Isolation Amid Ultimatum. Pashinyan’s Policy Has Driven Armenia Into A Dead End

Isolation Amid Ultimatum. Pashinyan's Policy Has Driven Armenia Into A Dead End

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On 7 January, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev made harsh remarks against Armenia. According to the head of state, the neighbouring country is a source of instability and threat in the Transcaucasus. Despite two rounds of war in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020 and 2023, a new armed conflict threatens the South Caucasus. The war could directly affect Armenian territory. The outcome of the two wars was a complete victory for Azerbaijan. The surrenderist attitude of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan only whets Baku’s appetite. The Azerbaijani leadership realises that now is the chance to put an end to the ‘Armenian problem’ once and for all.

Aliyev called on Yerevan to open the Zangezur corridor:

‘It should not act as a geographical barrier between Turkey and Azerbaijan. The Zangezur corridor should and will be opened. The sooner they realise this, the better’.

In fact, this means the internationalisation of the territory of the Syunik region of the Republic of Armenia. The establishment of direct transport links with the Republic of Turkey is very important for the Azerbaijani side. The Armenians insist that regional communications in the Syunik region should be under the jurisdiction of Yerevan. At the same time, Armenia is ready to provide Azerbaijan with rail and road communications with Nakhchivan on the same terms as Iran. Baku regards this response as a half-hearted measure.

According to Aliyev, the neighbouring republic is a ‘fascist state’.

‘Fascism in Armenia must be destroyed. It will be destroyed either by the Armenian leadership or by us,’ the Azerbaijani president insists.

Behind these words is a demand to revise the Armenian constitution, which contains a reference to the 1990 declaration of independence. The authors of the declaration wrote into the document a demand for the reunification of the territories of the former Armenian SSR with Nagorno-Karabakh. In September 2024, the Constitutional Court of Armenia ruled that the reference to the Declaration in the Fundamental Law had no legal force. Nikol Pashinyan has publicly promised to revise the Armenian constitution ‘in the name of peace’. The Azerbaijani side is urging Yerevan to resolve this issue.

However, Azerbaijan’s main ultimatum is the disarmament of Armenia. Since 2020, Pashinyan has been actively trying to diversify arms imports. The refusal to prioritise cooperation with Russia has led to an increase in arms purchases from France, India and other states. Baku sees this as preparation for a new war and an attempt to upset the balance of power in the Transcaucasus.

‘Armenia should stop arming itself immediately. France and other countries supplying it with arms should cancel these contracts. The weapons already delivered to Armenia must be returned. That is our condition,’ Aliyev demanded.

The Armenian prime minister’s response demonstrated the weakness of Yerevan’s position. According to Pashinyan, Ilham Aliyev’s harsh statements were intended to provoke an equally harsh response from Armenia. As a result, Baku will have a legitimate pretext for aggravating the situation on the border.

‘We will not go down this road, we will stick to the peaceful strategy and continue to implement the peace agenda. This means that we will not use the language of aggression, but the language of dialogue,’ Pashinyan said.

Armenian leader also responded to the statement that Armenia is a ‘fascist state’.

‘This is a calculation for a response in the spirit of ‘you yourself are a fascist’, and the situation I have described will begin to escalate. But there is another approach: we say that this is how Armenia is perceived in Azerbaijan and we try to understand why, what is the reason. On the other hand, it is obvious that there is a similar perception of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Armenia. It is these mutual perceptions that have led to the long-standing conflict’.

In essence, Nikol Pashinyan admitted that his country has nothing to counter the Azerbaijani ultimatum but pacifist rhetoric. Such pacifism is perceived as a willingness to make further concessions. Accepting Azerbaijan’s demands will lead to new ultimatums. Recently, the Azerbaijani leader floated the idea of returning Azerbaijani refugees to Armenian territory. In December, Aliyev spoke of the need to establish a dialogue between the Armenian authorities and the ‘West Azerbaijani community’. Some 300,000 people – refugees and their families – are willing to return to the former Armenian SSR.

For Armenia, Azerbaijan’s demands are tantamount to a death sentence. Sovereignty and independence can only be guaranteed with external support. But Pashinyan’s foreign policy has led to isolation. Azerbaijan and Turkey remain Yerevan’s enemies. Relations with Russia have been effectively severed, and Armenia has suspended its participation in the CSTO. The Russian military base in Gyumri will not protect the anti-Russian political regime in the event of a full-scale war. Georgia has close ties with Azerbaijan and has no intention of helping the Armenians. Iran has suffered a series of painful blows in Syria and Lebanon and is also experiencing serious socio-economic difficulties. The Iranians will not go to war for Pashinyan’s sake.

Pashinyan’s expectation of Western aid is illusory. Aliyev openly mocks the prospects of French aid to Armenia:

‘Well, how did Macron help them in 2020 or 2023? He supported them. By the hand, probably, I don’t know, by another place. That’s all. What is he capable of? We know very well’.

Such irony is appropriate. Paris is not even able to maintain its position in Africa, where it has dominated for more than a hundred years. The United States entering the war on Yerevan’s side is out of the question. Especially with the change in the presidential administration.

Pashinyan is a creation of Soros and his foundations. The Armenian prime minister is a man of the Democrats. Donald Trump does not want to get involved in conflicts around the world. The Republican Party has traditionally had good relations with Aliyev. Under George W Bush Jr, an Individual Partnership Action Plan was signed between NATO and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani troops participated in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In his ultimatum, Ilham Aliyev not coincidentally mentioned ‘high hopes’ for the return of ‘strategic relations’ with the United States.

