Israel Pays Heavy Price For War On Gaza


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Israel Pays Heavy Price For War On Gaza

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Israel Pays Heavy Price For War On Gaza
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Israel Pays Heavy Price For War On Gaza

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Israel is paying a heavy price for its decision to continue the war on the Gaza Strip, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 35,000 Palestinians.

In the first week of March, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched ground operations in the southern Gaza area of Rafah, where more than 1,4 million Palestinains have been taking shelter. It later doubled down by resuming operations in two areas in the northern part of the Strip, the al-Zaitoun neighborhood in Gaza City and the Jabaliya refugee camp.

The Israeli escalation was not without a price however. On May 10, four soldiers from the Nahal Brigade’s 931st Battalion were killed after being hit by explosive devices which were planted by fighters from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in the al-Zaitoun neighborhood.

On the same day, another soldier from the Nahal Brigade’s 931st Battalion was killed in the al-Zaitoun neighborhood during a gun battle with fighters from the ruling Hamas Movement.

On May 14, a soldier from the 7th Armored Brigade’s was killed while taking part in the operation in Rafah.

And on May 15, a Defense Ministry contractor succumbed to wounds he sustained as a result of a mortar attack that targeted an IDF gathering in southern Gaza two days earlier.

Also on May 15, five soldiers from the Paratroopers Brigade’s 202nd Battalion were killed in a friendly-fire incident when an Israeli main battle tank operating in the Jabaliya refugee camp fired two shells at a building where they were gathered.

In addition to these human losses, both Hamas and the Islamic Jihad released videos showing dozens of IDF vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers and bulldozers, being hit with rocket-propelled grenades and explosive devices in Rafah, al-Zaitoun and Jabaliya.

Israel’s losses were not limited to Gaza as Hezbollah escalated attacks from Lebanon in response to the war on the Strip.

On May 11, the group attacked an Iron Dome air defense system deployed at a base near the settlement of Beit Hillel with three suicide drones. On May 13, more drones were launched by the group at the barracks in the same base.

And on May 14, Hezbollah attacked a small surveillance aerostat and its control room at the Adamit site with guided missiles, killing an Israeli. On May 15, Israel’s state-of-the-art Sky Dew radar early warning aerostat was damaged in a drone attack by the group on its home base near the settlement of Ilaniya.

In addition, Israel faced six attacks with suicide drones and cruise missiles by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq between May 11 and 15.

Overall, the cost Israel is paying for the war on Gaza is increasing every day. The country is also facing more international pressure. Meanwhile, the war is yet to achieve any of its goals.


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dear jens holm,

we are very pleased that you continue to inform yourself on the southfront page and thereby greatly improve your general education.

people like you are an enormous enrichment of the debate culture.

it would be an honor for us if you would stay with us in the future and recommend our site to others in your circle of acquaintances

jens holm

most people in ukraine are poor and do not live long.

i use this short time to educate myself. since i’m stupid on ukrainian media, i’m reading here on southern front.

russia should withdraw from ukraine and focus on its much higher standard of living.

jens holm

southern front claims that zelensky is a bad actor and an even worse president.

southern front claims that klitschko is a bad boxer and an even worse mayor.

should i believe this in the face of huge inflation in ukraine, trade deficit and constantly decreasing gross national product???

jens holm

school education in ukraine is extremely frustrating, people err from doctor to doctor because they think they are stupid, but they are just uneducated!

jens holm

i just tell from the ukraine most people here has no relations to.

russia has winning for almost all conventions to the rest of the world.

jens holm

as for the right justification for invading ukraine, this is based on real surrounding world war ii. the great patriotic war was anything but stupid.

all it did was ensure jews controlled the world, and the americans played a large role industrializing the ussr in the 1920s and 30s.

jens holm

ukraine still don’t have a decent sober version somewhere is the middle.

most of ukraine millions were your fault as well. they started long hitler wrote his book.

even normal ukrians has removed poroshenko.

jens holm

i didn’t dislike danes and swedes, but just wanted their country.

i don’t see worked in ww2 at all. the problems was we could not defend us they against italy.

and again: we are not sitting ducks less clever than fx germany / eu and much stronger.

jens holm

russian never can take kharkiv. is protected by terrain all the way from udy.

jens holm

i am active in the russian-speaking community and get information from pandora’s box. as well as the fact that you can simply analyze the geography yourself and come to the same conclusion.

ukraine will lose, -unfortunately

jens holm

russian military operations in ukraine have been utter win revieling weakness of ukrian military itself.

