit homogeneous Shia political movement with very a very educated leadership cadre. In the same manner the Iranian IRGC is more cohesive, motivated and dedicated than the regular military (Artesh) which is mostly conscripts.
Most systems are too difficult and too sophisticated for US soldiers to manage.
Especially with the poor level of their recruits nowadays.
Syria needs better air forces and better man power Near the Golan Heights, which should be the largest base/Underground and above ground.
You really think Assad can do anything to Israel? The IDF could take Damascus in a couple days.
Without Hezbollah IDF take Damascus in one day…with Hezbollah in a couple of days IDF would have to flee from there!
Not a chance, theres 100000 missiles pointed at israel, maintaining the status quo is the only way to survive.
Israel knows that, that5s why they have been using standoff weapons, firingn from lebanese airspace, using civilian aircraft as cover. If Israel was un such a strong.position they could fly.over syria at will, wich they dont. A few cruise missile fired behind a civilian airplane in lebanon is not a show of strength, not at all.
Hows the weather in south carolina? Can you please stop sending rain north id like to go golfing soon!! Ool
Syria needs a better ally than Russia………….. sadly that is the truth of the matter. If the great Vlad was not hiding behind “Geopolitical Greed”, he would station an in-depth AA network around Damascus, use the Spetznaz to wipe out all pockets of ISIS along the Is/Sy border, seal it, declare the Golan as Russian territory, give the Moishes 24 hours to vacate, and then create a massive airbase on the plateau. Thereafter he would fly suppression over Israel and only allow them to fly/train over water.
Israel kicked Syria’s ass in 73
Jew supremicist pretending to be an American: spreading fake news and falsifying history. Again!
I smell a Jew asshole.
Hezbollah kicked israeli ass in 2006!…42 merkava tanks were destroyed
What sort of air defense does Syria have near Golan?
A machine gun perhaps?
This sounds like the typical kind of lie that Israel specializes in.
Netanyahu has told that the Israeli army ( not IAF)..attacked in GH an AD in retalion of fire AD vs IAF aircraft inside israeli territory…so surely used ground to ground missile Spike NLOS ( 25km range)..
My thought exactly.
IDF destroyed a Shilka vehicle of the 121 brigade and killed a young Lieutenant officer from Qaryateen a Christian city in Homs..he survived the ISIS offensive in that symbolic small city…and now Jews have killed him!..as you can see wahabi terrorist and zionist terrorist both playing in the same team!
I’ve noticed that wahabbis and zionists all appear to like eachother’s comments on southfront + liveuamap. they even r friendly with eachother, don’t disagree with eachother, and agree lots of times on things. Further proof! all proof is there that zionists love al qaeda and isis
You know what I think Herr nazuyahi, i think rhe jihadi commenters and israeli.commenters are one and the same.
They are either from south carolina, british, estonia or orcraine.
If you follow the newspapers, it says there where these government mandated troll farms. They think there a truth police , when really its just a make work project for an arts degree dude.
Integrity Initiative
77th Brigade
Joel Harding and his cyber trolls.
The list goes on and who funds them all?
Let’s start with the White Helmets, before checking out Integrity Initiative.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b873414891ef1e5ebb44dfe82acff69e2cf18d241e93314cb5c74910c72aff75.jpg 77
Who outsourced 80% of US intelligence to the private sector? No doubt, not just the US.
The Private Contractors Using Vault 7 Tools for US Gov: Testimony Shows US Intel Needs a Ground-Up Rebuild Part 1… https://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Private-Contractors-Us-by-George-Eliason-Hackers_Intelligence_Intelligence-Agencies_Websites-170331-791.html
Why Vault 7 Tools Used by Private Contractors Shows US Intel Needs a Ground-Up Rebuild- It’s the News- Part 2… https://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-Vault-7-Tools-Used-by-by-George-Eliason-Contractors-Gone-Wild_Hearings_Investigation_Media-170413-282.html
Great work once again!
The best part of (if your the gov) outsourcing intelligence work is the circumvention of freedom of information acts.
Researcher Stan Friedman explains it rather weĺl in his books. Apparently his daughter was my neighbor for years.
