FILE PHOTO: Israeli F-15 fighter jet © Reuters
According to pro-government sources, Israeli Air Force warplanes and helicopters carried out airstrikes on the Syrian Army in Al-Baath City in Quneitra province for the second day in a row.
The Al-Mayadeen TV channel said that the Israeli Air Force targeted a BMP-1 vehicle of the Syrian Army, which was carrying wounded soldiers.
According to a unconfirmed report from Al-Masdar News, another air strike targeted a field hospital of the Syrian Army in Al-Baath city.
Earlier today, the Israeli military spokesman announced that artillery shells had landed in the Israeli-controlled territory in the Golan Heights. The source confirmed that the shells didn’t lead to any injuries or losses.
Moments ago, several projectiles fired from Syria hit an open area in the northern Golan Heights. No injuries reported.
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 25 June 2017
The Russian state-run news agency Ria Novosti reported on Sunday that the yesterday Israeli airstrikes in Syria targeted tanks and vehicles of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) instead of government forces as Syrian sources reported. However, official sources in the Syrian Army denied this report.
An officer of the Syrian Army said to the Military Media: “They haven’t advanced even an inch, they have exploited the strikes of the Israeli enemy to open a gap and they have been returned from where they came from.”
Syrian sources confirmed that the strike was coordinated and targeted a specific defensive area in order to help Al-Qaeda-liked HTS militants to enter Al-Baath City, but the Syrian Army so far managed to repel the attack.
if the shells didnt injure anyone or damage anything in israeli territory, why the need to retaliate? stupid idiots!!!
the shells are a pretext for Israel to save the terrorists they support in Syria.
I know
Their purpose is to draw SAA reinforcements, same as americans in the south east, to slow the SAA progress to deir ezzor.
that would not surprise me, but i don’t think the Syrians will fall for it. Desperate times for the western terrorists?… they are getting worried.
this is a small opp, to distract as many syrian as possible from palmyra front.
If for no other reason than appearances, if they don’t respond to shelling of what they consider their territory someone who isn’t aligned with them might get ideas about taking territory that really does belong to them.
The real issue here is that they aren’t striking the people who are actually responsible for the shelling, if they did then it might stop, but then they’d lose one of their excuses for attacking the SAA. It also helps Israel that they know the land being shelled is Syrian so they don’t really care what happens to it.
Or it could have been the terrorists doing it just to get Israel involved to help them
Terrorists could just pick up the phone
but then they wouldn’t have the public display of retaliation to point to…however fake it might be.
i am sure the head choppers fired a few shots towards israel like a bat signal
Thats exactly what the Rebels/terrorists on the Golan heights area do. They lob a few mortars and missile into the EMPTY land (hurting no one at all) and Israel will pick it up on their radars then launch a strike on government positions that the rebels want to advance on.
Its they tried and true “they attack me so I have the right to self-defense”. The rebels in the Daraa, Quenteria area don’t have operational initiative to launch offensive attacks against the SAA. So they use IDF air force as their own air force.
When the East is liberated the West will be focused on again and this is where the real show begins.
That’s exactly what it is, it has been documented by various parties, hence the first section of my second paragraph.
you would think israhell would bomb both SAA and al qaeda just to be sure, but no, only SAA…
Any excuse for the Israelis will do. The goal, apparently was to facilitate an attack on Syrian forces by their proxy terrorists. Iran needs to provide S-300 for Syria in the area, since Russia will not. The shells, which may have also been from Israels terrorists, landed in the stolen part of the Golan, not Israel proper. Like I said, any excuse will do for these terrorists.
The Russian S-300PMU2 (one tier below the S-400) that Iran got is for national defense of sensitive Iranian sites so Iran can’t hand it over to the Syrian unfortunately.
Syria has to fight off the internal battles first then it will focus on the Israelis later. I know it makes you angry to see Syria get kicked while it’s on the ground but the Israelis don’t fight fair.
Iran is starting to produce their own versions with upgraded software also. They will be clones of Russian systems, but not covered under their agreement with Russia not to export actual Russian systems. They now have at least 3 underground factories. They are also producing the QW-1M manpad, which I’d like to see in Syrian hands. Yeah, you’re right…it does piss me off.
