Government troops are en route to Deir Ezzor
Syrian government forces, led by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard, have been clashing with ISIS terrorists in the area near the 137th Brigade Base and near Sholah at the Sukhna-Deir Ezzor highway. The clashes are ongoing amid multiple airstrikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces.
This map shows an alleged military situation in the area:
The goal of the SAA is to establish a constant link between the Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard west of the 137th Brigade Base and to take a full control over the Sukhna-Deir Ezzor highway.
IMAGES: Tiger Forces deployed in perimeter #Shola, awaiting orders to storm the strategic village. (4 Sep, 2017) pic.twitter.com/XyMDMPfJa8
— 24 Resistance Axis (@Syria_Hezb_Iran) 4 September 2017
ISIS has responded with launching multiple attacks against government forces positions inside the city. Separately, the terrorist group has deployed large reinforcements to al-Mayadeen preparing for a large attack in the Deir Ezzor area. ISIS reinforcements have also been sent to the southern entrance of Deir Ezzor.
The only ISIS chance to counter the SAA advance is to bring off a successful battle using prepared fortifications inside and around Deir Ezzor and to conduct multiple raids against SAA supply lines using car bombs and technicals.
Governemnt forces are pushing towards Deir Ezzor:
The report seems clear but leaves, to me, the question of the pocket holding the civillians is relieved too or not.
As for fighting around the city, I think it mainly boils down to SAA keeping its flanks secured and the supply lines open. If they do not, they are toast.
I have to admit saa and russian strategy has become fantastic so much better than iranian strategy …. creating pockets and then taking them, taking mountains by surrounding them and taking them when least expected or isis busy somewhere else, rather than too many direct engagements and thus unneccesary losses. Ofc none of this would be possible without big soldier numbers freed due to deescalation zones and isis being pummeled on every front, but still. Now i think russians will lure maadan counterattack forces into the desert and pummel their main force there instead of killing civilians in the villages. And try to time uqayribat pocket end and reinforcements coming with that maadan pocket attack so the tigers can split up between dez and the southern flank between t2 and suknah / doubiyat area. Once those are secure they will effectively counterbesiege isis in dez and abukamal mayadin etc
Iranian strategy is to crush terrorist like SAA and Russian forces are doing!..Iran are using massive drones Shaheed 129 armed with missile guide by laser/tv and attacking terrorist isolated in that pockets!
They have been using the ‘cauldron’ technique in the Donbass as well.
Works there too.
They learned it fighting the Nazis in world war 2, making the Russian army much more effective and formidaible in real battle then the USA or Israeli armies ever will be.
Wait, fighting the ‘nazi’ or fighting the Cossack’s and their Nationalist allies?
Cause nazi is short for AshkeNazi-Jew.
Ashkenazis are called just nazi’s for short.
Most of the Marxist revolution that conquered the indigenous-Russian people were AshkeNazi’s.
Yes you are right The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist
Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union
“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
“Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people.
“His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system
Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together.
According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews.
In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags.
11 of the 12 Gulag extermination camp commanders were Jews.
Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews.. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews. Two thirds Jewish.
They always had the manpower but just not the right strategy in utilizing them as the best attacks are the simple ones , that use pincer deployment and turning them into multiple attacks to create pockets. This way you can utilize fire support ,Close Air Support and ground support in an effective coordination. These can be very effective strategy and counter strategy in offence and defense capabilities.
Counter siege Deir Azur yes Al Buchmal can wait a couple of weeks.
The SAA will first advance rapidly to the SDF front lines with ISIS north of the Euphraties river to cut off the SDF from any ISIS territory in Deir Azur as they did to the FSA long the Jordanian border and will do so crossing the river from Deir Azur city. I bet this will be accomplished in 2 weeks tops.
SAA+Russian strategy has been working so well; Terrorists rats, do you really think you stand a chance? Already the FSA/Fiends serving America is out in no man’s land? Exterminate/exterminate the rats which have destroyed properties and lives and, have brought in the destructive, killing forces of USA; The Soldiers who are vehicles for seeking and stealing fortunes!Take them out SAA+Russian fighter pilots!
According to the well informed commentator ‘Canthama’ on Syrian Perspective, the siege has been technically broken, as light forces have reached the garrison of Deir Ezzor, but much fighting continues. No official announcement is expected until the roads have been cleared.
Syrian MoD will only confirm when the roads are safe, de mined and clear to be used, and roads are not safe yet, ISIS raids continues to keep the situation unstable for the SAA. Contact points though were made in multiple locations, reports forward troops made the link from Tal Sannouf to Panorama area, so that confirms the siege is broken, technically, but since roads are not safe MoD ain’t saying a thing. Main army won’t approach Der ez Zor without the roads cleared from IEDs and mines and nor will they risk falling into ISIS typical traps of SVBIEDs.
Thanks for this update.
Many of us are waiting anxiously.
Just willing the SAA on and in.
Look like Ghanim al-Ali front is diversionary tactic of SAA to lure out isis from Deir Ezzor and make job easy from Sukhna-Deir Ezzor highway front.
It remind me the epic battle of Elephant Pass
finally……run rats run….the russians will hunt you down in the desert…sand will be your grave….