jens holm

there’s nothing else ? mental debiloid, im a troll with 2 neurons

jens holm

strange then all this jens holm crap is exploding on its own…well, cannot be excluded because produced by total morons

jens holm

no matter what turan is ukrian and east of it and ussr – or was. and your elite as a barber from kiev,

no matter what they were or are they were kazakhs, kyrgyz, azerbaijanis, uyghurs, tatars, crimean tatars.

next time you find things in your behind use a match and candle. you might learn something. start with soap and dont like brown.

jens holm

s400 is a upgraded 300.

kharkiv is not far.

next time i eat my hat

jens holm

ahahaha…you are pathetic liars, but that’s the only thing ukrainians can

jens holm

remember when we were laughing at how those stupid ukrozz goblins were driving in circles in minefields just to capture a few corn fields and a destroyed wooden shack?

instead of attacking to the north east of robotino where they can actually entrench themselves and surround the rabotino grouping, they are doing meat assaults for that same broken shack.

jens holm

the soldiers actually known its fucking dumb. but well they received their orders, so meat assaults for a pointless piece of land is what they’re going to do.

again, this is the reason asov not was so effective. they treated the russian ministry of defense as the primary enemy and completely ignored them. if wagner still existed they would have probably already lost the entire war by themselves.

jens holm

no. the paradox were ukraine with its non existent resources were able to collapse itself. they denies any internal and external advice. and here we go.

i look back. they should have changed ukraine by leonid kutschma or heorhiy gongadze both some 20 years before they did making making in many small safe steps.

ukraine is not european. it’s shown well

jens holm

eu and nato is doing no very well. hungary signed and hard to keep the rule or out. we dont want them as they once were even claming and getting land under hitler.

it’s ignored eu instead has made open border and demand not equal minority right for all. nato is not the matching. who has to full needed things too.

jens holm

i ignore dirty imperialist were crawling in all europe as well and i even i berlin.

and of course you forget you took finland, the baltics and divided the rest with with hitler.

you forget you got military tech. and by that sold them fuel. nickel and a lot of fuel.

and of course you ignore the nazis only were rulers the very germany from 1923 to 1945. and its the same for my banderas. in in big pictures they not even agains you but the poles and jewsi

jens holm

realism for me, russia and and even china in open borders and threaten according human right is better than fight.

jens holm

speak for yourself and where you are.

here we elect people which are parts of oligarchy..

fx my father work in a kolchose putting straw out and in and out and in. customers wasted time. that circus is replaced by plastic straws. thank you + + ?

jens holm

i so impressed eu can see that through being censerud to the bone yourself.

you ignore eu is more debt as russia and china together.

you also ignore we are very different from usa and by that until the operation has behaved much more calm as the eu.

russia were the real showmaster giving us wind. russian agree in something making sense.

the ukrainian museum dwarf is no option to join with. the eu has nothing the world need.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

most of blame – pathetic ukrainian armed forces including amateurish ukrainian airpower. even mr klitschko was no more than overhyped impotent jerk. could joe of north america give some help? or scholz? better for volod zelenska to just listen pink floyd and forget sad ukrozzz singing.

Jan Kotke

ukrozzzzzz military is so weak.

ukrozzzzzz military can’t defend its cities. rf drones ridiculing patriot air defence system.

Last edited 9 months ago by Jan Kotke
Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇺🇦

eu claimed that europeans not freezing but in reality europeans are living in dirty houses and ukrainian people are freezing with very low indoor temperature in their shitholes. the sanktions as weaponry of eu clan has been pure farce.


jesus is king, lord of lords. alpha and omega.

Joseph Day

the middle east was peacefull till the small hats got given some land

S. Adams

they had land there before 1917. deeds. the small hats lived in the ottoman empire. for centuries.
it was the barf four declaration and the following knock bahz and other jihads that really stirred things up.

jens holm

russians living in nice, clean and warm houses fat and free. ukrozzz lacking indoor toilets, shitting outside in – 40 c temperature. what a “shit zelenska power”. 🤡 😄😄😄

S. Adams

109 likes “impressive, most impressive… your skillz are complete….. now, release your anger. only your hatred can destroy me!”

S. Adams

also i hope you mean -40c/-40f or 40f because otherwise 40c is hot… iraq hot!
i know the answer, you’re an idiot.

Last edited 9 months ago by S. Adams
S. Adams

it’s also more like 55-70 f there now.. 40f is close to snow… it’s almost june. you silly goof!


heavy price would be if the nuclear reactor at dimona was destroyed

S. Adams

sha-zam! now there’s a heavy hitter. you know how much nuclear waste is just sitting there?!
who downvoted this? it would ruin a huge area. “heavy price” is the case indeed.