Believe it or not Iran has more than 3 (way more than 3) underground missile production factories. But the transfer of Iranian weapons all depends on how the newly opened land corridor between Iraq-Syria will be used.
The Israelis are hitting Syria at their weakest point since a good portion of the SAA and allies are fighting in the East. This is what the Israelis want. If SAA and allies fight in the East then Israel can support and help the Rebels/terrorist that are around the Golan Heights. Also this means Hezbollah isn’t operating as much in Southern Lebanon. If and when the war in Syria comes to a close, Hezbollah will be going back to Lebanon with a bigger, better much stronger and capable military that the Israelis just can’t stomach to have so close to their borders (Hezbollah is now 3 states strong with many different Hezbollah from Iraq and Syria willing to defend Southern Lebanon from Israel). This is the Israeli modus operandi which is to fund known terrorist to fight Israeli enemies. They need this war to continue for as long as possible to get Hezbollah to a point where they think they can defeat them with an acceptable amount of loss.
Regardless, the Russian are turning a blind eye to these attacks on SAA positions for the obvious reasons that Russia just doesn’t want to get involved in a wider war. This much is apparent by the inaction Russia has taken. If Iran had a large and up-to-date air force then none of this would have happened as far as Israeli air strikes go but sadly thats not the case.
Russia is a good enough ally but the best ally. Iran has been the better ally in every aspect. Hezbollah is at this stage of the war indispensable due to their on the field battle prowess and performance. If Israel attacks than Hezbollah and Shia militias from all over the middle east will come to Hezbollahs aid.
But in the end it’s a really shit situation with no real good outcome other than a large scale shooting war which Iran would need to join in on.
“Iran has been a better ally in every respect” except winning I guess. Remember the Russki’s only showed up after Iran and Hezb had already sent help, and failed to stem the tide. Even with Russian air support, Iranians took huge losses and scaled back their involvement AFAIK. Personally I don’t think they can afford to be rusty especially once exposed to the world; but sane countries usually do NOT free up unlimited resources for foreign war.
Everywhere Qassem Soleimani went the forces would win (mostly). If not for Iran Baghdad, Damascus and Erbil would have fallen in quick order.
But yes since Iran doesn’t have a competent Air force they can’t project traditional military power on enemies like the US and Russia and Israel can. This is the main reason why the weapons embargo was put on Iran in the first because if Iran had a large and up to date Air force it would be one of the best in the world. Regardless Iran got Russia involved by sending Qassem Soleimani whose battle field reecord is one of the best on the field and the Russians jumped in short after.
Fair enough; odds are you know more about this than I do. But even with Russian air support in the field, Iranians don’t come out looking three meters tall. I hope Iran can learn from what worked for them and what didn’t (without ignoring civilian development), peace is not descending on these sands any time soon.
Syria has BUK M2,Pantsir.
If IRGC brought RAAD to Syria….IAF could catch it going below 75,000ft.
Problem is movement and concealment.
Israel has biggy Sat coverage to know Syrian military movement.
Possibly Hezbollah will get RAAD to augment their forces in Lebanon.
A very good report which marks the bull-eye.
you would think israhell would bomb both SAA and al qaeda just to be sure they covered all their bases, but no, only SAA…
The shells were probably launched by Israhell’s proxies in Syria as a false-flag.
Israhell and Saudi want escalation, drawing US in.
Yes, The HTS moves their mortars close to the SAA lines, and then fires in the opposite direction into Golan. This is a very strange way to request air support. No radio is needed!
you would think israhell would hit both SAA and al qaeda just to be sure, but no, only SAA…
israel is playing a bluffing game, they know saa isnt capable of fighting on another front at the moment. Like any cowardly opportunist, they choose this as the time to strike.