Thanks. I am a big fan of the work of George Eliason, not just on this subject.
They get away with so much responsibility, thanks to outsourcing.
What does ISIS stand for?
It has multiple S300’s and a Russian S400 with a claimed range of 300 miles. Both systems which have been humiliated by the old F16
SAA dont use S-300 until they defeat terrorism in Syria!..if SAA use S-300..Israeli jets will be destroyed but Israeli army will invade parts of Syria as SAA is a fake army like all arabs armies!..only Hezbollah and Iran have ability to fight israel as we have seen in lebanon 2006!..thast why Israel dont want IRGC&Hezbollah near its borders!
Israel killed Jihad Mugniyeh and IRGC general along with 6 other hezbollah at Mazraat Amal. Bibi scares Nasrallah and Iran
Im pretty sure nasrallah laughs at bibi.
Bibi has to lie daily, Nasrallah does not.
Bibi needs illegal.nuclear weapons to be taken seriously and not be the real pariah he is.
Bibi will lead you to death!
Hezbollah killed also 6 israeli soldiers( included a captain death and gen severy wounded) in 2 ATGM&IED attacks in lebanon in retalion..then Israel attacked a UN base killing one Spanish soldier!
That never happened lol. Israel fucked Hezbollah in that incident
No man..you have to read!
If the US could have this technology they would. Instead they’ve wasted it on senseless wars for the vermin Jew. There’s no sense giving it to the Jew world order miscreants on a silver platter to reverse engineer when the filthy Jews are getting their butts kicked every day as their pet terrorists die by the hundreds. And they cower in fear of the SADF by staying out of Syrian airspace.
Why would they waste money on an inferior system? Syria has no air defense, Israel destroys Pantsirs like crushing bugs, and the S400 is a bucket of rust
Out of 1,000 SADF air defense systems, 99% are undamaged by the IAF. That’s why the baby rapers are losing the war.
And not a single one has killed an Israeli pilot. But SAA has taken hundreds of casualties from the US and Israel
Pathetic lol
The s400 would certainly make scrap metal out of any Israeli plane BUT as the rest of us know except obviously you, Russia is not about to escalate a war with Israel. Diplomacy is the key word here. Something your people lack. Oil and arms deals are part of it too. But not escalating a already knife edge conflict is what the game is all about. Elementary my dear Watson, elementary.
If Russians had such strong weapons, why would they care about escalation?
They don’t and Israel kicked their ass multiple times already
Why? Because a peaceful situation buying oil and arms making money is better than starting a war, no one buying anything and millions of lives been destroyed which means your customer base is been dwindled. Elementary my dear Watson, elementary.
Israel and Turkey shot down Russians jets and laughed lol
Israel got their asses kicked by Lebanon and laughed too lol
Oh and maybe Putin cares about humans unlike Bibi who loves to kill children and his Zionist cronies have sex parties sodomizing boys then slitting their throats afterwards in the name of Satan.
Russians today are not war mongering pigs like usa and israel are today.
They do care about escalation because they still remember the price they paid in WW2, so for now cool it adolf.
What is it about Israel is losing the war that you don’t understand or want accept?
There are baby raper cultists embedded with the terrorists who are being captured and killed. As Israel is losing the war.
No its idf thats.humiliated, having to use civilian planes as cover twice…at christmas!
You want allies like that?? Keep em, he will shoot you in the back like on 9/11.
Ideological midget.
White american patriot………………you are not, more like a cowardly Israeli troll who feeds on american tax dollars……………………
Go on……….tell the folks here that it was you who gave “The 5 dancing Israeli’s” air-tickets and a get-out-of-jail-free card after 911………….hmmmm shit for brains.
It was an old ZSU-23 mm quad (aka Shilka, normally used in ground role against terrorists) and a soldier was killed. Not a major achievement by any standard, but Syria should retaliate in a commensurate manner. It is high time.
Never ever make your neighbor enemie ..the biggest mistake in your existence
A say in my country is like that….
“”The wheel is always spinning and sometimes it is not in in your favour…””
Here you go Rubber dog again became active.