S. Adams

that thing is from the 50’s it should have been shut down decades ago.
they hide everything. i bet it has had some major incidents over the past 25 years that went completely unreported. because only the scandinavians tell us about atomic waste in the air, and they can be silenced with money. as per 2011.


it is one of the oldest nuclear reactors in the world!

it went into operation in 1963 and the reactor core alone has 1537 defects today

even older than the reactor in dimona is the sorek research reactor, which was built in 1955 on the river nahel sorek


but israel is not in a position to build a new nuclear reactor.

nor could the country replace the core of the dimona reactor.

ordering a reactor abroad is not a feasible solution for israel: for political reasons, no country that builds reactors would supply such a plant to israel.


by the way, israeli scientists are working on a very special vaccine against radioactivity:

as a result, people should be able to cope harmlessly with radioactivity in such doses that usually lead to cancer diseases.

this is what prof. brenda laster and her team from the israeli ben-gurion university of the negev are working on

Last edited 9 months ago by Buggydays93

given the fragility of their nuclear reactors, this research is logical and consistent!

what woman would like to give birth to a five-legged child with three ears 👻👻👻

Last edited 9 months ago by Buggydays93
S. Adams

how about complete sterility? whoops! genes modded and ruined!

S. Adams

doubtful people will read this. but you know that the 2021 jabs made women sterile. israel paid sizzler to be at the front of the line. even some is. politician said its a great place for a medical trial. or maybe sizzler paid some is elites. who cares. did you take the poison? (placebo) it was stage 3 med trial.

S. Adams

haha i just have to write like an idiot. avoiding phrases and i can say some crazy stuff. till a human mod sees and gets rid of it! airmouse typos fixed

Last edited 9 months ago by S. Adams
S. Adams

i didn’t take it! that was a social upheaval!
russian dr.s jumpin out windows. “stress” no they were breaking their hippocratic oath. couldn’t live wit demselves. it happened all over the globe.
everywhere has “re-opened” with less freedoms and no one acts.
china is still rocking the “0 con-vid policies” keeping people in their appt complexes, welding them shut, “taking care” of pets. it hasn’t stopped.
it’s simply not viewed or shown online as much.

S. Adams

good luck to them. they already were phase iii medical trials for ph sizzler.
gene mod tech… a lot of people have now. did not work 2021. if it does work only the elite will have access to the real rad-x tech.

S. Adams

wow, people read. “israel’s health ministry said nov 2021.found small number of heart inflammation cases, mainly in young men after sizzler’s. c-19 vex in israel were likely linked to their injection.
sizzler said in a statement that it was aware of the israeli observations of myo,-carditis and said no causal link to its jab had been established.”

S. Adams

“compared with historical data from 2017 to 2019, myo,-carditis was more than five times as likely after mrna jabbs in the overall population. compared with people who remained un-stabbed the study period”

S. Adams

that’s medpage today and some israeli news outlet quoted.

S. Adams

ok enough ok the ukraine. this article is about israel.
“if the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them.” -samuel adams

S. Adams

u.s.a. … the a.d.l. … w.e.f. … club of rome, tri-lateral commission… exc. exc. “the west” and plenty of asia. all over really, it’s a grey game. it’s not black and white.
will that pass the test?

Last edited 9 months ago by S. Adams
S. Adams

kissinger and associates. the new east india trade with russia and china… n.a.f.t.a. years ago.
moving trade to asia. c’mon, it’s so obvious. it’s about selling arms and making cash. no one on top cares. the politico is all for show!

Kibosh warrior

not only has israel been caught out staging their own massacre, used to justify their disgusting genocide of women and children in gaza, their project ukraine has been an utter failure as well. russia will never let a murderous bunch of khazarian psychopaths have the donbass, never, ever… such it bibi…

Last edited 9 months ago by Kibosh warrior
Moshe Dayan

bibi the child murderer is not only going to destroy gaza, but he will destroy israel itself with his psychopath dreams of staying in power. he is a liar and a murderer. he will kill as many of his own as necessary for his own benefit. he needs a color revolution to save israel from this destructive path.


the squatters have already lost the war and will find it impossible to regain any kind of trust in the world except with the eu and the disunited states if crap!!


in fact the continued existence of the squatters in palestine hinges on the west maintaining its grip on the world, i e the nwo, and when china and russia are finished with that, there will be no room for the squatters except live within the borders of old and scrap their nukes and close concentration camp gaza and rebuild it to its former glory and return the golan heights to syria and the extraction of gas in the med will be a palestinian affair!


and now the price got much heavier – nk must lend iran a couple of heavy nukes to try out on knesset and netanyahu’s home and so on and so forth!