The only country that could guarantee the preservation of Armenia on the political map of the world is Russia. A Russian military contingent of about 3,000 men is stationed in the republic. The common border between the Russian Federation and Azerbaijan is 328 kilometres long. The 1992 Treaty of Tashkent commits Moscow to defend Armenia as a member of the CSTO in the event of aggression. But Pashinyan’s seven-year policy has destroyed any chance of Russian involvement in Armenia’s defence. An unequal battle is looming. And the outcome of the confrontation is quite predictable.


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The Kurd

the csto is a joke. i cant blame them for seeking assistance somewhere else. russia will sell them out to please the turks in a heartbeat, like they have done multiple times in the past. unfortunately armenia finds themselves between the devil and the deep blue sea. surrounded by savages from both sides and allies who are either not willing or capable to help them. sad reality.


the jewish plan is to wipe armenia off the map at the minimum israel will give aliyev the means to annex the suynik province from them. the jews want this turkish corridor erdogan putin aliyev and these former soviet turkic republics kazakhstanstan uzbekistan turkmenistan tajikistan kyrgizia are all within reach with this corridor. all making israel and their shabbos goy frontman aliyev rich.


the jews enjoy destroying the last remains from an ancient christian civilization what they did to gaza and to artsakh they are now doing to armenia and they will soon do it to us all when they bring bolschevism 2.0

ht tp s://w m/video/zug6kzv7xcj7


its not 3d chess ,all sides are subverted and controlled by jews not putin not erdogan not trump is going to save anyone they all serve the jews. and this is their end game soon bolshevism 2.0 is comming abd they will do to us what they are doing to their closest cousins the palestinians. they will m rder us by the millions like they did in the soviet union and china

ht tp s:// ww w.bitchute.c om/video/7eubwfgp3mea

Last edited 1 month ago by Thehandrubbingjew

http s://w ww.bitchute. co m/video/4khuplg5nugr

choose a side goyim


we are all the palestinians, ht tps://w ww.bitchute.c om/video/7dmcdo7ejzr7


you’re such a sucker. think of your future when your reality looks like dresden as churchill unleashed his hellfire on you anti semitic parasites. imo

Last edited 1 month ago by Allegedly
Yuri Mulatov

couldn’t agree more to that.


for whom the bell tolls .


instead of trying to fight isreal iran should have tried to expand its influence in the kaukasus to not hand it over to the ottomans/ nato without even trying since russia is too busy with ukraine to do anything anywhere else. isreal will have two korridors to attack iran after the conection between turks/ nato and the caspian is finished. and the trade between russia and iran through the caspian and the azeri landroute will be disrupted.


the question is how independent is iran. dont they just too serve in this jewish agenda and gog magog w ar they want to ignite in the caucasus. they have indeed messed up both in syria with hezbollah hamas and now with armenia too. azerbaijan wont stop they want to annex the northern part of iran as well with turkish and israels help. israel has been arming them with harop drones and israeli equipment for years now.


there are alot of jews in iran after all and they are all in on it as well. im sceptical the iranian regime is independent i see that the whole world is subverted by the jews and they just use iran as the boogyman to further their end war agenda.


to justify nuking 2/3 of the world population. so they can achieve their greater israel without any intereference


but why would they need war for that if they control every government as you say allready? if today it would be anounced that every government serves the jews the majority of the world would not care. so why going the extra mile?


because he’s a troll they obviously don’t control fuck all.if they did this site would be shut down etc etc etc


if iran still has some independence they better start arming and preparing armenia to effectively fight against azerbaijan. what armenia needs is domestic drone production. cheap drones that will wipe out turk invaders from a distance. and effective modern anti drone equipment to take out the bayraktar and harop drones turkey and israel supplied. they should adopt a swiss conscription strategy were the whole male and female population can mobilize is an hour.


if any of them weren’t deceits then they would declare themselves swiss allies and go neutral .but none are allowed by the rule of law .it’s basic imo .


they’re basically self interest .they re from thd old school of brainwashing, ” show me the money ” …” what’s in it for me ” … ” greed is good ” ….. numero uno ” ….. taking care of business ” ….. image is everything
imo .self promotion .the usual short or fat or unattractive types wanting to be in the cool gang of criminals in disguise as well respected members of the criminalised communities that are our reality .imo


ru ssia wont help armenia even if they were on good terms with them as they are fully invested in ukraine pu tin gave syria to israel and turkey. he has no means or intent to support armenia even if they were fully compliant with their geostrategic alignment


absolute rubbish nonsense delusional without a clue about intentions .imo


pashniya and alvey both are thugs . aleiye is the biggest slave of israel and pashniya is not strong enough to fight azeribaijan. iran is stuck in between . aleviey and erdogon dog of israel and they dont want iran and russia to be strong in me . all the wolf pack is surrounding iran the lion to kill . but lion will make sure before he die he will take all this wolf with them and cut the head of the wolf in israel.


dumb as shit imo .

homer in burgerland

armenians are a lower parasitic species only fit to clean turkish carpets


🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆


it smells of a deal between russia, azerbaijan and turkey for occupation of land corridor inside armenia!

Last edited 1 month ago by Daniel

generous of them isn’t it ,to think of others as they spread their good will ..


why don’t the armenian people string up pashinyan?

Niccolo Machiavelli

any more news on the azerbaijan airlines flight j2-8243 investigation? i very much doubt that the sas commandos left their manpads launchers lying around, but you never know…


aliyev take advantage of armania because erdogan pushes him.putin also relax pressure on bashinan and betrayed him just like assad were betrayed by putin.its beter to die for your country rather then allowing back tracking opportunistic prostitute for oil deals.