I think, the real situation is when you change persons here.
Syrian’s need purely Offensive Dept that inflicts eye for eye damage. Need to show some real force & then negotiate favorable terms
Israel’s political future in limbo as Netanyahu struggles to form coalition.
Air defense system near Golan Heights ? Better I wait what Syria will say about this.
The 10th strike since Israel humiliated Russia and shot down a Russian jet. Not a single Israeli pilot killed by fake Russian defenses
But lots of ground has been gained by the Syrian government coalition. It’s the difference between winning a war and being a nuisance. The evil Jew’s Yinon plan is being defeated every day.
Syria is losing, Israel has the heights and they have failed to capture huge parts of their country in over 8 years
What you can prove and what you pathologically lie about are two different things. No rational analyst would characterize the Syrian government coalition’s steam rolling the Jew world order terrorists for years as losing.
The IDF got hit 10 times last year in the Golan, and now Golan airspace is becoming unsafe for the IAF as well.
This is what the SADF does to the IAF.
A less than 1% interception rate, pitiful performance by Russian air defense. Not even a single Israeli had died. Embarrassing.
Dozens, if not hundreds of Israeli missiles have been intercepted. The IAF and NATO have been backed out of Syrian airspace by the SADF as Syria is indisputably winning the war. You can’t lie your way around these facts.
Whatever our 90th seagull squadron is still better than F35.
Are you blind or something? Even blinds know today that Syria is getting their parts back from ISIS on daily bases. Once ISIS is completely defeated, Golan Heights is next. Then you will understand that ISIS was basically a buffer created by Israel to protect itself.
Before and after. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b9fdc10b3b8806ef083534a0cf67dee76af5963dc401446ddde01aa276be6b42.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02239f087b3ab6383d25329687dae06b2d8318f7b32dd3d885d24bcb4a345df4.jpg
All that red sure look good.
Coward cheerleader #2
Pure BS.
Nobody is debating that the Syrian government coalition ground forces out gun the Kurds and NATO ground forces. Assuming that they can advance with air cover and without getting hit by US air strikes of the type that have occurred throughout the war.
The Russians aren’t willing to provide air cover for an advance on SDF held territory at this time, and the Syrian air force is no match for NATO on it’s own. NATO ground supplies and air cover supporting the SDF is unlikely to come from Turkey. That leaves only Iraq allowing NATO, primarily US, supplies and air support for the SDF.
If Syrian government coalition ground forces could advance with air cover and without getting hit with air strikes to shut down the SDF partition project. They would have done it already.
The Syrian government coalition’s air power deficit can be addressed in one or two ways. By putting the equipment in place to expand the no fly zone over SDF held areas, and or getting Iraq to stop supporting the partition project by allowing NATO to use it’s land and airspace in support of the partition project.
I wrote this, ZE is copy and pasting it. It’s not the first time that he’s done it.
I wrote it you loser. get back to sucking jew balls
You copied it word for word from one of my posts liar.
You’re a very sick and twisted head case:
OUCH and LMAO! That must have taken some time to track down.
You should take a screen shot of ZE’s current post for later use.
But of course you have already done that. :)
Still a liar, plagiarist and a total asshole.
You just got busted dude. Own up like a man. Word for word from Richards post.
Doubling down on the lies isn’t going to help your credibility deficit.
Who is the plagiarist ??
By looking at the SF link, it is written by Richard.
Because it is context to Hasham’s reply !
Golan airspace needs to be locked down and enforced by SyAAD S-300. Same with Lebanon airspace. Major zionist tears… israel would be be on their knees begging russia lol
In your wildest imagination only! Israel would immiedtately launch a massive SEAD campaign involving 50+ F-15,F-16 and F-35s and destroy each and every one of the 48 Syrian S-300 missile launchers in less than 24 hours :-}
For a 21 year old homosexual troll, those are very delusional statements, considering your only experience in “combat” or knowledge of weaponry is based on gay encounters at the Frisco mardi gras :)
Il me semble à un gars qui aime ce graisser avec du saindoux.
Ca fais des mardi gras plein de crisco!!!
oui, Juifs malades!