Russia is always playing with kiddo gloves with Israel because 1/7 Israelis are Russians, and Putin feels a sense of fraternity with them. I am not sure what it would take to get them to back off.
israel will respond with nukes, its a lose lose scenario, russia doesnt play lose lose games
israel is not able to attack russia
Any israeli step will lead to her destruction.
israelis are NOT able to take any aktion against Hezbollah how the want to confront the others. They are mouse with a BIG BIG mouth like you.
You seem like a comedian. Hezbollah is a defensive force. They do OK at home. 10 years ago, they taught israel a powerful lesson by shredding their armor in the valley, but you dont have a clue what you are comparing.
you are wrong, but i have no time to argue with you. They speak russian and consider themselves russians, even within israel, and that is enough for putin
You just dont understand Putin’s calculus. “They have no power?” What does that have to do with anything? Putin doesnt want to kill these guys and their kids.
Putin is killing Russians in Syria because he considers them, rightfully so, terrorists. Even thought most of the world considers Israel terrorists, again rightfully so, Russia does not. A lot of politics going on here…not to mention that the US would get the call from Bibi.
those are not russians, lol. the Russians you speak of are from muslim republics of russia and other stan states, and russians have no problem wiping those guys out. Do you any russians or are you just saying randomness.
I am quoting Putin himself in an interview. Call him and correct him. Yes, also there are many from the republics also.
There would be extreme lash back at home if Russia killed Russian jews in israel.
mmm,I’m not so sure about that.
The khazar jews controlled the security (terror) apparatus of Stalin’s regime and millions of Christians and others were imprisoned as slaves in the murderous conditions of the Gulags, murdered by starvation during the Holodomor Genocide of the 1930’s, tortured and murdered for speaking out, disenfranchised and banished to Siberia etc.
Jews are never very popular wherever they are.
bullshit. stalin read all dead sentences. without his sign there was no execution. beriya was stalins slave.
Rubbish. Are you saying that Stalin signed the tens of millions of death warrants Solomon ? The true facts are that from the murder of the Tsar and his family , to 1953 , the khazar jews in Russia and the countries it controlled were responsible for the barbarity and killing. The same barbarity we witness today from the Israeli actions in Gaza that is the largest Concentration Camp the world has seen.
tens of millions is bullshit. check the demographic changes in russia and ussr. for example in western literature. you will be surprized. but really, no death sentence culd be realized without stalins permission.
yes, lot of khazar jews were involved in red revolt, but much more were for capitalism.
btw., stalin killed most of jewish revolutionairs.
stalin, chrishchev, brezhniev were not jews, boy.
Criminals , jews included ,always quarrel and fight each other for personal gain. You really need to read some history about the Gulags and other aspects of khazar jew terror.
Stalin actually did have jew blood in his veins Solomon. Not true jew blood, khazar jew blood.
stalin was atheist. before in christian school. that means youra hoax about his khazar roots is irrelevant
They declare themselves as “chosen Folk”.
Thats the main reason for hate against jews in the World.
Justice for all their sins against the world will come when they are ‘chosen to meet their maker ‘ :)
I dont know your religion, but its in the bible you moron, the muslims believe this, the christians believe this, anybody who reads the old and the new testament believes this. But religion is religion.
The same logic works here, Russians have no problems to wipe those zionist-jews in Israel.
Lena, go do your homework.
haha you are talking madness. If israel stopped being a jewish state, it would create conditions for another exodus. The jews will never allow this, and perhaps they are right.
wow, a jewish coworker, well he must know it all. If israel stopped being a jewish state, they would presumably incorporate the displaced arabs, they would vote out the jews and vote in a caliphata like hamas, or Muslim brotherhood. Its delusional.
like gaza?
Yeah, they want peace alright. Right after they kill off the indigenous population. This truly a ridiculous statement.
LR captain sadly guzzled the zio prpaganda…
The following gives some insight which in my opinion would include Russians in Israel.
In Europe, when it gets serious, you have to lie… at least if you are an unelected bureaucrat like Jean-Claude Juncker. In Russia, however, when it gets serious, attention immediately turns to the children.
Which is why we read a report in Russian website Znak published Tuesday, according to which Russian state officials and government workers were told to bring back their children studying abroad immediately, even if means cutting their education short and not waiting until the end of the school year, and re-enroll them in Russian schools, with some concern. The article adds that if the parents of these same officials also live abroad “for some reason”, and have not lost their Russian citizenship, should also be returned to the motherland. Znak cited five administration officials as the source of the report.
The “recommendation” applies to all: from the administration staff, to regional administrators, to lawmakers of all levels. Employees of public corporations are also subject to the ordinance. One of the sources said that anyone who fails to act, will find such non-compliance to be a “complicating factor in the furtherance of their public sector career.” He added that he was aware of several such cases in recent months. Note “anyone who fails to act, will find such non-compliance to be a “complicating factor in the furtherance of their public sector career”.
Ultimately the motivation behind Putin’s decision is unclear: whether it is to show Russia’s high-ranking oligarchs who is boss, to boost a sense of patriotism among the nation by sending a symbolic message that the west is no longer a welcome destination for Russia’s rich kids, or just a preemptive move of repatriating of any individuals affiliated with Russian politics for other unknown reasons; however it underscores the severity of the ongoing diplomatic crisis and just how significant the upcoming isolation between Russia and the West is likely to become in the coming months – unless of course tensions deescalate dramatically in the very near future – resulting in even greater collapse in global commerce and a further slowdown to world economic growth, which may ultimately lead to an armed conflict, whether regional or global, as the only possible outcome.
putin is stupid
No, you are a poopoo head
Sadly I have to agree with the disagreement here. Yes they want peace; doesn’t mean they ONLY want peace–that’s for when they ask for more money, get it? Just like “only democracy in the Middle East”. More to the point, they want a specific kind of peace–their kind.
Why do you think they left their own peaceful democracies again for a piece of desert in permanent conflict? It’s about the tribe, my friend. This also means of course that, squabble and cheat though they may among themselves, at the hour of truth they WILL stick together while Arabs won’t.
Yes a one-state solution has many positive aspects. Potentially, it should have been imposed the sooner the better, before neighborly relations soured further. Didn’t happen is all I can say. And of course, unless Hashem intervenes with a magic trick, the long-term solutions preferable to Jews are not necessarily things they want to discuss with their donors.
You don`nt need to talk on behalf of Putin.
You are talking on behalf of ZioNazi israelis.
I don’t speak on behalf of Putin, I analyze, but you don’t need to talk on behalf of Putin, since you are a primitive, chukcha the commentator.
they left russia, are traitors. nuclear flame for them
That is not how russia works, and you are just being silly.
and teherefore is loser. russians lost cold war, wp, ussr. and will lose everything. BUT until the last second you will be world champions in xplaining the things. :DDDD
You are a stupid cow like all other ZioNazis.
You are an idiot who jumps to conclusions, and maybe you should spend more time reading and less time commenting.
use them as 5th colony. take israel.
Solomon, your Mossad handlers wont like you saying stuff like that, no shekels for you today
mossad is the chief of kremlin, not my
Solomon, did you make a fake name as this crazy stalker lena bitch? Keep your fake profiles away from me, i have no time to deal with your loser efforts at gaining information. I just dont know any other mossad cross dressers =P
you are attacking me always
I come here to read useful information, if the harassment continues, we are going to have to stop our discussions.
ok, peace
Russian-speaking israelis have traited russians and murdered russians for many years. Putin does`nt want them in Russia. Better they all go to HELL.
I see the world differently. You may be a Russian, but it would be silly to say you are Russia. Jews are people, Israel is a state, there is a huge difference. When you start equating people and states, killing people becomes easy. We must never do such things.
Opportunist sure, and probably worse–like murderers if the title is true. But cowards–who gets to call them that when others do nothing? And what’s with all the genocidal lust (I don’t mean you personally) whenever a Jew is spotted? If you want to influence behaviour, then “we’re coming for all of you regardless” is not a productive message. How about making them feel they’re not better or worse–NOT special? “You hit our tank, we hit your tank; you hit ten of our guys, byebye to ten of yours.” Why, they might conclude they’re mostly best off by not whacking Syria.