Utiliser vous le terme juiffer comme synonyme de vol?
On le dit souvent au golf LOL
Jew asshole punk you are a professional paid troll and banned from most sites.
I have enough birds in my yard to take a f35 squadron down.
And Syria can flatten the airfield while your plane is in the air.
Whats your point cheerleader?
Is that the best you could come up with?
Im soooo intimidated.
If they could they would, but they can’t so they don’t. They’ve been attacking Syria for years and 99% of the 1,000 SADF systems are untouched.
love how all the wahabbi jihadis are supporting israel zionists and vice a versa
goes to show you
עבודה טובה! מזל טוב טוב חיל האוויר הישראלי!
לך חפש מי ינענע אותך
There is nothing to congratulate when yo have the freedom and protection of two superpower (USA-Russia).
Israel once against succeeds! Mazel Tov IDF!
Your trolling site names you as 21 year old blazing homosexual? so what’s cooking in the troll world ?
Making too many appearances on SF cuz you’ve been banned from facebook and twitter for SPREADING FAKE NEWS. In other words, banned for being a stupid pathological motherfucking liar lol!
“Adolf Hitler was an organic outgrowth of Jewish behavior and Jewish
ethnocentrism in the heart of Europe. Jews created Hitler. There is no
anti-semitism without semitism; one presupposes the other.”(ErnstZundel)
Or to put it bluntly, the reason Jews are hated is because many Jews are cxnts like you.
Jews are natures revenge against humanity. A complete curse.
Meshuggenah, you are a wretched turd of a gay boy, even by Jew low standards. I am surprised you have not been banned from SF, like you have been else where. לעצור את השקרים
And your telling me your not a cheerleader.
You say your not but your actions sayyy YESSSSS!!!
get lost already twerp. you’re hurting my brain cells
What brain cells? You liar, you have none!! Bwahahaha
why don’t you uncover yourself first, antisemite
Why don’t you get a new face child rapist
Edit: brain cell.
There fixed it for you!!!!
What I think happened was israel fires a small missile from over from Lebanon and Syria targeted an israeli F-16 flying over the Golan in retaliation.
Now this probably was intended to miss a warning from Putin.
Everyone across the right / left divide opposing israel has found agreement in that Trump is not going to engage he wants to maintain the bluster of easy to swallow titbits for his audience at home and abroad.
Personally I think Trump’s rattled , watch if he backs down on Huawei and further goes lower down on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Trump like all dumbass Americunts is a loudmouth thug and a draft dodging coward full of hot air. No one takes his bombast against a nuclear armed DPRK or Iran seriously.
I said in Dec. 2016 that Henery Kissinger was the man, turned out I was righ, the reason I said that was because the vast majority of folks in the US and isreal believe that the US war machine is unassailable, all US Generals and Admirals know differently, but the idea is to keep the folks believing it.
As soon as they stop the good folks will be very sad and could easily become depressed, this is what has to be avoided at all costs, so the Iranians and DPRK naturally have to act frightened to avoid a psychological breakdowns in the US.
Bachar’s army is just good to kill and martyr syrian people .nothing more .
……….his army can’t be that good, they missed killing you ! you useless waste of skin.
Indeed, 8 years, they make war on Syrians, bombard Syrians to recover land from Syrians hands, letting golan in peace to israelis occupants . What cowardice!!!
But the end is soon
Shut up capitalist slave
Nothing to do with capitalism
Israel says a lot of stuff. Most isn’t true and all of it is self serving.
Israel again violates international law…this could be false; I cannot say
Both Israel and Erdogan supports terrorists.
just one thing to do – dismantle the illegal settlement called israel in a decisive way and send the murderous thieving menace as far to hell as is possible.
and be a proud anti-zionist and wear it like a badge of honour – no more land for the squatters unless the neo-nazis of washington dc would grant them a piece of land to settle on (although I suspect the under-educated rednecks/hillbilly in the fly over states (or with other words the body bag stuffings) would object since they have suffered from washington dc’s largesse towards tel aviv)
Israel says a lot, but, how much of it ends up being true?