Of course, nothing of the sort will happen so it’s all words really.
I dont know why people are racists against jews, but israel makes for a terrible neighbor.
As a country, they’re spoiled children. When the brat gets slapped after an afternoon of tantrums, they’re full of righteous indignation about what they never saw coming. Eventually, they figure it out. To facilitate the education process, customarily brats are not given nukes to play with. Someone made a mistake here.
not really they pay off most of their neighbors leadership…they are sellouts to their own people. Abbas is a sellout for the palestinians.
Not against Jews but against Israel and zionists. Orthodox Jews don’ t like Israel too.
You talk like people who working for Mossad
Lena, no offense, but suka, read some of my comments.
Syria should be armed with TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS, to repeal any Israhell/U.S military attack on their troops.
Thats right, the us has nuclear weapons i. Their base in Turkey and in israell. Syria should have a nuclear deterrent too… why do you think no one is fucking with north korea?
Don`t forget Hezbollah, they are ready to confront israel any time.
Blah blah blah… Why do we look for ways of excusing Russian non response? Putin should start downing ALL non Syrian jets inside Syria NOW. Fuck the repercussions.
Yeah, that would really work out well. There would be no Syria left. I’m sure the Syrian people would be happy over that. The Russians have a strict agreement with Syria and the Syrians know what their limits are. That is why the Syrians are not bitching publicly. You are not there, that’s why you can say fuck the repercussions.
There will be no Ezrahel left. Ezrahel are not aware about Russia, Turkey and Iran and their nukes and missile systems. If Ezrahel thinks that they have nukes then Iran Russia and Turkey also have nukes. Trust me entire Ezrahel is like an insect in front of Russia, Turkey and Iran and I will not take the name of Pakistan who have done 5 nuclear explosions within one day and have ICBM too.
400ktzon nuclear warhead on tel aviv, and problem solved. for good.
I can see the anger and yet: the conservative sunni communities in Syraq and elsewhere off which ISIS recruits have caused immense suffering. They have a lot to answer for, and I guess I mostly don’t like those people. But we’re not running around cajoling Putin to glass their cities because–well it’s something you just don’t do. Wars should be about ending genocides. You’re not giving Israelis much reason to mend their ways if they think you’re coming for their families regardless.
Worst of all, this clamoring to just be done with Jews (but not with ISIS sympathizers) is reinforcing their belief that they alone are very special–which is of course what caused so much trouble to begin with. It’s also building up this false choice between doing nothing and Armageddon, in which sane people will always choose doing nothing IF THAT’S THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE. It may well be that Putin himself thinks this way, quite possibly eased into it by Jews in his circle.
LOl Jews couldn’t even defeat hezbollah They just cant wait for the Israelis to start again ..for they said they are going to strike every Israeli nuclear reactor…hell they even made a video on Youtube showing all the locations and pictures of the secret jew nuclear facilities they will fry every jew in the country….US defense dept estimates hezbollah has over one hundred thousand missiles in stockpiles. You thought Fukushima was a mess see what happens when Israel starts with Iran and hezbollah.
The end of the world is not really what we are after .
Id rather have a world war where nuclear shit is flying to EVERYONE instead of a few bullying the weak guy. If it means nuclear winter and the end of the world, so be it. Fuck them all
And if they wanna fuck around bring on the end of the world i dont give a fuck. But thry cant let these terrorists keep controling the world
Russia is just as much in the power of Israel as the US and the Saudis are. The only help against Israel is ………
you would be a horrible chess player
and lost all games :P
No, he played the Russian Tarrasch defense, even as white !
Putin swept the boards. Even Bobby Fischer had a problem with this defense !
Exactly that is right. Nothing else.
So, is Israel making some noise and flexing of muscles after the Americans were taught a lesson?
Maybe Israel needs to be taught a lesson as well.
They will get theirs, but only when the time is right…or if they push things too far. That will be a good day for the world, but I fear it will be very, very messy..
I think one major huge assault on them would keep them quiet for a while lol
Let’s get rid of the jihadists in the east , and come back for clean up in the west .
The Israelis have done plenty to deserve punishment. As long as the US self appointed ruling elite want Israel in ME as a projection of their power, they continue to live a charmed life. Much to the sorrow of the rest of the world.
I think this happens *because* no substantial lessons have been taught. Oh yeah and because US/IL have good weapons, stick together, and *work as a team*. Nobody likes it but learn what it takes to be top dog, folks.
Next move of SAA could be:
I would leave this, until East of Syria is liberated from ISIS and South of Syria the Jordon borders
Not wise to open up this front now. SAA forces are needed in the east.
This front is already opened. Few days ago SAA faild to split Daraa pocket attacking to the SW on Air Defense Base and the Dahdah Hill. Now it is time to attack SE to Sayida and then down to the border. Don’t forget- the main goal is to split this pocket…
Highway M5 and the border crossing is a worthy goal. If SAA and Hezbollah have the troops for this, Godspeed. It may also take some pressure off Daraa.
Agree. We all hope to be like this..good luck SAA !!
this is east
Syria should prepare for war with Israel and strike at the proper time that is favorable for Syria. Mean time Syria should by better weapons, use those weapons against ISIS and FSA, get better train and start using tactic against ISIS and FSA that my prepare for the war with Israel.
Jew are danger for the war peace and stability
Jewish IMPUNITY is a threat to peace and stability. If you’d convince me any girl on the street is mine for the taking… why, it might undermine my self control. You take away the impunity, they become just like other people. Not how they see themselves so they’ll yell and scream; and the next day, the sun rises regardless.
Now Ezrahel needs any reason to attack Syrian army positions. For this Syrian government should have to call for Russian and Iranian army to handle this situation. Now Ezrahel cannot suffer their proxies weaknesses in the war against Syria.
SO long IRAN and Russia solders are not attack by Israelis or Americans, what Russia and Iran can do is provide better weapons to Syria and training.
is the saa alied or not?
i can not realise, that in ww1 germans would shoot french units and the brits would say something similar like you.
exactly! If your neighbor comes over to punch your mother..does it matter which neighbor it is? You defend her and do what is right…these people make excuses for the lack of balls people have in confronting evil.
SAA is a Russian ally, curse the Kremlin but without them the SAA institution would no longer exist. Israel is a closer Russian ally because it has more to offer Russia, because of deep personal ties, and oh yes something about a sole superpower, how was that again. So it’s all a mess. As Chancellor Palpatine said “eventually, you’ll realize that right and wrong are merely… points of view”. In other news, Qatar sure as hell won’t want to end up a Russian ally in the way Syria is now.
Anyway enough with the snark: RIP brave Syrian soldiers, they knew what they stood for.
On the other hand, while Qatar already has Turkish troops, a few Russian ones would not hurt.
I feel this Russian mania to make friends with everyone, not getting it, and settling for a photo op has gone too far already. I mean wake up Kremlin, the Saudis still have an official jihad declared on your ass. As a major power, you get to make some … requests. Let Qatar sweat a bit, they’re still an active terror sponsor. So of course is your new SCO pal Pakistan.
A batallion of S-400s would do.
s-400 is somehow jammed :( shoygu, shoygu, you menice!
Ezrahel uses US flag and proxies to occupy Syrian land for oil and gas.
Ezrahel all plans scraped. After posting my map Ezrahel attacked Syrian positions in desperation.
No oil and gas from Syria to Jordan and Ezrahel because for both access to Deir Ezzor is now difficult.
went the flag for second time put false map
this MAP looks like one of these maps kids draw at kindergarten. How sweet
I Like your map! Dont let the Stupid People tell u it isnt good, keep fighting for Good.
“Israel Conducts More Airstrikes On Syrian Army Targets, Destroys Vehicle With Wounded Soldiers”…TRANSLATION…Israhell continues their SUPPORT of their INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORISTS, attacking the Syrian military.
Still waiting for Putin to do something to the Jews..I am beginning to wonder about Putin who owns him? Seems only hezbollah can kick the jews ass.
Oh for fuck’s sake, there aren’t any Jews in occupied Palestine, the zionist occupation is antisemitic. Don’t dignify these filth with the appellation “Jew”, they are the opposite.
I’ve tried sometimes to make these distinctions but I stopped seeing the point, particularly because race doesn’t interest me much. Of course jews squabble among themselves; that inquisitive culture kept them out of stagnation. But at the moment of truth they WILL stick together, which is why they usually win.
It isn’t a distinction (a scalar quantity) it’s a vector quantity.
Latest when they are back from Syria. The zionist attacked them several times inside Syria during the war. But Hezbollah won’ t forget. Hezb will come back to this item when the time will allow: after their engagement in Syria.
It will feel good. And you will lose the narrative when the link between cause and effect is visible only inside your own circle. Israel still often controls the narrative because they strike back swiftly–even when against a cause they faked themselves. :-( But yes Hezbollah is overstretched in this war, they need to be sober and careful. Kurds fancy themselves big boys under their great-power umbrella; Hezbies are wise to avoid that mistake.
They did retaliate back in march and downed one jet and hit another from what I heard. Why they not doing it anymore??
Very well indeed by the Israeli forces. Keep going at it. Don’t stop and I mean it don’t fucking stop the airstrikes because I heard a new rumour today regarding Hazbullah’s plan
Was it a rumor you heard from your neighbor bill ?
Being against Israel is like being against the bank in monopoly…
they are so sleazy, beyond words
As the SAA advances everyday vs terrorist along Syria…we will see more US /Israel attacks vs SAA!…next week time for US attacks…2 weeks later time for israeli attacks…and so on….Russia is missing like Iran which has the capability to launch long range missile to Golan and to Al Tanf…if Russia and Iran dont show strenght now…it would be difficult for them to win the Syrian war!…both should look at North Korea and how Fat/Ugly leader has stopped US forces there!
Israel is just protecting its creatures (ISIS-Daesh and others terrorists groups). Since Russia do not WANT to make any stop to Isral-USA-NATO, I think Russia must provide Syria with S-300 system for themselves (not such a toys that are in russian basis), that would be fair, in this case russiann do not have to make fool justifications of Israel actions. I would sayt to russian, let Syria be able to defense itself equal-to-equal with Israel (aupply Syria with real good defense air system).
Russian immediate media response is better than last time, and is matching the threats Putin made when iseael was justifying their aggression with arguments about Hezbollah, I think Putin would be in the wrong business if he doesn’t ratchet up the threat level coming from the greater unity that israeli arrogance is causing, I’m waiting to hear what comes from Erdogan.
Sunnies are not likely to accept Christian Crusaders posing as jews, or jew infidels posing as Christian Crusaders, I battle for the hearts and minds of Sunnies everywhere this spectacle is a dream come true, and not to worry unduly about Syrian victims of israel aggression Allah will grant them intercession, He already has, according to my informants in Heaven.
The militants now have the air force of their allies the Jews. And the S-400, S-500? Where were the MIG-35 ?, pure floro the Russians, the Israeli attack was made even with helicopters, that is to say there was time to intercept them. Here somebody is scared
Syria has the right to selfdefense, Syrian have been INVADE by an INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORISTS FORCE supported, armed, trained and funded by the UNITED STATES, U.K, ISRAEL, SAUDI ARABIA, TURKEY, JORDAN, NATO, QATAR.
Israel is just trying to distract Saa by provoking SAA to open a new front….. Courtesy obviously uncle SAM. SAA should freeze these fronts for now i.e. Build defensive positions, keep a good eye on terrorists movement. They have an all important work to do in East i.e liberate deir ezzor
Israel does what it’s good at. Flexing their military might by kicking people (wounded soldiers and trapped Gazans) when they are down and stealing other people’s land.
An Israeli is garbage, scum. And a Zionist is more than that. Hit them when the time comes. And that is now. At last these dirty land grabbers want to enjoy the sun and the beach at the Mediterrian Sea. So disturb this paradies.
israelis killed beloved Jesus
Jusus lovers will kill israHELL.